GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 70'516 29S Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/590vcwi/591VOMI/592voMi/593. VOMI/595ITFTFTFTFT2*42^2*462)42*17)45Folder of the DAI inscribed "Galisien, Wolhynien, Karew.Organisation und Durchf&hrung der Umsiedlung," containingmaterial from the files of Der Eauptbevollma'chtigte. 1939 -19140. : ' :.'Folder of the DAI inscribed "Galizien, Wolhynien, Narew.Berichte der Gebietsbevollm$chtigten in Ga." Includes reports,diaries, etc., of lowflr echelons. 1939 - 19^ •Folder of the DAI inscribed "Galigien, Wolhynien, Narew.Deutsch-Russisch.e Vereinbanin^en. AupvrSrti^es Amt" and containingtext of Soviet- Pern: an resettlement agreement, v/ith acovering letter from the AA. 1939*Folder of the DAI containing copies of report of HansA. Wilsky, GeMetst>evollm8.ehtigter in 'B I. ITo date.Folder of the DAI inscribed i; Galizien, Wolhynien, Warew.Die Anstalten des P. Zttckler in Stanislau" and containingmaterial on the Gustav-Adolf-V'erein, Superintendent Stickler, hisinstitutions in Stanislau, and their evacuation. 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing statistical material on resettlersfrom Estonia, Latvia, Ivolhynia, Galicia, the Narewregion and the Eastern part of the Government General.ContinuedDeutsches Augland-Institut(?)Deutsches Auslsnd-InstitutDeutsches Ausland~Institut(?)VOMI/596VOMI/59SVOKI/599FTFTFTFTFT2H2U8332U2HS732U2500UFolder probably of the DAI, containing "Tatigkeitsberichtder ?olksdeut c chen riittelstelle Einsat^stab Lodsch im Eahmender Umsiedlung der Volksdeutsohen aus Wolhynien, Gali?;ien unddem larewdistrikt. Zur persflnlichen Information, nicht filr diePressel " Ho date.Folder probably of the DAI, containing material on and byVolksdeutsche in Wolhynia, Galicia and the Narev region, includinga report "Volksdeutsche in den Kerkern der GPU, " 19^0 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing material on church archives onPoland (Galicia, etc.). 19^0 - 19^1.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing lists of Voini campinmates and of Volksdeutsche remaining in Eussia.KB:This folder (VOMI/599) a^d subsequent ones concern the "sippenkundlicheErf BS sung des Riisslpnddeutschtums" by the Forschungsstelledes Eusslanddeutschtums (DAI-VED).Folder probably of the DAI, containing SWZ material on registrationand a copy of a letter from Abvicklungsstelle ftir Urnsiedlung Galizien, Wolixynien u. Narewgebiet to the Reichsstellefflr Sippenforschung on church archives, with a list of such

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