GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll ProvenanceItemFilmed1st frameNotes. £g515 297 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/56UVOMI/565VOMI/566VOMI/'567VOMI/56S,copy 1,copy tyVOMI/569VOMI/570VOMI/571VOMI/572VOMI/573VOMI/57^voMi/575VOKI/576FT 2^22*135FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2H22U822U225292^227602^229012^229352^230312U230392U231262^23176Folder of the DAI containing a confidential memorandum byUntersturmfdiirer Gradinann (EtfZ Flaming) "Die volkspolitischeLafre der Deuts^hen in Ost-Galizien und die Unterlagen fftr denEingat-j der ZUinwandererzentralgtelle," June 3» 19^2.Folder of bhe DAI containing material on G-alicisn andVolhynion transports. December 1^39 - February 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing REFDV, 1W2» and Voini materialon the evacuation of Galician and Wolhynian resettlers. December1939'- Mrreh 19HO.Folder of the DAI containing material on medical and otherconditions in Vomi canros (Lodz and elsewhere). Also a map "UrcsiedlerlagerGau Dayer. Cstmark" and a collection of photographs"gilder voni Abschied der Umsiedler aus dem Lager Belvedere Markt"Eisenstein." 1^39 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing "Bericht des Mhrers des Verbindungsstabesbeim Pol. "Rgt. Lublin i!iber die ^"orbereitung undDurchfdhrung der ¥olhynien- und Galizien-Deutschen-Trarisporte."March 29, 19UO.Folder of the DAI marked "Ansiedlung: Bodenverhftltnissein Ga, Wo. Gutachten Dr. Gradmann, Prof. Dr. Kuhn, Pf. Kleindienst,Dr, L'dck." January - February 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing material o.n Wolhynian andGalicisn rssettleaent. 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the DA! marked "Ga Wo Fa. Ansiedlung." 19*10.Folder of the DAI marked "Ga Vo Na Transport. Bcrichte"and cont- ining reports from various sources en the evacuationof Volksdeutsche from Galicia, Wolhynia, and the Narew region,1939 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing copies of material from varioussources on the settlement of trachoma sufferers. 19^0.Folder of the DAI marked "EWZ Ga-Wo-Na - Erfahrungsberichte."19UO.Folder of the DAI marked "Ga Wo Na. Berichte uber das Lebenin den Lagern." Heports ere from diverse sources. 19^0.Folder of the DAI marked "Umsiedler-Todesf^ile" and containinglists of dead, from Galicia, Wolhynia, pnd the Harewregion; from Riim.^nir rnd Lithuania; and from Croatia. 19-40 -ContinuedVOMI/577FT2^23256Folder of the DAI marked "Ga v/o Fa 'Rundanweisunken 1 dep HB 11

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