GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Motes513 295 Deutsches Ausland.-Institut(?) VOMI/520Deutaches Ausland-Institut VOMI/521Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOKI/522Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)VOMI/523VOMI/525YOMI/526Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/527VOMI/528VOMI/529FT 2*420013 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing photostats of statisticaltables dravn up by BUT Taxatoren in Poland. 19*40.FT 2*4200^2 Folder of the DA! containing historical studies on settlementby the Siedlnngswissenschaftliches Referat of the Reichsstatthalterdes Reichsgaues Vfertheland, Beauftragter des RKFD?(Dr. KL. Stoelzel and Dr. Luise Dolesalek). Duplicates omitted.19*42 - 19*!3.FT 2*420120 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing a report - probablyof BKFDV, Hauptebtellupg Fleming upd Boden - on Kreis Ttirek. Fodate.FT 21420170 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Ansiedlung. Abruf nach Ortsbereichen.GrnndsMtzliche? 11 and containing copies of memoranda,by 13WZ and the Planting sebteilung SS-Ansiedlungsstpb Warthe-Gston technical problems of delivering Ansiedler inhere and whenFTFT2U20197wanted. 19*40 - 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing carbon copies of reports ofEWZ llord-Ost, Febenstelle Lodsch, for the months of February andMarch 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing EWZ material; memoranda onEWZ organization, e.g. the transfer of the 3tLh.r\ingsstab to Berlin,rnd copies of memoranda of 1&'!Z 7T ordost, Der Leiter. Jan-.FT 2*420253uary - Ma.rch IQ^O.Folder probably of the DAI, containing Anordnungen of BWZHordost, Uebenstelle Lodsch, December 1939 - March 19*40.FT 2^20^3^ lolder of the DAI containing 3WZ aaterial on screening andclassification in the Government General; also some documents ofa more historical nature on the GG, including a pamphlet Deutralgouvernement.Krakau ?.^tIQ t - 12.liTl9^lT AnlSsslich desFT 2U20516HI. Jah re stages des CremTrlgouvernenents im Halimen der Kriegsbuchwoche19*tl.Folder of the DAI containing some documents concerning Wilna-Deutschein the GG, including a letter to StindartenftUirerKoffmeyer <strong>com</strong>plaining that a lot of 150)o Poles got accepted asGermans. 19*40.FT 2*420528 Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material on resettlementmeasures in Poland, including documents illustratingdetermination to be accepted for settlement in Germany and determinationto remain Polish. 19*40 -

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