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Serial Roll Provenance Item Notes29U Deutsches Auslrnd-Institut(?) FTDeutsches Ausland-Institut ?OMI/H91VOMI/U9270HI/U93FTFTF214186072^136212U187152U1S76U2^18788. Polder, probably of the DAI, containing maps of Lithuaniaand an envelope with documents as used in Lithuanian resettlement.Duplicates omitte.d aFolder, probably of the DAI, containing posters and blankforms used in resettlement from Lithuania and elsewhere. Includesa trilingual announcement about resettlement from Lithuania.Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing a mimeographed pamphlet ofDer Reichskommis^ar fllr die Festigung deutschen Yolks turns, Stabsliauptamt,Eaup tab tei lung Flaming und Boden: Vorlftufige Angabenilber den Bezirk 'hialystok. Berichtsstand: ^taT 1.^2". Iful r ~f1lr~~MapsFolder of the MI containing various documents on theearly organisation of resettlement, from uncertain sources including1TWZ Fllhrungsstab, Information, and DAI -3 tiro Berlin.October 193S) - September 19^0.Folder of the MI containing material of the AuswartigeAmt from the files of Voiri, Abwicklung (der Ums.iedlung)( Standartenf'dhrerHoifineyer) on Soviet resettlement. Very interestingon Soviet attitudes and practice. December 1939ContinuedDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/U9670MI/U97FTFTFTFFT2J41SSS32^129^92U1S9202*il89552U19061Folder, probaoly of the DAI, containing the text of alecture by Erik "Berliner und Kftrker in Eussland. FinKapitel Ausl^ndsdeutschtum. i! Ho date.'Folder, probably of the DAI, containing a mimeographeddocument by Theodor Hummel, Ehrenvorsitzender des Tereins derKaukasusri.eutschen e.V. : "Deiikschrift iiber den Bestand und diekulturelle "Bedeuttmg der KsukosusAeiitschen, " October IS, 19^0.Folder of the DAI markec 1 "Umsiedlung von Wolgadeutschenaus Minsk (He.uptmann Hdlsle)" and containing copies of letterswritten by ^rolgaG-errarns to Hauptmann Hfll^le, and correspondencebetween Volga Germans and ^euptmann Hfilzle, and Hfllzle andthe DAI and the Amtskommisssr der Stadt Minsk; also an articleby Hfllzle "Ifolgadeutscho, Siedlung bei Minsk." 19^42 - 191*3.Folder of the MI containing "Abschlussbericht der Einwandererzentralstelletlber die Durchschleusung der vom Juli -Oktober 19^42 orfassten Russlrnddeutschen, "Folder of the DAI containing "Bericht ilber die Aussiedlungder Volksdentschen aus dem • I.eninprsd'er Gtlrtel' 1 by Preu

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frameNotesol512 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/U99 2*419082VOMI/500VOFI/501FTFTVOMI/502VOMI/5C3FT 24192592419299ContinuedSS-Obersturmftthrer und Kommandofflhrer (Vorai); "Bericht iiber dieErfassung der Lagerinsassen des Lagers Konitz/Westpr.," April 22,19*4-2, by SS-Untersturmfuhrer W. Kutter (Voini, Umsiedlung); and"Bericht uber die Erfassung der Lagerinsassen des Lagers leustadt/Westpr.," by the same, May 9i 19^-2.Polder of the DAI containing material on the evacuation ofYolksdeutsche from the area around Leningrad: "Irlebnisberichtilber den iiinsatz Petersburg des Sonderkommandos 'E f von SS-UntersturmfilihrerDr. V/allrabe;" another copy of "Bericht Tiber die An-8i editing" /T.e. Aussiedlung - cf. VOMI/U9§7"» otiler copies of thereports on camps Neustadt and Konitz, cf. VOMI/*49S; copies of areport "Transport Volksdeutscher eus Krasnoje Selo" and one relatingto trouble between Vomi and Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizeiund. des SD Ostland at lower echelons; a collection of photostatsof copies of reports on scattered groups of Volksdeutscheby Dr. Jilrgen von Helm of the G-ruppe Kiirisberg, EinsatzkommandoHamburg; and copies of an EWZ memorandum on resettlement from theLeningrad, Kiev, and Gharkov areas, and of one by ArmeeoberkommandoIS, Abt. Ic/O.Qu./Qu2 on the evacuation of Volksdeutsche fromthe Army area. October 19*41 - M

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frameNotesol512 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/U99 2*419082VOMI/500VOFI/501FTFTVOMI/502VOMI/5C3FT 24192592419299ContinuedSS-Obersturmftthrer und Kommandofflhrer (Vorai); "Bericht iiber dieErfassung der Lagerinsassen des Lagers Konitz/Westpr.," April 22,19*4-2, by SS-Untersturmfuhrer W. Kutter (Voini, Umsiedlung); and"Bericht uber die Erfassung der Lagerinsassen des Lagers leustadt/Westpr.," by the same, May 9i 19^-2.Polder of the DAI containing material on the evacuation ofYolksdeutsche from the area around Leningrad: "Irlebnisberichtilber den iiinsatz Petersburg des Sonderkommandos 'E f von SS-UntersturmfilihrerDr. V/allrabe;" another copy of "Bericht Tiber die An-8i editing" /T.e. Aussiedlung - cf. VOMI/U9§7"» otiler copies of thereports on camps Neustadt and Konitz, cf. VOMI/*49S; copies of areport "Transport Volksdeutscher eus Krasnoje Selo" and one relatingto trouble between Vomi and Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizeiund. des SD Ostland at lower echelons; a collection of photostatsof copies of reports on scattered groups of Volksdeutscheby Dr. Jilrgen von Helm of the G-ruppe Kiirisberg, EinsatzkommandoHamburg; and copies of an EWZ memorandum on resettlement from theLeningrad, Kiev, and Gharkov areas, and of one by ArmeeoberkommandoIS, Abt. Ic/O.Qu./Qu2 on the evacuation of Volksdeutsche fromthe Army area. October 19*41 - M

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