GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes509 29.1 Beutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/i*25VOMI/U26VOHI/U27VOKI/tJ2g'VOHI/U29VQMI/U30VOMI/U31ContinuedFT 2lul|8862^1 U961FT 21*1^9902U1525UFT 2*415299FT 21*15313citizens among the Baltic resettlers; or the failure of some Swissand Finnish resettlers to apply for naturalization; there is alsoa "Merkblatt f&r , Ba.lt endeutsche Umsiedler estlandischer Staatsangehflrigkeitin Reich." 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the LAI inscribed "Unterbringung und Ansiedlungder Umsiedler" and containing interesting material, mostly copies,of the E T A r Z, illustrating the distribution of Baltic resettlers andthe evolution of the 3IVZ itself; includes copy of a telegraphic report"Be such des EeichsfOhrers SS in Danzig und G-otenhafen am 21.Oktober 1939" an( i c^ a Vermerk "Besprechung mit SS-Oberfiihrer G-reifeltam 10.11.1 c i39 fl redolent with "unhfltbare Zust&nde" and Voiaifailure. October 1939 - March 19UO.Folder of the I1A.I inscribed "Sstland-Lettland Nachumsiedlung.G-esundheitsfiiihriing 11 and containing reports of Abt. Gesundheitsfiihrung,Vomi Riga, Jqnunry - March 19^1.Polder of 'the DAI inscribed "Estland-Lettland Hachumaiedlung:Besprechungen (u.a.) zwischen den deutschen und russischen Vertretern(Lettl^.nd) " and containing memoranda on the meetings of theRussian and 3-erman members of the joint resettlement <strong>com</strong>mission,January 2H - March 21, 19^0, from the files of Vomi Eiga.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estland-Lettland ITachumsiedlung.Gmndsl!tzliciies a and containing ?omi Riga material on the evacuationof late<strong>com</strong>ers from the .Baltic states: <strong>com</strong>munications fromRFSS, BKFDT, R3HA, WZ, Deutsche Umsiedlangsdelegetion (to the AA) ,(T-erman Legation Reval, and Vomi Riga. (memo). SeptemberMay 19U1."Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estlsnd und Lettland. Grundsatzl.Anordr.ungen ilber die Du.rchfiihru.ng der TJmsiedlupg 0/omi).Schwierlgkeiten. " Contains "Merkblatt ftlr Bait endeutsche Umsiedlerestlandischer Staatsan^ehdrigkeit irn Reich" by the DUT, February23 » 19^0; typed copy of a Hiramler document setting out theallocation of tasks in the resettlement of Salts, November 3t 19395typed copy of a document "Anlage 1. ubersicht ilber die Arbeit, AbteilungAuskunft der VolJrsdeutschen Mittelstelle (friiher BaltendeutscheDienststelle)" December 1939-Folder of the DAI containing a collection of items from theforeign press (Swiss, Italian, Hungarian, etc.) on resettlement.1939 - 19^3-Folder of the DAI containing specimen posters, leaflets,tickets, forms relating to Baltic migration. Includes s?n appeal

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