GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 3950*J> 286 Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/315votri/317FTFT2*1090112U0919UWechsel im Gauv oiks turn sam t° and ! 'Nicht zu frlih nach Rttckgeftthrtenfragen" (19^5). 19*40- 19*15.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing reports, photographs,etc., on the work of the NS-Frauenschaft/Deutsches Frauenwerk amongresettlers in the Warthegau. 19^9 - 19*T5»Folder, probably of the DAI, containing more material on thework of the US-Fra.uensch.aft/Deutsches Frauenwerk among resettlersin the Warthegau. 19*40 - 1QU.P.Folder, probably of the MI, containing material of SS-Ansiedlungsstab,Planungsabteilung (Litzmannstadt and Posen), concerningdiverse matters, such as badges, place names, review ofVOMI/318VOMI/319FTFT2U092252*10937**Deutsches Ausland-Institut 70MI/320VOKI/321FTFT2*409*4672*409557Continued VOMI/322 FT 2*109573Folder, probably of the DAI, containing material of SS-Ansiedlungssta,b,Planungsabteilung, relating to the ¥arthegau, 19*^1.(Carbon copies, ribbon copies, and mimeographs.) It is interestingmaterial and includes memoranda by SS-Untersturiaftihrer Dolezelekon all manner of subjects, such as r 'H6fe von volkspolni-schenUSA-ARgeh5rigen» (July S, 19Ul) ; "Der gewerbllche Aufbau im Osten(Litzmannstadt, usw.) and die Kilcksiedlung aus den USA" (February10, 19*41); "Pol enf rage im Warthegau 1 ' (February 2S, 19*11); and"Festigung gar-be it n (May 6, 19*^1* on the conflict of <strong>com</strong>petencesbetv/een the _.HLFiJV, his subordinate offices, and other agencies inthe vork of '"Festigung deutschen Volkstums 0 ) . cf. VOMI/383.Folder, prolably of the DAI, containing more material of theSS-AnsiedlunfCBsta,b, Plsnun^sabteilung, and of the SiedlungswissenschaftlichesReferat. 19*12 - 19*0.Folcler of the DAI with pencil inscription "Ansiedlung Warthegau,planung. Grundbefehle, Ortsstatistiken, Undatierte Ein^elraaterialien"and containing ribbon copies of materiel of 3S-Ansiedlungsstab(or AnsiedlungsstS.be, namely Posen and Litzmannstadt),Pl?nungsabteiliing, 19UO - 19*12.Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "Warthegau. Ivakuierungvon Juden u. Polen. Erst-Aktion 15.11.39 - 2g.2.**0 (fittrBalten-Ansiedlung) fl and containing copies of documents emanatingfrom the Eeichsstatthalter und Gauleiter des Reichsgaues "Wartheland"and Der Hfihere SS- und Polizeiftihrer Posen, relating to theremoval of Jews and Poles to the Government General, November 11- 2U, 1939». onl 3 r -Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "¥arthegau,

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