GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes503 285 Deutsches Ausland-Instltut VOMI/307 FT 2UOS173Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/308 FT 2*40818750U 286Continued-Deutsches Auslsnd-Institut VOMI/309VOMI/310VOMI/311VOMI/312voMi/313FT 2UOS191FT 214082*45FT 2*408605FT 2*408623FT 2*408685VOMI/31U FT 2*408729Folder of the DAI containing material on resettlement inthe Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia: an Aktenvermerk of AbteilungAnsiedlung, Bielitz "Besichtigung der Siedlungsmdglichkeiten fttrbuchenlanddeutsche Bauern im Protektorat," February 11, 19*42; aVermerk (B.d.S.-Vo,. Paris) on "Ansatz von Westumsiedlern im ProtektoratBfihmen-Mahren," March 23, 19^3; a circular (streng vertraulich)"by the Heichstauernfiiiirer on "Ansetzung reichsdeutscherSiedlungsbewerber in Siedlungsverfa.hren des Protektorats Btthmenund Mahren" (as a leavening or stiffening of other settlers), August17. 19*42; and a copy of an article "Die Forderung nach einemKronland: Deutschbflhmen, M February lU, 1918.Folder, probably of the MI, containing a list "Umsiedlungslagerim Sinsatzgebiet Thtiringen," and carbon copy of a document"Rttckwandererlager der Volksdeutschen Mittelstelle im stidlichenTeil Thilringens; Plan fftr die IPliegende Kommission IV..." Kodate.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Unisiedler-Betreuung -lurchD.A.I.," pa.rtly <strong>com</strong>posed of material on cultural/ideological activitiesof the DAI among resettlers, but containing also materialon sippenkundliche Srfassung, lists of camps, etc. 19*40 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing a collection of circulars andsome related correspondence of Vomi, Einsatzvervraltung Wttrttemberg,IQUo - 19U3.Folder of the DAI containing Rundschreiben of Amt fur Volkstumsfrsgender ^TSDAP, Stxi.ttgart, copies of morthl'* reports by theSinsatzfilhrer of Ifdrttemberg to HKFDV, HA Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle,and of a DAI report on cemps in Schwabisch-Gmund and Stetten nr.Waiblingen; also a list "Aufstellung iiber die Sftd-?uchenland-Umsiedlerlagerim Grsu Mrttemberg. " 19^41 - 19UU.Folder of the DAI containing copies of material on camps forSlovenes, possibly in Mirttemberg. ¥o date.Folder of the DAI containing copies of material of BodenamtPosen on settlement in Kreise of Oau Wartheland. 19*40 - IQ^l.With map.Folder of the DAI containing material on Ansiedler-Betreuerinnenof the US-Frauenschaft in the Warthegau (copies of reports,letters, etc); an Anordnung des Gauleiters und ReichsstatthaltersParteigenossen Greiser dber die Volksbildungsarbeit im ReichsgauWartheland and two newspaper clipping's "Aus unserem Tfertheland;

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