GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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ProvenanceItemFilmed1stframeNotes 32500 2S2 Deutsches Ausland-Institut501 283VOMI/21HVOMI/ 2^2VOMI/ 2)43VOMI/2HUVOMI/ 2^5VOMI/ 246VOKI/2^7VOMI/2U8VOMI/ 2U9VOMI/ 250VOMI/ 251VOMI/ 252VOMI/ 253TtH/*VOMI/ 255VCMI/256FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT21*037982^039102^039212HO>413S2^01*3052^3172UOU3572UoU39f?2i»i>^240^982UOi*8772^01,9752Uolf9S72)40^99721*0500921*05133Folder of the DAI containing financial Dienstanweisungenof Vomi, Einsat zftihrung Poinmern, 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing financial Dienstanweisungen ofVomi, Eiaeatzfahrung Pommern, 19H3.Folder of the I&I containing circular letters of Vomi, Einsatzfiihrung Pommern, l^Ul.Folder of the DAI containing circular letters of Vomi, Eiasatzfiihrung Pommern, 1942.Folder of the DAI containing circular letters of ?omi, S3.n-B&tzftthruog Pomrnern, 19-6.Folder of the DAI containing Anordnungen of Voroi, EinsatzftthruugPoinmern, 19^1 - 19*42. (KB: folder starts with an Anordnungforbidding the further use of E3V stationery for Vomi correspondence.)Folder of the DAI containing Befehle of Vomi, EinsatzftihrungPommern, Der Einsat zfilhrer, 19Ul~ij-3-Folder of the DAI containing two reports on reset tiers fromLithuania in the camp at Runuiiel sburg , Pornerania and camp Bfttow,Bez. Kdslin, 19*42.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material of Vomi,Gaueinsatzf-ftlirung Sachsen, 1939~^1»Folder of the 'DAI containing a file of Vomi, Gan.elnsatzftihrungSrchsen, of cur r i cul a v i t a e of Bosseratoi&n resettlers, mostlyhandwritten, 19*42..Folder of the MI containing circular letters etc. of Vomi,"Sinsatzftihrune Sachsen of N3DAP, Gauleitung Sachsen, 1939 ~ 19^3 •(Also contains a collection of photographs of Wolhynian resettlers).Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vomi, EinsatzverwaltungSachsen, 19^2 - 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vomi, G-aueinsatzfdhrungSachsen, 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing documents "Sonderaktion S 1,""Sonderakbion S 2," and "Sonderaktion S 3" of RKFDV, Haup taintVolksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Sinsatzfiihrer Sechsen, mainly concerningSlovene Absiedler, Octoter 19^42.Folder of the DAI containing Anordnungen of Vomi Einsat zfflhrungSachsen, 19*11 - 19*43.Folder cf the DAI containing Bienotanweicungen of Vomi, SinaatzverwaltungSachsen, 19UO -

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