GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed Notes 221*92 27** Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/153VOMI/155Deutsches Ausland-InstUut(?)VOMI/156Beutsches Ausland-Iristitut VOMI/157VOMI/15S1*93 275 VQMl/159VOMI/160FSFTFTFTFTdocuments on the planning of <strong>com</strong>mission operations January ll*,19l*l - January 191*2. (cf. VOMI/157).239^21*9 Folder of the DAI containing material on the specialtrain of the EWZ and its trips, October Q, 191*0 - November lU,191*2. Duplicates and one private letter omitted.2391*317 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Standorte der z.Zt. bestehendenwebenstellen und Commissionen der ^inwandererzentralstelle"and containing lists of <strong>com</strong>mission addresses and headsNovember 29, lQl*0 - September 10, 191*3.239l*l*3l*Folder of the DAI containing material on the x-raying ofresettlers by the B$ntgen-3tur.nfbann. Includes chart of x-rayorganization and statistical reports on findings. March 23»191*0 - June 30, 19U3.Folder probably of the DAI containing material on theFlying Commissions, February 26, 191*0 - October 1, 19l*l»Duplicates omitted.239^5^5Folder of the DAI containing documents on Flying Commissionplans (itineraries etc.), Inarch 13, 19^0 ~ August U,19l*l. (cf. VOMI/152).2391*763 Folder of uncertain, provenance containing material onthe racial classification of resettlers and the operations ofthe Rasse- und Siedlungshauptarnt: Anordriungen to EuS-^ignungsprittferand Tagesberichte giving figures of grades awarded atthe EWZ, February 1, 191*0 - January 3, 19!*!.These Tagesberichte are statistics of grades I-IV awardedto men and women of 3 &o e groups: under 15, 15~^5» & n & over 55'»they also give numbers of children alive and dead, and the resultsof final examinations of "Vollfamilien."239l*S92Folder of uncertain provenance containing material onracial classification of resettlers at the grading stations,with correspondence on mistakes made, reclassification thatbecame necessary, conditions in which grading was done, etc.Otherwise material similar to that contained in VOMI/15^.March ll*, igl*0 - October 28, 191*0.2395^2Folder of uncertain provenance containing material on racialclassification - daily and other reports and som-3 correspondence -of SWZ, Der Leiter der RuS-Dienststelle, Commissions III and IV.Material similar to that contained in VOMI 153 and 159. December1, 1940 - October 21,

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