GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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SerialRollProvenanceFilmed1st frameKotes 10266Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?)Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/58 2385302267 VOMl/59 FT 23S5310VOMI/60FT23S5370Folder probably of the DAI containirg Himmler circular definingthe terra "Umgiedler," October 19, 19^0; copy of a circularletter by RKFDV on support and advance payments to resettlers,January 12, 1QHO; copy of a circular letter from Ministry of theInterior (signed Conti) on resettler welfare, January 9, 19^0;copy of letter from RKFDV on resettlement in Gau Dansig-Westpreussen(fair distribution of old and infirm persons and "difficultprofessions" among receiving areas), February g, 19^0; RKFDV letteron travel expenses, September 1^, IQ^O; RKFDV telegram to 1WZ,concerning soiae questions (possibly a Creutz inquiry in VOMI/50,q.v.) January 5, 19^0; copy of RKFDV letter to Vomi concerningreleases from B-camps t April 11, 19^0; minutes of a, meeting inthe Reichskommissariat, December 3» 19^0 (interesting i.a. on resettlementpolicy for Bessarabians, for skilled A-Falle, and thedisposal of &.R.U.B.-?811e); note on a great Arbeitstagung in Dangigto discuss urban and professional allocation of resettlers,June 19UO.Folder of the DAI containing carbon copy of points concerninga draft Tereinbarung der Ostland, Zweigstelle Kohensalza, raitdem SS-Ansiedlur^fsstab Lit^mannstadt, April 2, IQUl; a table "Ansahlnnd.. Gesamtfiftche der Heichslandbetriebe am 31.12.U2;" an offprintof Ji^e^^A|eja_fi^ye^e^wirjti^teft, Heft UO, 19^1, entitled"Aufbau"uhd Titigkeit der "RJstlpnd'"^by Ministerialrat Dr.Merger, GescJiaftsfiihrer bei der Ostdeutschen Landbevirtschaftungsgesellschaftm.b.H. (Ostland)" and inscribed in ink "Reichsgesellschaftfur Landbewirtschaf tung G-.m.b.H. (Reichsland) . "Folder of the DAI containing copy of a letter from the EWZto DAI concerning large numbers of resettlement MelcLeblatter sentand offered to the DAI, July 2, 19^3. T'he copy bears a handwrittennote to the effect that the material arrived at the DAI innine boxes and was being used by the Ost-Abteilung. Material onthe Sammelstelle f&r baltendeutrches Kulturgut of the Vomi in Posen,list of its contents. Archiv-Verzeichnis of the VolksdeutscheMittelstelle - Umpiedlung - Berlin W 35•Folder of the DAI inscribed "Anordmingen 1939" and containingAnordnungeri of Himmler, EKFDV, on resettlement - the distributionof labor and <strong>com</strong>petences etc., October 30» 1939 - January 2,ContinuedVOMI/61Folder of the DAI inscribed "Anordnungen 19^0" and containing

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