GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes265 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/2UDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)VOMI/25Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/26VOMI/23VOMI/29VOMI/30VOMI/31FT 2333393 Folder of the DAI inscribed "EWZ Monatsstatigtiken 19*4*4" andcontaining statistical tables for the months January - October.FT 2333*437 Folder probably of the MI containing material of the NebenstellenPosen and Stettin (Pommern), November 1939 - April 19^0.Deals with Baltic resettlers. Duplicates omitted.FT 2333to Folder of the DAI containing the report for the month ofAugust made by the head of the EWZ Nord-Ost, Mebenstelle Litzmannstadt,to the head of the EWZ TTord-Ost, Fuhrungsstab Litzmannstadt,Information. September *4, 19^0.FT 2333*436 Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisung Nr. 2 of DerChef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, Einwanderernebenstelle Pirna,July 2*4, 19*40. (Mentions transfer of the Materialleitstellendes Ffthrungsstabes Berlin to Sonnenstein near Pirna and the foundingof Nebenstelle Pirna to deal with ell the Durchschleusung ofresettlers from Galicia and Wolhynia*)FT 2333*492 Folder of the MI containing "Bericht fiber die Lage der Einwanderungder Baltendeutschen im Bereich der EinwanderernebenstelleSchneidenrtlhl," November 25, 1939.FT 2333^98 Folder of the DAI containing correspondence, memoranda etc.of EWZ Litzmannstadt, January 7, 19*40 - January 20, 19^2, dealingwith resettlement work done and planned.FT 23335^5 Folder of the DAI containing printed text and typed copy ofthe German-Russian agreement on the resettlement of Germans fromLithuania and Lithuanians from Germany (Memel area and Suwalkiarea), January 10, 19*&; carbon copy of a letter from NBldeke tothe AA on the draft agreement, December.'29, 19^0; photostat of acopy of "Abkommen zvischen dem Deutschen Reich und der Union derSozialistischen Sowjet-Republiken tlber die Regelung der gegenseitigenVerrndgensanspnllche betreffend Litauen, Lettland, und Estland,"signed Karl Schnurre and A. Wyschinski, January 10, 19^1; carboncopy of a letter from EWZ F&hrungsstab Litzmannstadt to an individualin Berlin concerning naturalization and liquidation of propertyleft in Lithuania, August 30, 19**0.FT 2333631 Folder of the DAI containing documents of EWZ Stabsfiihrung-Planung, Litzmannstadt, and EWZ Nord-Ost, l^ebenstelle Posen, concerningthe processing of Russlsnddeutsche in Litzmannstadt andenvirons, the form of entries, the history of the EWZ (chronologicaltable), the transfer of earlier documentation, and a conferenceon. the work of WJ7, Pommern, December 5» 1939 - Oct. 13,

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