GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame lotes330 Deutsches Ausland-Institut ?OMI/1Q23 FT 2U63635VOMI/102HVOMI/1025 FT 2*163895VOMI/10262^3926Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VCMI/1027of Strasbourg to Prof. Dr. Rddiger of the DAI (on resettlementdocuinentPtion), photostats of a letter from 3S-Ansiedlungsstab,Arbeltsstab ITessau, to SS-Ansiedlungsstab Abt. Bauerl. Einsatz,Litzmannstsdt, and two statistical documents of unknown originon "Jrztliche Betreurmg der Volksdeut^chen...". 19^1 - 19HU.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material, someof it of considerable interest, notably a letter by a secretaryof the S!fZ describing the work of Abteilung V, the annual report19^3 of Hauptabteilung I of Der Beauftragte des KKFDV G-otenhafen,material on the ownership of land, a secret "Entvurf einer Rahmenverordnurig...fiber die Schutzangehflrigen des Reiches" with Motivenbericht(June 19^1)» some material on Swedes among Black Sea Germans,and a copy of the German-Rumanian resettlement agreement ofDecember 13, 19*41. iqHl - l c lVnFolder of the DAI contJ^inin^r miscellaneous material fromdiverse sources (including RTCPD?, Reichprninister flir ErnMhrungand Landwirtschaft, Heichanfihrstand), mostly, but not solely, onAnsiedlung and the use and sale of land; of special interest: anumber of letters fro*n long-term ir r nates of resettler camps tothe SS-Ansiedlungsstab Litzmannstadt, etc., begging for speedyresettlement as farmers (February - June 19*42). 19^2 - 19HU,Folder of the DAI containing material originating with oraddressed to KKFDV, Stabshauptamt. It concerns Ansiedlung...inLothringen, Behandlung von So rider fallen bei der Heranziehung zumDeutschen Volk^sturm, Rttckflihrung von alteingesessenen Volksdeutschenand Deutsc'.hstaiomigen aus deni Generalgouvernement, Verleihua^der Staatssngehdrigkeit auf Widerruf an wiedereindeutschungsfahigr-Fl^chtlln^e nichtdeutschc-r Volkszugehbrigkeit aus den BaltenliUidern,Erf as sung der Staatenlosen im Eeichsgebiet fiir WehrundArbeitsdienst...; there is also another copy of the reporton "Absiedluag Lothringen im January 1QU3" (of. VOFI/gyH). FebraaryIQn3 - January 19^5.Folder of the DAI "3ranchturn" containing some items frompress, Prosse-I'orrespondenz des DAI, and the liAI's Aussendeutschervrpchanspiegeion resettler customs, music, etc", 19^1 - 19^3*folder containing material probably from the DAI: someStammbl&tter of reset tiers. These are filmed as specimens. Twelvemore boxes of Stammblatter are not filmed. Date uncertain,

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