GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Uotes 96537 319 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/939539320-321539 321<strong>TO</strong>TI/9U1VOMI/9U2VOMI/9U3VOMI/9U6VOKI/9U7FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2HU93212^503592*4508332*4511212*451256Folder of the DAI containing correspondence between DAI andVomi, and DAI memoranda concerning Vomi. Important material concerningthe activities of rnd relations "between the two* the Forschungsstellen,Heimat "brief e, etc. 1933 - 19^3»'"Folder of the DAI containing DAI correspondence with Vomi andGaueinsat^ffthrungen. 1939 - 19^4.Folder of the DAI containing correspondence and other materialof and relating to the Siidost-Dokumentation (SOD). IP^U - 19)45./HBt Sttdost-DokumentPtion w-"s a department of DAI concerned withdevelopments affecting German Volksgrup{>en' in South- East Europe(Slovakia, Hungary, Serbian Banat, Croatia)/"."Folder of the MI containing DAI correspondence with and materialsupplied by Bruno Skrehunetz, before resettlement Presseamtsv/alterof Gauleitung Buchenland. Includes a memorandum "Eindrftckevon den Buesentagen in Czerno\vitz (2^. Juni bis 1. Novemberand a set of Radio Berlin und Mo sk au me 1 den; Had 5. o~Fachr i chtendienstder Gaul e i twigJuly 6 ~ October13, "T940, edited by Skrehunetz." 19^0 - 19^2.Folders of the D^I "Umsiedlung. Bessar., Dobrud. , Buchenl.Eingang v. Fragebogen" containing DAI correspondence v;ith Yoinicamps on sippenkuniliche Aufnahme. 19^1.Folder of the DA! "Umsiedlung Bessarabien, Dobrudscha, Buchenland.ErlebnisberiC'ite" containing DAI correspondence withVomi camps snd resettlers, and reports. 19^0 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI "Umsiedlung. Bessar., Dobrud., Buchenl."Containing DAI correspondence with Vomi offices, VolksdeutscheLager der HSDAP, S 3- Ansied! sines stab, ISDAP Ga.uleitungen, etc.,concerning sippenkundl iche Bestpndsaufnahrae and resettlement documentation.19UO - 19^1.Folder of the DAI "Ansiedlung 19^1. Hofzuweisungslisten"containing the lists issued by the SS-Ansiedlungsstab. (Vertrau-ContinuedVQKI/9H9VOMI/950FT 2*451965FT 2*451990lich).Folder of the DAI "Umsiedlungsrnaterial ausserhalb" containingreferences to resettlement archives not in the possession ofthe DAI and an "Archiv-Verzeichnis" of the Volksdeutsche Mttelstelle.Blanks omitted. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI "Kleinere Umsiedlungsgebiete" containinga partly confidential report by Dr. Erause of the DAI Bilro Berlinto DAI Stuttgart on Germans in Finnland and the encouragement to

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