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GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA.No. 16. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, StuttgartPart I: Records on ResettlementThe National ArchivesNational Archives and Records ServiceGeneral Services AdministrationWashington: 1960

<strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>RECORDS</strong> MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA.No. 16. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, StuttgartPart I: Records on ResettlementThe National ArchivesNational Archives and Records ServiceGeneral Services AdministrationWashington: 1960

This finding aid, prepared under the direction of the Committee for the Studyof War Documents of the American Historical Association, has been reproduced by theNational Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records in itscustody.The microfilm described in this list has been deposited in the National Archivesby the American Historical Association and may be identified as Microcopy No. T-81,rolls 264-330. It may be consulted at the National Archives. A price list appearson the last page. Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibitsand Publications Branch, National Archives, Washington 25, D. C.Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and otherguides of the same series may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizureis not believed to divest their original owners of any literary property rights inthem. Anyone, therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permissionof their authors may be held liable for infringement of such literary property rights,

AMERICAN HIS<strong>TO</strong>RICAL ASSOCIATIONCOMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY 0? WAR DOCUMENTS<strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>RECORDS</strong> MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, TA.No. 16.Records of the Ausland-Institut, StuttgartPert I:Records on Hesettlement

THE AMERICAN HIS<strong>TO</strong>RICAL ASSOCIATION (AHA)COMMITTEE JOE THE STUDY OF WAS DOCUMENTS<strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> GERMAH <strong>RECORDS</strong> MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, YA.This is part of a series of Guides prepared "by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alexandria, Va.,"by the American Historical Association Microfilming Project.An American Committee for the Study of War Documents was established in 1955 as a private group of scholars, interested in documentaryresearch and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositories. In 1956, the AmericanCommittee "became a <strong>com</strong>mittee of the American Historical Association. Its present Chairman (1959) is Professor Oron J. Hale, Universityof Virginia, who was preceded "by Dean Reginald H. Phelps, Harvard University, and Professor Lynn M. Case of the University of Pennsylvania.An initial Ford Foundation grant and additional funds provided by the Old Dominion Foundation enabled the Committee toundertake the cataloguing and microfilming of declassified German records in the custody of the World War II Records Division of theNational Archives (previously TAGO, Departmental Records Branch) at Alexandria, Virginia.The plans for screening and microfilming these materials were prepared "by a Sub<strong>com</strong>mittee on Microfilming under the Chairmanshipto the end of 1956 of Professor B. Malcolm Carroll, Duke University, and his successor, Dr. Fritz T. Epstein, the Library of Congress.The_ microfilming team at Alexandria was under the direction of Professor Gerhard L. Weinberg of the University of Michigan in 195&/57»of Dr. Daginar Horna Perman from 1957 to September 1959^ and is now under the supervision of Mr. James G. McDowell.The American Historical Association expresses its appreciation for the cooperation given to its Committee for the Study of WarDocuments by the staffs of the National Archives, especially its World War II Records Division, as well as the U.S. Department of theArmy.Washington, D.C., May I960Dr. Boyd C. ShaferExecutive Secretary, AHAiii

PREFACEThis guide is one of a series of finding aids describing those declassified seized German records deposited at the World War II RecordsDivision, National Archives, that have been microfilmed by the Microfilming Project of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of theAmerican Historical Association, The Guide contains the text of data sheets identitying records filmed. A copy of the data sheets has beenfilmed as a target sheet at the beginning of each roll of film*The present Guide covers 66 rolls of microfilm copies of records on resettlement kept or collected by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut(DAI), Stuttgart* The records were segregated from the rest of the DAI records and given numbers prefaced by "Vomi" (Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle,an agency charged with resettling ethnic Germans) to indicate that they deal with resettlement. Actually this collection <strong>com</strong>prisesinainly records of other organizations engaged in resettlement. Practically all"Vomi"folders were filmed; the only exceptions are a fewfolders of very poor photostats and some totally unrelated material. For further documentation of resettlement reference should be madeto Guide Ho. 2, Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom and a forth<strong>com</strong>ing Guide to other DAI records* Somedocuments listed in the present Guide appear as "uncatalogued HKFDV documents" in Robert L.Koehl, German Resettlement and Population Policy1939 - 19^3* A History of the Reich Commission for the Strengthening of Germandom, Cambridge, 1957.The records described in this Guide were kept by a department of the DAI which was responsible for the documentation of resettlement*It accessioned and made copies of records received from organizations engaged in resettlement. Mainly these were agencies under Himinler inhis capacities as Reichskommissar fflr die Festigung deutschen Volkstun and ReichsfiUhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei. They included:the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, the Stabshauptamt of the RKFD? (Reichskommissar f&r die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums), the Einwandererzentralstelle(SWZ) of the Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, the SS-Ansiedlungsstab, the Rasse- und Siedlungshauptaint (RuSIIA), andothers. But the collection also includes material from other agencies of Party and State concerned with the "integration" of resettlers,such as Gauleitungen, the MS Volkswohlfahrt, the Reichsstudentenbund, and the Reichsministerium f#r VoIksaufklfining und Propaganda*The attribution of provenance presents a particular problem with these records. Many of them are unheaded, undated, or unsigneddocuments, and obvious copies not designated as such* Where possible, the original, i. e. > pre-DAI> provenance is indicated in the descriptions,but for much of the collection it is uncertain or unknown* Nonetheless this collection is most valuable in documenting the implementationand modification of National Socialist race doctrine* Included are records of resettlement negotiations and agreements withthe Russians, Rumanians, and Italians and records describing the treatment and attitudes of all kinds of resettlers. In addition the collectionthrows light on the conflict between diverse SS agencies as well as between the SS and other agencies of Party and State. In factit documents nearly all aspects of resettlement, riot least through the untranslatable language in which this project in demographic engineeringwas conducted*The files of the DAI, when originally accessioned by the World War II Records Division, were placed in Record Group 1035, "Records ofthe National Socialist German Labor Party." This record group <strong>com</strong>prises not only the records of the NSDAP proper and its subordinate formations,but also records of unofficially affiliated as v.-ell as closely related organizations. Tne entire record group includingthe DAI documents was filmed under the National Archives microcopy designation," M T-81".V

The terms "Serial" and "Roll" in this Guide refer to the sequence of film. The "Itern"number is the identification symbol on theoriginal folder within the captured records collection. "Provenance" indicates, where ascertainable, the archival origin of the documentswhose description follows* The symbol "FT" means that the folder has "been filmed throughout; the symbol "ITS" denotes that thefolder has "been filmed selectively, "1st frame" gives the frame number of the first page of the folder. Every exposure has "been givena frame number consecutively throughout the filming operation. The "Notes" provide a general idea of the nature of the materials butshould not be taken as exhaustive descriptions. Apart from a few minor rearrangements folders were filmed in numerical order. Although,on the whole, subjects tended to appear coherently and in numerical sequence, it is still necessary to check the whole Guide for any onesubject.The original records have been returned to the Federal Republic of Germany. The microfilms are deposited in the National Archives,Washington 25, D.C. as microcopy T-81, rolls 26U-330» and should be requested by adding "T-S1" to the rolls desired.Beate Ruhm von Oppen, I960VI

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes1*82 26U Chef der Sicherheitspolizeiund des SD,EinwandererzentralstelleLitzmannstadt(?)VOMI/1VOMI/2Reichskommissar f#rdie Festigung deutschenVoIksturnsDeutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/3VOMI/UVOMI/5VOMI/6VOMI/7FTFTFTFT23S1652Folder possibly originally from the files of BinwandererzentralstelleLitzmannstadt, Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und desSD, containing Aktenplan des Reichskommissars fflr die Festigungdeutschen Volksturns, Posen. Fo date.238166UFolder possibly originally from the files of SWZ Litzmannstadt,Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, containing Aktenplander Einvandererzentralstelle in Litzmannstadt. Ho date, "butpencil note: "Berichtigungen v. 18.Q.UH durchgefflhrt...."236173HFolder possibly originally from the files of SWZ Litzmannstadt,Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, containing Gescha*ftsverteilungsplandes F&hrungsstabes der Einvandererzentralstellein Litzmannstadt, March 8, 19UU. Folder also contains aloose list on cardboard: Zweigstellen der linwandererzentralstellemit G-rflndungs- und Aufldsungsdatum.2381771 Folder possibly originally of the RKFDV containing documentReichskommissar f&r die Festigung deutschen Volkstums: Organisationu. GeschUftsverteilungsplan des Stabshauptamtes, 1. August19^2. Nur fittr den Dienstgebrauch.238182^ Folder of the DAI inscribed "BWZ-Organisation, I. Errichtungund Aufgaben der EWZ." It contains letters, draft Dienstanweisungen,etc.2381926 Folder of the DAI inscribed "EWZ^Organisation. II. Organisationsplane." Period covered 19^0-19^.23819^9Folder of the DAI inscribed »EVZ-Organis a tion, III. Verwaltung,Information, Statistik." It contains documents on thescreening process (Durchschleusungsvorgang), various administrativequestions, the question of publicity, and the <strong>com</strong>pilationof statistics. There is a Merkblatt f#r die in Jugosla\d.en undRumKnien eingesetzten Angehtfrigen der EWZ (enjoining circumspectionand reticence on those about to embark on the statistischeVorerfassung in these foreign countries), August ?7»and a Tatigkeitsbericht der Yerwaltung der EWZ, December 11,Period covered February 27, 19UO-June 28,

Serial Roll ProvenanceFilmed1st frameNotes 2ContinuedDeutsches Aus land-Ins ti tutDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)2381979VOMI/9 FT 2382112Folder of the DAI concerning "Ansiedlung: Planung undAufbau (Schriften, Berichte, Anardnungen) u. a. , Vordrucke,Formulare. " Contents: "Der Stand d^r Ra.umordnungsplanungftr die eingegliederten Ostgebiete, " vcm.J. Umlauf, HeuesBauerntuin, Sonderdruck aus Heft 8/19^2; Planungsgrundlagenfilr den Aufbau der GstgeMete (lur fillr den Dienstgebrauch) ,mimeographed, issued "by the ReichsfiUhrer SS, ReichskommissarfiHr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums, Planungshauptabteilung(no date); an issue of the Reichsvervaltungsblatt, January 8,19*4-2, containing an article "by Regierungsrat Dr. Fading beimReichskommissar ftlr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums on Verwaltungsplanun.gin den angegliederten O^tgeMeten: a "brochureissued "by the RKFDY, Statshauptairit, Ilaupta-bteilung Planungund Eoden, Berlin-Dahlem 19^-2, /\nordnungen und Beitr&ge zumliJndlichen Sied lungs aufbau in den eingegliederten OstgeMetenund in der Untersteiermark; a "brochure Planung und Aufbau imOs ten, ^rl^uterungen und Skiz?en zum l&adlichen A.uf_"bau in denneuen Qstge"bieten, herausgege"ben von: Der Reichskomrnissar fittrdie Festigung deutschen Volkstums, Sta"bshauptarat, Hauptabteirlung: Planung und Boden, Deutsche Larid'buchhandlung, Berlin19^2; duplicate omitted. An article "by Herbert Frank: "Querschnittdurch den Mndlichen Aufbau des Ostens, 11 Sonderdruckaus Heft 11, 19*41 of Der Deutsche Baumeister; Allgemeine AnordnungNr. 7/II des ReichsfiUhrers SS, Reichskommissar filr dieFestigung deutschen Volkstums vom 26. iTov. 19^0 "betr.: G-rundsltzeund Richtlinien fittr den lindlichen Aufbau in den neuenOatgeMeten (Sonderdruck aus Feue s B aue rut urn , 33- Jg- » Januarsome letters etc. on resettlement, including copy ofone to SS-Brigadeffhrer G-reifelt concerning difficulties aboutkeeping the time-table originally fixed, October 19, 19^°Jsome blank forms: Planungsunterlagen and Hof zuweisungsliste. .Folder probably of the DAI containing "Bericht tfber dieUm- und Ansiedlung im Jahre 19^2" (mimeographed-i\Tur f'i!ir denDienstgebrauch) , issued by the Stabshauptamt, Berlin, April30, 19^3; also RKFDV, Stabshauptamt: ''Volks turn und Boden inden eingegliederten Gebieten des Deutschen Reiches; Fbersichtenund Schaubilder, dargestellt auf Grund des Jahresberichtes

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesUS 2 26U Deutsches Ausland -Institut (?)VOMI/10VOMI/11FT23821U623S2253des Zentralbodenamtes im Stabshauptamt durch die HauptabteilungStatistik.»Folder probably of the DAI containing mimeographed reportsissued "by Der Reichskommissar Mr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums,Stabshauptamt: Berichte iHber den Stand der Urn- und Ansiedlung19^2. Duplicates omitted.Folder probably of the DAI containing reports issued byDer Reichskommissar Mr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums,Stabshauptamt: Berichte "ilber den Stand der Urn- und AnsiedlungContinuedDeutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Ins ti tut (?)Deutsches Ausland-Ins ti tutVOMI/12VOMI/13VOMI/1'5VOMI/16FTFTFT23S2U252382^3^2382^5319U3.Folder of the DAI containing reports issued "by the ReichskommissarMr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums, Stabshauptamt:Berichte tfber den Stand der Urn- und Ansiedlung 19UU. Last reportis dated June 1, 19UU.Folder probably of the DAI containing typed copy (Abschriftder Abschrift) of TiUtigkeitsbericht, Stand F,nde 19^2, of DerReichskommissar ftlr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums, Stabshauptamt.Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Deutsche Ansiedlungs-Gesellschaft(DAG), GescMftsbericht 19^0-19^1. Dienstanweisung MrTaxatpren, ScMtzrahmen u.a. I! Contains printed "Bericht \ttberdas ^4. Geschflftsjahr," 19^1, and typed documents describingthe function of the Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft and theprocess of valuation of farms. There are also tv/o maps.Folder of the DAI inscribed "EWZ, Vierteljahresberichtel.U. 19*42 - 31.12.19U3." These quarterly reports are headed DerChef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, "^invandererzentralstelle,Der Leiter. The first is described on the title page as tf Vierteljahresberichtder Einwandererzentralstelle Mr die Zeit vom1. April bis 30. Juni 19U2 -fiber den Stand der Srfassungen derDeutschen aus Estland, Lettland, G-alizien, v/olhynien, dem Narewgebiet,dem Generalgouvernement, dem Nord- und Stfdbuchenland,Bessarabien, der Dobrudscha, Litauen, Bulgarien, Serbien, Russland,Finnland, G-riechenland, Gottschee, Laibach und Frankreich,sov/ie ^iber die Umschleusung der Verwandtenumsiedler"; later reportsare simply called "Vierteljahresbericht Mr die Zeit von...bis...tfber die Durchschleusung der bisher erfass ten Umsiedler

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes26HDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)Deutsches Ausland-Ins ti tut265 VOMI/20VOMI/17 FT 2382676VOMI/1S FT 238273170MI/19 FT 2382828VOMI/21FT 3382995238312723332612383318durch die Einv/andererzentralstelle, " The reports containstatistics and descriptions of social structure and provenance,racial <strong>com</strong>position, state of health, etc., of transferredpopulations.Folder probably of the DAI inscribed "EWZ, Vierteljahresberichte,1.1.19^-." It contains two quarterly reports"...liber die Durchschleusung der bisher erfassten Urnsiedlerund Deutschst&mmigen durch die Sinwandererzentralstelle,'"headed Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des 3D,Einwandererzentralstelle, Der Leiter. January 1 - March 30and April 1 - Juns 30, 19UU.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Sinwanderer-ZentralstelleNordost, Monatsberichte, Januar bis Juni 19^0." It containscopies of reports headed Her Chef der Sicherheitspolizei unddes 3D, Sinwandererzentralstelle lord-Ost, Der Leiter (somestamped "...FiUhrungsstab Berlin"). These deal with Einwanderungder Baltendeutschen sowie der Deutschen aus G-alizien,Wolhynien und dem Harewgebiet. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Einwanderer-ZentralstelleIford-Ost, Monatsberichte Juli bis Dezember 19^0." Monthlyreports of the EWZ "Coer den Stand der Einwanderung derDeutschen aus Galizien, Wolhynien, dem Farevgebiet sowieder Deutschen aus dem Buchenland, aus Bessarabien und derDobrudscha" are headed Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizeiund des SD, Einwandererzentralstelle, Der Leiter. Someduplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing Monatsberichte der Einwandererzentralstellefor the months of January - June 19^1•March is missing. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Einwandererzentralstellelord-Ost, Monatsberichte Juli bis Dezember 19Ul. " The reportfor November is missing. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI inscribed "EWZ Monatsberichte Januar- M£rz 19U2. rt Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI inscribed "EWZ Monatsstatistikencontaining statistical tables.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes265 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/2UDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)VOMI/25Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/26VOMI/23VOMI/29VOMI/30VOMI/31FT 2333393 Folder of the DAI inscribed "EWZ Monatsstatigtiken 19*4*4" andcontaining statistical tables for the months January - October.FT 2333*437 Folder probably of the MI containing material of the NebenstellenPosen and Stettin (Pommern), November 1939 - April 19^0.Deals with Baltic resettlers. Duplicates omitted.FT 2333to Folder of the DAI containing the report for the month ofAugust made by the head of the EWZ Nord-Ost, Mebenstelle Litzmannstadt,to the head of the EWZ TTord-Ost, Fuhrungsstab Litzmannstadt,Information. September *4, 19^0.FT 2333*436 Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisung Nr. 2 of DerChef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, Einwanderernebenstelle Pirna,July 2*4, 19*40. (Mentions transfer of the Materialleitstellendes Ffthrungsstabes Berlin to Sonnenstein near Pirna and the foundingof Nebenstelle Pirna to deal with ell the Durchschleusung ofresettlers from Galicia and Wolhynia*)FT 2333*492 Folder of the MI containing "Bericht fiber die Lage der Einwanderungder Baltendeutschen im Bereich der EinwanderernebenstelleSchneidenrtlhl," November 25, 1939.FT 2333^98 Folder of the DAI containing correspondence, memoranda etc.of EWZ Litzmannstadt, January 7, 19*40 - January 20, 19^2, dealingwith resettlement work done and planned.FT 23335^5 Folder of the DAI containing printed text and typed copy ofthe German-Russian agreement on the resettlement of Germans fromLithuania and Lithuanians from Germany (Memel area and Suwalkiarea), January 10, 19*&; carbon copy of a letter from NBldeke tothe AA on the draft agreement, December.'29, 19^0; photostat of acopy of "Abkommen zvischen dem Deutschen Reich und der Union derSozialistischen Sowjet-Republiken tlber die Regelung der gegenseitigenVerrndgensanspnllche betreffend Litauen, Lettland, und Estland,"signed Karl Schnurre and A. Wyschinski, January 10, 19^1; carboncopy of a letter from EWZ F&hrungsstab Litzmannstadt to an individualin Berlin concerning naturalization and liquidation of propertyleft in Lithuania, August 30, 19**0.FT 2333631 Folder of the DAI containing documents of EWZ Stabsfiihrung-Planung, Litzmannstadt, and EWZ Nord-Ost, l^ebenstelle Posen, concerningthe processing of Russlsnddeutsche in Litzmannstadt andenvirons, the form of entries, the history of the EWZ (chronologicaltable), the transfer of earlier documentation, and a conferenceon. the work of WJ7, Pommern, December 5» 1939 - Oct. 13,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes265 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/32 FT 238365UDeutsdies Auslend-Institut (?)VOMI/33VOMI/3M-VOMI/35voMi/36VOMI/37VOMI/3823836862383705FT 2333803FT232300723S3SU3FT 2383901Folder of the DAI containing documents of the VolksdeutscheMittelstelle; circulars on various administrative details of resettlement(including Himmler's order that the consumption ofVollkornbrot should "be propagated in camps t a confidential instructionto all Sinsatzfilihrer to spy out likely sites for resettlementcamps t and a, warning to watch out for attempts "by theChurch to subvert resettlers). February 10, 19UO - July 1, 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing two documents: "Ubersichtfiber die ungef&hre Dauer Arbeit der Einwandererzentralstellebis zum Schluss der Durchschleii sung sakt ion (stand vom 31.1.19^1)"and "Stand der Karteiarbeiten am 31.1,19^1."Folder of the DAI inscribed "Der Reichskommisssr fur dieFestigung dtsch. Volkstums, Stabshauptamt, Umsiedlergepftck, 11 andcontaining mimeographed circulars on resettlers 1 baggage and <strong>com</strong>pensationfor goods and chattels lost by resettlers, also a mimeographed"Verzeiclmis der Personen, die a-of Grund des Litauiseh-Deutschen Vertrages liber die Staatssngehtirigkeit der Memell^lndervom 8. Juli 1939 die litauirche StaetsangehBrigkeit ervorben haben.(Litauenoptanten). w March 30, 19^0 - January 7, 19^3.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Westurnsiedlung, Umsiedlergep^ck,"and containing copies of letters concerning the questionof duties to be p?id by resettlers, October 1, 19^2 - ITovember 2U,19U2, all copied March'13, 19U3.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Der Eeichskonmiissar f'dr dieFestigung dtsch. Volksturas, Gep^ckstelle Posen" and containingcopies of documents relating to the activities of the Gep^ckstelle,Foveraber 11, 19^1 - December 2, 19U2. (1TB: "oerschelmann,the head of Der ReichskommissPr fflr die Festigung Deutschen Volkstuins,Stabshauptpmt, 0-ep8ckstelle Posen, V/PS also head of 3KFDV,Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Einvandererberatung). Duplicatesomitted.Folder probably of the DAI inscribed "Der Reichskommissarfilr die i'estigung dtsch. Yolkaturns, G-epflckstelle Fosen, Besprechungen"and contpining Al^tenvermerke of conferences March 10,19^2 - March 20, 19^3. Duplicates omitted.Folder probably of the DAI inscribed "Der Reichskommissarfttr die Festigung dtsch. Tolkstums, Gep&ckzentrale Litzmannstadt,"and containing material on the structure and work of the GepAckzentrale.May 19^1 - October 22, 19^12. Duplicates omitted,-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frameContinued265 Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?)VOMI/39 2383931VOMI/UlFTFT23S3997233*4002266 FT 238^060FT23SU103Folder probably of the DAI inscribed "Der Reichsminister desInnern, Deutsche Volksliste" and containing material on criteriaand procedure for inclusion in the various sections of the Volkslisteand the ODnsequences thereof. Includes Frick Runderlass on"Erwerb der deutschen Staatsangehdrigkeit durch ehemalige polnischeund Dan-ziger Staatsangehfirige" of March 13» 19*41 (*•* was notfor publication, only for official use). Period covered 1939 -February 2, 13*43, Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/Hl)Folder probably of the DAI inscribed "Gepack, Schiffstransporte,"and containing lists of ships carrying resettler propertyfrom Latvia and Estonia, 1939 - 19*40. Duplicates omitted.Folder probably of the DAI inscribed "Der Reichsminister desInnern, Einbilirgerung, " and containing unpublished Runderlasse ofthe Ministry of the Interior on naturalization, April 15, 19*4-3 -July 13» 19^4» a reference to a Globke article in Deutsche Verwaltung,January 25» 19^0, copy of another list of Sunderlasse on na-t~uraTization of resettlers sent to the DAI (but not in this folder),September 30, 19^2, photostat of an unsigned document concerning"System und Jlinheitlichkeit bei der Erfassung und Registrierung derVolksdeutschen," July 1, 19*40, and copy of a Runderlass of theReich Minister of Justice or of the Interior on Deutsche Volkszugehdrigkeit,June 22, 1939* Period covered by folder: June 2.2,1939 - July 13, 191&. (cf.VOMI/39).Folder probably of the DAI inscribed "Einwandererzentralstelle,Staatsangehdrigkeit, Elnbilrg-erung," containing documents oncriteria and procedure of naturalization, with specimen blank forms,October 3, 19^0 - May 13, 19*11. Duplicates omitted.Folder probably of the DAI with pencil inscription "Vomi,Vfllkische Schutzarbeit, Umsiedler Kreisfiirsorge," containing materialon employment of resettlers in the civil service, on resettlerwelfare and their equipment with furniture and household goods.(First requirement for a family of four: 1 Fuhrerbild; second requirement:1 Hakenkreuzfahne...). There are also some specimensof blank forms used for furniture applications etc., references tosubjects dealt with in Der Menscheneinsatgt Grundsatze, Anordnungenu. Richtlinien /q.v.; VOMT/^02,803/and two printed Rundschreibenon the Eauptstelle fir vBlkische Schutzarbeit. (KB: The Hauptstelle- Hauptstelle V.S. for short - was the new name given to Referat"Bauerntum und Landwirtschaft" - B.u.L. for short ~ of theV.D.A. On September 1, 19^1, it ceased to be "dem V.D.A. als Haupt-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 8266 Deutsches Ausland- VOMI/UUInstitut (?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)VOMI/U5YOKI/U6VOMI/147VOMI/UgFT 238)4171FT23SIH7SFT 238*419*4FT 238*4253FTVOMI/*49 FT 238UH08abteilung angegliedert" and "became part of the Vomi - "der VolksdeutschenMittelstelle unraittelbar eingegl iedert 11 - and was calledVolksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Hauptstelle fiir vSlkische Schutzarbeit.Its former head, Pg, Frasch, was replaced by Obersturmfiihrer OttoWeber, deputy Pg. Prof. Karl Schflpke).Folder probably of the DAI containing three circulars of theNSDAP, -Reichsleitung, Hauptamt fur Volkswohlfahrt, Der Sonderbeauftragtefiir die Umsiedlungsaktion (Litzmannstadi) on food andclothing in camps (what herbs to grow, how to cook rhubarb, sewingrooms for making baby clothes, etc.) Hay 1-8, 19*40.Folder probably of the DAI containing a mimeographed circularof Der Reich skoinmissar Jlir die Festigung deutschen Volkstuins,Stabshauptemt: "Zusammenstellung der bis 3^» December 19*42 erschienenenAllgemeinen Anordnungen, Asiordnungen, Dienst-Anordnungen,Rundschreiben." June 18, 19*43.Folder of the DAI containing material of the 32W2 Posen, Includinga telegram to Heydrich and the RSHA on a meeting of SS-O'Stubaf. Prof. Meyer and SS-Stubaf. Dr, Sandberger, November 25,1939» draft of a report "Die Arbeit der T3im*andererzentralstellePosen (voia 2.-2U.ll.), rt and a collection of Anordnungen. November1, 1939 - February 7, 19^0.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Der ReichekommissFir f.d. Festigungdeutschen ?olkstums, Allgemeine Anordnungen 1^39 -•" ContainsAllgemeine Anordnungen v;ith Verteiler list, December 9»1939 - February 6» 19*43. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI with copies of Hitler 1 a announcement of resettlementin the speech of Oct. 6, 1939* -he "Srlasa des iVihrersund Reichskanzlers zur Festigung deutschen Volkstums" of October7» 1939* statistics of resettlement taken from the report of theStabshauptsrct of January 1, 19^3• a large number of Himmler Anordnungenon resettlement (October 1939 - November 19*42), copyof Richtlinien fur die Rttckvanderung der Reichsdeutschen und Abv/anderungder Volksdeutschen aus dem .Alto Adige in das DeutscheReich (signed by the Prefect of Bolzano and the German ConsulGeneral in Milsno) October 21, 1939. with Erlfluterungen of November17» 19391 a *icL some <strong>com</strong>munications of the RKFDV on resettlersfrom France. October 1939 - November 1939.Folder probably of the DAI containing copies of top levelmaterial on various aspects of resettlement in various areasand of people from, various, areas;, includes a number of Himmler

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes266 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/50 FT 238l*l*6UVOMI/52 FT 23814396VOMI/53FTVOMI/5**FT 23gU995VOMI/55FT 23g5lUl*VOMI/56FT 23S52l*0Anordnungen end copy of German- Rumanian agreement on resettlement.January 2U, 19*40 - Karen 20, 191*3.Folder of the DAI containing much interesting material onmany aspects of resettlement. The documents are most diverse andoriginated from many offices. Many of them are copies evidentlymade at the DAI. The documents are in no discernible order, butthe folder is worth going through despite its chaotic conditionsince it contains such interesting stray items as e.g. <strong>com</strong>plaintsby Galician resettlers that they were given too much land, thedispossession of unsatisfactory settlers, and anticipated troublewith faithful members of churches and sects. Material goes from1939 to 191*3.Folder possibly of the DAI inscribed "Uinsiedler Ortsbereiche,Beauftragter des Reichekommissars fttr die Festigung deutschenYolkstums, Posen, Kaiserring 13» Hauptabteilung I, Abt. Statistifc, (lcontaining charts on Ansiedlung by the S S- An s ied lungs stab Litzmannstadt,March 1, 19^1 - March 31 » 19^3. It is broken up intourban and rural resettlement, into sexes, into areas, etc. Folderalso contains a document on Verwandtenumsiedlung and the numbersallocated to members of families resettled later and listsof Ortsbereiciie, Summer nbereiche and Ortsgemeinschaften.Folder of the DAI containing a copy of the Hitler decreesur Festigung deutschen Volkstums, October 7» 1939 * &&& copiesof a letter by Himmler on the definition of Umsiedler, October19, 191*0.Folder of the DAI containing "ITachrichten tlber Umsiedlung 11Hos. 1-12, being foreign press extracts on resettlement 19^*0-Folder of the DAI inscribed "Stand der Umsiedlung ( 19^*0) "containing documents and copies of documents of the Einwandererzentralstelleon resettlement, 1939 - 19^2, mostly statistical.Folder of the DAI inscribed "EWZ, Statist. Zusammenstellungenfur Siebenbttrgen, Jugoslawien, Bait. Vorumsiedler, Finnland,Bstlc?nd, Lett land" and containing Zusaranenstellungen country bycountry; folder also contains wn Akteavermerk on an exhibitionplanned to <strong>com</strong>memorate the German culture in S&dbuchenland andDobrudscha after the resettlement of Volksdeutsche from there.Ho date on the Zusam.ienstellungen. Aktenvermerk dated September30,

SerialRollProvenanceFilmed1st frameKotes 10266Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?)Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/58 2385302267 VOMl/59 FT 23S5310VOMI/60FT23S5370Folder probably of the DAI containirg Himmler circular definingthe terra "Umgiedler," October 19, 19^0; copy of a circularletter by RKFDV on support and advance payments to resettlers,January 12, 1QHO; copy of a circular letter from Ministry of theInterior (signed Conti) on resettler welfare, January 9, 19^0;copy of letter from RKFDV on resettlement in Gau Dansig-Westpreussen(fair distribution of old and infirm persons and "difficultprofessions" among receiving areas), February g, 19^0; RKFDV letteron travel expenses, September 1^, IQ^O; RKFDV telegram to 1WZ,concerning soiae questions (possibly a Creutz inquiry in VOMI/50,q.v.) January 5, 19^0; copy of RKFDV letter to Vomi concerningreleases from B-camps t April 11, 19^0; minutes of a, meeting inthe Reichskommissariat, December 3» 19^0 (interesting i.a. on resettlementpolicy for Bessarabians, for skilled A-Falle, and thedisposal of &.R.U.B.-?811e); note on a great Arbeitstagung in Dangigto discuss urban and professional allocation of resettlers,June 19UO.Folder of the DAI containing carbon copy of points concerninga draft Tereinbarung der Ostland, Zweigstelle Kohensalza, raitdem SS-Ansiedlur^fsstab Lit^mannstadt, April 2, IQUl; a table "Ansahlnnd.. Gesamtfiftche der Heichslandbetriebe am 31.12.U2;" an offprintof Ji^e^^A|eja_fi^ye^e^wirjti^teft, Heft UO, 19^1, entitled"Aufbau"uhd Titigkeit der "RJstlpnd'"^by Ministerialrat Dr.Merger, GescJiaftsfiihrer bei der Ostdeutschen Landbevirtschaftungsgesellschaftm.b.H. (Ostland)" and inscribed in ink "Reichsgesellschaftfur Landbewirtschaf tung G-.m.b.H. (Reichsland) . "Folder of the DAI containing copy of a letter from the EWZto DAI concerning large numbers of resettlement MelcLeblatter sentand offered to the DAI, July 2, 19^3. T'he copy bears a handwrittennote to the effect that the material arrived at the DAI innine boxes and was being used by the Ost-Abteilung. Material onthe Sammelstelle f&r baltendeutrches Kulturgut of the Vomi in Posen,list of its contents. Archiv-Verzeichnis of the VolksdeutscheMittelstelle - Umpiedlung - Berlin W 35•Folder of the DAI inscribed "Anordmingen 1939" and containingAnordnungeri of Himmler, EKFDV, on resettlement - the distributionof labor and <strong>com</strong>petences etc., October 30» 1939 - January 2,ContinuedVOMI/61Folder of the DAI inscribed "Anordnungen 19^0" and containing

Serial E,oll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 1126? Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/62VOMI/63VOMI/6 1 *VOMI/95VOMI/66VOMI/6SVOMI/69VOMI/70FTFTFTFTFTFTFT2385^3023S5550238563923^55652385^9323S53992386027mimeographs, copies, etc.of Hiramler Anordnungen relating to resettlement,January 3 - December 9, IQHO. Some duplicates omitted,Folder of the DAI inscribed "Anordnungen 19^1," containing;Anordnungen of the RKFDV relating to resettlement, January 21,1914-1 - December 15, 19*41. Some duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI inscribed ''Anordnungen 19*42" and containingROW Anordnungen January 6 - December 15, 19^2. A duplicate ofone Anordnung has an Eingangsstempel of ReichsftShrung SS, Gepackzentrale.There is also a typed copy of Srlauterungen zur Bearbeitungvon Schadenmeldungen, February 15, 19^2.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Anordnungen 19^3" ^nd containingRKFDV Anordnungen March 1, 19^3 - September 27, IQUl.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Anordnungen 19UH" and containingBKFDV Anordnungen January 20 - June 13, 19UU.Folder of the DAI inscribed ""Oeutsches Ausland-Institut, Abt.Umsiedlungsdokumentation, Stuttgart, Haus des Deutschturns: Wiedereindeutschungsverfahren."It contains Anordnungen and other<strong>com</strong>munications of the KKFDV and copies of documents originatingfrom various other offices concerned with resettlement and Germanisetion: Der Stellvertreter des Fuhrers, Der Reichsprbeitsminister,the Reichsleitung of the N3DAP, the Winterhilfswerk,Der Heichsmiriister des Innern, OK T< /, Der Reichsminister fiir Vis~senschaft, Srziehung und Volksbildung, Der Jugendfuhrer des DeutschenReiches. Has much interesting material on racial policy.May 9, 19)40 - ITov. 22, 19^1.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Deutsches Ausland-Institut,Abt. Umsiedlungsdokuraentation, Stuttgart, Haus des Deutschtums;Umsiedlung." It contains Anordnungen and other documents mostlyof the RKPDV, relating to resettlement. November 6, 19*40 - June13, 19^.Folder of the DAl containing Dienstanweisungen of EinaetzstabLitzmennstadt of the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, February27, 19l4Q - March 13, 19^3. They concern mostly, but not solely,adnii ni s t TS i ive de tail.Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisungen of the Vomi,Umgiedlung, Verwaltung, Berlin, Linkstrasse, January J, 19^1 -December 21, 19*4?. Mostly administrative detail.Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisungen of the Vomi,Umsiedlung, Verwaltung* January 15 - April 6,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Motes 1226? Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/71VOMI/72VQMI/73VOMI/7 1 *268 VCMI/75VOMI/76voMi/77FT 2386321 Folder of the DAI, containing Dienstanweisungen etc. of theVomi, Umsiedlung, Abt. Vervaltung, March 15, 19^0 - March 31, IfiUl.Also a Straf- und Beschwerdeordnung for die Umsiedlungelager derVolkssdeutschen Mittelstelle (Nur fflr den Dienatgebrauch) February25, 1942."FTFolder of the BAI containing Dienstanweisungen, circular lettersto Einsatzverwaltungen etc. of Vomi, Umsiedlung, Verwaltung,October 5, 19*10 - July 21, 19^2.FTFolder of the DAI containing circular letters etc. of Vomi,May 21, 19^0 ~ October g, IQ^O. They deal with a variety of subjectsconcerning the classification, acsccLCdation, transportation,end treatment of resettlers.FT 2386U&9 Folder of the DAI containing Sonderdienstanweisungen of Vomi- Umsiedlung - Einsatzstab Litzmannstadt, October 15» 19^1 - March11, 19^3» dealing with various aspects of resettlement administration.Folder includes a Dienstanweisung filr Transportflrete, October7» 19^-2, and a reference to Geheimtagebucher, December 10, 19^1

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 1-314-86 26S Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/78VOMI/79VOMI/80VOMI/81VOMI/82269 VOMI/83VOMI/SUFT 23S6926 Folder of the DAI containing Tagesbefehle and other <strong>com</strong>raunicationsof Vomi, Einsatzstab Litzmannstadt, December 1939 -May 31» 19^0* They concern much minor administrative detail, "butalso iteme on classes of people permitted or not permitted to settlein the Government General, prohibition of the employment ofJews in the resettlement camps and of visits to the ghetto "by membersof the camp staff, on the new uses of Beobachtungs- und Transportlager,and Organisation der Ansiedlung.FT 2387238 Folder of the DAI containing Tagesbefehle and other <strong>com</strong>municationsof Vomi, Einsatzstab Litzmannstadt, June 3» 19^0 - December31, 19*40, It continues the above folder VOMI/78.FT 2387UU3 Folder of the DAI containing Tagesbefehle and related materialof Vomi, Einsatzstab Litzmannstadt, January 2 - May 31» 19^1.It is a continuation of folder VOMI/79* It consists largely ofroutine material, but includes interesting documents on a varietyof subjects, e.g. the need to keep the fact of racial selectionsecret (January 23). the delicate nature of the racial question(May 6), the superior quality of the Bessarabiendeutsche (February6» 19^1)» the desire to suppress sects among the resettlers(e.g. February 20), the definition of 0- und A-FSlle (April 7),and resettler statistics by age and profession (May 111). Duplicatesomitted.FT 2387663 Folder of the DAI containing Tagesbefehle and related materialof Vomi, .Einsatzstab Litzmannstadt, June 6 - September 3^»FT 23877^119*41; continuation of folder VOMI/80. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the MI inscribed "Vomi-Tiergartenstrasse (Lager),Rundschreiben seit dem 21.1.19*41." It contains circulars of theVolksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Umsiedlung D, January 21 - December18, 19*41. There is also a copy of an RFSS/SD <strong>com</strong>munication ofFebruary 16, 19*40, concerning changes in the Vomi's organizationalplans concerning dispersed families. Duplicates omitted.FT 2388009 Folder of the MI inscribed "Vomi - Tiergartenstrasse (Lager),Rundschreiben seit dem 20.1.19*42" and containing circularsof Vomi, Umsiedlung D, January 20 - December 21, 19*12. This isthe continuation of VOMI/82 (on Serial 268). No. 37 of May 27may be of special interest since it lays down that Lagerftlhrerwere officials.FT 2388180 Folder of the MI containing Eundschreiben of Vomi, UmsiedlungD, January 11 - Aoril 22, 19^3. Continuation of VOMI/83.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes269 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/85 FT 238823^VOMI/S7FTFT23883^92388^49?OMI/88 FT 23S8629VOMI/89VOMI/90FTFT238892^23890851*88 270 VOMI/91 FT 2389181bolder of the DAI containing material on medical measuresin camps: from Der Beauftragte des Reichsgesundheitsfuhrers furdie gesundheitliche Betreuung der volksdeutschen Umsiedler ( H. Haubold), Referat 5» later Der Reich sgesundheitsfflhrer,Amt Umsiedler-Gesundheitsdienst, Hauptabteilnng 5> Lager-Gesundheitsdienst.Circulars on a large variety of subjects - from immunizationmeasures to the recruitment of wet-nurses for Lebensbornhomes - reports, memoranda, blank forms, etc. November 1939-May 2, 19UU.Folder of the DAI containing circulars and other conuminicationsof Der Beauftragte des Reichsgesundheitsftlhrers fur die gesundheitlicheBetreuung der volksdeutschen Umsiedler , Referat 5»Irztliche Lager be treuung, January 1, 19^0 - June 1, 19^3 •H Folder of the DAI inscribed "Berichte der Gaupropaganda-Amter ilber 'Betreuung der Umsiedlerlager , 1." and containing afile of the Reichsministerium fttr Volksaufklarung und Propagandaon jjhe Betreuung und Erfassung of resettlers from Reichspropaganda-Amterin various Gaue and "Vomi camps. Folder also contains asection of newspaper cuttings on a ceremony at which Himmler naturalized50^0 Buchenlanddeutsche, and other resettler items.February 19^1 - October 19^2.Folder with a DAI description "Promi, Betreuung der Umsiedler,Berichte der Gaupropagandafimter, 2." Continuation of VOMI/87*This folder contains a file of the Reichsministerium fiir Volksaufklftrungund Propaganda with a rich collection of printed indoctrinationmaterial, presumably used for the initiation of resettlers,also a few copies of Gruss der Heimat, Mitteiluagsblattder Bessarabien-Deutschen iin G-a,u Oberdonau. 19 Hi -Folder of the DAI: "Promi, Betreuung der Uwsiedler, Berichteder Gaupropaganda$inter, 3"» Continuation of VOMI/ 87 a &cL 88.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Promi, Betreuung der Umsiedler,Berichte der Gaupropagandaamter, U." cf. VOMI/87-S9. This foldercontains a file of the Reichsministerium fdr Volksaufkl&rung undPropaganda with correspondence between the Propaganda Ministryand the Reichspropagandaftmter concerning propaganda and entertainmentamong resettlers, 19^1-^2.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Promi, Betreuung der Umsiedler.Rundfunkapparate ftlr Umsiedlerlager." Contains file of the Reichsministeriumfftr Volksaufk]finingund Propaganda with correspondenceon the supply of wireless sets for resettler camps with a little

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame270 Deutsches Auslend-Institut VOMI/92VOMI/93VOMI/9570MI/96incidental information about population of camps, dispersal, etc.January lU - August .27, 19^2.FT 2389227 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Promi, Betrewing der Umsiedler,Filme und Redner." Contains file of the Reichsministerium furVolksaufklarung und Propaganda with correspondence concerning filmshowsand lectures for resettlers. Of little interest except asan illustration of the operation of that ministry, June 2S, 19*41-March 26, 19^2.FT 23S9307 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Zeitungen und Zeitschriften fflrUrasiedlerlager, " containing a file of the Reichsministerium MrVolksaufklarung und Propaganda with correspondence concerning thesupply of papers and periodicals to resettler camps, February 7>19^1 -•- June 11, 19^2. Includes a <strong>com</strong>munication from Fritzsche toGroelibels, January 7» 19^2 (mentioning UOO resettler cpmps with ca.16-2,000 inmates).YolksaufkMrung und Propaganda with correspondence between theFT 23S9396 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Betreuung der Umsiedlerlager,Finanzierung, I" containing a file of the Reichsministerium fttrministry and its subordinate offices and other agencies and internaldocumentation concerning the financial aspect of the propagandisticBetreuung of resettlers, June 19, 19^-1 - March 30»19U2.FS 2389721the Reiciisministerium fur Volksaufkl£run^ und Propaganda, with documentationFolder of the DAI inscribed "Betreuung der Umsiedler, Finanzierungund Materialbeschaffung, II" and containing a file ofof the ministry's Betreuung of resettler camps, (cf.VOMI/94). A note for Goebbels of December 12, 19^0, states thatthe Propaganda Ministry cannot do anything to improve materialconditions in the camps. Period covered November 20, 19^0 - January9» 19*42. Repetitive <strong>com</strong>munications to Reichspropagandafimterconcerning the provision of Betreuungsmaterialien omitted; onlya few specimens filmed.FT 23S9933 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Betreuung der Umsiedler imKreisgebiet Kattowitz" and containing reports of "Mfirchen und Kulturfilmveranstaltungen...Einsets von Frau Dora Boidol in denMckwandererlagern im Kreisgebiet von Kattowitz.,." April 22,19^1 - December 11, 19^2. These reports were probably suppliedto the Propaganda Ministry. Mostly repetitive bills of fare; butthere are also occasional remarks* about audience response, etc.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 16488 270 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/97489 271490 272VOMI/9870MI/99VOMI/100,101VOMI/102VOMI/103VOMI/104VOMI/105VOMI/106FTFTFTFT23899902390030239024123903182390831239H81FT 2391264FTFTFT239131523914232391632Folder of the DAI inscribed "Betreuung der Slowenen in Umsiedlerlagern"and containing Propaganda Ministry correspondenceconcerning Slovene resettlers, November 4, 194l - June 12, 1942.Interesting because it illustrates the handling of racial differentiationbetween germanizable and non-germanizable Slovenes.Folder of the DAI containing mimeographed material on thepropagandistic Betreuung of resettlers by Der Reichsstatthalter,Reichspropagandasmt Wartheland, Zweigstelle Litzmannstadt, January2, 19*43 - August S, 1944.Folder of the DAI of similar contents as YOMI/98, January21 - December 19, 19*12.Two folders of the DAI. Arbeitsgrundlagen der D.U.T. Aloose leaf collection of legislation, directives, etc. on resettlement.Most useful. Organized in the following 23 sections:Anordnung des Reichskommissars; DUT: Aufg., Organisation; Steuern,Devisen; Vorschftsse, Kredite; Pensionen, Renten, usw.; Landwirtschaft;Ausgleichsrichtlinien; Gemeinsch.-Arbeit DUT/H<strong>TO</strong>; Estland;Lettland; Italien; Wolhynien; Generalgouvernement; BessarabieniBukowina Nord; Litauen; Rumanien; Hachumsiedl., Versch.; Laibach;Kroatien; Frankreich; Reichsd. Hichtumsiedler; Rflckwanderer - fibersee;Absiedlung. For D.U.T. see below.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Deutsche Umsiedlungs-Treuhand-Cresellschaft m.b.H., Jahresberichte 1939, 19^0, 19^1, Gesellschaftevertrag,"It contains the annual reports 1939-^3 (which give muchuseful information on resettlement generally) the statutes of theGesellschaft, a mimeographed report on "Estland, Urnsiedlungsfrage"(Tertraulich) of January 22, 19^0, and a few other documents, includinga DAI memorandum "Aufbau und TAtigkeit der Treuhand-Gesellschaften,"February 15, 19*10.Document from the files of the DAI: "1. Halbjahresbericht19^3. Deutsche Urnsiedlungs-Treuhand-Gesellschaft m.b.H., BerlinW 8, Mohrenstr. 42-44. Januar-Juni 1943. Vertraulich."Folder of the DAI containing quarterly reports of the DUTApril - December 1942.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Deutsche Umsiedlungs-Treuhand-Gesellschaft (G.m.b.H.) Monabsberichte Januar bis Dezember 194l"and containing the monthly reports of the DUT for 194l.Folder of the DAI containing monthly reports of the DUT,January - March 1942*

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesM-90 272 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/107VOMI/108VOMI/109VOMI/110VOMI/111VOMI/112VOMI/113VOMI/llUVOMI/115VOMI/116ContinuedFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT23917012391ge323919S623921702392265239228^23923562392367Folder of the MI containing blank forms, Merkblatter etc.used "by the DUT, Niederlassung Posen.Folder of the DAI containing DUT material, notably copiesof DUT letters to the Auswartige Amt on "Abwicklung des UmsiedlungsvertragesBessarabien-Uordbuchenland mit der Sowjetunion"and "Entschadigungsverhandlung mit der Sowjetunion im Verfolg desUrn si editing svert rages Bessarabien-rTordbuchenland 1 ' with coveringnotes from DUT to VOMI (also copied). November 19^0 - May 7,Folder also contains "Vorschriften des Reichsfuhrers SS, Reichskommissarsfar die Festigung deutschen Volksturas ttber die Zahlungvon Unterstfttzungen, Vorschilssen und ftbergangsgeldern an Umsiedleraus dem Sftdbuchenland und der Dobrudscha, " November 19^0. Duplicatesomitted.Folder of the DAI containing a newspaper notice about thefoundation of the KIT.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (H<strong>TO</strong>)Mitteilungsblatt igUO, 1-6." It contains Mitteilungsblatter 2 -6 for 19^0 and two odd typed Anlagen concerning an "Objektkartei"and "Bewerberkartei," June 22, igUO.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (H<strong>TO</strong>)Mitteilungsblatt 19^1, Heft 1-8." It contains Mitteilungsblatt1 - g.Folder of the DAI containing Mitteilungsblatt 1-5, 19^2,of the H<strong>TO</strong> and a Sonderheft on Schuldenabwicfclung. April 10 -December 12, 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing Mitteilungsblatt No. 1, 19^3of the Haupttreuhandstelle Ost.Folder of the DAI containing a brochure MinisterprasidentGeneral feldmarschall G-tiring, Beauftragter fur den Vierjahresplan,Vorsitzender des Ministerrats fur die Reichsverteidigung: Haupt-— - Materialsammlung "zum inneren DienstgebrauchTanother Der 3eauftrag"te~:Fftr den Vier jahresplan, HsupttreuhandstelleOst: Richtlinien ffr die Erstellung der RM Erdffnungsbilang beikommissarisch verwalteten Betrieben in den eingegliederten Ostgebietenand notes on the H<strong>TO</strong> and the Handel saufbau-Ost. Duplicateomitted.Folder of the DAI containing a report of unknown origin entitled"Die Lei stung der Reichsbahn bei der Umsiedlung." No date.Folder of the DAI containirg material on the EWZ, VerbindungsstelleHeichsbank and currency matters February 3 - April 6,

Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st- frame Notes490 272 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/117U91 273 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/118VOMI/119Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?) VOMI/120Deutsches Ausland-Institut 70MI/121VOMI/122YOMI/125FT 239238219^0. Thei e is also an EW2 list of the numbers of people processed("durchgeschleust" or "durchschleust") by flying <strong>com</strong>missions,November 25» 19'40.Folder of the DAI containing printed reports of the DeutscheSiedlungs'bank: a 10 year report, 1930-19^0, the annual reportfor 19^0, and a, report 1937-1939.FT 2392H61 Folder of the DAI containing copies of "Anordnung des EFSSilther den Aufbau der Volkstumserbeit der NSBAP u. eins Abgrenzungder Zust&ndigkeiten der Eauptflmter der SS," November Sg, 19*11,an agreement between G-reifelt and Lorens on "Zust&ndigkeitssbgrenzrangVolksdeutsche Mittelstelle und Stabshauptamt," Ilovember 6»19^2, and a <strong>com</strong>munication (G-eheim) from the BAI-Buro Berlin on"Verhdtnis der Volksdeutschen Mittelstelle zur Dienststelle Greifelt,"July U, 19^0, which reveals part of the developing ?omi-Greifelt-DAI drama.FT 2392^76 Folder of the DAI: "Schaubilder zur Umsledlung bis Snde19^2," containing most useful statistical maps, charts, etc.FT 2392523 Folder probably of the MI containing Leistungsbericht vom1. Dezember 1939 bis 31. Oktober igUO of NSDAP-Reichsleitung,Kauptamt fiir Volkswohlfahrt, Der Sonderbeauftragte ftlr die Umsiedlung,with Uachtrag ll.ll.UO - 31.1.Hi, Nachtrag 1.2. -30.H.19^1, Nachtrag l.ll.Ul - 31.1.U2. Thqse are evidently copies.FT 2392622 Folder of the DAI, containing a mimeographed document "Humorin der Umsiedi.ungsak.tion 2, Stilblilten aus Originalbriefender Hausbetreuer (Lodscher Volksdeutschen) an die HSW Mostlyunderpants and pregnancy humor.FT 2392624 Folder of the DAI containing press reports of unrest causedin various countries bjr rumours of resettlement. October 15»FT 23926H11939 - February U, 19U3.Folder of the DAI containing press cuttings on resettlementand reset tiers, October lU, 1939, fe ° January l ! l, 19^3.tings on VDA FatenscLaften for resettler <strong>com</strong>/auaities, January 7»19^0 - April 25, 19U4.FT 2392756 Folder of the DAI containing draft "Zehn Thesen zur Umsiedlungsaktion."No date or indication of authorship. The mapsreferred to were prepared by Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Reichsstudentenfuhrungunter Leitung von A. Dolezalek, list of maps pub-FT 239268H Folder of the DAI containing press cuttings on kulturelle,politische und gesundheitliche Betreuung of resettlers and cut-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Uotes2?3 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/126Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)VOMI/127VOMI/128VOMI/129VOMI/130VOMI/131VOMI/132VOMI/133VOMI/13**beim VDA),FT 2392772 Folder of the DAI containing material on "Sicherstellungder Kulturguter der umgesiedelten Volksgruppen," i.e. the DAI'sefforts to be<strong>com</strong>e the collecting point of press archives, documentarycollections, etc. 19*K)-*43»FT 2392789 Folder probably of the DAI containing a circular of the Amtfflr Volksturnsfragen der FSDAP concerning facilities for resettlersto acquire radios. May 25, 19*43.FT 2392791 Folder probably of the DAI containing a copy of Himmler'scircular letter to all Oberste Seichsbehflrden defining Umsiedler(Begriff und Persoaenkreis), October 19, 19*10, with Erlftuterungen.FT 2392801 Folder of the DAI with documents concerning EWZ registrationcards, how and by whom they were kept, whether they could be a-mended, etc. December 26, 1939 - December 2, 19*41. Some duplicatesomitted.FT 2392SU8 Folder of the DAI containing EWZ material on classificationof resettlers: A, 0, and G cases. Also an Amreisung on how tofill in E¥Z cards. May 5, 19*10 - June 9, 19*U. Duplicate omitted.FT 2392891 Folder of the DAI containing material from various sourceson the grading of resettlers, November 21, 1939» *o December 3^»19U2.FT 2392976 Folder of the DAI with material on and about EWZ, Information,its organization and work, December 7» 19^0 - July 5» 19^1.FT 239299*1 Folder of the DAI containing odd items; including a Greifeltcircular on the status and treatment of re set tiers from Alsace,Lorraine and Luxembourg; a report on G-erman schools in Hungary;a "Bericht Cber die Umsiedlungsbewegung im Lemkenlande;" a reporton conditions in Lodz; a document on the use of Germans from theSouth-East in the war econoiny; an article on the DAI; kurse Randbemerkungenzu dem Aufsatz von Dr. Edgar Stern-Hubarth flber "DasProblem der Auslaadsdeutschen" (Streng Vertraulich, 27«3»^5); "Berichteines B&ckwanderers aus lomftnien, der zugleich Mckgefuhrteraus dem Wartheland ist;" and a map,. Uur ftlr den Dienstgebrauch,showing Die Yerwaltungseinteilung der deutschen Ostgebiete und desGenerslgouvernements der besetzten polnischen Gebiete nach demStande von Anfang Januar 19*10. Nov. 1939 - March 26, 19*^-5.FT 2393051 Folder possibly of the DAI containing weekly Lagerstandsmeldungenof Binsatzgebiet Wtlrtteraberg, submitted to Yomi May ity,- March 2*t, 19*13.

Serial Roll Provens, nee Item Filmed 1st Hot eg 20*491 273 Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?) VOMI/1351492 27*4ContinuedDeutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/136YOMI/137Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?) VOMI/13SDeutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/139VOMI/1*40VOMI/lUlYOMI/1*42VOMI/1*43FTFTFTFTFTFT23931172393133239315923933*4*4FT 2393*41*4FT 2393*4*47FT 23935*402393602239376*4Folder possibly of the DAI containing odd pieces of EWZdocumentation, November 2*4, 1939 - March 11, 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing reports about individual resettlercamps, 19*40-19*41. (Partly copies).Folder of the DAI containing lists of resettler camps.Folder probably of the DAI containing a. book; Vomi, EinsatzstabLitzmannstadt: Di ens tanwei sung itber Auf nahme"xn den Lagernund Organisation der Lager (Nur fiilr den Dienstgebrauch; Yer -M^reliTri"(^:irng""TJeF1 rnFic h"t ""fFemdeF TelFsonen "vTrbot enj r"a" typed""Dienstanweisung ;"^^"'fllr~cie Lagerkomri&ndanTen der Mckwandererlager;Ergftnzung zur Die nstanwei sung; Lagerordnung; Hausordnung;Di ens tanwei sung fllr die Einrichtung und Lagerftthrung fllrdie Sammel- und Beobachtungslager der Yolksdeutschen Mittelstelle;and various notices and posters put up in camps, Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing reports by Dr. Fruse, DAI-BtlroBerlin, on a variety of subjects connected with resettlement,its planning, organization, and personnel, including an accountof a meeting in the PlanungshauptPbteilung der Dienststolle Greifelt,a note on the Deutsche Ansiedlangsgesellscnaft, one on theDienststelle Greifelt, its "Generalplsn" and Prof. Meyer, a noteon Urns iedlungs-Trevihandge sell schaf ten, information on the realopting percentages in South Tyrol, etc., etc., October 25» 1939 -November 21, 19*40. Information on the Greifelt office and itscontacts.Folder of the DAI containing interesting letters arid reportson conditions, operations, and personnel in resettlementareas East and West (Alsace) by G6*tz, Albrecht, Kdlnekamp, Krause,Maurer, Waldmann and other members of the DAI, November *4, 1939 -October 19*42. Includes accounts of conditions in ghettos, expulsionsof Poles and Jews, autonomist sentiment in Alsace, etc.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Material der Commission desDAI zur Documentation der Uinsiecilung, " 21. 6. 19*10. Contains mostuseful reports on the <strong>com</strong>mission and its findings (organizationof resettlement, <strong>com</strong>petences of various offices, etc.) January 13-April 21, 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing resettlement reports by tvomembers of the DAI Commission, February U, 19*40 - March 3, 19^41.Folder of the DAI containing letters, reports, etc. on resettlementand the work of the THAI, October 17, 1939 - October 15,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 211*92 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/1*&ContinuedDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)VOMI/1U5VOMI/1*46VOMI/1**9VOMI/150VOMI/151Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/152 FTFTFTFTFTFTFT239380023938252393883239392923939^22393961239U016239^06919*41. Includes interesting references to tension "between Vomi andEWZ,Folder of the DAI inscribed "Erklarungen zur Umsiediung G-aII »*4 Mikulsdorf" and containing handwritten applications for resettlement,two resettler identity "badges, and "Ausmarschbefehl fttrTreck Nr. 35," December 16, 1939 - January 16, 19*40.bolder of the DAI inscribed "Gespannliste Treck MikulsdorfGa II.U... 11 (with names), containing documentation of the Mikulsdorfexodus, with property lists, reports (attitude of Kussian officials)by Qrtslevollioachtigter Koch, etc., January 3 - February11, 19^0.Exercise book of the DAI which was used by OrtsbevollmachtigterXoch for notes concerning Hlkulsdorf exodus, with fragmentsof a diary, December 13, 1939 - January 28, 19*40.Polder of the DAI containing material on an EWZ <strong>com</strong>missioncharged with the examination of cases of hardship, January 21 -March 21, 19*42.Folder of the DAI containing material on the "Kleine KommissionHerold" which "processed""A. Restumsiedler, B. Insassen vonHeilstatten, C, Verdra*ngte Russlnnddeutsche, lf January - FebruaryFolder of the DAI containing reports on the work of FlyingCommissions of the WZ (interesting on conditions in camps, organization,etc.), also a note concerning a press notice, with evidenceof rivalry between EWZ and Vomi. December 2, 1939 - M & v19^0. (NB: evidence of unclear definition of scope and <strong>com</strong>petencesas between Vomi, Dienststelle Oreifelt and EWZ and of rivalrybetween them and DAI manoevring between them occurs in anumber of folders from VOMI/139 onward) .Folder probably of the DAI containing material on the organizationand activities of the Fliegende Kommissionen, January 29»19*40 - June 1?» 19*41.Folder probably of the DAI containing very useful descriptionsof the organization ?nd work of the "WZ, described on a slipof paper at the beginning as "EWZ bis Mitte 19*40. (Offenbar Entwiirfezu der Zusamroenstellung fur den HFSS von Dr. Quiring),"December 2, 1939 - July *4, 19*40.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Durchschleusungsplfine der FliegendenKommissionen der linwandererzentraletelle" and containing

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed Notes 221*92 27** Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/153VOMI/155Deutsches Ausland-InstUut(?)VOMI/156Beutsches Ausland-Iristitut VOMI/157VOMI/15S1*93 275 VQMl/159VOMI/160FSFTFTFTFTdocuments on the planning of <strong>com</strong>mission operations January ll*,19l*l - January 191*2. (cf. VOMI/157).239^21*9 Folder of the DAI containing material on the specialtrain of the EWZ and its trips, October Q, 191*0 - November lU,191*2. Duplicates and one private letter omitted.2391*317 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Standorte der z.Zt. bestehendenwebenstellen und Commissionen der ^inwandererzentralstelle"and containing lists of <strong>com</strong>mission addresses and headsNovember 29, lQl*0 - September 10, 191*3.239l*l*3l*Folder of the DAI containing material on the x-raying ofresettlers by the B$ntgen-3tur.nfbann. Includes chart of x-rayorganization and statistical reports on findings. March 23»191*0 - June 30, 19U3.Folder probably of the DAI containing material on theFlying Commissions, February 26, 191*0 - October 1, 19l*l»Duplicates omitted.239^5^5Folder of the DAI containing documents on Flying Commissionplans (itineraries etc.), Inarch 13, 19^0 ~ August U,19l*l. (cf. VOMI/152).2391*763 Folder of uncertain, provenance containing material onthe racial classification of resettlers and the operations ofthe Rasse- und Siedlungshauptarnt: Anordriungen to EuS-^ignungsprittferand Tagesberichte giving figures of grades awarded atthe EWZ, February 1, 191*0 - January 3, 19!*!.These Tagesberichte are statistics of grades I-IV awardedto men and women of 3 &o e groups: under 15, 15~^5» & n & over 55'»they also give numbers of children alive and dead, and the resultsof final examinations of "Vollfamilien."239l*S92Folder of uncertain provenance containing material onracial classification of resettlers at the grading stations,with correspondence on mistakes made, reclassification thatbecame necessary, conditions in which grading was done, etc.Otherwise material similar to that contained in VOMI/15^.March ll*, igl*0 - October 28, 191*0.2395^2Folder of uncertain provenance containing material on racialclassification - daily and other reports and som-3 correspondence -of SWZ, Der Leiter der RuS-Dienststelle, Commissions III and IV.Material similar to that contained in VOMI 153 and 159. December1, 1940 - October 21,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame notes 23149*4 276Deutscnes Ausland-InstitutVOMI/161VOMI/162VOMI/163VOMI/16UVOMI/167VOMI/168VOMl/169FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2396617239711+14239723S23S73272397*491239751223975572397561Folder of uncertain provenance containing Tagesberichte,Abschlussberichte etc. on racial classification of resettlers,Flying Commission VII, Ru3 Dienststelle. T n ® material. Is . 'similar to that contained in VOMI/153-lbO. November 1**, 19*40 -October 31, 19^1*Folder of uncertain provenance containing statistics ofracial classification returned "by Der Leiter der RuS Dienststelle,EWZ - various <strong>com</strong>missions, December 3* 19*40 ~ June 9»19*42. Mostly Tages- or Lagerberichte as described in VOMI/These folders reflect the work of different <strong>com</strong>missionsor examining panels at different grading stations. •Folder of the DAI containing material concerning exhibitionson the resettlement program, March 30. 19*40 - January 29,191J-3. Duplicates omitted."Folder of the DAI containing reports of German Red Crosspersonnel on work among resettlers (including Germans returningfrom the USA); there is also a report "by SS-Otersturmfflhrer undDHK-Hauptfflhrer Honisch "(Jrosseinsatz Os ten. Generalbericht derSonderbereitschaft Honisch." March 15, 19*40 - September 19*42.Folder of the DAI containing material on the employment ofresettlers, December 20, 1939 - October 1942.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Einsatz des Reichsarbeitsdienstes"and containing reports on activities of the Reichsarbeitsdienstin resettlement programs, including temporary populationmovements in the West. An "Irf ahrungsbericht Hiber denAufbau von UnterMnf ten fiHr volksdeutsche Litauer" <strong>com</strong>plains ofVomi muddle and in<strong>com</strong>petence. 19*40-19^3 •Folder of the DAI inscribed "IISKK" and containing reportson the activities of the NS Motorists' Corps in the resettlementprogram, 19UO-1QU2. Duplicate omitted.Folder of the DAI containing a memorandum concerning thevisit of a Dr. Orpelt of the Hauptarchiv der HSDAP in Munich,desirous of reports on the var work of the DAI. DAI unwillingto oblige excessively and will not even give duplicate material.April 15, 191*3.Folder of uncertain provenance containing a report of a Lektorinwho taught resettlers German and collected folk songs sung

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes1*95 277 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/170VOMI/171by Volga Germans; report on the work of Lektoren teaching Germanin resettler camps around Litzmannstadt; report on the activitiesof the sports division of Kraft durch Freude among resettlers, 19^3a circular letter of the Uationalsozialistischer Reichsbund filr Leirbesftbungen,-Reichsfiihrung,on sport for Volksdeutsche; and a listvom Z.a.F. betreuten Aroerikatransporte," showing ships on which andof books handed out by Reiehspropagandaamt Posen.tember 19^3.countries from which migrants came.April 19*41 - Sep-Oct. 6» 19*42.FT 2397579 Folder of the DAI containing material on the activities ofFT 2397575 Folder of the DAI containing a survey, evidently supplied bythe Auslands-Organisation: "Zusammenfassender Uberblick uber dietransportbe^leitkommando der HSV" issued by Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle,Umsiedlung. 19^0.the 3TS7 among resettlers, including a "Dienstanweisung fur das Bahn-Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?) VOMI/172 FT 23976*40 Exercise book probably from the files of the DAI, kept as Arbeitsbuch, GemeiDde Skrzany/Gostynin, by C. Hintz, apparently astudent from Dresden. Has a record of work done day by day andnotes on a number of resettler families and their households. July31 - September 18, 19^0.Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/173 FT 2397675 Bound typescript from the files of the DAI containing "Generalberichtvom studentischen Osteinsatz 19^0-19*41» zusammengestelltvon Claudine Taksts, wiss. S&chbearb. in der Einsatzleitung Ost d.R.S.F. Posen." A <strong>com</strong>prehensive account of students 1 work in Warthegauand Upper Silesia. Describes recruitment and all the differentkinds of work done by students (Medizinischer Facheinsatz, Lehrereinsatz,Baueinsatz, Studentinnen-Einsatz, Weihnachtseinsatz, Wissenschaftseinsatz,etc.). Gives a good picture of students 1 attitudesand activities. Bound typescript with photographic illustrations.Described as "Entwurf" on the title page.FT 2397950 Folder of the DAI containing individual reports of women studentswho worked among resettlers in the East and a brochure "DieAHST-Gruppe" herausgegeben vom Amt Studentinnen der R.S.F., I. Folge,15. November 19*40, with a section "Weihnachtseinsatz Ost," decribingplans for sending students last in December-January. Reportsof women students who were there fire appended. 19^0 - 19^1.Duplicate omitted.VOMI/175 FT 239S060 Folder of the DAI containing material on the work of studentsamong resettlers and the Wiss ens chaftlitjhe Abteilung des VDA (includ-Con t limed

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes277 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/176VOMI/177VOMI/178VOMI/179VOMI/180VOHI/1S1VOMI/182concerning the activities of the Wissenschaftliche Abteilung desVDA and its head Dolezalek and concerning the work of students("studentischer Einsatz" and "studentische Yolkstumsarbeit").October 11, 1939 - August IS, 19^2. Duplicate omitted.FT 2398128 Folder of the DAI containing a copy of a letter from theRektor of the ?.eichsuniversit&t the DAI giving numbersof resettlers and Volksdeutsche immatriculated at that university.July 20, 19U2.FT . 2392130 Polder of the MI containing mimeographed directives, instructions,etc. of the NSDAP, Reichsleitung, l\FSD-Studentenbundand its Amt Studentinnen and the Reichsstudentenfiihrer concerningstudents' resettlement work, July 131 19^0 - December 6, 19^1.FT 2398156 Folder of the DAI containing students 1in the East, September - October 19^2.reports on their workFT 239&17S Folder probably of the DAI, containing a document emanatingfrom the Schulreferent des Umsiedlereinsatzstabes der HJ, Litzraannstsdt, on Reifeprflfungslehrgange far Umsiedlerschiller and the "Umsiedleroberschulevon Litzinannstadt," January 1, 19^3.anstalt), a copy of Roland-Blatter, a copy of "Von Werk zu Werk,"Monatsschrift der Betriebsgemeinschaft der I.G. FarbenindustrieAktiengesellschaf.t with ^an article on the Buchenlander, and otherprinted arid illustrated material on Volksdeutsche and the Rufachschool. 19^0-19^2. Duplicates omitted.FT 239S292 Folder of the BAI containing miscellaneous material on resettlement,including some correspondence between DAI and Vomi ondocumentation, an Anordnung concerning Ausschluss von Deutschstflmmigenaus der Deutschstammigenaktion bei Hichtbewflhrung, and aletter from HJ Einsatzsta'b Litzmannstadt to DAI on the HJ-Reichsfi!lh.rerschuleFT 2398182 Folder of the DAI containing brochures on the Reichsschulef#r Volksdeutsche, Rufach-Achern (a "Hafional politische Erziehungsfllr Umsiedler in Litzmannstadt. January 8, 19^3 -Hecember 6, 19UU.FT 239S327 Folder probably of the DAI containing circular letters ofVomi, Einsat-zf\'Ihrung Ostpreussen on correct saluting for the SS,pre-military training for young resettlers, the treatment of Lorrainers,the shortage of dancers 5 leave for "Absiedler" from Alsace,Lorraine and Luxembourg, the undesirable dissemination ofhymn books in camps for Volksdeutsche, and other matters, July 5- 10, 19^3« Duplicate omitted.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Uotes 26U95 2?7 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/183Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?) VOMI/lgUDeutsches Auslend-Institut VOMI/185Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?) VOMI/1S6H96 278 VOMI/187VOMI/1S8Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/189VOMI/190FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT23983332398353239S365239S3752398^772398572239S7312398911Folder of the DAI containing two reports on the activitiesof the Deutsches Frauenwerk and the Frauenschaf t among Ttolhynian,Galician, Bessarabian and Dobrudscha resettlers. No date.Folder probably of the DAI inscribed "Ansiedlung von Frontkflmpfern, " containing material on the settlement of soldiers inEastern territories, nota.bly the Warthegau. May 16, 19^1 - February6, 19^2. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing references to and material onthe military service of resettlers, November 20, 19*40 - August 29»19 Ul.Folder probably of the DAI, inscribed "Kriegsgeschichte derEWZ" and containing copies of diverse contributions to the historyof the Einwandererzentraletelle. Interesting material from East,South-East and West (Febenstelle Paris). Date of reports which,however, concern earlier events, June - November 19^2. Duplicatesomitted, cf. VOMI/1S7 (on Serial 278).Folder probably of the DAI, inscribed "Kriegsgeschichte derE¥Z" and containing copies of further contributions to the historyof the Mnwandererzentralstelle, again from many parts. Dated reportsMay - August 19^2. cf. VOMI/186.Folder probably of the DAI (and originally of the EWZ) containinglists of 7omi camps and related correspondence with theEWZ, December 1939 - May 1^3.Folder of the DAI containing circular letters and other materialof Yomi, Einsatgfdhrung Baden, December 2, ItykQ - December11, 19^1.Folder of the DA! inscribed "19^3/19UU (MckMhrung. derRusslanddeutschen) " arid containing circular letters to camp leadersof Vomi, G-au 3?ien, Binsatzffllirung, December 7. 19^3ContinuedVOMI/192FTFT239S93S&399103Folder of the DAI containing correspondence between GermanRed Cross and Yomi c^mps on small money matters, Vomi correspondenceon other small local expenses, circulars and letters of Vomi,Gau Badem, to camps on reimbursements of camp personnel and paymentsto inmates, as well as some circular letters of the DeutscheUmsiedlungs-Treuhand-Gesellschaft. January 2 - December 30t 19^1 •Folder of uncertain provenance containing lists of resettlercamps in Gsu Baden, lists of meals given and clothes and other i~tems distributed,, copy of a <strong>com</strong>munication from the RKVDF, Stabs-

Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame278 Deutsdaes Ausland-Institut VOMI/193Dentsches Ausland-Institut (?)VOMI/19U70MI/195VOMI/19SVOMI/197VOMI/198VOMI/199VOMI/200FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT23991*}323991*49239917523993^023993^823993622399^91*239953Shauptamt, on work by Slovenes, and an odd item, curiously headed"Das Nationalsoelalistlsche Kraftfahrkorps" extolling the virtuesof the 1^4,000 horses brought to Germany by resettlers, Thehorses were to be selected and branded. 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing a circular letter of HeichspropagandaamtBayreuth on Umsiedler-Betreuung, November 11, 19**2.Folder of the DAI containing circulars of the RKFDV, Stabshauptamt,and Vomi, Gaueinsatzftthrung Bayreuth, on Slovene Absiedler,their grading, work, conditions, censorship of mail. October1941 - October 19*42.Folder of the DAI containing circular letters etc. of Vomi,Gaueinsatzfuhrung Bayreuth (or Bayerische Ostmark) , October 15*19*40 - December 31 » 19^2. Most of the <strong>com</strong>munications are addressedto camps and deal with such matters as treatment of "A" cases r.ndpreparation for the arrival of the EW2 screening <strong>com</strong>mission.Folder of the DAI containing a circular letter to camp <strong>com</strong>mandersetc. from the Einsatzfilhrer Vomi, Gau Mark Brandenburg,October 5» 19^0 » on work, leave, collections, welfare, etc.Folder of the DAI containing material from Gau Danzig-Westpreussen,19*41 - 3-9^3.Folder probably of the DAI, containing copies of circularletters of Vomi, Einsatzgau Danzig-Westpreussen, 19 ! 41 - 19^3.Folder probably of the DAI containing reports on the activities of Vomi, Einsatzfilhrung Danzig-Westpreussen, October 1,- January 31, 19^.Folder of uncertain provenance containing reports of Ansiedler-Betreuerinnenof the NS-Frauenschaft in Danzig-Westpreussenand a number of improving tales by Irragard von Maltzehn.27279ContinuedDeutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/201VOMI/202VOMI/203FTFTFT239969023997*^023999^6Folder of the DAI containing photostats of newspaper cuttingsof the NS-3Trauenschaft, Gau Danzig-Westpreussen, an issue of DejrGauring (Mitteilungsblatt des Gauringes Danzig-Westpreussen derHSDAPj" and other material on women's work among resettlers, 19^-0 -19*42.Folder of the DAI containing forms, notices, questionnairesand other printed material of the Deutsche Umsiedlungs-Treuhend-Gesellschaft m.b.H. , Niederlassung Danzig.Folder of the DAI containing a memorandum by Dr. Lutz ondifferences between Gauleiter Forster and the Hflherer SS- und PoinGau Danzig- Wes-tpreus sen concerning German! ze-t ion

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Note?U97 2?9 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/20UDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?) VOMI/205VOMI/20'6YOMI/207Deutsches Ausland-Institut <strong>TO</strong>MI/208" ; VQMI/209:VOHtl/210VO.MI/21123999922U00252FTFTFTFT. 2*100553FT 2^00571FT 2*400580and a <strong>com</strong>ment on this "by Dr. Hermann RfiLdiger. Date May 2, no year.Folder of the DAI containing circular letters and correspondenceof Vomi, Gau-^xnsatzfflhrung Franken, May 2if, 19*40 - October 13,19*41. Includes an acrimonious exchange of Yomi with the Landrat ofTauter bisshof&eim. concerning the high-handed call-up of one of hisemployees "by the Voroi,Folder probably of the DAI, containing material on resettlementin Carinthia (D.UVJ 1 , , Gauleiter, etc.). Much concrete detail.June 17, 19*40 - Ausjust 2U, 19*43.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing copies of monthly reportsto KOW "by the Grau-Dienststelle des Beauftragten des RKFDVen resettlement in Carinthia, 19^0 - 19^3.Folder, pi'obably of the DAI, containing material on resettlementin Carinthia, Interesting for organization, distil out ion of<strong>com</strong>petences, etc. 1939 - 3.9*43 •Folder of the DAI containing material on resettlement policyin Carinthia. and trouble in Oberkrairi. Copies of interesting documentsby G-reifelt nnd others, notably the Hs.uptabtei.lung I, Menschemeinsatz, in VelcLes. February 3 ~ October 21, 19'}2.Folder of the DAI containing press extracts on resettlementin the South (South Tyrolese, Carintbia) and. tv;o maps of Carinthia.January 15 - November 7» 19'+0»Folder of the MI containing a report "Die Arbeit der uberpr1ifur.gskoramxssi.qnf&r die RUck^iedlerln.ger im (Jan. Mecklenburg"by 35-Sturiabannftthrer v. Ko skull, Schwerin, May 20, l ( j^lf and aletter from the Sinsatzffihrer, 3KFDV, Vonii, Einsatzfii>irung Mecklenburg,to the DAI concerning the documentation of the Einsatzsteile,November 17 » 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing material on " desschfidigenden Sinflusses volksfremder Bevtflfcerungsteile im deutcchenSiedlungsraum, " mainly copies of basic documents by Himmler, Frick,Hess, Gfiring, etc., on racial selection and policy, treatment ofmembers of Volksliste 3t removal of Poles, Jews and other undesirables,scope and <strong>com</strong>petences connected with the Haupt-TreuhandstelleOst and the Deutsche Umsiedlungs-Gesellschaft and racial <strong>com</strong>bingout of and settlement in Carinthia. November 1, 1939 - February 10,ContinuedVOMI/212FT '2^00656Folder of the DAI containing very informative material of theVomi, Miinchen-Oberbayern: a collection of the Mitteilungsdienst derYolksdeutschen Mittelstelle & Cl u Mncfc.en-Qberbnyern' der' NSDAP.-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes*498 280 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/213VOMI/21*4VOMI/215VOMI/216VOMI/217VOMI/218VOMI/219VOMI/220VOMI/221FT 2*400990FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2*40106*42*4012872*401*4752*4016*482*4016932H018152*4019782*402158Uinsi editing, October 1*4, 19*40 - August 21, 19*41; and copies of Vomicirculars, Dienstanweisungen, HKFDV, Stabshauptamt letter and Voraidocuments on Slovenes, etc. October 23, 19*41 - January 28, 19*43,Folder of the DAI containing circular letters of the Gaustabsaintsleiterin Niederdonau als linsatzleiter filr die Umsiedlungder "Bessarabien-Deutschen and/or Vomi Umsiedlung, Gaueinsatzliederdonau, Der Ein^atzftthrer, September 11 - November 20, 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vorai, Umsiedlung,Gaueinsatz Mederdonan, Der Mnsatzfflhrer, 19*41; also a copy of anAkten7ermei*k on conditions in Lager Schloss ?6slau, Kreis Baden b.¥ien.Folder of the DAI containing continuation of VOMI/ 21*4, VomiMederdonau circulars 19*4?.Folder of the DAI containing continuation of VOMI/21*4-215,Vomi Fiederdonau circulars 19*43.Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vomi, Umsiedlung-Verwaltung, Gaueinsatz Niederdonau to camp administrators, 19*42.Folder of the DAI containing notices, posters, and blankforms (including a specimen Lagerpass) of Vorai, GaueinsatzftthrungNiederdonau. Ho date.Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vomi, EinsatzfflhrungOberdonau u. Linz, reports on camps in the Gau, and an illustratedbooklet Qberdonau, die Heimat des Fdhrers. Den im GauOberdon^u weiiendennDe^itgcheiri?^^gewidmet vom Hefchspropags_ndaa.m~" '^t_jOb"•"erd.p"~nau . Jaiiner 19*41. Duplicate omitted. 19*40 -Folder of the DAI containing circular letters of Vomi, Gau-Oberdonau, 19*i2.Sook of unknown provenance: Entwicklung, Organisation, Arbeitsi eitung der Dienststelle des Gauleiters und OFerprasidentenid¥'Beau?tragter des Reich sfilhrers S_S, Richskommissars filr diedeitgchenJan. 19^3- Vertraulich, nur zur persdnlichen Information des Em~pfa'ngers"/ Compiled by SS-Obersturmbannf-flhrer Stabsfilhrer Dr. FritzArlt, SS-Obersturmbannfilhrer Hens Butschek and others. Informativeand illustrated. Deals with all aspects of resettlement:Contents include: Organisation der Dienststelle, Personal derDienststelle, Statistik und Ksrtographie; Abteilung Finsnzen undYerwaltung, Abteilung Bodenamt, Abteilung Sinsat zfilhrung Oberschlesien,Abteilung Binsatzverwaltung, Abteilung Menscheneinsatz

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes1*99 281 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/222 FT 2U02232VOMI/223VOMI/22UVOMI/225FTFTFT2^023962lf02l&22U02USUDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?) VOMI/226VOMI/22?VOMI/228FTFTFT2^027292i|028HO2402SU6und Volkstumsfragen, Abteilung Wirtschaft, Abteilung Landwirtschaft,Abteilung Recht, Abteilung Ansiedlung, Abteilung Flaming,Der ?ermdgensausgleich der Urasiedler,Folder of the DAI containing very interesting and factualfiles of SS-Obersturmbannf&hrer Butschek, der Beauftragte des RFSSals Reichskommissar fiir die Festigung deutschen Volks turns, SS-Ansiedlungssta'b"Sild", with material on policy and changes in policy,plans, operations, conflict with the Landratsamt, etc. Folderbears pencil inscription "Ansiedlung: Oberschlesien 19^1." Someduplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "Ansiedlung: Oberschlesien19^2, " containing continuation of VOMI/222: material onresettlement in Eastern Upper Silesia from the files of ObersturmbannftorerButschek, 1942."Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription M Ansiedlung: Oberschlesien19*43»" containing more material on resettlement in UpperSilesia, including <strong>com</strong>plaints from Volksdeutsche and resettlersabout failure to resettle them.Folder of the MI with pencil inscription "Teschen Kreisbericht19^1" and containing carbon copy of a long report of the BodenamtSchlesien, on Kreis No. 99» Teschen.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing "Kreisbericht desBodenamtes Schlesieri" on Kreis No. 9^> Iferbnik. No date.Folder, probably of the BA.I, with pencil inscription "Ansiedlung:O'berschlesien; Ansiedlungsplan Kreis Bielitz, " containing"Tjmsiedlungsplan von einera Teil der G-emeinde Ghocznia, KreisBielitz ngrdl i cher Tell . . . " .Folder, probably of the DAI, with pencil inscription "Ansiedlurg:Oberschlesien; Verteilung der buchenlanddeutschen Siedlungenauf Oberschlesien," and containing copy of a report concerningAnsiedlungsgaue Schlesien and Wartheland. January 31 »VOMI/229FT2U02862Folder, probably of the DAI, with pencil inscription "Ansiedlung:Oberschlesien; 1\T.S. Frauenschaft - Ansiedlerbetreuung"and containing extracts from reports of Ansiedlerbetreuerinnenmade for the DAI and carbon copies of reports of Pgn. Gertrud K8-nig, Kreisansiedlerbetreuerin with Eingsngsstempel Der Beauftragtedes RFSS als Reichskommlssar Mr die Festigung deutschen Volksturas,Abteilung An-siedlung.

Serial Roll Provenance ItemDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)VOMI/23Q1st frameNotes \ 31Folder, probably of the DAI, inscribed "Stabshauptamt, Allgemeines,Ansiedlungsstab," and containing copies of documents,letters, circulars etc. by G-reifelt, Creutz and others, addressedto the Oberprasiderr^ -~er Provinz Oberschlesien, Beauftragter desReichskommissars fill' die Festigung deutschen Volkstums, Kattowitz,Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut (?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/231VOMI/232VOMI/233VOMI/23**VOMI/235VOMI/236I-T 2*402932FT 2*402976FTFTFTFT2U031S?2H03192Folder of the DAI cor;t'-ining a loose collection of mostlymimeographed material emanating from RjTCD'V, Stabshauptamt; EWZLitsmarmstadt; Hauptamt Volfcsdeutsche Mittelstelle - Amt ?I -Reirjh swanderungsstelle ; Reichsstatthal ter, Reichspropa.gandaamtWcrtheland, Zweigstelle Litzmannstadt; BKi'DV, Volksdeutsche Mittels'celle>G-eueinsatz Niederdonau? Heichsgesundheitsftlhrer, Amt Um~siedler-G-esunclheitsdienst t Zentralstelle filr Entwesung der Umsiedlerlager.19Ul.Folder, probably of the DAI, inscribed "99 » Teschen, Betrieb&-"beschreibungen" and containing carbon copies of <strong>com</strong>prehensive descriptionsof estates in Kreis Teschen. 'Mo date, cf, VOMI/225.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing "Anlage zum KreisberichtTarnowitz, Betriebsbeschrei oangen, " dealing with 12 estatesin the Kreis. No date. cf. VOMI/^U.Folder probably of the DAI, containing a ribbon copy ofKreisbericht des Bodenamtes Schlesien, Kreis No. 92i Kreis ...Tarnowitz. lo date. cf. VOMI/233.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing maps of Kreis Tarnowitz,Oberschlesien.Folder of the DAI containing typed circular letters of VolksdeutscheMittelstelle, Umsiedlung, Einsatzfiihrung Ostpreussen,500 2S2VOMI/23?VOMI/23SVOMI/239FTFTFT2*1033852*40351H21403530Folder of the DAI containing typed circular letters (mostlycarbon copies) of Volksdeutsche Kittelstelle, Einsatzfuhrung Ostpreussen,19*12 - 19*13.Folder of the DAI containing copies of RKFDT and Ansiedlungsstabdocuments on resettlement in Southern East Prussia, 19^0.Duplicates omitted.Folder of the MI containing Dienstanweisungen, Befehle, an

ProvenanceItemFilmed1stframeNotes 32500 2S2 Deutsches Ausland-Institut501 283VOMI/21HVOMI/ 2^2VOMI/ 2)43VOMI/2HUVOMI/ 2^5VOMI/ 246VOKI/2^7VOMI/2U8VOMI/ 2U9VOMI/ 250VOMI/ 251VOMI/ 252VOMI/ 253TtH/*VOMI/ 255VCMI/256FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT21*037982^039102^039212HO>413S2^01*3052^3172UOU3572UoU39f?2i»i>^240^982UOi*8772^01,9752Uolf9S72)40^99721*0500921*05133Folder of the DAI containing financial Dienstanweisungenof Vomi, Einsat zftihrung Poinmern, 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing financial Dienstanweisungen ofVomi, Eiaeatzfahrung Pommern, 19H3.Folder of the I&I containing circular letters of Vomi, Einsatzfiihrung Pommern, l^Ul.Folder of the DAI containing circular letters of Vomi, Eiasatzfiihrung Pommern, 1942.Folder of the DAI containing circular letters of ?omi, S3.n-B&tzftthruog Pomrnern, 19-6.Folder of the DAI containing Anordnungen of Voroi, EinsatzftthruugPoinmern, 19^1 - 19*42. (KB: folder starts with an Anordnungforbidding the further use of E3V stationery for Vomi correspondence.)Folder of the DAI containing Befehle of Vomi, EinsatzftihrungPommern, Der Einsat zfilhrer, 19Ul~ij-3-Folder of the DAI containing two reports on reset tiers fromLithuania in the camp at Runuiiel sburg , Pornerania and camp Bfttow,Bez. Kdslin, 19*42.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material of Vomi,Gaueinsatzf-ftlirung Sachsen, 1939~^1»Folder of the 'DAI containing a file of Vomi, Gan.elnsatzftihrungSrchsen, of cur r i cul a v i t a e of Bosseratoi&n resettlers, mostlyhandwritten, 19*42..Folder of the MI containing circular letters etc. of Vomi,"Sinsatzftihrune Sachsen of N3DAP, Gauleitung Sachsen, 1939 ~ 19^3 •(Also contains a collection of photographs of Wolhynian resettlers).Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vomi, EinsatzverwaltungSachsen, 19^2 - 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vomi, G-aueinsatzfdhrungSachsen, 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing documents "Sonderaktion S 1,""Sonderakbion S 2," and "Sonderaktion S 3" of RKFDV, Haup taintVolksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Sinsatzfiihrer Sechsen, mainly concerningSlovene Absiedler, Octoter 19^42.Folder of the DAI containing Anordnungen of Vomi Einsat zfflhrungSachsen, 19*11 - 19*43.Folder cf the DAI containing Bienotanweicungen of Vomi, SinaatzverwaltungSachsen, 19UO -

Serial Boll Provenance ItemFilmed1st frameNotes 33501 233 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/257Deutsches Ausland-Institut (?)VOMI/258Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/259VOMI/ 261VOr'I/262VOMI/263VOMI/26UFTFTFTFTFTFTFT21*053862*105^78U05926Folder of the DAI containing "blank forms and lists of BessaraMan.camps in Gau Sachsen, 19UO - 19*11.folder, probably of the DAI, containing material of Vomi,Sinsataf^ihrung Salzburg, on camps in the Gau. 19^0 - 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing monthly T&tigkeits- und Stimmungsberiohteder Einsatzftinning Salzburg, 19>I2 - 19*43, also Weisungs'blatterof the Binsatzftlhrer in the Gau, 19^0 - 19^-1. WeisungsblattITo. 1 of October 16, 19^0, gives baj^ic information onnational and regional Vomi or^aii i nation and practice.Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisiingen and EundschreibenofVorai, Einsatzverwaltung Schwab en, 19UO - 19?2.Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vorni, EinsatzfiihrungSchwaben, 19^2, and a. pamphlet distributed in the camps of the3-au: Der Uatinalsozialismusund Du. (Die DAP Schulung. HerausderFSDAP, Hauptschulungsamtgegebender FSDAP und Schulnngsamt der DAF) , January 19Ul.Folder of the DAI containing circulars of Vomi, EinsatzfttyrungSchwaben, 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing material on entertainment anduplift in camps under ?omi, Einsatzfiihrung Schwaben; also odd reportsand letter illustrative of conditions and atmosphere; and,other miscellaneous rr.aterial frcir. Ycmi and German Red Cress sources,VOMI/ 2^5VOMI/ 266FTFT2H06039Folder of the D.AI containing indoctrination material ofWSDAP Gau Schwaben, Gauschulungsamt and circular letters on theideological education of resettlers in the Gau, 19^0 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing indoctrinations! and culturalmaterial of the ISDAP, Gaufrauenschaf tsleitung Schwaben, and carboncopies of letters by the leader of camp Hindelang, Allgflu, tothe Jfiinsatzfilihrer of Gau Schvaben - interesting because it providesconcrete illustration of Vomi operation at camp level.502 VOMI/267VOMI/268FT2U06125FT 2^0633*4Folder of the DAI containing circulars of USDAP, GfmleitungSchwaben/Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Einsatzfuhrung Schwaben, DerGauaratsbeauf tragte, and a few carbon copies of letters written inresponse to them by the leader of camp Hindelang, Allgfiu, 19^ VOMI/26S.Folder of the LAI containing more circulars of JfSDAP, GauleitungSchwaben/ VolJfsdeutsche Mittelstelle, linsatzfslhrung

Provena.nce Item Filmed 1st frame Notes502 Deutsches Ausland- Institute?) VOMI/269Deutsches Ausland-Institut ?OMI/2?0?0?< f l/271Deutsches Ausland-Institute?) VQMI/272? VOMI/273VOMI/2714Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/275VOMI/276FTFTFT 2*4068552U06952FTFT 2*106982Schwab en. and a few carbon copies of letters written in responseto them by the leader of camp Hindelang, Allgftu, 19^1. cf. 70MI/267.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing history, specificationsand diagram of the BWZ-Sonderzug and photographs of its irvterior,some staff, waiting resettlers, and naturalization scenes.Also some carbon copies of documents on movements of the train andscreening planned and carried out in it; 19^1, Also copies of someinteresting EWZ correspondence. -(KB: It emerges from one letterfrom Untersturmfilhrer Gradmann to Obersturmbannfffiirer von Mai sen,'February 28, 19U?t that there was another case of use of wrong stationeryfor reasons of economy, which led to "7omi numbers being insertedin the rubric for BWZ numbers, cf. VQKI/2H6) . Duplicatesomitted.Folder of the DAI containing Dienstsnweisungen of Vomi GauSteiermark, 19^0 - 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanwelsungen of Einsat27erwaltung,Vomi, Gau Steiermark, 19^42. These mainly concern minoradministrative matters.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing copies of reports onwomen's social ^ork among Bessarabians and other resettlers in Styria,19142.Document of uncertain provenance, originally from the filesof Der Beauftragte des Reichskommissars fiir die Festigung deutschenTfolksfrarns, Dienststelle Marburg; a mimeographed book "Erlauterung en rum Besiedlungsplan des Siedliangsgebietes A in der Unter-Steiermark" (Der Stabsftorer, Laforce, SS-Sturmbannfuhrer, Reichenburg/Save)May 10, 19U2.Folder of uncertain provenance containing Terordnungs- undAnotsblatt^ de_ _ Ziyilergaltung in der Uatersteierma,rkHoT"2lT "bT"Au^usF"2b, with the "ITerordnung ubei r "die""l^ezeTch--nung der Gemeinden, Kataetralgemeinden und Ortschaften in der Untersteierm&rk"of Jane *4-, 19^3 •Folder of the DAI containing a map "Entwurf zum General sledlurigsplander Grenzsiedlungasone der Untersteiermark, " prepa,red bySS-Ansiedlungsstab Sttdioark, Planungsabteilung (Dolezalek). Itshows "Alte Heimat der Schwar?meer-Deutschen" and "Von der altenzur neuen Heimat (Gottschee) ."Itfo date.Folder of the DAI containing a Karteianwei sung, blank formsand leaflet of SS-Ansiedlungsstab Sfldmark.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes502 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/277 FT 21*07023Deut sches Ausland-Institut? VOMI/278VOMI/279VOMI/280VOMI/2S1VOMI/282VOMI/2S3VOMI/285VOMI/286VOMI/2g7FT 2*107063FTFTFTFTFTFT2U070962)407123FT 2*407237FT2U07257Folder of the DAI containing copy of "Anlage zum Generalsiedlungsplander Grenzsiedlungszone Untersteiermark" "by SS-AnsiedlungsstabSftdmark, Planung sabteilung, January 11, 19*42. Daplicateomitted.(KB: ^his folder and VQMI/279-296 contain a ribbon copy on pinkpaper and a carbon copy each. In most cases it is the latter thatis filmed for better visibility),Folder of uncertain provenance containing "th>ersicht derKreise und Gemeinden nach der Keiieinteilung vom September 19*4-1 sov/iedem Bevfllkerungsstancl von 1931 und 19^1." No indication ofdate or origin. Duplicate omitted.Folder of the DAI with copy of "Zusammenfassender Berichtder Koznmission die mit dar Bestandsaufnahme in den Gebieten derUatersteiermark und Siidkfirnten beauftragt war" by EKITDV, BauptabteilungPlanung und Boden, (with maps). September 15» 19^1.(See note at end of VOMI/276).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report with maps onKreis Cilli. Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and VOMI/279).Polder of the DAI containing copy of report, with maps, onBezirk Gonobitz. Report was prepared by EKFDY, HA Planung undBoden, Abteilur»g A, Best and saufnahme und Raumxintersuchung, September23, 19U1. Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277,279,280).Folder of the DAI containing copy of a report, with maps,on Bezirk Krainburg. Duplicate omitted, (cf. VQMI/277 and 279-2gl).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with maps, onLandkreis Lae.k (Bischoflack), 19^1. Duplicate omitted, (cf.VOMI/277 and 279-282).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with maps, onBezirk Littai. Duplicate omitted, (cf. YOMI/277 and 279-283).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, byRKFDV, HA Planung und Boden, Abteilung A, Bestsndsaufnahme undEaumuntersuchung, on Bezirk Luttenberg, September 29» 19^1• ^u~plicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-22H).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, byKKFD7, HA Planung und Boden, Abteilung A, Bestandsaufnahme undRaumuntersuchung, on Bezirk Mahrenberg, September 23» 19^1. ^)u -plicate omitted, (cf. VOFI/277 and 279-235).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, on

Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes502 28*4 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/2S8VOMI/289VOMI/290VOMI/291YOMI/292VOMI/293503 285 VOMI/291*VOMI/295VOMI/296VOMI/297VOMI/298VOMI/299FT 2U0727 1 *FT 2*407300FT 2U07323FT 2*407352FT 2407373FT 2*40739^FTFTFTFTFT2H07H212U07U632^07*4832U07606Bezirk Marburg, linkes Drau-Ufer. Duplicate omitted. (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-286).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, "byKKFDV, HA Flaming und Boden, Abteilung A, Bestandsaufnahme undRaumuntersuchung, on Besirk Marburg, rechtea Drau-Ufer, September29, 19U1. Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-287).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, onBezirk Oberburg. Duplicate omitted. (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-288).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, onBezirk Pettau, 19*41. Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-289).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, onBezirk Radroannsdorf. Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and 290).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, onBezirk St. Marein am Srlachstein. Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-291).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, byRKFDV, HA Flaming und Boden, Abteilung A, Bestandsaufnahme undRaumuntersuchung, on L?ndkreis Stein, September 23, 19^1 • Bu.-plicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-292).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with photograph,on Bezirk Tttffer. Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and279-293).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, byRKFDV, HA Flaming und Boden, Abteilung A, Bestandsaufnahme undRauirruntersuchung, on Bezirk Unterdrauburg, September 23» 19^1*Duplicate omitted, (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-29*4).Folder of the DAI containing copy of report, with map, onBezirk Windisch-Graz (Gerichtsbezirk Schdnstein). Duplicateomitted. (cf. VOMI/277 and 279-296).Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material of Vomi,G-au Steiermark, including correspondence, reports and statisticsabout Styrian camps and two maps. 19^0 - 19^1•Folder of the DAI containing a map of the "Katastral- undOrtsgemeinden im Siedlungsbereich A, Untersteiermark,° one of"Urnsiedlungssachen im Siedlungsbereich A, Untersteiermark" and oneof "Schulddrfer im Siedlungsbereich A."Folder of the DAI containing monthly reports of VOMI campsin Styria, 19!*!.

Serial Boll ProvenanceFilmed1st .frameNotes -57503 285 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutFT 2*407726Folder of the DAI containing - mostly mimeographed - reports"by Der Beauftragte des Reichskommissars fur die Festigung DeutschenVolkstums, Dienststelle Marburg, on meetings of the AnsiedlungsstabFT 2407883relating to resettlement in Styria. March 1942 - November 1943.Folder of the DAI containing copies of miscellaneous correspondencerelating to resettlement in Styria (EKFD7, Marburg; Planungsabteilung,Fosen). 1942 - 19*43.FT 2407898 Folder of the DAI containing material of Einsatzfflhrung Slideten!andon camps in the G-au (with "Hichtlinien fur die Lagerfilhrerder Beobachtungslater der Volksdeutschen Mittelstelle Gau Sudetenland")and employment trouble vith obstreperous inmates. 1940 -Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/303 FT 2407955Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/30UVOMI/305VOMI/306FT 24080891941.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing copies of correspondencebetween Gauleiter und Reichsstatthalter Henlein and Obergruppenflihrerund G-eneralleutnant der Polizei G-reifelt and their relatedoffices (Sudetengau and RKTDY, Stabsh^uptamt) on resettlementin the Sudetengau. Sections are called "Abschriften: aus A-3001,3S-Obergruppenfuhrer G-reifelt," "Abschriften aus A 3001, Amt I, Umeiedluneund Volkstum," "A 3001-III-Wirtschejft," "Abschriften ausA 3001, Ordner IV, Landwirtschaft," "Abschriften aus Amt IV, StabshauptamtBerlin," "St.III~12130. Vor^. Ansiedlung surletendeutscherBauern im Protektorat," "Abschriften aus dera ^or^ang: St. III. 1277Stidtiroler Umsiedler," and "St. Ill 1250, Uinsiedler Josef Zimmer-'mann (Vollstftndiger Vorgang ftlr die "Bptreuun^; eines Umsiedlers.Musterbeispiel ftlr die Arbeit an der Ein?elperson) ." Duplicatesomitted. 1941 - 1943.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing copies of odd monthlyreports of Der Gauleiter und Reichsstatthalter als Beauftragter desRFSS, Reichskommisssr filr die Festigung Deutschen Volksturos, AnsiedlungsstabSudetenland, 19^2 - 19^3.FT 2408120 Folder of the DAI containing carbon copies of correspondence,reports, etc. on resettlement in the Sudetengau, 1942 - 1943.FT 2408157 Folder of uncertain provenance inscribed "Bericht tlber dieDurchschleusung von 91 Slowakeideutschen iin Lager Wolfsberg/G-auNiederd. durch die Sinwandererzentralstelle." This is an interestingreport, dealing i.a. with <strong>com</strong>position and the specific aimspursued with the resettlement of this group, their frustration,details on health, "race," and resistance to naturalization. Sep~tember 7, 194?.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes503 285 Deutsches Ausland-Instltut VOMI/307 FT 2UOS173Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/308 FT 2*40818750U 286Continued-Deutsches Auslsnd-Institut VOMI/309VOMI/310VOMI/311VOMI/312voMi/313FT 2UOS191FT 214082*45FT 2*408605FT 2*408623FT 2*408685VOMI/31U FT 2*408729Folder of the DAI containing material on resettlement inthe Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia: an Aktenvermerk of AbteilungAnsiedlung, Bielitz "Besichtigung der Siedlungsmdglichkeiten fttrbuchenlanddeutsche Bauern im Protektorat," February 11, 19*42; aVermerk (B.d.S.-Vo,. Paris) on "Ansatz von Westumsiedlern im ProtektoratBfihmen-Mahren," March 23, 19^3; a circular (streng vertraulich)"by the Heichstauernfiiiirer on "Ansetzung reichsdeutscherSiedlungsbewerber in Siedlungsverfa.hren des Protektorats Btthmenund Mahren" (as a leavening or stiffening of other settlers), August17. 19*42; and a copy of an article "Die Forderung nach einemKronland: Deutschbflhmen, M February lU, 1918.Folder, probably of the MI, containing a list "Umsiedlungslagerim Sinsatzgebiet Thtiringen," and carbon copy of a document"Rttckwandererlager der Volksdeutschen Mittelstelle im stidlichenTeil Thilringens; Plan fftr die IPliegende Kommission IV..." Kodate.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Unisiedler-Betreuung -lurchD.A.I.," pa.rtly <strong>com</strong>posed of material on cultural/ideological activitiesof the DAI among resettlers, but containing also materialon sippenkundliche Srfassung, lists of camps, etc. 19*40 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing a collection of circulars andsome related correspondence of Vomi, Einsatzvervraltung Wttrttemberg,IQUo - 19U3.Folder of the DAI containing Rundschreiben of Amt fur Volkstumsfrsgender ^TSDAP, Stxi.ttgart, copies of morthl'* reports by theSinsatzfilhrer of Ifdrttemberg to HKFDV, HA Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle,and of a DAI report on cemps in Schwabisch-Gmund and Stetten nr.Waiblingen; also a list "Aufstellung iiber die Sftd-?uchenland-Umsiedlerlagerim Grsu Mrttemberg. " 19^41 - 19UU.Folder of the DAI containing copies of material on camps forSlovenes, possibly in Mirttemberg. ¥o date.Folder of the DAI containing copies of material of BodenamtPosen on settlement in Kreise of Oau Wartheland. 19*40 - IQ^l.With map.Folder of the DAI containing material on Ansiedler-Betreuerinnenof the US-Frauenschaft in the Warthegau (copies of reports,letters, etc); an Anordnung des Gauleiters und ReichsstatthaltersParteigenossen Greiser dber die Volksbildungsarbeit im ReichsgauWartheland and two newspaper clipping's "Aus unserem Tfertheland;

Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 3950*J> 286 Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/315votri/317FTFT2*1090112U0919UWechsel im Gauv oiks turn sam t° and ! 'Nicht zu frlih nach Rttckgeftthrtenfragen" (19^5). 19*40- 19*15.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing reports, photographs,etc., on the work of the NS-Frauenschaft/Deutsches Frauenwerk amongresettlers in the Warthegau. 19^9 - 19*T5»Folder, probably of the DAI, containing more material on thework of the US-Fra.uensch.aft/Deutsches Frauenwerk among resettlersin the Warthegau. 19*40 - 1QU.P.Folder, probably of the MI, containing material of SS-Ansiedlungsstab,Planungsabteilung (Litzmannstadt and Posen), concerningdiverse matters, such as badges, place names, review ofVOMI/318VOMI/319FTFT2U092252*10937**Deutsches Ausland-Institut 70MI/320VOKI/321FTFT2*409*4672*409557Continued VOMI/322 FT 2*109573Folder, probably of the DAI, containing material of SS-Ansiedlungssta,b,Planungsabteilung, relating to the ¥arthegau, 19*^1.(Carbon copies, ribbon copies, and mimeographs.) It is interestingmaterial and includes memoranda by SS-Untersturiaftihrer Dolezelekon all manner of subjects, such as r 'H6fe von volkspolni-schenUSA-ARgeh5rigen» (July S, 19Ul) ; "Der gewerbllche Aufbau im Osten(Litzmannstadt, usw.) and die Kilcksiedlung aus den USA" (February10, 19*41); "Pol enf rage im Warthegau 1 ' (February 2S, 19*11); and"Festigung gar-be it n (May 6, 19*^1* on the conflict of <strong>com</strong>petencesbetv/een the _.HLFiJV, his subordinate offices, and other agencies inthe vork of '"Festigung deutschen Volkstums 0 ) . cf. VOMI/383.Folder, prolably of the DAI, containing more material of theSS-AnsiedlunfCBsta,b, Plsnun^sabteilung, and of the SiedlungswissenschaftlichesReferat. 19*12 - 19*0.Folcler of the DAI with pencil inscription "Ansiedlung Warthegau,planung. Grundbefehle, Ortsstatistiken, Undatierte Ein^elraaterialien"and containing ribbon copies of materiel of 3S-Ansiedlungsstab(or, namely Posen and Litzmannstadt),Pl?nungsabteiliing, 19UO - 19*12.Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "Warthegau. Ivakuierungvon Juden u. Polen. Erst-Aktion 15.11.39 - 2g.2.**0 (fittrBalten-Ansiedlung) fl and containing copies of documents emanatingfrom the Eeichsstatthalter und Gauleiter des Reichsgaues "Wartheland"and Der Hfihere SS- und Polizeiftihrer Posen, relating to theremoval of Jews and Poles to the Government General, November 11- 2U, 1939». onl 3 r -Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "¥arthegau,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes286 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/323VOMI/32UVOMI/325VOMI/326YOMI/327FT 2^09603FT 2U09626FT 21409651FT 240967SErfahrungsbericht uber die Umsiedlung von Polen und Juden (Ansetzungder Balten). 19^0" e.nd containing a copy of the report ofthe Hdhere S3- nnd Polizeifilhrer "beim Reichsstatthalter in Posenim ¥ehrkreisXX7. on evacuation of Poles and Jews from the Warthegau.An interesting report, with appendices, e.g. "Zusammenstellungder deutschfeindlichsten polnischen Organisationen" membershipin which precluded recognition as Volksdeutscher. January26, 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing a copy of "Abschlussberichtil"ber die Aussiedlungen im Rahmen der Ansetzung der Wolhynien-,G-alizien- und Chclmercleutschen (2. ITahplan) im Reichsgau Wartheland,19^0," by the Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des 3D, UmwanderereentraletellePosen, Dienststelle Litzmannstadt.Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "Warthegau, UWZ,Richtlinien Evakuierungsaktion fflr Ga.Wo.Ha-Ansiedlung. 19^0(2. Nah-Plsn) w and containing copies of the directive and otherdocuments emanating from the Hdherer SS- und Polizeiftlhrer beimReichsstatthalter in Posen im Wehrkreis XXI and the Inspekteurder Sicherheitspolizei und des 3D, Umwandererzentralstelle, onthe evacuation of Poles and Jews. January - July 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht tLber dieAnssiedlungen im Rahmen der Arisetsning der Bessarabiendeutschen(3. Nahplan) vom 21.1.19^41 - 20.1.19^2 iir. Reichsgau Wartheland."The report is by Umwandererzentralstelle Posen, DienststelleLitzmannstadt.Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "Warthegau. U¥Z.Probe erf as sung der Polen im Kreise Wollstein. 19-^1" and containingcopies of material on the "Probeerfassung" which involvedUWZ, Landrat, RuS-Hauptamt Aussenstelle Litzmannstadt and theLandesarbe it saint and divided Poles into three categories:a) those racially suitable for Wiedereindeutschung; b) asocialelements, incurables, politisch Belastete and Poles with an"admixture of extra-European blood; c) all other Poles. August19^1 ~ March 19*42. (cf. YOMI/330) .Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "Warthegsu. UWZ.Z-Hofaktion 19^2 (Zusammenlegung von Klein- und Kleinstbetriebenzur Freimachung von Landarbeitern fttr die 'Reichsland' in Hordfrankreich)"and containing copies of UtfZ material on the displacementof Poles for the creation of a. pool of agricultural

Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesContinued286 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/328 FT 2U0972UVOMI/329 FT 2U09773VOMI/330 FT 2U097S2voMi/331VOMI/332VOMI/333FTFTFT2U0981C2U09S652^099122U0993SFolder of the DAI containing: Kleiner Umsiedlungsspiegel(Herausgeber: Der Heichskommissar fTdT FesTTgu~ng~ deutschen tolkstums,Stabshauptamt, Uur ftlr den Dienstgebrauch), July 19^2, Fe"bruary19^3t July 19^3» R nd January 19^. (Resettlement statistics^Also Per Heichsfa.ii Wartheland in der Brieftasche (Herausgeber; Beauftragterdes Reichskomirissars fi!ir die Festigung deutschen Yolksturns.Hur f'dr den Dienstgebrauch) May, August, October 19^2, andJuly 19*43. (Warthegau statistics).Folder of the BAI, v/ith pencil inscription "Ansiedlung Warthegau.Hofzuweisungsliste" and containing lists of the HflhererSS~ und Poliseiflihrer, Ansiedlnngsstab giving names and provenanceof resettlers, the numbers;: and sizes of fariis allocated, the sizeof the family and the size of farm previously held. Vertraulich.Ho date,Folder of the DAI containing "Vorlaufiger Abschlussberichttlber die Probeerfassung der polnischen Bevfllkerung im Warthegau imgesamten Kreise Wollstein und in je einem Anitsbesirk des KreisesSchroda (Amtsbezirk Schroda-Land) und in Litzniannstadt-Land (AmtsbezirkKdnigsbach)" by the Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD»Umwanderersentrelstelle Posen, Dienststelle Litzmcnnstadt. V/ithmap, graphic illustration and other annexes. ITo date. (cf. 70MI/326).Folder, cf the DAI containing "Bericht tber die Arbeit derUmwaridererzentralstelle, Zweigstelle Zamosc, von Beginn der Aktionin Zamosc, vom 27,11. bis 31.12.^2," by U¥S Posen, DienststelleLitamannstadt, December 31» 19^2; and "Abschlussbericht tlber dieArbeit der Umwandererzentralstelle ira Eahmen des erweiterten 3»Kahplenes (Ansetsung der Reste der Umsiedlergruppen, Besserstellungder Tolksdeutschea und Landzulagen) im Reichsgau Warthelandfur das Jahr-19J42" by UWZ Posen, Dienststelle Litzmannstadt, December31, 19U2.Folder of the DAI containing monthly reports of UWZ Posen,Dienststelle Litzmennstadt, March/May 19UP - July 19^3. In<strong>com</strong>plete,but very informative.Folder of the DAI containing material of SWZ and uncertainorigin on settlement work, including a confidential "Sericht fiberBesprechungen beim Ansiedlungsstab Posen." 19^0 - 19^»Folder of the DAI containing memoranda, letters* etc,, ofthe EsichsnShrstand, Landesbauernschaft Warthelaad, Verwaltungsamt,Posen, January 19^0 - May 19^1».. (FBt ,. Landwirtschaftsrat Benz of

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes50U 22>6 Deutsches Ausland-Institut505 287Continuedthe above office was Beauftragter des Reichsn&hrstandes bei demFuhruiigsstab der Sinwandererzentralstell.e.)VOMI/335 FT 2H09970 Folder of the DAI with pencil inscription "Ansiedlung ¥arthegau.Anordnungen, Rundschreiben an die Arbeitsstftbe" and containingcirculars of the Reichsstatthalter, Beauftragter desReichskommissars f\!r die Festigung deutschen Volksturast 19^-2 -19U3.VOMI/336 FT 2410010 Folder of the DAI containing material on the AnsiedlungsstaVbeand KreisarbeitsstaVbe in the Warthegau. 1940 - 1941.VOMI/337VOMI/338FTFT24100452^10161Folder of the DAI inscribed "Ansiedlung im Warthegau, Allgemeines"and containing carbon and ribbon copies of Ansiedlungsstabletters, reports, and memoranda on settlement work and planning.19*40 - 19te.Folder of the DAI containing ribbon and carbon copy of amemorandum by (SS-UntersturmftS.hrer Dolezalek of) the SS-Ansied~lungsstab, Planungsabteilung on "Polenfrage im Warthegau." Pointsout dangers of ethnic policy pursued and suggests change. February28, 19U1.VOHI/339 FT 2U101J2 Folder of the DAI containing copies of directives and other<strong>com</strong>munications on financial matters from the EICPDY (G-reifelt),SS-Ansiedlungsstab Litzmannstadt and Der Reichsstatthalter (Cberfinanzprfisident),Fosen. 19^1.VOMI/3UO FT 2^101^7 Folder of the DAI containing carbon copies of extracts fromthe reports of Ansiedlerbetreuerinnen with subject headings, inrough alphabetical order. 1942 - 19^3•VCMI/3^1 FT 2U10U65 Folder of the DAI containing copies of reports by SS-Arbeitsst&beto the SS-Ansiedlungsstab in Litzmannstpdt and the Reichsstatthalterim Warthegau, Beauftragter des EEFDV, 19^0 - 19^2.70MI/3U2 FT 2^105014 Bound mimeographed and illustrated report of uncertain provenance"Die Ansiedlungstfltigkeit im Kreis Leslau/Weichsel im Jahre19^1. Arbeitsbericht des Bea,uftragten des Reichskommissars f.d.P.d.V. Arbeitsstab fur den Kreis Leslau. Srstattet von Dr. G-.A.Rtisch, SS-0'stuf. und W. Bellstedt, stud, arch." This is a usefuland <strong>com</strong>prehensive report on settlement procedure, dealing v/ithI. Der Iftndliche TCinsat? (^Svakuierung - Yerdra'n.eung; die Fachsiedlungder Wolhynien- und Gali^iendeutschen; Landzulagen; TJmsetzungen;Abmeierungen; Ansiedlung der Gouvernementdeutschen; Besserstellungder kreiseingesessenen Volksdeutschen; Iftndliche Ansiedlungbezw. Umsetzung der Baltendeutschen; Ansiedlung der Bessarabiendeutschen;Holzhausbati (mit Bildern); Iftndliehe Ansiedlung der

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes505 287 Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/343Deutsche s Ausland-InstitutVOMI/3U5FTFTFTBuchenlsnddeutschen; II. Der stadtische Einsatz (das stfidtischeDeutschtum des Buchenlandes; die Ansiedlungsvorbereitungen unddie Ansiedlung der stMtischen Mckwanderer) ; III. Der SS-ArbeitsstabLeslau im Jahre 19*41; IT. Statistiken (Sesitzverteilung Ende19*40; Besitsverteilung Ende 19^1; Stand der Ansiedlung Ende19^0j Stand der Ansiedlung Ende 19^1,* Betriebsgrdssenmischung Ende19*41; Eim-'ohnerzahlen f-ftr den Landkreis Leslau und fttr dieStadt Leslau, Ende 19^0 u. Ende 19*41; Karte des Kreises Leslau).Folder, probably of the DAI, containing a copy of a memorandumby SS-Ansiedlungsstab, Arbeit ss tab Kutno ^'Vorschlage ztim Einsatzvon deutschen Landarbeitern, l! June 12, 19*11. Cf. VOMI/369.Folder of the DAI containing copies of reports of women studentson their work among resettlers in the Warthegau, 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing reports on the work of the NS-Frauenschaft/Deutsches Frauenwerk among resettlers in the Warthegauand from three homes for mothers and children in Weimar,ContinuedVOMI/3^6voMi/350VOMI/351VOMI/352FTFTFTFTFTFTFT2*11081621*109*4321*11131Folder of the DAI containing carbon copy of a report by Dr.Luise Dblezalek "Bericht fiber die Anfgnge der Umsiedlerbetreuungim Warthegau 19^0," July 21, 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing material of the Karteiverbindungsstelleder Ansiedlungsstabe bei der EWZ." Useful for theelucidation of the traffic in registration documents between differentoffices. Also contains blank forms. 19^1.Bound mimeographed report, of uncertain provenance, "Statistische th>ersicht iiber das erste Arbeitsjahr der Amtlichen DeutschenSin- und Rttckvandererstelle, 15-9.1939 - 15.9.19^0."Bound mimeographed report, of uncertain provenance, "StatistischeITbersicht -ttber das zweite Arbeitsjahr der Amtlichen DeutschenSin- und Mckwandererstelle, 15.9.19UO - lU.9.19Ul. nBound mimeographed report, of uncertain provenance, on thethird year's activities of the Amtliche Deutsche Ein- und Mckwandererstelle,September 19*41 - September 19^2.Bound mimeographed manuscript of uncertain provenance: EugenFusenegger: Das Firtschaftsbild des Yertr^gsgebietes nachi^talienischen QyielTen. Eerausgegeben von der Aatlichen DeutschenSin- und Mckwandererstelle. Bozen 19^1. First German publicationof mainly Italian material on South Tyrol.Bound mimeographed manuscript of uncertain provenance: E.Fusenegger und T. Rieder: Das G-rddentel in der Siidtiroler

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes506 VQKI/353 FT 2*411369Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Auslsnd-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutYOMi/355voMi/356voMi/357VOMI/358 FT 2^11676voMi/359YOMI/360 FTVOMI/361VOMI/362 FTVOMI/363FTFTFTFTFTFTFT2*ai*ui2*411*4712*4115092*4116072UH6962*41175*4214117912*4118352*4llg*49Umsiedlung. Herausgegeben von der Aintlichen Deutschen Sin- undMckwandererstelle. Bozen 19*42.Bound mimeographed document of uncertain provenance: Ortsnamenvergeichnisder Amtlichen Deutschen Bin- und MckwanderersteHeT far die~Provinzen~Bozen t Trient, Belluno und Udine mit~denzustJJndigen Zweigstellen. G-ives German and Italian names side byside"Ho date.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material on theresettlement of South Tyroleans from the Kanaltal - photographs,maps, minutes, German-Italien regulations, Himmler letters (reproduced)etc. 19HO.Folder of the DAI containing a handwritten plan for the collectionand organization of material on the resettlement of SouthTyTcleans. Ho date.Folder of the DAI containing cuttings, photostats and typedcopies of press material on resettlement. 19*40 - 19*4*4.Folder of the DAI containing more miscellaneous press materialon settlement in East and West. 19^40 - 19^42.Folder of the DAI containing a copy of a report on the resettlementof South Tyroleans. Undated. Communicated to the DAIby Gauamt for Volksv ; ohlfahrt, Gauleitung Oberdonau-Linz.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing Sundschreiben of theDeutsche Umsiedlungs-Treuhand-Gesellschaft m.g.H., ITiederlassungInnsbruck. 19*40 - 19*41. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing reports on the work of DeutschesFrauenwerk among South Tyrolese resettlers in Gau Tirol-Vorarlberg. Some undated, some 19*41 - 19*43-Folder of the DAI containing references to items on the resettlementof South Tyroleans in Per Menscheneinsatz (q.v., VOMI/802,g03) and copy of a letter on the"" same "subject. 1939 - 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing material emanating froiu theP.eichsministerium des Innern and the RKFD? relating to the resettlementof South Tyroleans. 1939 - 19*40.Folder probably of the DAI, containing Yomi material onRusso-German dealings in the matter of resettlement of Germans,January - February 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing copies of material on the resettlementof South Tyroleans 1939 - 19*40. (Odd bits of reportsand letter from PJCFDV to Amtliche Deutsche Sin- und Eiickx^andererstelle- ADEHSt — and Austrian, Gauleiters)..

Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes506 2SS Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/365Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-IostitutVOMI/366VOMI/367VOMI/363VOMI/369VOMI/370VCMI/3J1VOMI/372ITFT 2411905FTFTFTFTFTFT2^120132U120532U120662U120702^120752^12159Folder of the DAI containing interesting inofficial miscellaneousmaterial on resettlement of South Tyroleans, conflict withthe Italians, a protest against Peter Hofer's statement that theSouth Tyroleans wished to "be resettled in another "border area, etc.1939 - 19UO.polder of the DAI containing material on the resettlement ofSouth Tyroleans including Handausgabe der deutsch-italienischen Umsi edlung s-3 e s t immungea issued "by the Leiter der Amtlichen DeutschenSin- und Rtickwandererstellen - various editions, press notices concerningresettlement and valuation of property, and copies of aletter from PJCFDV, a "Merkblatt f&r Volksdeutsche italienischerStart sengehfirigkeit, die im Grossdeutschen Reich le"ben" and "Richtlinienfttr die Mckwanderung der Reichsdeutschen und Abwanderungder Volksdeutschen aus dem Alto Adige in das Deutsche Reich «*; andcopy of an undated memo of uncertain provenance on the Italo-Germenmeeting (Hiramler, Bohle, Bene, etc.) at which At- and Mckwanderungwere decided. 1939 - 19^1.Bound mimeographed report from the files of the DAI th?er dieSiedler im Kreis Wekan by Dr. Hildegard Friese, onetime Beauftragtefur den BDM~Osteinsat¥ zur Festigung deutschen Volks turns.Completedin September 19^.Polder of the DAI containing blank forms, identity cards,etc. used in the resettlement of South Otyroleans.Folder probably of the DAI, containing copy of a memorandum"VorschlSge zum Einsatz von deutschen Landarbeitern" by the Ftthrerdes Arbeitsstabes SS-Ansiedlungsstab, Arbeitsstab Kutno, June 12,19111. cf. YCMl/393.Folder probably of the DAI, containing copies of an applicationfor a certain estate by a resettler and the description of arrivaland settling in by another resettler. 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing memoranda, carbon copies of correspondence,and other material of Einwandererzentralstelle Lodschand Mhrungsstab Berlin which illustrates the activities and attitudesof the EWZ, friction with Vomi, etc. 1939 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing DAI material on camps, based oninspections, information supplied by EWZ (Gradmann) etc.,ContinuedVOMI/373VOMI/37 1 *FTFT2U122062U12219Folder of the DAI containing DAI material on vocational andprofessional training of resettlers, 19^-1 - 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing material on Betreuung und

Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes506 28S Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/375VOMI/376Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-Institut<strong>TO</strong>Mi/379<strong>TO</strong>MI/380FTFTFTFTFTFT2^123372*4123612H125212U125S3Schulung (weltanschauliche und fachliche) of resettlers from varioussources: EWZ Litzmannstadt, NSIAP Gauschulungsamt Oberschlesien,Vomi Urasiedlung, etc. 1939 -Folder of the DAI containing handwritten notes for an "Urnsiedlungskalende r" which is subdivided geographically. Ho date.(DAI writing) .Folder of the DAI containing a bibliographical article "Disdeutsche Umsiedlung im Schrif ttum" by Dr. Arnold Weing&rtner andbibliographies on Deutgchtu T n and resettlement, divided geographically.Folder, probably of the LAI, containing Durchschleusungsbestimmngencf the SWZ, IQHl - igHU.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing references to subjectstreated and documents aiyoearing in Der Menscheneinsatz.- 19*11. *Folder of the DAI containing references to provisions onacademic studies by refugees and resettlers in Der Menseheneinsat£.1939 - 19*H.Folder of the DAI containing texts and reports of speecheson resettlement "by Professor Otto Auhagen, G-reifelt, Fiiranler,Doppler, Eoffmeyer, and Oreiser, some of them confidential, 1939FTFolder of the DAI containing carbon copy of part III of adocument: "(Jestaltuzig neuer deutscher Siedlungsgebiete, iasbesonderedurch Sesshaf tmachung der TJinsiedler, 1. Allgeineine Massnahmen"and of a. number of directives, decrees, etc. by Himmler,G-3ring, etc. related to it (but paginated separately). 1939 -FTFTFT2H12989Folder of the DAI containing letters and copies of resettlerletters written to the DAI or passed on to it. 1939 - 13^3.Folder of the DAI containing material on plsns for the resettlementof Germans or ethnic Germans overseas (Palestine, USA,etc.). Material is of diverse origins - Dal, HSDAP Auslands-Organisation,SS-Ansiedlungs-Stab (Bolesalek - copies of memorandaalso contained in. VOMI/31S) , HKFDY Stabshsuptemt and others.1939 _ 191*11.Folder of the DAI inscribed " We s turns iedlurg, Luxemburg" andcontaining press items and copies of material of 3SWZ Berlin andParis on the resettlement of Luxembourgeols. (Movement into and

Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame iictes507 239 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/335Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/386VOMI/38?VOMI/3SSDeutsches Ausl^nd-InstitutContinuedvoMi/38970MI/39Q7GMI/391VQMI/39270MI/393VOMI/39UFTFTFTFTFTF rFT2^1301221*131712^131962^132122*J1 7 27Q.?oldnr of the TAI containing copies of Erlasse "by RobertWagner, Chef der Zivilverwaltung iin Elsass, G-auleiter und Heichsstatthalter,on the award of German nationality to Alsatians,19*42 - 19^3.Folder, probably of the MI, containing carbon copy of along report to .WFDV Stabshauptpmt (SS-Oberffihrer Creutz) by SS-Obarsturmff-hrer (?Blis&) on "Ansiedlung Sitdbuchenland in Lothringen"sent with covering letter of April 5» 19^3 (this date is notquite certain - at least one of the dates ire ntioned in the copycf tlie letter must be wrong). Duplicate omitted.Folder, probably of the DAI, "Abschinssbericht tfber die SrfaS'Tunf-der Deutschst5:nni^:en in "; T or(ifr8nkreich darch die Einwanciererzentralstelle.

Serial Roll 'rovenance I tea Filmed 1st frame Notes507 289 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/396VOMI/39750S 290 YOMl/399VOMI/UOOFTFT2U136562U136S92^137072*413730and copies (ribbon and carbon, some sighed by Sandberger andKroe-ger) of EWZ correspondence and memoranda relating to Balticresettlers. 1939 - 15^0.Folder of the "DAI containing interesting DAI reports onthe resettlement of Germans and ethnic Germans from the Russiansphere: Baits, Wolhyni^ns t JBukovinians, etc. Material is alsouseful for the position and working of the DA!. 1939 - 19*40.Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DA! containing a ribbon copy of a report by•Mrgen von Hehn (Vertranlich! Aupwertung auf unbegre.Dzte Zeitnur mit meiner ausdrilcMichen Ganehmigung. llicht zur Verdffentlichung!)on the .Deutsche V'olksgeraeinschaft in Lettland, Kultursunt:Arbr-itsbericht selt Beginn TlmgiedlTirg bis ?ura 10.12.39'"(The Kulturamt collected and sent to Germany "Zulturwerte in 8f~fentlichem d.h. Besitz von deutschen Institutionen und Organisationen,"and German private property - from furniture to archives.December 1939 • Duplicate omitted.Folder of the DAI containing copies from various officialsources, on Baltic exodus rnd resettlement. 1939 - 19^C".Folder of the "DAI containing copies of letters by ¥eiz~sicker (M) ??nd Frohvein (German Minister in Estonia.) on financialaspects of the evacuation of tlie German Yolksgruppe fromEstonia. February - May 19^-0.Folder cf the Ml containing resettlement propaganda leafletsused in Latvia. They- illustrate the strong moral pressureused to make people cocie to Germany. Covering note dated February12, 19*16.Folder of the DAI containing memoranda on two meetings ofRussian and German officials concerned with the evacuation fromEstonia of persons who opted for Germany and of their property,February 10 and March 6, 19^1. Also Sw*Z material concerning Balticresettlement, including a copy of a critical "Titigkeits- undSrfnhrungsbericht' 1 on health and racial screening methods. 1939VCMI/U02VOMI/U03FTFT2^137692*413790Folder of the LAI containing 1WZ material on late Balticrefugees and re-settlers, 19^1 - 19^2.Folder of the DA! containing copies of a letter to the DAIfrom VOMI Sinv f nndererberstung Posen on the archive and libraryof the Saniiielstfclle fur bait end eut aches Eulturgut and two noteson them and their holdings. April 12, 19^3* Some Duplicates

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes508 290 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/UC&ContinuedDeutsches Ausland-Institute?)Deut sches Ausland- Ins t i tut70MI/U05VOMI/U06VOMI/UO?VOMI/U08VOMI/U09VOMI/UlOVOMI/to.1VOMI/U12,copy 1,copy 32*413900FT 2)41*4092FT2UlUlS9Polder of the DAI containiig material, from Voini/Riga files,of the German contingent of the German- Soviet joint resettlement<strong>com</strong>mission for late resettlers for Estonia and Latvia. Detaileddescriptions of Soviet and German negotiations, tacties, statementson individual cases, e.g. of 'ftKVD interference. January -March 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing lists of the Russian and Germanmembers of the Baltic resettlement <strong>com</strong>mission (Estonia and Latvia),January 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing circular letters of the Reichsministerdes Innern and extracts fron the Ministerialblatt, relatingbo the naturalization of Baltic immigrants 1939 -Folder of the DAI containing Vomi copies of Transportstabreports on the transportation of late Baltic resettlers, German-Kussian friction, etc. February - March 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing Akt envermerke of the Germanelement of" tha Baltic resettlement <strong>com</strong>mission, from ?oni Eiga files,,on transportation, baggage, incidents at departure etc. of Balticresettlers, February - March 19^1. Also copy of a Schnellbrieffrom the Eeichsminister des Innern on "Sinfuhr von Tieren bei derNachumsiedlung Volksdeutscher aus Istland tind Lettland." November30, 19^40.Folder of the DAI containing copies of "Bericnt uber denStand der Binwanderung der Baltendeutschen. (imch dem Stand voin31.12,39)" by EW2 Fordost, January 1, 19*40.Polder of the DAI containing a copy by the Verwaltungs- undYerwertungs-G-esellschaf t ra.b.H. fiir Baltenvermftgen to the DAI onthe s^^bjest of Unigiedlungsdokumentation. Au^st 19, 19^2. (K3:Greifelt and.Winkler xvere founders of the Gesellschaft which hadnot yet begun to function, owing to differences of opinion concerningthe distribution of <strong>com</strong>petences «)Book (bound mimeograph with maps), probably of the BAI: DerReichskommissar Mr die Festigung deut?-chen ?olkstums, Stabshaupt-•aint, Plaaangseunt: Vorlauf ige Angabea ilber Sstland, Lettland undLitauea. 3erlchts stand; September l^PIl?. ~Nur Mr den DienstgebreuchlFolders of the DAI containing lists, probably relating to theorganization of resettlement documentation of DAI; also "Verzeichniscler vichtigsten Dienststellen, mit denen die Abteilung UD desDAI z. 2t. in Verbindung steht. " Fo date, but documentation listed

Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes .50508 290 Deutsches Ausland-Institut FT 2U1U219VOKI/UlUVOMI/U16VOMI/ljl?YOMI/HlSIT 21*1^339FTgoes up to 19^3. Copy 3 ^Ps *ke eerlier, amended draft of theVerzeichnis and it is filmed "because of discrepancies with copy 1.Folder of the DAI "Estland, Lettland: Anordnungen desRaichskoramisears f.d.?.d.V.'s" containing references to KKFVD andBeichsministerium des Innerri provisions on resettlement appearingln I)er Menschenei. ngatz. 19UO - igUl. (q.v., VOMI/g02,S03).Folder of the DAT "Sstland, Lettland:," containingstatistical information, typed"tlfbersicht iiber die Baltenaktionira G-au Pommern," Stand March S and February 23» 19*10; amimeographed report by Information 2U/UO, Posen (SS-P.ottenftthrerBackofen) - probably EV7Z ~ on resettler arrivals, movements, etc.,March 7» 19^5'S^d a typed copy of a report, dated Posen, December20, 1939o "3- e Umsiedlung der Yolksdeutschen aus Estland undLettland und ihre Erfassang durch das Statistische Keichsamt bissum 30. November 1939." Duplicate omitted. 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Sstland, Lettland; Berielite.Briefe" and containing copies of private letters, reports, andarticles on Baltic resettlement, including a letter to Ribftentrop,an extract from a letter by Dr. Heinrich Zillich, "Srianerungs-'blatter aus der Umsiedlungszeit der '3altendeutschen aus Reval" byG-eorg von Krusenstjern, extracts from Baltische Monptshefte, September1933 (^roeger, Intelinann), an article v/ith covering letter{l Seelische Umeiedlung" by Prof. Dr. I« T ax Hilde'bert Boehm (on thedifficulties of S'ich psycholo.^icrl resettlement, especially in anun<strong>com</strong>prehending and tecbless fatherland), and a report by Dr. EeinrichBosse "Der Sinsatg der Bolt end exit schen im Warthegau im Januar1940. ?1 1939 ~ 19 U 2.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estlsnd-Lettland ITachumsiedlung,Berichte (Hauptstab, OrtsstMbe u.a.)" and containing reports of regionaland local staffs of the resettlement <strong>com</strong>mission; full ofstatements about difficulties with their Russian counterparts. January- April 19l*l.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Zwischenstaatl. ITereirJbarungen"and containing copy of a list of diplomatic exchanges and agreementsrelating to resettlement ?nd property questions connectedwith it. (Latvia, Sstonia, Italy, U3SH, Humania). 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estland, Lettland: Arbeitseinsatz,Berufsbehinderte, Kranke." It contains material of EWZ Fordoston the employment of resettlers and the transportation and ac<strong>com</strong>modationof the sick, and mad. December 1139 - March 19-10.

Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes •51508 290 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOKI/U19 FT 2U1U5U6VOMI/420VOMI/U21VOMI/U22509 291 VOMI/U23ContinuedFTFT 21414839Folder of the MI inscribed "Sstland, Lettland: Verschiedenes(u.a. elnzelne Rftckwanderer; Fremdvb'lkische Strftflinge)";contains miscellaneous material of EWZ Nordoet on such subjects asthe application of Nuremberg laws to reaettlers, naturalization,the immigration of "fremdes Volkstum," the release of militaryand political convicts and retention of criminal cases in gaols;also more general matters, e.g. copy of a Blitz-Fernschreiben,Geheim, to Peichssicherheitshanptpmt, III 3BS, on "Neue Umsiedlungsvorschiagevon SS-Gruppenfflhrer Hildetrandt und SS~Oberftihrer E-brecht," November ^, 193^» concerning the distribution of Balticresettlers and relaxation of racial requirements for settlementin the East. 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the "DAI inscribed "Sstland, Lettland: Finanziemng"containing material from the files of the EWZ Fordost onfinancial matters such as assistance payments to resettlers.1939 - 19*1.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estland, Lettland: Transporte,Umsiedlergepa'ck 11 " containing material from various sources on Balticresettler transports, questions of baggage t furniture, etc.There is also a series of copied documents on the ambiguous-positionof the (repackstelle in Gotenhafen (Gdj^aia) which was disownedby the EWZ. 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI in?cri"bed "Estland-Lett?.pnd: Nachumsiedlung;Trensport," PRO. containing material of Toirri Riga illustratingstructural organization and work of its department UmsiedlungF, Transport; includes original "Anweisungsn sur Befdrderung deraus der Lettischen und Estnischen SSR in das Deutsche Eeich umsiedelnaenReiclisdeutschen und Volksdeutschen durch Wasser- und Eisenbahntransporte,M January 24, 19^1. Whole folder January -March 19^1.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estland und Lettlsnd: UmsiedlungsvertrMgell and containing extracts from the protocol on thetransfer of the German Volksgruppe in Estonia to the German Reichof October 15* 1939 and related documents; and a paraphrase of theGerman-Latvian resettlement agreement of October 30• 1939» sn & itsadditional protocol.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estland, Lettlsnd: Einbtlrgerungder Umsiedler" and containing specimen naturalization certificatesand correspondence of E¥Z Nordost on questions of naturalization,e-g.. of enei^y aliens -. there vrere ca. UO Commonwealth

Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes509 29.1 Beutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/i*25VOMI/U26VOHI/U27VOKI/tJ2g'VOHI/U29VQMI/U30VOMI/U31ContinuedFT 2lul|8862^1 U961FT 21*1^9902U1525UFT 2*415299FT 21*15313citizens among the Baltic resettlers; or the failure of some Swissand Finnish resettlers to apply for naturalization; there is alsoa "Merkblatt f&r , endeutsche Umsiedler estlandischer Staatsangehflrigkeitin Reich." 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the LAI inscribed "Unterbringung und Ansiedlungder Umsiedler" and containing interesting material, mostly copies,of the E T A r Z, illustrating the distribution of Baltic resettlers andthe evolution of the 3IVZ itself; includes copy of a telegraphic report"Be such des EeichsfOhrers SS in Danzig und G-otenhafen am 21.Oktober 1939" an( i c^ a Vermerk "Besprechung mit SS-Oberfiihrer G-reifeltam 10.11.1 c i39 fl redolent with "unhfltbare Zust&nde" and Voiaifailure. October 1939 - March 19UO.Folder of the I1A.I inscribed "Sstland-Lettland Nachumsiedlung.G-esundheitsfiiihriing 11 and containing reports of Abt. Gesundheitsfiihrung,Vomi Riga, Jqnunry - March 19^1.Polder of 'the DAI inscribed "Estland-Lettland Hachumaiedlung:Besprechungen (u.a.) zwischen den deutschen und russischen Vertretern(Lettl^.nd) " and containing memoranda on the meetings of theRussian and 3-erman members of the joint resettlement <strong>com</strong>mission,January 2H - March 21, 19^0, from the files of Vomi Eiga.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estland-Lettland ITachumsiedlung.Gmndsl!tzliciies a and containing ?omi Riga material on the evacuationof late<strong>com</strong>ers from the .Baltic states: <strong>com</strong>munications fromRFSS, BKFDT, R3HA, WZ, Deutsche Umsiedlangsdelegetion (to the AA) ,(T-erman Legation Reval, and Vomi Riga. (memo). SeptemberMay 19U1."Folder of the DAI inscribed "Estlsnd und Lettland. Grundsatzl.Anordr.ungen ilber die der TJmsiedlupg 0/omi).Schwierlgkeiten. " Contains "Merkblatt ftlr Bait endeutsche Umsiedlerestlandischer Staatsan^ehdrigkeit irn Reich" by the DUT, February23 » 19^0; typed copy of a Hiramler document setting out theallocation of tasks in the resettlement of Salts, November 3t 19395typed copy of a document "Anlage 1. ubersicht ilber die Arbeit, AbteilungAuskunft der VolJrsdeutschen Mittelstelle (friiher BaltendeutscheDienststelle)" December 1939-Folder of the DAI containing a collection of items from theforeign press (Swiss, Italian, Hungarian, etc.) on resettlement.1939 - 19^3-Folder of the DAI containing specimen posters, leaflets,tickets, forms relating to Baltic migration. Includes s?n appeal

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 53509 291 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/^3270KI/U33FTFTVOMI/U35YOMI/U36?OMI/'437ContinuedDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VQMI/U38 FT21415^5521415^752)4155752*4156192^4156372*4157022*415776"by Hliairiler enjoining patience, January 30• 2-Folder of the LAI containing posters and notices of AnsiedlungsstabLitzmarnstacLti a notice "Volksdeutrche Mittelstelle, EinsatzstabLods," and various forms - application for naturalization,e, declaration to be filled in by persons wishing to leave Estonia,etc. l r J39 -19*12.Feller of the DAI containing "Vereinbarung zwischen der DeutschenReichsre^ierung und der Kegierung der Union der iken ^."ber die Uin^i^lun^ vcn Reichsdeutschen undVolicsdeu.tijrhen aas clen Grtibieten der Lettischen und Estnischen So-^ieligtischen•Sowjetrepubliken in das Deutsche Reich." Printedtext, in G-srmfn anc 1 Hu^sisn, Jrnuary 10, IS'H; "Vertrag tlber die UmsiedluaT-i-:lettischer Bdrger deutsciier Volkszugehcirigkeit in das DeutscheP.eich," Octo"b?r 30• 1 Q 39» with related documentsj "Protokoll'cibe-r lie Unsiedlun£ Cer deutschen Tolks^ruppe Estlands in das DeutscheReich," October 15, 1939* with Zusatssprotokoll of April 6,19*10, 1939 _ 19111.Folder of the DAI ccntainiiig "Vereinbarung zwischen der DeutschenHegierung und der Hegierung der Union der SozialistischenSov/jetrepubliken tiber die TTirsiedlung Aer deiit^chen Reichsan^ehfirigenand der Tersonen deutsciier Yolkszugehdri^keit aus der LitauischenSo^ialipti^chen Sowjetrepublik in das Deutsche Reich unddie TTmsiedlurj^ der litruischen Stpptsan^eh^rif.-en und der Personenlitauischer, russischer und belorussischer Volkszugeh5rigkeit ausdem Deutschec Reich. ( ehera?.!ipes Memelgebiet und Suwalkigebiet) indie Lit£'uis3he Sozirlistische Sowjetrepublik," January 10, 19^-1.Printed text, in G-erman and Russian. Duplicate omitted.Fo?_der of the DAI containing a mimeographed document issuedby Deutsche Anpiedliin^s^esellschaft: "SchStzrahFien fflr die Ermittlun^der Werte der landwirtschaftlichen Verm6^ensteile der VolksdeutschenIn Lltauen." Janua.ry ?, 19^1.Folder of the MI containing detailed statistical materialon agricultural property of prospective resettlers under the German-Lithuanianagreement. 1§39 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing SinwandererzentralstellerH Absch.lussberichtilber die l^rfassung der Deutschen aus Litauen. !t Mimeographedreport and map; photostated charts; tables. No date.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing statistics of resettlementfrom Lithuania; they give gusmininenstellung nach Qrtsbezirken,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes509 291 DeutsaUes Ausland-Institut VOMI/U39 FTFTFTFTFTVOMI/UU6 FTContinued2U15S312U15B722^15911. (2Ul-5^302^160002^160372U16051ditto nach Ortsgruppen; Ansatzentscheidungen; Zahlen der Kinder;SuS Vertungen; politische Wertungen; Mischfalle iind Freradstammige,No date,Folder cf the DAI containing correspondence and memorandarelating to the screening of resettlers from Lithuania from the ;files of EWZ, Information. August 19*40 - May 19m. •";

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes510 292 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/447VOKI/448VOKI/449VOMI/U50ContinuedVOMI/451YOMI/452VOMI/453VOMI/454VOKI/455FTFTFTFTFTFTFT241620624163242416391241643924165912416665241674X)2416736Oberbflrgeriaeister Strdlln,, President of the DAI. January 1942 -December 1943.Folder of the DAI containing carbon and ribbon copies of circularsaddressed to the by Stubaf. Duckart,Ansiedlungsstab Kauen, and related material on resettlement in Lithuania.April 19*12 - January 1944.Folder of the DAI containing; copies of health reports on resettlementin Lithuania by Abt. J t Gesundheitswesen, of Der DeutscheKauptbevollmachtigte Umsiedlung Litauen. January - February1941 .Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous medical materialconnected with Lithuanian resettlement. 1941.Folder of the DAI containing material on veterinary affairsconnected with Lithuanian resettlement. 1941.Folder of the DAI containing pre-war material on Germanschools in Lithuania, 1926 - 1939? si so material on the church in.Lithuania, including some church literature - G-russ aus Emmaus,yfachrichtenblatt des Evangel .-Luther. Misgionsvereins in Litauen,-luth. Gemeindeblatt fflr Litauen U925 1?27) , "Frotokollder am 7- September 1930 - ira Jahre Yyautas des G-rossen - in derEv.-luth. Firche ^u Kaunas abgehaltenen Deutschen\ith, SynodeLitauens" and a Yermerk by WZ, Information, "Glauber.sbekenntnisund VolkstuinszugehSrigkeit der Litauen-Deutschen" (February1941). 192S - 19Ul".Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous reports, letters,etc., mostly by private individuals, on resettlement and treatmentby the Russians in Lithuania. 1941.Folder of the DAI containing minutes and memoranda on themeetings of the Russian and German resettlement delegations forLithuania. January - March 1^41.Folder of the DAI containing photostats (some of them poor)of Russian and Lithuanian correspondence on the Russo— German resettlementagreement. 1941.Polder of the DAI containing material on potential resettlersfrom the Baltic states (notably Lithuania) under arrest or on militaryservice. Folder includes (copy of) a. memorandum of uncertainorigin "Die Verhaftungen der 7ol.ksdeutr.chen in Rate-Litauen", atranslation of a Moscow ne morandum concerning the transfer of personsunder arrest listed by th^ G^r^an,Embassy ir Moscow, and a

Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame510 292 Deutsches Auslsnd-Institut VGMI/1456VOMI/U57VOMI/l*60VOMI/^61VOMI/H62VOMI/H63Continued2*4168892H16996FTFT 2*417125FT 2>4171S2FT 21417191FTFT 2*417280copy of a secret circular letter to Geheime Staatspolizei-Staatspolizeileitstellenfrom Reichssicherheitshauptamt concerning unreliableelements <strong>com</strong>e into Reich territory as refugees from Balticstates. Duplicate omitted. 19*41.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Richtlinien zur ScMtzungvon Gebsuden, Grundstttcken, usv,," and containing Jtussi^n andG-erman directives, with related material, 19^0 - 19^-1.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Registrierung 1 ' rnd containingmaterial on the registration of Lithuanian Tolksdeutschewishing for resettlement. The final report of Der Deutsche KauptbevollmMchti^tefftr die Umsie^lung Lit. Hsuptstab, Abteilung VII,of March ?3» 19^1* makes interesting <strong>com</strong>psrisons with resettlementelsewhere. January - March 19^1.Folder of the DAI marked "Li: Transport: Listen" and containinglists and statistics of resettlement from Lithuania. 19^1.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: An^iedlung bzw. Mcksiedlung"and containing copies of material from various sources -ROD?; Der HShere S3- und Poli^eifiihrer Danzig und Westpreussen,Beauftragter des RKJDV, Ansiedlungsstabj Hauptstab, Abt. VII, Be~auftragter des Ancisdltingsstabes Ostpr. S. Mauruschat; Vomi; E^'/Z;Reichssicherheitshauptamt. June 19^0 - March 19^41. Duplicatesomitted.Folder of the DAT aerked "Lit: Mischshen, Judenproblem,Fremdstamniige"and containing copies of material from varioussources (some unidentified) - RFSS/HKFDV; EWZ Information (Dr.Peege); also included a doctiment! 'Das Judenpro"blem in Litauen"by Dr. Alfons Scholz, Kaunas, May 23, 1939/ 1939 - 19 1 *!.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Beschverden u,A." and containingmaterial of the German resettlement <strong>com</strong>mission on Russianintimidation, obstruction, etc., and on dealings between the Russianand German elements of the resettlement <strong>com</strong>mission. February- March 19*41. (cf. VGMI/U62) .Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Fernspruche, Telefonmeldungen,Telegrsjume der und fiir die HB, G-B, OB (ein?:elne , lf containing reports of incidents similar to or identical withthose contained in VOMI/U61. January - February 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material on theGerman ethnic group in Lithuania, including two issues of DeutscheFechrichten fur Litauen (one of them the farewell number of

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes510 292 Deutsches Ausland-Institut511 2932U173052U173U6March 1, 19*41) and an exchange of letters "between Volksbund fflLrdas Deutschtrim i.m Ausland, Gauverband Ostpreussen, and the Kulturverbandder Deutschen Litauens concerning an article on the Kulturverbandand a picture of its president 0. von Reichardt, June19*40 - March iglfl .Folder of the MI containing material on the German group inLithuania;, and its property, co mulled by the Abteilung Statistik dsr Peutschon LAtauenn » 19^0,Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: ' Sch^ierige Falle nt end containingmaterial on Snrlet coufi scat ions of rcsettler property foractual or fictitious debit: rnd en caser, in vL.ich. Soviet representativesrefused to recognise the right to resettlement. FebruaryOonti.mi.edFTFTVOMI/U682^417586VOMI/H69 FT 2H1763SI'older of the DAI marked "Lit; Der Kultur verbs nd der Deutschenin Litauen" and conbairiing reports on the activities of theKulturverband, statistics <strong>com</strong>piled by it, a biography of its Gesch&ftsfilhrer,Richard Kossm^nri, "Satzutigen der Tereinigung DeutscherHochschfller ! ARMIJ r IA l (Universitat Kaunas)" and proof of apress notice on its suppression, pud a "Den^schrift an den Nationalit^tenkongress."1929 - 19*40.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Die Deutsche Mannschaft Litauen"and containing reports on various German organizations inLithuania: "Bericht ilber die Deutsche Manns cha ft Litauen," "DieDeutsche Jungensnhaft Litauens. Bericht iliber Eiitstehung und Wirkenunserer Jugendbewegung," "Bericht ilber die K^delarbeit, " "Arbeitsberichtdes Jugendamtes, " "Tatigkeit des Le.ndamtes vom Jahre1933 - 19^1., " "Arbeitsbericht des Sportamtes" and "Bericht" (onan Eintopf sonntag) . Mostly undated; the first tv/o reports datedJahresweMe 19^0 - 19^-1. There is also a loose memorandum "Vorschlp.s;zur Sicherung von Material in Litauen filr die Arbeit derH3," signed Grisebach, July 13, 19^0.Folder of the MI marked "Lit. Stabsbesprechungen. Rundschreibendes KB. M . containing carbon and ribbon copies of circularletters of Der Deutsche Hauptbevollrcachtigte, Umsiedlung Litauen,January - March 19^1* and minutes of Stabsbesprechungen(participants; Der Deutsche Hauptbevollm&chtigte, departmentalchiefs, and the representatives of the Reichs- and Yolksdeutsche.)January - February l^Ul.Polder of the DAI containing mimeographed copy of "ErsterLagebericht €ber die Um&iadlung von Litauendeutschen" (Vertraulich)

Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame litotes511 293 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOKI/U70 FTFT 2*417655VOMI/1472 FT 2^1767*4VOMI/U73VGMI/U75VOMI/U76FT 2Hl 769HFT 2*417753FTFT2U17S5SVOMI/U77 FT 21HL7926FT 2^17979by Der Regierungpprflsident des Beg. Zichenau, addressed to EWZLitzmannstadt, April 21, 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht des SS-Grenzeinsatzkommandos Umsiedlung der Yolksdeutschen aus Litauen""by Tfolksdeutsche Mittelstelle, 3S-Umsiedlungskommando, Grenzeinsatz,March ?.~/f , 19^41; and two photostated documents on . "Erfassungvolksdeutscher Flilchtlinge aus Litauen," January 11 rnd FebruaryFolder of the DAI containing photostats and carbon copiesof reports on inspection trips of German and Soviet members ofthe resettlement <strong>com</strong>mission in Lithuania. February - March 19^1.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Transport: Planungen, "191*0 - igUi.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Transport: G-esamtsahlen, "containino 1 lists of transports and treks with figures of personsand animals transferred. September 19^40 ~ April 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing material on the transportationof resettlers from Lithuania, including Sonderanv/eisung f^ir dieUmsiedlung der Yolksdeutschen aus LitauerH Referat F:sd'eUFsche" TTrt FergTel Te"", lHsTel!lTrn^Der Deut sche Eaupt be vbl 1ms ch t'igt'e Tr a nsportsbtei Tungway planning documents. 19^0 -Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Transport:Plaimng,e^n'veF~o fand rail-Verschiedenes(Treckmeldungen, ^ernspriiclie, u.e.). 11 January - March 19*41 .Folder of the DA! marked "Lit: Transports, Aktenverinerke"and containing, apart from Aktenvermerke on Umsiedlung Litauen,Abt. Transport or Der Deutsche Hauptbevollmttehtigte, Transportabteilung,memoranda on joint German- Soviet inspections and othertransport matters and a lift "Aufstellung der v/egen unbe^lichenenHypothekenverpflichtungen aus dem Transport am 7 • Pebruar 19^1ausgestrichenen Umsiedler." January - March 19^41.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Transport: l- r ochenberichte,such Sinzelberichte" and containing reports on resettler transportsfrom Lithuania by Umsiedlung Litauen, Abt. Transport or DerDeutsche Eauptbevollmfichtigte, Trpnsportabteilung, or YolksdeutscheMittelstelle, Urasiedlung, .Referat F: PI 8 nung- Transport, January - March 19^1.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Transport: Anweisungen(Mitnahme von Vieh) tf and containing material on livestock owned byresettlers from Lithuania, February ~ March

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Fotes 59293 Deutsches Auslr

Serial Roll Provenance Item Notes29U Deutsches Auslrnd-Institut(?) FTDeutsches Ausland-Institut ?OMI/H91VOMI/U9270HI/U93FTFTF214186072^136212U187152U1S76U2^18788. Polder, probably of the DAI, containing maps of Lithuaniaand an envelope with documents as used in Lithuanian resettlement.Duplicates omitte.d aFolder, probably of the DAI, containing posters and blankforms used in resettlement from Lithuania and elsewhere. Includesa trilingual announcement about resettlement from Lithuania.Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing a mimeographed pamphlet ofDer Reichskommis^ar fllr die Festigung deutschen Yolks turns, Stabsliauptamt,Eaup tab tei lung Flaming und Boden: Vorlftufige Angabenilber den Bezirk 'hialystok. Berichtsstand: ^taT 1.^2". Iful r ~f1lr~~MapsFolder of the MI containing various documents on theearly organisation of resettlement, from uncertain sources including1TWZ Fllhrungsstab, Information, and DAI -3 tiro Berlin.October 193S) - September 19^0.Folder of the MI containing material of the AuswartigeAmt from the files of Voiri, Abwicklung (der Ums.iedlung)( Standartenf'dhrerHoifineyer) on Soviet resettlement. Very interestingon Soviet attitudes and practice. December 1939ContinuedDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/U9670MI/U97FTFTFTFFT2J41SSS32^129^92U1S9202*il89552U19061Folder, probaoly of the DAI, containing the text of alecture by Erik "Berliner und Kftrker in Eussland. FinKapitel Ausl^ndsdeutschtum. i! Ho date.'Folder, probably of the DAI, containing a mimeographeddocument by Theodor Hummel, Ehrenvorsitzender des Tereins derKaukasusri.eutschen e.V. : "Deiikschrift iiber den Bestand und diekulturelle "Bedeuttmg der KsukosusAeiitschen, " October IS, 19^0.Folder of the DAI markec 1 "Umsiedlung von Wolgadeutschenaus Minsk (He.uptmann Hdlsle)" and containing copies of letterswritten by ^rolgaG-errarns to Hauptmann Hfll^le, and correspondencebetween Volga Germans and ^euptmann Hfilzle, and Hfllzle andthe DAI and the Amtskommisssr der Stadt Minsk; also an articleby Hfllzle "Ifolgadeutscho, Siedlung bei Minsk." 19^42 - 191*3.Folder of the MI containing "Abschlussbericht der Einwandererzentralstelletlber die Durchschleusung der vom Juli -Oktober 19^42 orfassten Russlrnddeutschen, "Folder of the DAI containing "Bericht ilber die Aussiedlungder Volksdentschen aus dem • I.eninprsd'er Gtlrtel' 1 by Preu

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frameNotesol512 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/U99 2*419082VOMI/500VOFI/501FTFTVOMI/502VOMI/5C3FT 24192592419299ContinuedSS-Obersturmftthrer und Kommandofflhrer (Vorai); "Bericht iiber dieErfassung der Lagerinsassen des Lagers Konitz/Westpr.," April 22,19*4-2, by SS-Untersturmfuhrer W. Kutter (Voini, Umsiedlung); and"Bericht uber die Erfassung der Lagerinsassen des Lagers leustadt/Westpr.," by the same, May 9i 19^-2.Polder of the DAI containing material on the evacuation ofYolksdeutsche from the area around Leningrad: "Irlebnisberichtilber den iiinsatz Petersburg des Sonderkommandos 'E f von SS-UntersturmfilihrerDr. V/allrabe;" another copy of "Bericht Tiber die An-8i editing" /T.e. Aussiedlung - cf. VOMI/U9§7"» otiler copies of thereports on camps Neustadt and Konitz, cf. VOMI/*49S; copies of areport "Transport Volksdeutscher eus Krasnoje Selo" and one relatingto trouble between Vomi and Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizeiund. des SD Ostland at lower echelons; a collection of photostatsof copies of reports on scattered groups of Volksdeutscheby Dr. Jilrgen von Helm of the G-ruppe Kiirisberg, EinsatzkommandoHamburg; and copies of an EWZ memorandum on resettlement from theLeningrad, Kiev, and Gharkov areas, and of one by ArmeeoberkommandoIS, Abt. Ic/O.Qu./Qu2 on the evacuation of Volksdeutsche fromthe Army area. October 19*41 - M

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes512 29^ Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/50H FT 21419^49des Wo Igadeutsch turns" from Fresse-Korrespondenz des DeutscheuAusl and- Institute, October 19^1; a typed "Schrifttumsverzeichnistlber das Hussl^nddeutschtum; " a mimeographed document "TJnserBeitrag. Die Ukraine;" a leaflet by the Yerband der Russlanddeutschenon "Deutsche Aufbeuarbeit ira alt en Russl?nd fl (reprintedfrom Volksdeut jcher Ruf ) ; a mimeographed address byManfred G-risebach "Sippenkunde als politische Aufgabe; " a pageof the Stilt tgarter Tagblett, August 16, 1-9^2, with an articleby Karl J. Mftller on "Das Gesicht des Bolschewismus; ll a printed"Liste der am 9 « 12. 192? in Frankfurt an der Oder aus Minsk eingetroffenenv.olgadeutschen Flitch tl i nge ;" and an illustratedpamphlet issued by Der Reichsorganisstionsleiter - Hauptschulun^spmtder FSMP: Deut«?ches 31ut kehrt heim, January1922 -Folder of the DAI marked "Die deutschen Siedlungen in derSowjetunion" containipg miscellaneous material on populationmovements, a historical note on German settlement in SouthernRussia ( T3WZ Planung, G-radmann) ; copy of an article from Soldatnnzeitungder Ukraine "Deutsches Kolonistenschicksal;'Slendsleben unter dem sov;jetischen Terror;" copy of a "Berichttlber dss Leben der "Russlpnddeutschen, nach Aussa^en eines Yolksdeutschenaxis Eiissland; " and materinl disseminated by the Vereinder Faukasusdeutschen e.V. Also some loose forms and leafletsconnected with the resettlement of "Russlanddeutschtum. 1939 -Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/505 FTVOMI/506VOMI/507YOMI/50S FT 2U19S57Folder, probably of the DAI, containing copies of a letterfrom the Vertreter der Riisslanddeutschen in Jugoslawien to VomiBelgrad (Octoter 23, 19^0) on the transfer of these persons toGermany, together vdth a list of them; snd a memorandum of uncertainsource and date "Umeiedlung der Russland-Deutschen."Folder, probably of the DAI, containing blank forms, notices,etc., used in the evacuation of Volksdeutsche from theSoviet Union.Folder of the DAI containing a copy of "Zwischenberichttlber die jtSrfaseung cter Volks deutschen im Generalgouvernementwestlich der V/eichsel, durch die Einwandererzentralstelle 11(Stichtag 31.1.19^1).Folder of the DAI containing copy of "Zvischenbericht itiberdie Erfassiing der Volksdeutschen ini Generalgouvernement westlichder -Weichsel, durch die Einwanctererzentralstelle 1 ' (Stichtag 3. 3.

Serial Roll Provenance' Item Filmed 1st frame litotes513 295 Deutaches Auslsnd-Institut VOMI/509Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/510VCMI/511VOMI/512VOMI/513VOMI/51UVOMI/515VOMI/516voMi/517VOMI/51SVOMI/519FTFTFTFTFTFTF'lFT2U197192^199192*4199292^199382^19960Folder cf the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht uber die Erfassung der Volksdeutschen im Generalgouvernement westlich derWeichsel durch die JBinwandererzentralstelle." Undated - August19*41 or later.Folder of the DAI containing circulars and copies of correspondenceof the Umvjanderercentralstelle Posen, Dienststelle Litzmannstadt,on the removal of Poles, 19^0 - 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing a. copy of a report "by the DAG-"Die Volksdeutschen im Generalgouvernenient ostwftrts der Weichsel. 11No date.Folder, probaoly of the DAI, containing maps "Die Ansfissigkeitder Volksdeutschen im Distrikt Lublin, 11 and "Die Ansflssigkeitder Volksdeutschen im Pistrikt VTarschau-Ost."Folder of the DAI containin? "Dienstanweisung fur die landwirtschaftlichenTaxatoren der DAG" for resettlement from the GovernmentGeneral, lo date.Folder of the DAI containing copies of letters from the Regierungspra'sidentin Kattowitz and the Handelsaufbau-Ost G-.nitb.H.on the Handelsaufbau Cot, en XTis^steilnehm-er'betrie'be in den eingogliedertenOstgebicten and the Auffanggesellschaften ftfr Kriegsteilnehmertetriebe^desHandels. 19^0 - 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing a list of books "3. Verzeichnisder ITeuerwerbungen der Btlcherei des SiedlungswissenschaftlichenReferats beirn Hdheren SS~ und Polizeif-tihrer, Posen."Folder of the DAI containing material of the Bodenamt Posen,Bodenamt !;etz, and Zentralbodenamt on Umsiedlung, Grdssenklassen,Hationalitaten, Erfassung (i.e. evictions in Lorraine), and Bodenbilanz.19^1.Folder of the DAI containing references to RKFDV provisionsfor the selection and treatment of Poles, especially germanizableones, in Der Menscheneinsatz, and copy of one letter of the HSDAP,Stellvertreter des Klhrers, on the subject. 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing circulars and copies of lettersof the Reichsminister des Innern on the naturalization of resettiersfrom the East. 19Ul.Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht der EinwanderernebenstellePosen," March 19^0, and. a fev; related documents,including a copy of a "T&tigkeits- und Erfahrungsbericht" by Lr.Heidenreich, SS-Unterstn.rmf-dh.rer, of the Gesundheitsstelle derBliTZ. Duplicates omitted,,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Motes513 295 Deutsches Ausland.-Institut(?) VOMI/520Deutaches Ausland-Institut VOMI/521Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOKI/522Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)VOMI/523VOMI/525YOMI/526Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/527VOMI/528VOMI/529FT 2*420013 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing photostats of statisticaltables dravn up by BUT Taxatoren in Poland. 19*40.FT 2*4200^2 Folder of the DA! containing historical studies on settlementby the Siedlnngswissenschaftliches Referat of the Reichsstatthalterdes Reichsgaues Vfertheland, Beauftragter des RKFD?(Dr. KL. Stoelzel and Dr. Luise Dolesalek). Duplicates omitted.19*42 - 19*!3.FT 2*420120 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing a report - probablyof BKFDV, Hauptebtellupg Fleming upd Boden - on Kreis Ttirek. Fodate.FT 21420170 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Ansiedlung. Abruf nach Ortsbereichen.GrnndsMtzliche? 11 and containing copies of memoranda,by 13WZ and the Planting sebteilung SS-Ansiedlungsstpb Warthe-Gston technical problems of delivering Ansiedler inhere and whenFTFT2U20197wanted. 19*40 - 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing carbon copies of reports ofEWZ llord-Ost, Febenstelle Lodsch, for the months of February andMarch 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing EWZ material; memoranda onEWZ organization, e.g. the transfer of the 3tLh.r\ingsstab to Berlin,rnd copies of memoranda of 1&'!Z 7T ordost, Der Leiter. Jan-.FT 2*420253uary - Ma.rch IQ^O.Folder probably of the DAI, containing Anordnungen of BWZHordost, Uebenstelle Lodsch, December 1939 - March 19*40.FT 2^20^3^ lolder of the DAI containing 3WZ aaterial on screening andclassification in the Government General; also some documents ofa more historical nature on the GG, including a pamphlet Deutralgouvernement.Krakau ?.^tIQ t - 12.liTl9^lT AnlSsslich desFT 2U20516HI. Jah re stages des CremTrlgouvernenents im Halimen der Kriegsbuchwoche19*tl.Folder of the DAI containing some documents concerning Wilna-Deutschein the GG, including a letter to StindartenftUirerKoffmeyer <strong>com</strong>plaining that a lot of 150)o Poles got accepted asGermans. 19*40.FT 2*420528 Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material on resettlementmeasures in Poland, including documents illustratingdetermination to be accepted for settlement in Germany and determinationto remain Polish. 19*40 -

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes513 295 Deutsches Auslend-Institut(?) VOMI/530 FT 2*420570Deutsches Ausland-Institut<strong>TO</strong>1/531FTFolder, probably of the DAI, containing miscellaneous EWZand Vomi material on screening and resettlement and program of anArbeitstagung on resettlement (in which most agencies concernedseern to have taken part) organized in Hovember 19^3 " D y Dienststelledes Hfiheren SS- und Polizeifflhrers im Bereich des Militftrbefehlshabersin Frankreich als Beauf tragter des BeichsfiJihrers SS, Eeichskomrais^arfi'ir die Festigung deutschen Volkstums. 19^0 - 19^3.Folder of the BAI containing 1VZ and Vomi material, includingposters and forms on the selection and treatment of Volksdeutscheand Deutschstflmmige in Galicia. Duplicates omitted.51U 296Continued<strong>TO</strong>'I/53270MI/533VOMI/53U70MI/535VOMI/536<strong>TO</strong>4I/5377GMI/53SVOMI/539VOMI/5UOFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2*4206362*1207202U207952*4208092*420S722U209012*42096*42U210502*4211172U21197Folder of the DAI containing EWZ material on Deutschtum inZamosc (district of Lublin). igUl - 19UU.Folder of the MI: "Abschlussbericht uber die Srfassung derDeutschsttomigen im Distrikt Lublin/CTeneral^ouvernement durch die"Hlinwanderersentralstelle des Chefs der SicherheitHpoli5?ei und desSD. (? 19^).Folder of the DAI containing EWZ material on resettlement inCholra and Lublin. 19^0.Folder of the LAI narked "GO- (Lubliii-Gholm) Anordnungen 'itberdie Umsiedlung (RFSS)" and containing Anordnangen and other miscellaneousmateriel on resettlement in the Government General. 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing material on transportation aspectsof Lublin resettlement. 19^0.Folder of the DAI marked "GG-, Lublin- Choi m, Geschichtliches"and containing background material and material on resettlement inthe Lublin-Cholm area. 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing Dienst- und Arbeit sanweisungenand other material of and on EWZ Hebenstelle Lublin. 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing Anordnungen and. reports of EWZNebenstelle Lublin, 19*10.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material on generalquestion of resettlement organisation and on specific subjectssuch as Umsiedlung aus clem Raum Bug-Wei chsel, a Tagung der Landesplanerbeim Hdheren SS- und Polizeifuhrer, Gruppenfuhrer Eoppe, theReichsstelle filr Hauinordnung and the Keichsarbeitsgemeinschaft filrRaumf or s chung, etc. 1935 - 19^3.(Copies 1 and 2). 'Pwo folders of the DAI, one orange, oneblue, containing "Bericht tlber die Durchschleusung der im LagerCholm (Distrikt Lublin) untergebrachten Russlanddeutschen durch

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes51H 296 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/5H2VOMI/5U3Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) <strong>TO</strong>IFTFTFT2^212^02^213182U213H9die Einvandererzcntrjactslle dea Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei unddes SD. " Copy in orange folder "bears note "by Dr. Schneider ofthe DAI to the effect that it was considered impolitic to submitthis version to the BFSS and that a second version wastherefore made and put in blue folder. 19^2. (cf. VOMI/533,whose folder is greefc; .Folder of the DAI containing copies of memoranda and correspondenceof EWZ Hebenstelle Lublin, 19^0. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing WZ lists and maps of localitieswith German inhabitants in the Government General*Folder, probably of the DAI, containing material on resettlementby the Russians, text of "Verordnung ,-fiber die Entschftdigungvon Kriegs- und Volks turns sachschaden im Generalgouvernementvom 22. April 19^1" by Frank, and correspondence between theEeichstunsiedlungsgesellsch'rf t, Yorai, and the Hdherer SS- und PolizeifiihrerOst concerning the evacuation of areas in the Goverr>mentGeneral for uroses of the armed forces and Waffen-SS.Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/5^5VOMI/5H6VOMI/5U9VOMI/550VOMI/5515'TFTFTFTFTFTFT2^21^162U21^632^215572^21^502U21QOS2U2191UFolder of the Hal containing carbon copy of "Abschlussberichtliber die Srfassung der Deutschen im G-eneralgouverneinentostwflrts der VJeichsel durch die Eicwp.ndererzentralstelle 11 andrelated documents. 19^1 - 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing statistical material on theGovernment General. (? 19-10 - 19^2);Folder of the DAI containing Vomi letters, reports, etc.on resettlement in the Government General, notably the Lublindistrict. I'j^O ~ l'3Ul.Folder of the DAI containing Vomi material on resettlementin the Governnent General (Lublin) , including letters from Hoffrneyerto Brigadefiihrer Glo'bocriik ( SS- und Polizeiftihrer im DistriktLublin). 19^0.Folder, probably of the DAI, marked "EWZ, Einzelraaterialien19^0 - 19^1 !l and containing copies of EIv'Z correspondence and memorandaon all kinds of resettlement subjects, 19^0 - 19^1. Duplicatesomitted.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous items, includinga map shewing "Die deutschen Kolonien des Cholmer und LublinerLandes. "Folder of the DAI containing ?omi and SWZ material on registrationin the Government General . 19^1 -

Provens neeItemFilmed1st frameNotes 67Deutsches Ausland-Institut515 297 Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/552VOMI/553VOMI/554VOMI/555voMl/556VOMI/557VOMI/559VOMI/560voMi/561FT 242195HFT 2421981FT 2421990FT 2422126FT 2H22155FT 2^22187FT 2422195FT 2422204FT 242226UFT 242227*1Folder of the DAI containing material from EWZ and othersources on the settlement of Ukrainians in the Government General(Lublin and Chslin). August - September 1940.Folder of the DAI containing copies of stray items on medicalmatters connected with resettlement. No date.Folder of the DAI containing Nacnrichten fiber Umsiedlung (acollection of foreign press items onTTs^FtTemelat), Nos. 2-12.Duplicate omitted. 1940 - 1941.Envelope, probably of the DAI, containing ground plans forfarm allocation in Kreis Jarotschin.Folder of the DAI containing odd items - i.a. Merkbuch filrUmeiedler (issued by Brigadefuhrer G-lobocnik).Folder of the DAI containing an "Anwsisung zur Registrierungder in der Sov/jetunion verbleibenden Archivalien bei der Urnsieditingder Volksdeutschen aus Gali?;ien und Wolhynien, " an Aktenvermerk byGre.dmann (E T A r Z)on resettler doc^unentation, a note on materials retainedby the Russians, and a "Verzeichnis des in den Kisten VOMIFr. 8-9 aufbewahrten Aktenmaterials der iTrnpiedlung Galizien, Wolhynien. und ITarewgebiet." 1939 - IQUl.Folder of the DAI marked "Ga Wo Na, Inzuchtddrfer, Sektenwesen"and containing copies of material on resettler villages affectedby inbreeding and sects and on the trial of four Volksdeutschefor beating up Poles. 19^-0.Folder of the DAI marked "Go: Generalsiedlungsplan" and containingEWZ, Vorni, and REFDV material on Ortsbezirke called up forsettlement. 1940.Folder of the DAI containing ribbon and carbon copies of EWZ(Lemberg) Vermerke relating to Plommission Sonderzug Galizien 19^-2,Folder of the DAI containing copies of orders for or concerningthe Umsiedlungskommando for T ' r olhynians.October - NovemberVOMI/562FTVOMI/563 FT 24223521939.Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisungen issued by DerHauptbevollm&chtigte (Hoffmeyer) for those in charge of Wolhynianand Galician resettler transports, including a blank "Sanit&tspassf&r Transporte bei der Umsiedlung der Volksdeutschen aus Galizienund Wolhynien." December 1939 - January 19-I-0.Folder of the DAI containing Grenzlibergangspl&ne and otherdocuments issued by Der Hauptbevollm&chtigte concerning Galicianand Wolhynian resettler transports. November - December 1939»

Serial Roll ProvenanceItemFilmed1st frameNotes. £g515 297 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/56UVOMI/565VOMI/566VOMI/'567VOMI/56S,copy 1,copy tyVOMI/569VOMI/570VOMI/571VOMI/572VOMI/573VOMI/57^voMi/575VOKI/576FT 2^22*135FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2H22U822U225292^227602^229012^229352^230312U230392U231262^23176Folder of the DAI containing a confidential memorandum byUntersturmfdiirer Gradinann (EtfZ Flaming) "Die volkspolitischeLafre der Deuts^hen in Ost-Galizien und die Unterlagen fftr denEingat-j der ZUinwandererzentralgtelle," June 3» 19^2.Folder of bhe DAI containing material on G-alicisn andVolhynion transports. December 1^39 - February 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing REFDV, 1W2» and Voini materialon the evacuation of Galician and Wolhynian resettlers. December1939'- Mrreh 19HO.Folder of the DAI containing material on medical and otherconditions in Vomi canros (Lodz and elsewhere). Also a map "UrcsiedlerlagerGau Dayer. Cstmark" and a collection of photographs"gilder voni Abschied der Umsiedler aus dem Lager Belvedere Markt"Eisenstein." 1^39 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing "Bericht des Mhrers des Verbindungsstabesbeim Pol. "Rgt. Lublin i!iber die ^"orbereitung undDurchfdhrung der ¥olhynien- und Galizien-Deutschen-Trarisporte."March 29, 19UO.Folder of the DAI marked "Ansiedlung: Bodenverhftltnissein Ga, Wo. Gutachten Dr. Gradmann, Prof. Dr. Kuhn, Pf. Kleindienst,Dr, L'dck." January - February 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing material o.n Wolhynian andGalicisn rssettleaent. 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the DA! marked "Ga Wo Fa. Ansiedlung." 19*10.Folder of the DAI marked "Ga Vo Na Transport. Bcrichte"and cont- ining reports from various sources en the evacuationof Volksdeutsche from Galicia, Wolhynia, and the Narew region,1939 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing copies of material from varioussources on the settlement of trachoma sufferers. 19^0.Folder of the DAI marked "EWZ Ga-Wo-Na - Erfahrungsberichte."19UO.Folder of the DAI marked "Ga Wo Na. Berichte uber das Lebenin den Lagern." Heports ere from diverse sources. 19^0.Folder of the DAI marked "Umsiedler-Todesf^ile" and containinglists of dead, from Galicia, Wolhynia, pnd the Harewregion; from Riim.^nir rnd Lithuania; and from Croatia. 19-40 -ContinuedVOMI/577FT2^23256Folder of the DAI marked "Ga v/o Fa 'Rundanweisunken 1 dep HB 11

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes515 297 Deutsches Ausland-Institut516 29SVOMI/573VOMI/579YOMI/580FTFTFTFT2U232922H233S22U23U1Uand containing directives of the Hauptbevollm&chtigter December1939 - January 19^0.Folder of the HA I marked "Ga Wo Na; Das Auswfirtige Amt.( Stellungsnahrae su Einzelfragen) " and including memoranda "by Hoffmeyer(Der .Deutsche HauptTsevollmfl.chtigte) and Lothar Heller (memberof the G-ermrn delegation) on the v/ork of the Germs n- Soviet <strong>com</strong>mission.January - February 19^0.folder of the MI marked "Ga Wo Ha; La^er." 1939 - 19*10.Folder of the DAI containing statistics! material on Galician,Wolhynian and Narew reset tiers. 1939 - 19^*0 •Folder of the DAI marked n Ge. Vo ?Ta: Pinanzielles. Unterstiltzungen,Siiil^sung von Zloty-Betrfigen, u.a." and containirg suchmaterial from various sources including Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle,Der Hauptbeauftragte fiir die Aussie dlung Galizien und Wolhynien,Reichsiaiiiister der Finanzen, Heichsminister des Innern» RKFDV andVOMI/582VGMI/5S3VOMI/5S570MI/586VOMI/5S7VOMI/583VOMI/589FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2U23

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 70'516 29S Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/590vcwi/591VOMI/592voMi/593. VOMI/595ITFTFTFTFT2*42^2*462)42*17)45Folder of the DAI inscribed "Galisien, Wolhynien, Karew.Organisation und Durchf&hrung der Umsiedlung," containingmaterial from the files of Der Eauptbevollma'chtigte. 1939 -19140. : ' :.'Folder of the DAI inscribed "Galizien, Wolhynien, Narew.Berichte der Gebietsbevollm$chtigten in Ga." Includes reports,diaries, etc., of lowflr echelons. 1939 - 19^ •Folder of the DAI inscribed "Galigien, Wolhynien, Narew.Deutsch-Russisch.e Vereinbanin^en. AupvrSrti^es Amt" and containingtext of Soviet- Pern: an resettlement agreement, v/ith acovering letter from the AA. 1939*Folder of the DAI containing copies of report of HansA. Wilsky, GeMetst>evollm8.ehtigter in 'B I. ITo date.Folder of the DAI inscribed i; Galizien, Wolhynien, Warew.Die Anstalten des P. Zttckler in Stanislau" and containingmaterial on the Gustav-Adolf-V'erein, Superintendent Stickler, hisinstitutions in Stanislau, and their evacuation. 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing statistical material on resettlersfrom Estonia, Latvia, Ivolhynia, Galicia, the Narewregion and the Eastern part of the Government General.ContinuedDeutsches Augland-Institut(?)Deutsches Auslsnd-InstitutDeutsches Ausland~Institut(?)VOMI/596VOMI/59SVOKI/599FTFTFTFTFT2H2U8332U2HS732U2500UFolder probably of the DAI, containing "Tatigkeitsberichtder ?olksdeut c chen riittelstelle Einsat^stab Lodsch im Eahmender Umsiedlung der Volksdeutsohen aus Wolhynien, Gali?;ien unddem larewdistrikt. Zur persflnlichen Information, nicht filr diePressel " Ho date.Folder probably of the DAI, containing material on and byVolksdeutsche in Wolhynia, Galicia and the Narev region, includinga report "Volksdeutsche in den Kerkern der GPU, " 19^0 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing material on church archives onPoland (Galicia, etc.). 19^0 - 19^1.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing lists of Voini campinmates and of Volksdeutsche remaining in Eussia.KB:This folder (VOMI/599) a^d subsequent ones concern the "sippenkundlicheErf BS sung des Riisslpnddeutschtums" by the Forschungsstelledes Eusslanddeutschtums (DAI-VED).Folder probably of the DAI, containing SWZ material on registrationand a copy of a letter from Abvicklungsstelle ftir Urnsiedlung Galizien, Wolixynien u. Narewgebiet to the Reichsstellefflr Sippenforschung on church archives, with a list of such

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes517 299 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/601518 300Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Insbitut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/602VOMI/603ran/6o*4YOMI/605VOMI/606VOMI/607VOMI/608VOMI/609VOMI/610,611,612VOMI/613VQMI/6l*4<strong>TO</strong>MI/615VOMI/616<strong>TO</strong>II/617VOMI/61Sarchives held by the Abwicklungsstelle, 19*40.FT 2>4?503J Polder of the MI containing material on "sippenkundliche Erfassungder Mcksiedler. !l 19*40 - 19*41.FT 2*4?50U6 Polder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht ftber die Erfassungder Deutschen au.s Gslizien, Wolhynien und dem Narewgebiet durchdie Sinwandererzentralstelle beim Chef der Sicherheitspolizei unddes SB." Report is illustrated with photographs some of which showHimmler at the BWZ.FT 2H25069 Polder of the DAI marked "SWZ Galizien-Wolhynien Farew. Aufgliederun^nach Ortsbereichen."FT 2^25209 Polder of the DAI marked "Ga !-/o Fa 1. T&tigkeitsbericht derUmsiedlungskomciission (Stuf. Bri!ickner). "FT 2^25278 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing copies of Vomi memorandaon Bessarabian resettlement, Augxist 19^0.FT 2U25292 Folder of the IAI marked !( Ga Wo'Na Plakate, Flugblatter."FT 2^25305 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing Ahnentafeln of Ga~lician resettlers.FT 2U25329 Folder of the MI marked "Eespreohungen zwischen den deutschenund russischen Bevollm^chtigten. Auch: Briefwechsel," 1939- 19iK).FT 2*425*400 Folder of the DAI containing reports by V/olhynian and Galicianresettlers. 19*40. Duplicates omitted.FT 2*425708 Folders containing "Erlebnisberichte von Mck^anderern aus Ga-2*425761 lizien and Wolhynien." lixcerpts and evaluations. Duplicates omit-21*25871* ted.;FT 2*425973 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Berichte -iliber das Streudeutschtum."Deals with Volksdeutsche in Hungary. 19*40 - 19*41.FT 2*4259^9 Folder of the DAI containing material on Germans in Hungaryand Rumania; includes a memorandum by Senator Dr. Roth 1l Zur Frageder TJmsiedlung der SiebenbiHrger Sachsen und der Banater Schwaben."1939 ^ iqHo.FT 2*426022 Folder of the DAI marked "Sathmar, Siebenbtlrgen, Oberv/ischau(Ungarn)" containing material on G-erinpns in "angary and TRumania*FT 2*4?6ll6 Folder of the DAI "Ortsstatistik Sathmar. Selbsterhebnng derVolksgruppe voin 1. Marz 19*40."FT 2*426125 Folder of the DAI "Bericht uber die Vorerfassung der Verwandtenumsiedleraus Humanien." Also contains copy of an E¥Z letter onthe ?en«;andtennachumsiedlung in Ruminien. July 28, 19*41.FT 2*426l3S Folder of the MI marked n WZ Verwandtenumsiedler (Rumflnien)Statistik." Bo date.

Serial Roll Provenance300 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Auslsnd-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-Institut70MI/621VOMI/62HVOMI/625VGMl/626VOMI/627VOMI/628VOMI/629VOMI/630VOMI/631VQMI/532Filmed 1st frame Notes' FT 2U26159 Folder of the DAI marked,"EWZ Verwandtennachuinsiedlermanien) Statistik. H Fo date.IT 2l|26lgU Polder of the DAI narked "Rumanisehe PHlchtllnge (i. Ungarn)"and containing material from various sources (EIf%, Yomi, USDAP,etc.) on. Volksdeutachft of Rumanian nationality in Pc^s^ry, 19Ul -FT 2^262^119U3.Polder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisungen ami circularletters of Vomi Uwsiecllnng and Yomi Faohumsiedlung Rumdnien andSS-lTmsiedlungskoininando, Jfeuptstab, on Rumanian settlement. 19-4-1,FT 2^26278 Folder of the DAI marked "RumSn, Altreich Verwandten-Hachumpiedler"and containing ?MZ and Yomi material. 19*10 - 19*41.IT 2^26300 Polder of the DAI jcutainitg photostat "A'bachluss'berichti!i"ber die Vervmndten-Fachums'iectlua^-in Buiaflnien" and. material onBanat resettlement, 19^1.FT 2^26321 Folder of the DAl marked "Eura&nien 'Nachumsiedluiig, T^ordruckeu.£. i{ Blanks and duplicates omitted.FT 2H26390 Folder of the DAI containing a "Karte der deutschen Siedlungenin Bessarabien" and circulars, etc., of the Reichsminister desInnern on naturalisation of resettlers from Bessarabia, Bukovina,Dobrudza, and Lithuania. 19Ul - 19^2.FT 2i42639S Folder of the DAI marked "DAG: Besserabien und Bachenlend*Schftt Brahmen." 19UO.FT 2^26^05 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing statistics of resettlementfrom Bessarabia. No date.FT 2U265H6 Folder of the DAI marked "Be: Ausz&ge aus den ross. Verfttgungenilber d. Fation.^lisierung von r "ohngebfluden, Unternehmungenu.a. Der Nationalisierungs-Erlass. !! Also contains photostat ofGerman translation of a letter by Molotov of AUP. 17, 19^0.FT 2U2663S Folder, probably of the DAI: "Abschlussfcericht 'dber die Erfassungder Deutschen aus Bessarabien durch die Einwaridererzentralstelledes Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD." 19^1.FT 2^26705 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing ".Bericht tiber diestatistische Erfassung der ITrasiedler aus Bessar^bien nach Ortsbezirken"issued by Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SB, Sinvrandererzentralstelle,Statistische Stelle."FT 2U2^f?71 Folder- of the DAT inscribed "Ansiedlung ^essarabipn" andcontaining carbon and ribbon copies from various sources includingSS-Ansiedlungsstab, BKPD?, etc. 19^0 - 19^1. Duplicates omitted.FT 2^269^8 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabiei: nicht-amtl. Berichteu. Gesprache." 19^0 - 19^2. (Soaie photostats are very poor).

ProvenanceFilmed1st frameNotes300 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutFTFT2U2700H2H27067Polder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien: Gebietsstab Kischineff.Berichte." Includes "Niederschrift der Verhandlungen zwischenMajor Scharapurin und dem deutschen Grebietsbevollm$chtigtenem 2. Oktober 19*40. 12 Uhr mittags." October 19*40 .Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarablen: Briefwechsel zwischendem deutschen und sowjetisch-mssischen Hauptvertreter" andcontaining carbon copies and photostats of correspondence, minutes,and memoranda. Some photostats very poor. September - November519 301 VOMI/635VOMI/636VOMI/637VOMI/63SVOMI/639VOMI/6^0VOMI/6*41VOMI/6U2VOMI/6U5FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2*427^752*1275152U2782121*278*4*42*427*552^4279662*423029Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien: OB Ab schlussmel dungen." Contains photostats of final reports (statistical) of Tomi,Abt. Umsiedlung in the Ortsbezirke. October 19^40.Folder of the I3AI inscribed "Sessarabien: Der Ifeuptbevollm^chtigte»Berichte. 11 Carbon copies and photostats. September -November 19^0.Folder of the DAI inscribed ff Bessarabien: Abschlussberichtder Ortsbevollmflchtigten, K 1-9. u.a. tt Photostats, some poor. September- November 19^0.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien: Der Hauptbevollm&chtigts.Arbeitsbericht der Abteilung IV Planting und Transport 11and containing the Arbeitsbericht and related material. Duplicatesomitted. July - November 19*40.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien: Runderlasse desHB." September - October 19*40.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Besssrabieri: Srlebnis-Berichtevon UmsiecLlern." 19*40 - 19*41.Folder of the DAI inscribed ! 'Bessarabien: die Gebiete nachder Eesetzwng d. Russland. Liste der Flilcbtlinge." Contains listsof refugees, of people under arrest end a list "N 0 rd-Buchenland.Liste der Rum&nen (Eipengardisten, rumftnisierte Kischehen und deutschstammigeRumflaen, die deutschfeindlich vraren)." Ho date.Folder of the DAI containing photostats of Bessarabian resettlerlists, ^o date.Folder of the DAI marked "Sinzelmaterialien zur Durchschleusung."SW2 directives, reports, etc. October - December 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing medical reports on Bessarabianresettlement. September - October 19*40. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI marked "Be: ttbernahme von Pferden und Karakuls chafe n. H September - October 19*40.

Serial Roll ProvenanceItem Filmed 1st frameKo t es 7^"519 301 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/6U6VOMI/6U7VOMI/6H8VOMI/650FTFTFTFTFT2U2S1022U2S12SFolder of the DAI containing DAI correspondence on Bess-; arabian documentation. 19^0 - 19^3*Folder of the DAI containing Betreuerberichte on Bessarabianand Bukovinian camp life; also a collection of photographsof resettler types. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht ttber dieVorerfassiing der Deutschen aus Bessarnbien durch die Einv^andererzentralstellebeim Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, tf'November 19^40,Folder of the DAI containing a copy of the final reportof Ber Durchgangsbevollmdlchtigte (H. Eeiter), VolksdeutscheMittelstelle, Umsiedliing - Bessarabien, December U, 19UO.Duplicate omitted.Folder of the DAI containing reports of Taxatoren of UmsiedlungRkomwandoBessarabien and of an HSKK-TCinsatzftihrer.Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/652VOMI/653VOMI/65HVOMI/655.656,657»FTFTFTFTFT2U2822S2U282702U2S3232^28^16Folder» probably of the DAI, containing reports on BessarabinnOermans by Professor Otto Fischer of the HygienischesInstitut in Vienna, 1939 - 19^0.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing DAG Taxrahmen orSchfltzrahmen for Bessarabia. Date*Folder of the DAI containing resettler poetry. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containing a letter from DAG- to Vomiand copies of its Bessarabian survey. November 1940. Duplicatesomitted.Folders of the DAI containing Bessarabian reports ofDAG Taxatoren. 19*10.520- 302ContinuedVOMI/660VOMI/661FTFTFJ?2U285532U2875SFolder of the DA! containing Bessarabian "Erlebnis- u.Stiramungsberichte ttber Urasiedlung." Duplicates omitted. Dateuncertain.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material onthe Germans in Bessarabia, including some photographs and SippenkundlicheFragubogen of a family Erdmann. No date.Folder of the DAI containing disorganized but importantmaterial from Voni and other sources on Bessfrabisn resettlement.Also text of German-Russian resettlement agreement forBessarabia and the Northern Enkovina of September 5»

Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes .75520 302 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/662voMi/663VOMI/66UVOMI/665VOMI/666VOMl/667VOMI/668vow/609VOMI/670VOMI/671VOMI/672VOMI/673VOMI/67^VOMI/675VOMI/676ron/677VOMI/67SFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2l*290U82U292252*4292372U292U32U292552i»292SO2'42930g2U293?g2^293932U296192H296372^9689Duplicate omitted.Foller of the MI containing foreign press items on resettlement.Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI marked "Bet die landwirtschaftlichen Betriebeder Umsiedler." June 19^1.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Be: Die Kaufkefcft von Agrarprodufcten.11 Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI marked "Be: Vermfigenslisten Gebiet Eischineff."Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI marked "Be: Gebietsstab JBeresina. Berichte,Protokolle." 1940.Folder of the DAI marked "Be: Arbeitsberichte der OB." 19UO.Folder of the DAI marked "Be: Der Deutsche Gebietsbevollraachtigtei%nnsburg" and contsinin^ carbon and ribbon copies of correspondenceof the Grebietsbevollmflchtifite. September - November 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing medical reports about conditionsin Bessarabia and the health of resettlers. 1939 - 19^0•Folder of the DAI containing a report by an HSKK driver on anincident in which he v-^as involved in Bessarabia. October 1, 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing copies of reports of Ansiedlerbetreuerinrenactive among Bessarabian resettlers in Kreis Rippin*March 19^1 - April 19U3.Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht tlber die ¥orerfas sung der Deutschen aus dem ITord-Buchenland durch die Einwandererzentralstellebeiin Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD." Withrelated documents. 19^0. Duplicate omitted.Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht fiber die Erf assungder Deutschen aus dem lordbuchenlaad durch die Eiriwandererzentralstelledes Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und. des SD. 14 With relatedmaterial. igHl.Folder of the DAI containing Dorfberichte for the NorthernBukovina. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containing tables of German Grundbesitz 1937»Folder of the DAI containing medical and veterinary documentsrelating to resettler transports of .Bessarabians. 19^0.Folder of the DAI with material on registration in Bessarabiaand Northern Bukovina. Date uncertain.Polder of the DAI containing material on the organization ofresettlement from Bessarabia and Bukovina (3KJDV, Vomi, Hauptbevollraschtigter,EW3, etc.).

Serial Roll ProvenanceItemFilmed3 st frameNotes J 0 ", \520 302 Deutsches Auslaads-Institut521 303Deutsches Ausland-Institut(? )Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutYOMI/679YOMI/680VOMI/681VQMI/683VOMI/6S5VpMI/686VGMI/687VOMI/68SVOMI/6S9FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2U299052H300032*4300162^300652^301262U302S72430296Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien, flFord-Buchenland.laptruhtionsn en die Rauptvertreter. Auswftrtiges Amt" and containingcopies and photostats. 19*40.Folder of the MI inscribed "Bessarabien-Ford-Buchenland-Memorandum v. 12.£.*40, Vereinbarung Teutschland-Bussland v. 5*9-19*40." Photostats, mimeographs, printed agreement. Folder alsocontains Soviet draft. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing a list "Die filhrenden Kfinnerunter den umgesiedelten Suehenlanddeutschen/heute RusslancP' ariddocuments on Germ-in <strong>com</strong>irurit-ies in Bukovinw. and their resettlement,late uncertain,,Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien: "Berichte von'tfcrtberichter: Kobert Frtftir, Herbert Beinecker, SdnderberichterWillibald Janaow-ski; Tatigkeitsbericht des Sonderbesuftragtendes Chefs der Ordmmgspolizei. Berichte: Prof. H. Mayer,'Pno^. Hose." Typed copies and photostats (some very poor).19*4-1. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing a document "Verteilung derOrtsbssirke der Bessarabien- und Buchenlonddeutschen auf dieG-aue und Kreise des Altreichs," and "Liste Tiiber die Sinteilangder G-ebiete und Ortsbereiche ira Stld-Buchenland." Date uncertain.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing statistics ofNorthern Bukovina resettlement. Date uncertain.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing documents on theproperty assessment of resettlers. 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing medical reports on Bessarabianand Bukovinian conditions and resettlement. 19^0.Folder marked "Fromi. Betreuung der Umsiedler. Musikinstrumente,Noten, Liederbl^tter ftlr Dorfgemeinschaften." Containscorrespondence of Heiehsministerium fflr Volksaufklarung undPropaganda and other documents related to Yolksturnsarbeit, alsosome of the SS-Ansiedlungsstab, Planungsabteilung. 19^1 - 19^2.Folcler, probably of the DAI, containing "Verteilung derOrtsbezirke der Bessarabien- und Buchenlanddeutschen auf die G-aueund Kreise des Altreichs." (Gives numbers of people). Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Ansiedlung. Abruf von Be Bu."Correspondence (Ansiedlungsstab, E¥Z, etc.) on screening and settlement.December 19*40 - May

Serial Roll ProvenanceItemFilmed1st fraiNotes 77521 303 Deutsches Auslfnd-InstitutDeutsches Auslsnd-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Auslend-Institut(?))eutsches Ausland-Institutvoi-i/690VOMI/691VOMI/692VOMI/693VOMI/^9 1 *VOMI/695.copy 1,copy 3VOMI/596VOMI/697VOMI/69SYOMl/699VOMI/700VOMI/702VOMI/703FTFTFTFTFTFT2130 3 ?32)4303352H30HOU2U3CU352U30U8U2U30Uqq2'43057UFT 2)130651FTFTFTFTFTFTFT254307252U3072Q2*4307592*4307912143051492*4308512H3087*}."Polder of the D.AI inscribed "Ansiedlung Bessprabien Buchenland."Material of 3S-Ansiedlungssta.b September 19*40 - July 19*41.Polder, probably of the "OAT, containing medical reports onBessarabian and. Bukovinian resettlement. 19*40 - 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing property estima.tes for Bessarabia-Biikovina. Pate uncertain.Polder of the DAI marked "BaBu(N) Umsiedluiigskommando: BinundAusreise." July - November 19*40. Some photostats rather poor.Fodder of the MI contemning Yerrndgenslisten for For them Bukovin?;.Date uncertain.Folders of the MI containing 1 "Abschltissbericht ilber die Bewertungder zurilck^elaspenen Veavnflgensteile der bes??arabischen u,nord-Tmcheril^ndiseh-deuthchen Vblks^ruppen" issued by VolksdeutscheMittelstelle, Referat G, April 9i 19*4.1. With related material.Folder, probebly of the DAT, inscribed "1) Abschlussberichtvon Staf. Koffineyer Coer die Umsiedlung der Besserabiendeutschen,2) Abschlussbericht des .Qurchgangsbevollmachtigten Reiter (Semlin -PrahoTo)." Folder aleo contains Erlebnisbericht ty Prof. Dr. HerbertKeyer and SS-Untersturmf'tihrer Dr. V/allrabe (Kommando Petersburg,Sonderkommando "E") . 19^0- 19*f2.Folder of the DAl "Bu (IT) Arbeitsberichte der OB." November19*40.Folder of the DAI containing correspondence of the Gebietsbevolli:'ttchti,^terliichenl^nd. September - October 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing final reports of the Ortsbevollmflchtigtein For them Bulrovina. October - ITovember 3.9*40.Folder of the DAI containing age and occupational statisticsof Bukovinian Germans (the latter <strong>com</strong>piled by Prof. H. Mayer forVorai).Folder of the DAI containing a copy of a letter by Dolezalek(Letter der Wissenschaftsabteilung V'DA) to DAI concerning DeutscheKulturgiitsr in Bessarabien und C^erncwits. July 2h, 19*^0.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Buche.nland. Umsiedlung nichtarischerFamilien und Fremdstflmmiger, auch Bessarsbien." Correspondenceof Gebietsbevollm^chtigter Buchenl^nd and E¥Z. August -November 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing final report of G-ebietsbevoll^jiiachtigterNordbuchenland and related material. September - November19*40.

Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes521 303 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutBches Ausland-Institut(?)VOMI/705FTFT2*4309132U30957Folder of the DAI marked "DAG Buchenland (ftord) Tatigkeitsberichteder Taxatoren. " September - November 19*40.Folder, pro"ba"bly of the DAI, containing a memorandum on theButrovina submitted to AA by German Consulate Czerncwitz. June 15,Deutsches Ausland-Institut522 301* Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/706VOMI/70?VOMI/708VOMI/709VOMI/710VOMI/7HVOMI/712FTFTFTFTFTFT2^309702U3099U2*1310512U31080Folder of the DAI containing material of SWZ Kommanno Sanok.October - September 19*40.Folder of the BAT containing material on settlement of Bukovinians(EKJW, SS-Ansiedlungsstab) . No date,Polder of the DAI "-AmierLlucg Bnchrnlander Waldar"beiter. "Mostly copies of Ansiedlun^sstab materiel. 19*4-1 - 19^3«Folder, probably of the DAI, containing miscellaneous materialon Bukevlna and Dobrudsa. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containirsg Anv/eisungen, circulars and correspondenceof JBWZ Febenstelle Galata, September - October 19^0.Folder of the DAI: ""Hlim'/endererzentrelstelle: Ab,^chlussbericht"dber die Erf as sung deutscher Volksgruppen aus Sildosteuropa;SMbuchenland - Dobrudscha - Verv/andtenuinsiedler aus dem ruraS,nischenAltreich." 19U2.Folder OA the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht iJiber die Vorerfassungder Deutsciien aus dem Sild-Buchenlrnd durch die .linwandererzentralstellebairn Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD. "Deutsches Ausland-Institut(T)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/713VOMI/715VOMI/716VOMI/717VOMI/71SVOMI/719FTFTFTFTFTFTFT2U3137B2*42*43152^2*015532*431532Folrler, probably of the DAI,, containing "AbschlussberichtiHber die Vor erf as sung der Teutsc'ien aus der Dcbrudscha durch dieSinv/andererzentralstelle beim Chef der Sicherheitspolizei \\nd desSD."No date.Polder, probably of the DAI, containing South Bukovinianstatistics <strong>com</strong>piled after SWi5 screening. Date uncertain.Folder probrbly of the DAI, containing Anordnungen for SuSSignungsprdfer and other material on racial grading. 19^0 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing material on the collection andremoval of church registers, archives, etc., from Dobmdza. 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous economic itemsrelating to resettlement from Bessarabia, Bi&ovin?, etc. IPHO.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous items on Bukovina-Dobrudza resettlement, October - November 19*40.Folder of the DAI containing I'orfberichte, Southern Bukovina.(Vomi). Duplicates omitted. Date uncertain.

Serial Roll522523 305ProvenanceDeutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(f)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutItemVOMI/720VOMI/7?!VOMI/722VOMI/723VOMI/721+VOMI/725VOMI/726VOMI/727VOMI/723VOMI/729VOMI/730VOMI/73*VOMI/732VOMI/733VOMI/73HFilmedFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT1st frame21+3166321+31731421+318052^+3189521*3209821+3213021+3 22UU2^3229721+321+5521+321+9021+3256621+3269221+3271+721*3276621+32352VOMI/735 FT 21+12881Notes 7,9".Folder of the MI containing reports of Ortsbevollmachtigteof Yomi Umsiedlurg in Southern Bukovina. November 191+0.Folder of the DAI containing Abschlusa-Heldungen of the VomiOrtsbevollm&chtigte Southern Bukovina and Dobrudza. December 19UO.Folder of the DAI containing the German-Rumanian agreement ofOctober 22, 19*40, and related material on resettlement from SouthernBukovina and Dobrudza.Folder of the DAI containing Bukovinian Fragebogen and Binwohnerlisten<strong>com</strong>piled in resettlement campy. March - June 19^+1.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing a Dienstanweisung andblank forms used in S. Bukovina - Dobrudza resettlement. (Vorai).Date uncertain.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing miscellaneous materialon Dobrudze. resettlement. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI marked "DAG, Siidbuchenland, Taxauftrag."Material covers period 1930 - 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing text of the Soviet-German agreementon resettlement from Bessarabia and the Northern Bukovina ofSeptember 5» 19^0» 8n

Serial Roll ProvenanceItemFilmed1st frameNotesHO523 305 Deutsches Ausland-Institut YOMI/736 FTYOMI/737 FTVOMI/738 FTVOMI/738A FT<strong>TO</strong>il/739 FTVOMI/7*40 FT<strong>TO</strong>MI/7U1 .FTVOMI/7*42 FTVOMI/7*43 FT70MI/7UU FTVOMI/7U5 FTYOMI/7U6 FT?OMI/7U7 FTVOMI/7^8 FTy.oMr/7^9FT70Mt/75Q,.;V FT2U329272»4329562*4330*482*4330592U330S92U331092*4331172*4331282U332292*4332372*433?762H3^28?62*43331*42*4333232*43333021433365Deutsches Ausland-Institut(f) VOMI/751 FT 21433385Folder of the DAI containing letters and reports on resettlementin Bessarabia, S. Bukovina, and Dobrudza. Date uncertain.Folder of the MI inscribed "Dobrudscha. Das Dentschturn(in der D.)" and containing reports on the Germans in the Dobrudza,their history, attitudes, etc. Date uncertain.Folder of the MI "Dobrudscha. Sinteilung in Ortsbereiche. !lDate uncertain.Folder of the DAI "Dobrudscha Dorfberichte." Date uncertain.Folder of the DA! "Dobrudscha Hischehen und Fremdstdimmige,Date uncertain.Folder of the '0 containing maps for Dobrudza resettlement,Date uncertain. •Folder of the DAI "Dobmdscha, Verschiedenes" - strpy itemsDate uncertain.Folder of the DAI marked "Do, Einwohnerlisten und Fra^ebo^ettber'das Dobrudscha-Deutschtum. n Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI n Lo: Aafstellung liber Betriebsgrdssen."Ib.plicates omitted. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containing reports of the Gebietsarzt Dobrudscha.November 19*40 - January 19*41.Folder of the MI mrrked "Ansiedluxig Dobrudscha" containingcopies of correspondence of Ansiedlungsstab Litsmannstadt. 19*42.Duplicates omitted.Folder of the MI marked "Do: Tatigkeitsberichte der OB."Reports of Ortsbevolliaa'chti^te November - December 19*40.Folder of the DAI narked "Do, Taxation (Berichte ~ Randschreiben), M November 19*40.Folder of the MI "Do: Der Orebietsbevollm&chtigte. Rundschreiben."November 19^40.Folder of the DAI marked "EW2 Dobrudscha," and containligstatistics. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material on Dobrudza.resettlement including the report of the preliminary EWSscreening and lists of Vomi material. Date uncertain.Folder, probably of the MI, containing miscellaneous materialincluding lists of documents collected in Bessarabia andDobrudza and various reports - not only concerning South EastEuror>e. Date uncertain.

Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes523 305 Deutsches Ausland-Institut . VOMI/759306ContinuedVOMI/760VOMI/761VOMI/762VOMI/763Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) <strong>TO</strong>fI/765Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/766VOMI/767VOMI/768VOMI/769VOMI/770<strong>TO</strong>MI/771VOMI/772FT 2*433*481 Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht tlber die Srfassungder in Oberbayern untergebrachten Volksdeutschen aus Bulgariandurch die Einwandererzentralstelle des Chefs der Sicherheitspolizeiimd des SD." Date uncertain.FT 2*433*490 Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht tlber die Erfassungvon Volksdeutschen aus Bulgarien (Lager Auspiz) durch dieSinwanderercentralstelle des Chefs der Sioherheitspolizei und desFT 2*433522SD.» 19*42.Folder containing miscellaneous material (press notices, memoranda,background material, and reports) on the resettlement of Volksdeutschefrom Bulgaria. 19^3-FT 2*433570 Folder of the DAI containing material on the 'SM-Ost-Aktion,"the resettlement of Germans from Bulgaria, Serbia, and Rumania,19UO - 19112.FT 2^33592 Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht flber die Srfassungder Deutschen in der Gottschee und im Gebiet der Stadt Laibachdurch die EinwancLererzentralstelle des Chefs der Sicherheitspolizeiund des SD." December 19^1.FTIT2^336212*433739Folder of the DAI containing "Vereinbarungen zwischen derDeutschen Reichsyegierung und der Italienischen Regierung tlber dieUmsiedlung der deutschen Staatsangehfirigen und Yolksdeutschen ausder Provinz Laibach," the draft agreement, and related agreementsand regulations. October 1939 - August 19^1. Duplicate omitted.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing two <strong>com</strong>municationsfrom the Heichsminister des Innern on the naturalization of resettiersFT 2U3379U from the Province of Laibach. February and October 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing material on the transport ofLaibach resettlers. 19^1.FT 2*433310 Folder of the DAI marked "EWZ Gottschee, EinzelraaterialienFT 2*433890?ar Durchschleusung." August - December 19^1.Folder of the DAI marked "Umsiedlung Laibach. Berichte."(HJ r FD? Stabshauptamt and Gauleiter FaYnten, Beauftragter des RKFDV).February - June 19^2.FT 2*433915 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Gottschee/Laibach. Vorbereitungund Durchfohrung der Umsiedlung. 11 19*41. Duplicates omitted.FT 2*433972 Folder of the DAI marked "Go: Das Deutschtum in Gottscheeund Laibach (Die Volksgruppe)." 19^1. Duplicate omitted.FT 2U3*40S2 Folder of the DAI inscribed "Gottschee, Statistisches." 19*41.FT 2*43*4128 Folder of the DAI marked "Go: Ansiedlung." Includes copyof a letter- from RKFDV- and of a long memorandum by Dolezalek

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frameNotes u' :32(SS-Ansiedlungsstab Sfldmark, Planungsabtellung) "Anlage zu demGreneralsiedlungsplan der Grenzsiedlungszone der Untersteiermark."306 Deutsch«s Ausland-Instltut VOMI/773Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Aueland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Instltut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/77UVOMI/775VOM1/777VOMI/77SVOMI/779.780VOMI/781VOMI/782FTFTFTFT2U3U351FT 21*3^392FT243^39821*3^79Folder of the MI containing specimens of the Potts cheerZei tung , an article on its cessation, and a copy of an Aktenvermerkon Laibach/Grottschee resettlement made after a discussion byparties concerned at the Reichskommissariat. 19^1.Folder of; the DAI containing issues of the paper StajerskiGrospodar (one with the announcement of the conclusion of Ura- undAussiedlung in Lower Styria) a memorandum on and an announcementof the removal, of Slovenes. 19U1.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing a background paperissued by RKFDV Ha.uptabteilung I in the series VolkspolitischeLageberichte; "Gottschee, Untersteiermark, Sildkarnten" (July 16,and "Statistik lilber Bevdlkerung, Bodenbesitz und Viehbestanddes Siedlungsgebietes Gottschee (Mftrz 19^1)."Folder of the DAI containing a ribbon copy of "Bericht flberdie Tatigkeit der Kulturkommission (der Forschungs- und Lehrgemeinschaft'Das Ahnenerbe 1 ) beim Deutschen Umsiedlungsbevollmachtigtenfur die Provins Laibach erstattet durch Prof. Ur. HsnsSchwalm, SS-Hauptsturmffthrer. rt Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI marked "Grottschee, Laibach; Vordrucke,Merkbiatter, Dienst^nweisungen u.ft. n and containing forms usedin Gottschee/Laibach resettlement. Duplicates omitted. Dateuncertain.Folder, probably o£ ;the .DA-I, -containing "Bericht -dber dieErfassung der nach Art. 9 ^- er deutsch-kroatischen Umsiedlungsvereinbarungvom 30. 9vl9^2 ^n Kroatien zurflckgebliebenen Umsiedlerdurch die Einxvandererzentralstelle des Chefs der Sicherheitspolizeiund des SD% ''Folders of the DAI containing material of the Deutsche Volksgruppein Kroatien. 19*10 - 19*H.Folder of .the DAI containing "Vereiribarung zwischen der DeutschenRegierung und der Regierung des Unabhangigen Staates Kroatien€ber die Urns iedlung von Angehfirigen des deutschen 7olkstums aus bestimmtenGebieten des Unabhangigen Staates Kroatien in das DeutecheReich" of September 30, 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht ilber die Erfassungder Deutschen aus Bosnien durch die linwandererzentrals'telledes Gfcefa de? Sieherheitspoli^ei .und, des SD."

Provenance Item Pilmed 1st frame ITotes525 307 Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/7S3Deutsches Ausland-InstitutYOMI/7S5VOMI/786VOMI/7^7VOMI/790VOMI/791VOMI/792VOMI/793VOMI/79*4ContinuedvoMi/795VOMl/796VOMI/797PT 2143*4782PTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPT?l43U9232U350262*4350612*4351012*4351902*4352732*4352962U35337Polder, probably of the DAI, containing "Abschlussberichtiiber die Vorerfassung der Deutschen aus Bosnien durch die Einv/andererzentralstellebeim Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD imHerts t 19*42."Polder of the DAI containing EWZ documents on Bosnian resettlement,July - August 19*42.Folder of the DAI marked "Bo: das Umsiedlungskommando (Vomi)."19*42 - 19^3,Polder of the DAI inscribed "Bosnien, Dorfberichte." Date uncertain.Polder of the DAI marked "EWZ Bosnien, Aufgliederung nach Ortsbesirken"and containing statistics of Bosnian screening. Date uncertain.Polder of the DAI marked "Bo Transport." Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containing DAI material on Bosnian resettlement.August - December 19*42. (ifB: Includes a letter by Gkradmannstressing the confidential nature of EWZ materialV3Folder of the DAI containing local and regional final reportsof the Vomi on Bosnian resettlement. 19*42.Folder of the DAI containing a letter by Obersturmftthrer Gradmann(S¥Z) to DAI on Bosnian resettlement and maps and blank formsrelating to that resettlement. 19*42 - 191414.Polder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht tlber die Erfassungder ira Altreich untergebrachten Slov/enenabsiedler durch dieEinv/anderercentralstelle des Chafe der Sicherheitspolizei und desSD," October 3, 19143.Polder of the DAI containing an EWZ Vermerk on difficultieswith Slovenes (March 2, 19^3)» some blank index cards as used inSlovene resettlement, and a number of references to entries in PerMenscheneinsatz. 19*41 - 19*43.PoldeT^f" the DAI marked "Go: Slowenen-Aktion" and containingmaps of Yugoslavia, Adriatic, etc.Polder of the BAI containing "Abschlussbericht tlber die Erfassungvon Volksdeutschen aus Restserbien durch die Einwaridererzentralstelledes Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD." Date uncertain.Polder of the DA! marked "Hestserbian" and containing EWZ materialon Besserabian and South Bufcovinian resettlement, 19*1-0.Polder of the DAI containing material on resettlement in "Resteer"bien" (from Serbia into the Reich^ Croatia, and the Banat, and to

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes525 307 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?)525- 3^7- Deutsches Ausl^nd-Institut526 308VCMl/798VOMl/799VCMI/SOOVOMI/801VOMI/802VOMI/803VOMI/SO^VQMI/805VOMI/806,S07,80S,809FTFTFTFTFT2*4353532^353752^35^202^355^82U356652^3569924357212^3635^2^365912*436826Serbia, Croatia, Banat, Lower Styria and the Reich from Macedonia/Bulgaria). Includes PD. appeal "by the leader of Germans in Croatia,Altgayer. 1939 - 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing "Absohlussbericht fiber die Erfassungvon Volksdeutschen aus Griechenlpnd dureh die linwandererzentrelstelledes Chefs der SicherheitspoliTlei und des 3D." Dateuncertain.Folder of the DAI containing "A'bschluss'bericht iiber dieDurchschleusun^ von 95 Griechenlanddeutschen in passau/Gau Bayr.Ostraprk durch die Finv/anderer^entrp.lfstelle des Chefs der Sicherheitspoliseiund. des SD." No date.Foloer of the "OAI marked "G-riechenland :i and containing ribboncopy of ^ report "TJmsiedlung Reraklion; Allgemeine Erhebiingen"and some press and 7omi material on reset tiers from Greece. 19*4?.Duplicate omitted.Folder of the DAI marked "D.A.G. Griechenland (Alt-Heraklion)."19*12.Book of the DAI: .Der Reichgftthrer SS, Reichskommissar filrdie Festig:ung . deuts -".ben Yolks turns: Per Men^cheneinsatg. G-rund-_sfltze, Anordnuiigen und Richtlinien. Hera\isgegeBen von der HauptabteiTung"I"des Reichskommis"s^riats" ftlr die Festi^rvxng deutscheriVolkstums. Dezember 19^0. Vertraulich. Nv?r f-t!lr den inneren Dienstgebrauch.Book of the DAI: Der KeichsKommissar fttr die "Festigungdeutschen Volksturns. Stabsheuptamt: Der Menscheneinsats,..l.Nachtrag.September l^M-l. itreng vertraulich" ifur filr den innerenDierstgebrauch.Book, probf-bly of the MI: Informstionsunterlagen des SS~Ansiedlungsstabes, Nr. 2. Das Deutschtum iia Buclienland, insbesondereder ire !'7arthegpvi an^usie^deTnde^TeTIT Siiisamme'ngestelTt vo~nWill! Sauer and Sginiierd H'ehn. Die S3-An si edlung s s tabe ¥ar the- Os tund Wart he-West, Flanun^rsabteilung, Inforraationsstelle.Book, probably of the DAI: Inforrcationsunterla^en des SS-Ansiedlungsstabes, ITr. 3* Das Deutschtuni in Bessarabien, insbesondereder im Warthef-a.n angu^Tedelnde^Teil^ Zusairmen^estellt vonFr. Fiechtner, Gnadentpl, Bessarsbien.Folders of the DAI containing Wir sinddaheim, Mitteilungsblattder volksdeutschen Urnsiedler im Reich~. iWT"- 19UU. Duplicatesomitted.

SerialRollprovenanceIt eraFilmed1st frameMotesS5526526-527308 Deutsches Ausland-Institut308-309VQMI/810VOMI/811,123FT2^36971FT 2437022214370572*137032Document of the DAI: Unser Lagerbote ira Volksdeutschen LagerNr. 97 der I' T S"DAP Bfihm.-Laipa, Fuinmer 17 Jahrgang 19**0,DocuJTient of the DAI: Junge Heine t, die Lesestunde der KL?-lager. 19*41 - 19*12.527 309567S9102437162211371922^372332^3726^2^73032U3733S11 ?*437^7*l122U37U11VOMI/S12, 1 FT 2^374^722^7^3232^37517**2^375525211375^7VOMI/813, 1 FT 2^37622221*3765032^37673i|2^37706521137731*62^1377^372^37791YOMI/S1**, FT 21*37^722^37^6^3 2U3790fjU 21*37939VOMI/S15, l FT 2U379

Serial Roll Proven?nee Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 86527 309 Deutsches Auslsnd-lastitut52S 310VOMI/818,123k567VOMI/219VOMI/320VOMI/S21VOMI/S22,S23,VOMI/825,S26FTFTFl'FT2*0305721*330752U380922U3S10621*390^02^390592^390762^3909721*391115Pamphlets of the DAI: Dag Sohwarzmeerdeutgchtum. Fol^e1-8 (Folge 5 missing). Herausge^eTaen von der 1SDAP, GauleitungWprtheland, G-auamt Mr Volkstunsfragen.Folders of the jjAI containing SonntagsTjlatt im Wartheland(NS GeuverlagFolder of the IXAJ containing a course of basic Fazi indoctrinationmateriel issued by Gsuleitung Vartheland, Gauschulungsaint.Date uncertain.Pamphlets of the DAI: Di ens tarn re i sung tlber den (rebranch deutsch er Or t s name n im Ausland fur den BeFeich des Reichs'fjihrers SSVJfiTiclTi^oli^^^yolksdeutsche Mittelstelle. Teil I Banat, Teil II Euraanien, TeilIII Slowakei. Bearbeitet im Leutschen Ansiand-Instltut in Zttsarnmenarbeitroit den Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mitteilstelle und derFiihrung der Deutschen Yolksgruppe in: Banat und in Serbian. Dateuncertain.Pamphlets of the DAI: gonderar-weismif der Abteilung; 17fur die Umsiedlung der Yolksde'at?:chen'~iu's Besgarabien und Hord^b\rcheliral^Jr^^an^^]JnjSil^Lnft)_ and•efiung fifr die~Uin^i^dlun^'"der ToTk^deirtpcheri ans Litau-VOMI/827VOMI/g2gVOMI/S29VOMI/830FTFTFT2^39291t el s t el 1 e, Umn i cell un^. IB. t e unc e r t ai n.Pamphlet of the DAI: Yolksdeutsche Mittelstelle t Umsiedlur^Litauen, S3, Di.enstanweisung ftlr die Umsiedlerla.ger ia GauPonvne r n. 19 Ul,Pamphlet of the DAI: Dieastanv/eisur'g fftr die Umsiedlungder Volksdeutschen a as dem G eneral gouve rneine nt. Issued by VolksdeutscheMittelstelle, Um^iediting. Date uncertpin.Pamphlet of the DAI: "Jolksdeutsohe Hittelstellr, Abteilur^Urns i editing: Di e ns t~ Anvr e i sung en und Formulare der AbteilungIII, G-esundheitsv^sen. Date uncertsituFile of the DAI; Verwaltarjgsvornchriftf^rdie L?-ger derVolksdeutsohen MittelstefilTi Herausge^rehen von derlung des Reichskominissars fiir die Festigung deutschen Volkstums.February 19Ul.

Serial Roll Filmed 1st frame528- 310-529529311311530 312310 Deutsches Augland-Institut VOMI/831VOMI/832,VOMI/835VOMI/836VOMI/S37VOMI/S38VOMI/839VOMI/8UO,VOMI/SH6VOMI/S147FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2U3931124395932^396222UU01952^407372UU1226Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisunken of variouskinds for resettlement from Russia, and former Polish territories.Date uncertain.Pamphlets of the DAI: "Irste Durchfiihrungsbestimmung za derAllgemeinen Anordnung Kr. lU/IV (and Nr. 15/111) &ber die bevorzugteSesshaftmachung von Kriegsversehrten..." etc., issued "byRKl'DY. May and October 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing Heft 1 and 2, 19^3t of Deutachlandgr&sst Each. Das deutsche Yolk an die Yolksdeutschen in derUkraine. Duplicate omitted. Tissued jointly by ReichsmiaisteriumfSF~VoTksaufklfining und Propaganda and Yomi).Folder of the DAI containing odd copies of Im Schutze desEeiches. Mitteij.ungsbj.att__fiir zuriickgeftthr.te Yolksdeutsche (orM7~"der"~'deutschen' 1 Jma'iedl'er"Tm~Re'icF*""oFTa^elFzeIttiiig~'de'r deutschenUrn'siedleF"Ii~l!.cich)~IssuedTby Yomi. 1§W]Duplicates omittedT"¥oTd^roT~ : the DAI inscribed "Der Reichskommissar f'dr dieFestigung dtsch. Yolkstums. Gep^ckstelle Posen. Yordrucke."Folder of the DA! inscribed "Ansiedlung. Oberschlesien.Yordrucke, Formalare, Hofkarten, etc."Folder of the DAI containing blank forms, specimen agree.-ments, etc., of DUT, Kebenstelle Litzru^nnstadt.Folder of the DAI containin^1 blank forms, leaflets, etc.,of DUT, Niederlesffung Kattovitz.Folders of the DAI containing blank forms, etc., of DUT,Niederlassrumg Innsbruck.Folder of the DAI containing Yoini lists of camps in GauMilnchen-Oberbayern and specimens of forms used in camps, a Lagerpass,etc.Folder of the DAI containing blanks of Yoini Pommern.Folder of the DAI containing blink BVZ forms; also a. circularby Dolezalek (Wissenschaftliche Abteilung des Y.D.A. in Gemeinschaftmit der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ostsiedlung der Reichsstudentenfilhrung,Yolkstumsabteilung, November 1939)• Duplicatesomitted.Fo3der of the DAI containing Vomi Dienetanweisungen, forms,etc. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI containing a long memorandum on the DUTand DUT Kerkblatter, forms, etc.

Serial Roll ProvenanceItem filmed 1st frcmeFotes6iS312 Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/8U8 FTFTVOMI/850 FTVOMI/S51 FTVOMI/852 FTVOMI/B53 FT 21*^1939VOMI/854 FTVOMI/855 FTVCMI/S56 FT.21&1972Folder of the DAI containing, WZ and Vomi forms with instructionson their use.Book of the DAI containing Transportverzeichnis forms. Duplicatesomitted.Folder of the DAI containing a collection of forms, leaflets,etc., used in the resettlement of South I^rolese and a Sanit&tspassMr Transporte bei der Umsiedlurg der Volksdeutschen aus G-alizienuad Wolhynien. Duplicates omitted.Envelope containing a DAI collection of forms, etc., used inG-ottschee/Laibach resettlement. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Vomi-Eiiisatssteb Litzmannstadt.Umsiedler-Statistik 19*43."Envelope of the DAI containing "Arbeitsberlcht des Reichskomnissarsf&r die Festlgung deutschen 7oll:sturns, Hauptamt VolkodeutscheMittelstelle, Sinsat^stab Litzmarmstadt, fiir das Jahr19*43»" Carbon copy.Polder of the DA! containing material on Voiai camps in GauMainfranken. 19^0 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI containing str^y items of Vomi, EinsatzflihrungMitte.Folder of the DAI containing letters from Vomi and USDAPcamps to the"DAI concerning sippenkundliche Eastnndsaufnahme.531 313VOMI/857VOKI/&5S,859.860,861VOMI/ 8 62,86**FTFTFTFTFT2^21532i&2tt72^2)4002^2791containing a collection of D^I ne. terial on theorganization of resettlement: organizational charts, forms, instructions,etc. Duplicates omitted.Folders of the DAI with pencil inscription containing correspondencewith Vomi, BUT, etc., on sippenkundliche Be stand s-aufnahine,' EinFohnerlisten, eip-nenkundliche Fragebogen, etc.Folders of the DAI containing Dienstanweisungen and Rundschreibenof Gavleiter und Oberprftsident aln "Beauftragter desRB'SS, Reichskominissar fiir die jpestieung deutsehen Volkstams,Sinsetzfi'ihrer des HauT)tamtes Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle Kattowitz,19^1 - 19^3.Folder of the DAI marked "Vomi, Lagerbestandsmeldungen. "Also has a list of Einsatsftthrungen der Volksdeutschen Mittelstelle,vith names and addresses. 19*41 - 19^2.Folder of the DAI containing material of Vomi, EinsatzftihrungSchlesien, and some Silesian newspaper items on resettlement.

Serial Roll provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes531 313 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/S6?Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/S6SVOMI/269VOf.'I/S70532 VOMI/STIContinuedVOMI/872VOMI/S73VOMI/S7SFTFTFT2HU3772FT 2^438*49FTFTFT2UUU157Folder of the DAI containing carbon copies of excerpts fromreports of Ansiedlerbetreuerinnen. 19^-2 - 19^-3•Folder, probably of the DAI, containing orders, circularletters, etc., of Gauleiter und Heichsstatthalter iin ReichsgauWart-heland, Besuftragter des Reiehskommissars f&r die Festigungdeutschea Volkstums, relating to the settlement and integration ofVolksdeutsche from Russia, notably from the Black Sea area. 19^U.Folder of the DAI containing loose me.teri??l, mostly relatingto Hasslanddeutsche and their resettlement in the Warthegau.Includes background leaflets 'by various authors, issued "by NSDAPGauleitung Warthelsnd, Gauamt fflr Yolkstumsfragen (Yertraulich),and letters from E'VZ (Gradmann) to DAI. 19^.Folder- of the DAI inscribed "Bericht des R.f.d.F.d.V. anden Ffilirer Coer den Stand der Urnsiedlung" and containing copy ofa copy of an eight-page "Tati^keitsbericht (stand Ende 19^2)" "byStaDshaxiptamt RKFCV and 8 copy of a 29-page "Statistik ii'ber denStand der Riickwanderung." May 5, igUl, oy EK'FDV. Duplicatesomitted.Folder of the DAI containing maps relating to German settlementand text of Soviet-German resettlement agreement of November16, 1939-Folder of the DAI marked "Gau-Einsatssfilhrung Steiermark,Graz. Rundsckreiben, Dienstanordmingen, Legerrund.briefe, ¥erschiedenes,"and containing material of Vomi, Styria. 19^0 - ^2.Folder of the DAI containing Rundschreiben of Yomi Gau-lin~satzfilhrung Steiermark (vJraz). 19^0 - 19^1.Folder of the DAT inscribed "Westumsiedlung. AbsiedlungLothriugen Januer 19^3- (Bericbt) 11 and containing copy of a reporton Jtbsiedlung from Lorraine to the Stabshauptaiat RKFDY anda copy of a report "Die Umsiedlungsvorgfl.nge im Gau V/estmark."September 19*11.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Westumsiedlung. Rtckftliirungvon Freradenle"ionaren"containing copies of memoranda and correspondenceof EV/2 ITebenstelle Paris on the resettlement of membersof the Foreign Legion. 19^3.Polder of the DAI inscribed "¥estunsiediting. Staatsangehflri^keitund Sinbtlrgerui^" containing copies and. copies of copiesof material of EWZ Kebenstelle Paris emanating from various agencies,inclading the Reichsminister des Innern and RiCFDV Stabshauptamt,on questions of nationality, naturalization and the

SerialRoll532 31H Eeutsches Ausland-Institut: Tovenance 1t em Filmed 1st frame Notesdivorce of mixed Franco-German marriages.Folder of the DAI inscribed ' h . T estumsiedlung. Umsiealungsvertrag,Durchfiib.riin^ der Umsiedlung ( Vomi) " and containing copiesof materiel of SV/Z' F^benstelle Paris 1 , emanating from variousagencies, including the German Eiribassy in ?aris, the r in Frankreich, and the Chef der Sicherheitspolizeiund des SD. 19*43.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Tvestuwsiedlung. Beratungsstellefi'ir Volksdeutsche 11 -containing copies of E¥Z material, includinga letter from SS-Erigadefiihrer Oberg (Hfiherer SS- undPolizeifdhrer im Bereich des 1-lilitarbef elilshabers in Frpnkreich)on the organisations! <strong>com</strong>petences for resettlement in and fromthe West, including the position of the Beraturigsstell.e.VOMI/S79VOMI/gSOFT21M308Folder of the DAI inscribed "Westumsiedlung-, Fr^.nkreich"containing copies of SV/S material froia various sour res (PFSS FersflnlicherStab, i-iEFW, Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei, ouregistration and resettlement in and from Vr'\nce. 19Ul - 19H3.Folder of the DAI inscribed "I'fsstuinsiedlung. Lothrir.gen(Berioht)" and containing copies - poor as regards accuracy,pagination, etc. - of interesting raster ia.l on resettlement inand from Lorraine, including a report by Obersturn;filhrer Blisson the settlement of S^Idbuchenlanddeutsehe with related material,minutes of a nieetin,:;; of the Ansie-'l.lungsstab and. documents of SV/ZDienststelle West and Gauleiter Btlrckel (Beiohss tat thai ter inder Westmark, C^ef der Zivilverv/altung in Lothrin^en) .533 315Continued.VOHI/2S2VGKI/SS3Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) YOMI/S26Folder of the DAI inscribed "Vestumsiedlung, ^esprechungen"and containing copies of ^A'^ memoranda and other material on resettlementin^ the *fest. 19^1 - 131*3.Folder of the DAI inscribed "tyfistumsiedlune. ?lsass-Lo-thringen- Luxemburg" and containing copies of material of EVZ Fe~benstelle Paris and Stabsh^.uptaait W.FDV. 19*41 - 19*43.Folder of the PAI containing TC¥Z material on resettlementfrom Northern France. 19^3.Folder of the DAI containing historical material on Germansin Lithuania, mainly from -forld War I to T '7orld War II. Date uncertain.Folder, probably of the DAT, containing "Das Leut sen turn inLitaucn. Denkschrift zur Ifegiedlung der Dentgchen aur, Litauen."

Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 91533 315 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/gfffVOMI/S8SVOMI/890VOMI/S91VOMI/892VOMI/893YOHI/895YOMI/896FTFTFT 2*4^50972UU5337FTFT 2*4'J5*4932*4451499Issued "by Landesplanungsgemeinschaft Ostpreussen. BearbeiterS. Maruschat, Kowno-Efinigsberg. July-August 19*40.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit.: Tatigkeitsberichte u.a.Abteilung VIII. Presse" and containing memoranda on the presscoverage of Lithuanian resettlement. 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing a copy (poor in parts) of "Tagebuchtlber die Uf-isxedlung der Reichs- tind Yolksdeutschen aus derSowjet-Republik Litauen. Gefdhrt von G. Sch&tz, Sachbearbeiterim Hf-tiptstab Litouen." July 22, 19*40 to March 29, 19*41.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Yolks und reichedeutscheVerino'gen. in Liteueri" and containing material of Der DeutscheHauptbevollmachtlgte in Kauen on such property. 19*40 - 19*4-2.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: amtl. Berichte. Der K.B.Abtei-luigen. des Kauptstabes" and containing copies of these reportsand photostat of AbscWussbericht fiber die Umsiedlung Litauenby Vomi Umsiedlung, Der Yerbindun^sreferent beiin Inspekteurder Ordnungspolizei Fttni»Fberj% January - AT>ril 19*4-1.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Deutschtun und lit. Staat"containing background material, including copies of pre-war documentsof German and Lithuanian origin, on the German <strong>com</strong>munity inLithuania. Mainly on the period from Vorld T "fer I to World War II.Folder of the DAI marked "Lit: Schriftwechsel zwischen demdeutsehen and russischen E3" and cortaininp photostats of thecorrespondence, February - March 19*41.Folder of the DAI containing typed and photostatic copiesof correspondence between the German H«uptbevollm«^chtitter andthe Soviet representative in Lithuania, February - M?.irch 19*4-1.Folder of the DAI perked "Lit. Statist, ubersichten: Landw.Besitz, Gewerbebetriebe, St^dt. Immobilien, Allgemeine Ubersichten"and containing statistical tables. 19*40.Feller of the D-'\I containing a ribbon copy of sn unsigned,undated report "Die "Sinstellung der Juden" dealing with the conditionsand attitudes of local and Soviet Russian Jews in the newSoviet sphere of influence, as seen by a member of the German resettlementcoioinission.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Ansiedlung ReicnskommissariatUkraine. Eiissland-Deutsche 19*43/19^* 4 ." Contains copies andoriginal material from various sources including EV7Zi Yomi, RKFDVStabshauptamt and Reichsministeriura filr die besetzten Ostgebiete.19)43 _ 19)414.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 92533 315 Deutsches Ausland-lustitut VOMI/897Deutsches Ausla.nd-Institut(7)VOMI/S99Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/900VOMI/901316 VOMI/902Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/903VOMI/90UVOMI/905Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/906voMi/907FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2^56102UU5S172UIJ5B302*4^5831*2^5-2562^45912Folder of the DAI marked "I'ransnistrien" containing a copyof an agreement "between the Rumanian Governor, Prof. Alexianu,and SS-Cberftlhrer Hofi'mayer (Vorni) of December 19^1 and a copy ofa report "by Dr. Stumpp on German villages near Odessa.Book, probably of the MI: "Per G-eneralbezirk Wolhynien, 'Abgeschlossen am 5- Dezember 19^1, ITachtrfige Tis zust 5- J^nuar.19^2. Entwurf, nur fftr den Bienst^e'brauch. G-eheim. Der Reichsministerfilr die "besetzten Ost^ebiete, Hauptabteilung I, Raumplanune;.Issued by Reicaskomiids&ariat Ukraine.Book, probably of the DAI: Per Ge rieral b e z i rk Siytomyr.Abgeschlossen a .a 1 l-"9rz 19 Ji 2.setgten Ost^ebiete, Heuptabteilan^ I, Rc-uinplanung. Kntwurf, nurfur den Dienntgebrp.uch. G-eheim. Is-sued by ReichskomrnissariatUkraine.Folder of the DAI containing Die nstanwei sung tLber Aufnahmein den Lagern and Organise t ion drr Lager of YolksdexTt'sche' MitteTatelle,'Einsatastab Litxmannstadt, an Cr^anisatioasplan of VoinlEinsPtF-stab Litzmannstadt, and extracts from s circular of ¥oraiLitzmanast&dt. August lybQ - Febmaiy IQUl .Folder of the DAI containing material on and by the SledlungswissenschaftlichesBeferat (of the H8h. SS- und Poli^eifuhrerbeim Reichsstatthalter in Poseri) , maps "Dei* westliche Fetzegpu"1550 - 19^1 » material on the transliteration of Russianplrce names, a DAI Ausvreis for Ednard Krause for, and a reportby Krause on, his trip to Berlin, Posen, nnd Litjrrnpnnstadt, August30 - September 27 » 1°U2.Folder of the DAI marked "Deuts rvh-russischer Flight lingsaustausch.Versprenf-te." 19/59 ~ 19^0.Folder, probably of the MI, containing photostat of acircular letter fron.TT offmeyer (Der Deutsche Hauptbevollraftchtigte)to all GebietsbevollinHehtigte on "^reilassiing von Kriegsgefangenenund tnhaf tierten. " December 3^» 1939-Folder, probably of the DAI, containing more material onVersprengte. (cf. VOMI/903).Folder, probably of the DAT, containing miscellaneous materialon refugees (Volksdeutsche and others). 19^0.Folder of the DAI containing material on fremdst&miiiige Umsiedler.19^-0. (Original of Himroler circular snd copies).Folder of the DAI containing material from various sourceson the resettlement of Ukrainians. 19^0 -

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes53*4 316 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VCMI/90SContinuedVOMI/911,912VOMI/913VOMI/QlUVOMI/915VOMI/936VOMI/917VOMI/91SVOMI/919FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2*4*459592*4*460252*4*461*41214*4652*42UU662?2*4*466712UU672U2^699)4FT 2*4*47083Folder of the DAI containing a "Himraelsbrief " and "Sibirienliedder Wolhyniendeutschen" and the diary, December 9t 1939 -January 23 » 19*40 » of Professor Dr. Hans Koch, Mitglied der Umsiedlungs-Kornmitisiondes Deutschen Reiches (G-ebietsstab Lemberg) zurtiberfttiirung der Volksdeutschen aus Sowjet-Galisien und Sowjet-Wolhynien nach dem Deutschen Reich: "Deutscher G-ebietsstab Lembergwfihrend der UKisiedlungsarbeiten 1939/^0* "Folder of the DAI marked "Ga-Wo-Ua, Private Berichte" andcontaining copies of reports of evacuation and departure. Nodate,Folder of the DAI containing odd items on resettlement andreports by individual resettlers on life under the Soviets. Alsoanother copy of the Koch diary - cf. VOMI/908'. Duplicate omitted.Folders of the DAI inscribed "G-alizien, Wolhynien, Farev/.Private Berichte." DAI material collected "by the DAI. 1939 - **!•Folder of the DAI containing copies of "Arbeit sbericht desReichsko^irissnrs fflr die Festifung deutschpn Volkptums, HauptamtVolksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Einsaty.stab Litrmannstadt, ftlr dasJphr 19*42," "Tfiti^keitsbericht der Volksdeutschen MittelstelleEinsatsstab Lodsch im Rahmen der Umsiedlung der Volksdeutschenaus V/olhynien, G-ali^ien und dem Farewgebiet ( Zur perstinlichen Information,nicht fiir die Pres?e!)»" snd "^ericht tiber die Tfttigkeitdes Mnsatzstabes Litsmennstadt der Volksdeutsohen Mittelstellebei der Umsiedlung Distrikt Lublin (General Gouvernement)Herbst 19*40 ( Zur persftnlichen Information, nicht fiir die Presse!). 11January 19*41 - January 19*43. Duplicate omitted.Folder of the MI "Bessarabien Dorfberichte. Gebiet Albota."19*40 Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI "Bessarabien Dorfberichte. Gebiet Beresina" 19*40. Duplicates omitted.Folder of the DAI "Bess?rr»bien Dorfberichte. Gebiet Kischi-" 19^0.Folder of the DAI "Bessarabien Dorfberichte. Gebiet Mannsburg" 19l|0.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien, Fordbuchenland.Transports nweisungen, Grenztlberga'nge u.a." and containing typedand photostatic copies of material of Yomi Umsiedlung. 19*40.Polder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien: Protokolle undSiederschriften ttber Besprechungen zwischen den deutschen und93

Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes535 317 Deutscheg Ausland-Institut VOMI/920VOMI/921VOMI/922VOMt/923FTFTFTFT2UU7532sowjetischen Vertretern. "Folder of the TAT inscribed "Bessarabien, Nord-Buchenland.Transportfragen. Eisenbahn, Treck, Dampfschiffahrt. " Materialof Der Deutsche Keuptbevollmflchtigte and Vomi Umsiedlung. lyUO.Folder of the DAI: "BessaraMen: YerhandlungsprotokolleHoffmeyer und Sowjetvertreter (Mp.ppe: Protokolle u. Niederschriften)." A set of ribbon and carbon copies of minutes ofmeetings! September 15 - November 13 » 19^0.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessarabien und Ford-Buchenland.Ortsbereiche, FiJIhrende Deutsche. Zahl der r .D. in denOrtshereichen. " Riboon and carbon, mimeographed snd photostatlccopies of Deutgche Volksgemeinschaft in Baunanien, Vomi Umsiedlung»etc. Some photostats poor. 1939 - 19^0.Folder of the DAI inscribed "Bessara'uien. Das Deut sen turnin BrsFarrbien" and containing interesting meteripl from yprioussources on the German <strong>com</strong>manities in Bessarabia, including a paper"Das Deutschtum in Bessarebien, insbesondere der ira Waxthegauansusiedelnde Teil" ( Informationsnnterle^en des SS-Ansi«dlun^sstabes), a "Bericht €ber die deutschen G-eraeinden in Bessarabien"(by Dr. K. ^tumpp) , "Pas "Oeutschtum in Bessarabien" (byEduard Krause, DAI), a memorandum "G-au Bessarn.bien; Organisationftlr die Umsiedlung. Aufbaa and Aufgaben" (by Dr. Broneske, Gauleiter),an anonynous denuncir-'tion of Broneske and his circle!? Die innenvfilki sche Lage In Bessarabien. Kreis Broneske," amemorandtun on the Bukovina and resettlement by the German ConsulateOzernovdtz, tvo reports on the Germans in Besspr^bia byProf. Otto Fischer, Vienna, and more background material, 3959VOMI/92UDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/925VOMI/926FT2UU7SU82UU7858Folder of the DAI containing photoststs, mostly of poorquality, of the minutes of the German-Soviet resettlement <strong>com</strong>missionfor Bessarabia and northern Bukovina, July 2U - August31. 19*K>.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing maps of Bessarabia,Bukovina, Dobrudza, and ethnic distribution in these areas. Dateuncertain.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing miscellaneous materialon Bessarabia and the G-ermans there, including an organizationalchart of G^uleitung 2essar?"bien, statistical tables, e"Verzeichnis der deutschen Akademiker in Eessarpbien (1S3S)»"lists of "Kiscnehen" snd "Mischlinge, u etc. 1937 - 19^0. Dupli-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Notes 95535 317 Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/927VOMI/928536 318 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/929Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?)Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/930VOMI/931VOMI/932VOMI/933,Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/935,936Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/937537 319 VOMI/93HDeutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/9^0FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2UUS1192UU825SFT 21+1*83692HUS14252i|Ugl|392^U^gi*92UU90162UH9221*Folder, probably of the DAI, containing "Ahnentafeln bessarabiendeutscherUmsiedler. !f 19^0.Polder, probably of the DAI, inscribed "Bessarabien-Berichte; und Gediehte." Contains poems, songs, stories,etc. 190^ - 19ltO.Folder of the DAI containing maps and inscribed "Karten v,Rumanien, Bessarabien a. Buchenland." Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containing maps, ground plans, sketches,and documents on G-errcan settlements in Bessarabia from a varietyof sources such as Museumverein der deutsch. Eol. Bess., Sarata,N5DAP camps, ?omi, etc. Date uncertain.Folder, probably of the DAI (inscribed "Liber Capitulorum.Conventus''^schiniensis")»containing maps, plans, sketches, andaccounts of the customs of German settlements in Pobrudza. Dateuncertain.Folder, probably of the DAI (ex Volksbund fiir das Deutschtumim Auslend), inscribed Ortsstatistik des Deutschturns im Buchen-Isnd 1937."Folders of the DAI with material on Germans in the Bukovina,from diverse sources, including German Consulate Czernowitz, GauleitungBuchenlsnd-iTord, Deutsche Yolksgemeinschaft in .Rum^nien,EWZ, DAI, SS-Ansiedlimgsstab, Wissen-chaftabteilung der Bundesleitungdes VDA. 1P37 - 19Ul. Duplicates omitted.Two books, probably from the files of the BAI: Rapportbuchvom g.l. bis 2M.19 1 *! and v. 25.g. 19^1 bis 30.9.19U2"T 1l SIgenSSrdes SS-Uscha Rudolf Hilscher"). These describe life in the UmsiedlerlagerBuchenland, Gau Schwaben (Hindelang).Envelope of the DAI containing Binwohnerlisten and SippenkundlicheFr^gebogen of the Forschuiigsstelle "Schv/aben im Ausland."19.U1.Folder of the DAI containing planning material on South Bukoviriiansettlement in Lorraine. Date uncertain.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing "Bildbericht derR.u.S.-Dienststelle zum Abschlussbericht der Einwandererzentralstelleliber die Durchschleusung der vom Juli - Oktober 19^2 erfassten.Russlanddeutschen. Sonderaufnahmen der in den Lagern Ko~nits-V/estpreussen und Itfeustadt-Westpreussen geschleusten Russlanddeutschen."A collection of full-face, profile, and semi-profilephotographs of resettiers, with descriptions and, in a few cases,gradings.

Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Uotes 96537 319 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/939539320-321539 321<strong>TO</strong>TI/9U1VOMI/9U2VOMI/9U3VOMI/9U6VOKI/9U7FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2HU93212^503592*4508332*4511212*451256Folder of the DAI containing correspondence between DAI andVomi, and DAI memoranda concerning Vomi. Important material concerningthe activities of rnd relations "between the two* the Forschungsstellen,Heimat "brief e, etc. 1933 - 19^3»'"Folder of the DAI containing DAI correspondence with Vomi andGaueinsat^ffthrungen. 1939 - 19^4.Folder of the DAI containing correspondence and other materialof and relating to the Siidost-Dokumentation (SOD). IP^U - 19)45./HBt Sttdost-DokumentPtion w-"s a department of DAI concerned withdevelopments affecting German Volksgrup{>en' in South- East Europe(Slovakia, Hungary, Serbian Banat, Croatia)/"."Folder of the MI containing DAI correspondence with and materialsupplied by Bruno Skrehunetz, before resettlement Presseamtsv/alterof Gauleitung Buchenland. Includes a memorandum "Eindrftckevon den Buesentagen in Czerno\vitz (2^. Juni bis 1. Novemberand a set of Radio Berlin und Mo sk au me 1 den; Had 5. o~Fachr i chtendienstder Gaul e i twigJuly 6 ~ October13, "T940, edited by Skrehunetz." 19^0 - 19^2.Folders of the D^I "Umsiedlung. Bessar., Dobrud. , Buchenl.Eingang v. Fragebogen" containing DAI correspondence v;ith Yoinicamps on sippenkuniliche Aufnahme. 19^1.Folder of the DA! "Umsiedlung Bessarabien, Dobrudscha, Buchenland.ErlebnisberiC'ite" containing DAI correspondence withVomi camps snd resettlers, and reports. 19^0 - 19^1.Folder of the DAI "Umsiedlung. Bessar., Dobrud., Buchenl."Containing DAI correspondence with Vomi offices, VolksdeutscheLager der HSDAP, S 3- Ansied! sines stab, ISDAP Ga.uleitungen, etc.,concerning sippenkundl iche Bestpndsaufnahrae and resettlement documentation.19UO - 19^1.Folder of the DAI "Ansiedlung 19^1. Hofzuweisungslisten"containing the lists issued by the SS-Ansiedlungsstab. (Vertrau-ContinuedVQKI/9H9VOMI/950FT 2*451965FT 2*451990lich).Folder of the DAI "Umsiedlungsrnaterial ausserhalb" containingreferences to resettlement archives not in the possession ofthe DAI and an "Archiv-Verzeichnis" of the Volksdeutsche Mttelstelle.Blanks omitted. Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI "Kleinere Umsiedlungsgebiete" containinga partly confidential report by Dr. Erause of the DAI Bilro Berlinto DAI Stuttgart on Germans in Finnland and the encouragement to

Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes539 321 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/951VOMI/9525*40 322VOMI/953FTFTFTFT2*4519932^526212*4528392453109be given them discreetly to <strong>com</strong>e to Germany. April 8, 19*40.Folder of the MI "Tims i editing. Korrespondenzen an u. vonDr. Stumpp" containing correspondence of Dr. Stuiapp, Leiter derForschungsstelle des Russia nddeutsch turns. 19*40 - 19^-1 •Folder of the DAI "(Jrasi editing. Rfickwanderung" containingDAI materiel: a section ""FTberseedeut sen turn" v;ith memoranda, etc.on post-war resettlement of Germans in USA, Canada, and SouthAmerica in Germany (and adjacent territories); a report by Grisebachon a visit to resettler camps at Schw&b isch-Gmtlnd and Waiblingen;a section on Bessru-obian Germans; a section "Litauen-Um-•siedlun^; 11 a section "TTipgiedlur.g, " and a section "Riickv7anderung lrwith material on r emigration of overseas Germans. 1939 - 19^-1 •Folder of the DAI "Abt, Ost-UraeiRdlung. Buchversand" contc?inin£acknowledgments of and correspondence occasioned by thedistribution of books and calendars by the MI. 19^1 - 19^2.Folder of the DAI "Deutsche Umsiedlungs-Treuhend-Gesellschaft(BUT)" containing correspondence between DAI and DUT,VOKI/955VOMI/956voMi/957VOMI/953<strong>TO</strong>022^53^222U537^02U53809Folder of the DAI containing press material on the resettlementof Volksdeutsche frori the Government General. 1939 - 19^3 •Folder of the DAI "Russland" containing press material onthe resettlement of Rngslanddeutsche. 1939 - 19^^»Folder cf the DAI "Bosnian, Kroatien" contciinin^? press materielon resettlement from Croatia, Bulgaria, In^ermanland,, and Ifrrmanie . 1939 - 19^3 •Folder of the I)Al "Gottschee" containing press material onresettlement from the Gottschee. 193Q - 1PU2.Folder of the DAI containing press material on the KaupttreuhsndstelleGet and the Deutsche Umsiedlungs-Treuhand-Gesellschaft.l^^O - 19Ul.Folder of the DAI containing - mostly foreign - press materialon resettlement. 1939 - 19UO.Folder of the DAI containing press and similar material (e.g. Reichsverwaltungsblatt with an article by Himmler "Die Aufgabendes Reichskommissars filr die Festigung deutschen ?olksturns")on the organization of resettlement. 19*40 - 19^3- Some photostatsar-3 of poor quality.Folder of the DAI containing -press material "Urnsiedler-Eartei,""Berichte," "Film," "Aussteilungen." 19^0 - l^Ul .

Serial Roll Provenance Item jrilmed 1st frame5*0 322 Deutsches Ausland-Instltut322-5*1 3235*1- 323-5*2 32*5142 32*5*2- 32*-5*3 3255U3 3255*3- 325-5** 3265**" 326voyi/963VGMI/96*VOMI/965VOMl/966,967.968,969.970VOMI/971,972,973.97*VOMI/975,976,977.973VOMI/979.980VOMI/981VOMI/982,9S3VOMI/98UVOMI/985VOMI/9S6FTFTFTFTFTFTFT. . FTFTFTFTFT2*53^512*533692*5*0072*451*0*92*5**3oi21*51*51*82*5*7212*5*7232l* p > F \L'502*553512*5561*2*557062*557692*560662U563B1*2*5670*2*56SS*21*571*72*5735*2*5775021*5797*2U5S079ffotes 92Folder of the DAI containing press and similar material on Verordnungenconcerning re-settlers and on naturalization. 1939 - 19*2.Folder of the DAI containing press and similar material on resettlement,1939 - 19*3.Folder of the DAI containing press material on resettlementin end from Alsace, Lorraine, and Luxembourg. 19*0 - 19*3.Folders of the DAI containing press and similar material onBaltic resettlement. 1339 - 19*1.Folders 01 the DAI containing press material on the resettlementfrom tifolhynia, G-s.licia, and the Narew region. 1939 - 19*2.Folders of the DAI containing press material on Bessaratianresettlement 1Q*0 - 19*2.Folders of the DAI containing press material on resettlementfrom Polmidza and .Bnkovira. 1939 - 191*3.Foldsr of the DAI "J' Umsiedlang" containing press materialon resettlement by countries other than (reririany divided intosections "Bulgsrlen, Estland, Finnland, Grieche.nland, Italien,Karelien, Kroatien, Litauen, ?*iederlande, Horwegen, Folen, Rum^nien,Sch^eden, Serbien, Slovakei, Sowjet-Union, Wirkfii, Ungprn," 1939 -19»»3.Folders of the DAI inscribed "Qs Wo IJp-Gebiet /l)r. Quirin^T"! 11and "Dr. Quiring IT" containing material collected and <strong>com</strong>piled byQuiring, and fragmentary draft of his history of resettlement, includinga <strong>com</strong>pilation "Volksdeutsche Umsiedler erz&hlen von denBolschewike'n." Date uncertain. Duplicate omitted.Folder of the DAI containing correspondence between Dr. Rtldigerof the DAI and RK'FDV, Stabshauptamt. April 19** - January 19*5.Folder of the DAI containing carbon copies of reports by Dr.Isbert of the DAI on official and private trips. June 1939 - February19*3.Folder of the DAI "Lieder, SprtLche, Gedichte fiber das Russlanddeutsenturn."Date uncertain^

Serial Roll Provenance filmed. 1st I'rsme326 Deutsehes Ausland-Institut VOKI/9S7326-32?VOMI/9ggVOMI/989FTFTFT2U586282*458325Folder of the DAI containing press material on South Tyroleseresettlement. 1939 - 19*12.Polder of the DAI containing correspondence Between DAI(Rilldiger, Schneider) with various offices concerned with SouthTyrolese resettlement , including Gauleiter und Reichsstatthalter,Uirtsiedlvmg S^ULbirol; Amtliche Deutsche Ein- und R&ckwandererstelle;NSPAP G-nv. Steiermerk, Der Gaubeauftragte fur die UmsiedlungSil-dtirol. 13\2 - igUj.bolder of the DAI "RiLckwandererlager der Wolhynien- und Galiziendeutschen"containing DAI material organized as follows:"A, (-illgemeines) 1. Schriftwechsel mit Ganleitungen, BehBrden,usw. ; 2» Sehriftwechsel mit DAI; 3« Allgemeines: Porschungsstelledes Hnsslarddentsch turns; B. Sehriftwechsel mit den RtLckwaridererla,-;eriiin Brands nlmrg; H. 1, Sehriftwechsel mit den Stickwsndererlaeernin Hannover; 2. Sehriftwechsel mit der Forschungsstelle'Fiederoachsen in Flier Welt, ' Hannover; S, Sschsen 1.Schriftwechsel mit den Rdckv/andererlagern und Mitaroeitern inSachsen; ?. Sehriftwechsel mit dem Obers^.chsischen Heimat-Dienst,Dresden; Sudetengeu 1, Sehriftwechsel rait den Bftckwandererlagernira Sudetengau; 2. Sehriftwechsel mit der Forschungsstelle 'Sudetendeutschein aller VTelt, 1 Reichenberg; Sch. 1. Sehriftwechselmit den HtLckwaridererla^erD; 2. Sehriftvrechsel mit der i^. St.'Schlesier in aller Welt, 1 Sreslau; T. 1. Sehriftwechsel init denR&ckwandererl^fern; ?.. Sehriftwechsel mit der 7. aller Welt 1 und Gauverband Thilringen des VDA, Weimar; W,Sehriftwechsel mit den McVivrandererlagern irn Warthegau."327 VOFI/990voKi/991FTFT2^59710?U59770Folder of the DAI containing Arbeitsverteilungs-Plan andAnordnungen of F,W% Gotenhafen and some copies of its reports andcorrespondence. October - November 1939*'Folder of the DAI containing carbon and ribbon copies ofWZ material, including a letter on the grading of resettlers(the word "Wertungsgruppe" to be taboo), an organizational chartof the SW%, a Dienstreisebericht by Sturmbannfiihrer Sandberger(Bessarabian resettlement), a report by Untersturmfiihrer Dr. Gradmannon his trip to Belgrade and Galatz, October - November 19*40,an Aktenvermerk on his trip to Cracow and Sanok, September 19*40,a report by Arthur Fink on his trip to Rumania, August19^0 1 and a report on "SD-m&ssige Beobachtungen" on a tripto Lodz, November 1939 - July 19*41.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 100327 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/992VOMI/993VOMI/99570MI/996VOMI/997VOMI/99SDeutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/999VOMI/1000Deutsches Ausland-Institut 70MI/1001ContinuedFT 245979*5 Folder of the DAI containing copies of Anordnungen of EWZ,FJlhrungsstab Berlin, February - September 19-40. Also copy of aletter by Sturinbannftlhrer Sandberger on the Fnhrungsstab,FT 2*45988*4 Folder of the DAI containing ribbon, carbon, and mimeographedcopies of letters by 3V*Z> Fuhrungsstnb Berlin, 19*40,FT 2*459902 Folder of the WZ containing a copy of an MvZ letter toVomi (Kauptsturmfilhrer Altena) on "Geheirahaltungs'bedftrftigkeltder Entscheidungen der E¥Z, " i.e. the need to conceal the realcriteria from resettlers. January 17, 19*41.FT 2*459905 Folder of the DAI containing Altenvermerke of EWZ-Tflhrungsstab,Information, and Stabsfiilirung/Planung on Li ens ts tell enlf;l~terbesprechungen. October 19^0 - kay 19*4?. Duplicates omitted,FT 2*45997*4 Folder of the DAI marked "EWZ Besprechungen" and containingribbon and carbon copies of Akt envermerke and correspondenceof WZ and ?omi, District Galinien, mostly concerning conferencesand talks at various levels. December 1939 - *&y 19^2. Duplicatesomitted.FT 2*460021 Folder of the DAI containing Dienstanweisungen issued bySS-Gruppenfflhrer und Generalleutnant der Polizei Globocnik (SSundPoliseifttbrer im DistriktLublin, Der Beauftragte des "RKFDVLublin). November 22, 19*42 - May 11, 19*13. Some of them arestamped "Geheim."FT 2U60076 Folder of the DAI containing circular letters of PJTFDV,Sta.bshauptamt, December 19^4, and a mimeographed document "SumEntvurf einer Dienstanweisung fillr die Einvmnderer^eritraledrawn up spring 19*41. They deal i. a. with the definition~of""Volkscleutsche" and the difference between "Volksdeutsche" a.nd,"Deutschstflmmige."FTFolder, probably of the DAI, "Flaming, Dorfberichte, Abschriften"containing Dorfberichte for villages in Kreis Lublin,Radzyn, Wlodawa, Lubartow, and Ghelm. Mostly without date; somedated July 10, 19^0.FT 2*460176 Folder, probably of the DAI, containing miscellaneous materialon Lithuania, 1933 - 19*41.FT 2U60197 Folder of the DAI containing a paper "Yolksturnsarbeit ineiner Volksdeutschen Gruppe im Ausland" by Marie-Luise Bode("war in diesem Sommer in der volksdeutschen Arbeit im Baltikumeingeset^t"), describing and discussing customs of the G-ermancolony at Heimthal in Estonia; has an interesting section onsong and dance, with musical illustrations, and a. bibliography.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes327 Deutsches Ausland-Institut VOMI/1002328329ContinuedVOMI/10031005,1006,1007VOMI/lOOgDeutsches Ausland-Iastltut(?) VOMI/1009Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/1010VOMI/1011/2,1011/1,1011/3(copy 1)1011/1*,1011/5,1011/6,1011/7,1011/8,1011/3(copy 2)70MI/1012/1,2,3,FTFTFTFTFTFTFT2146257924625852U625912U6259S2U626052U626502U62662Probably late 1939 or early 19*40. Also "Richtlinien fttr den Osteinsatz19^3" issued by the Helens stud en teiifilhrung, EinsatzleitungOst, and a "Leseblatt flir die Umsiedlerjugend." Duplicates omitted,Folder of the DAI containing ribbon copy of a document "Kiilturkommission,G-ruppe Volksmusik, II" which lists recordings offolk music. liay - November 19^1.Folder of the BAI containing material on resettlement fromforeign press and periodicals. 1939 - 19*40.Folders of the DAI containing cuttings from the RigaischePost on the German minority and its resettlement, October - December1939.Folder of the DAI containing ?3 issues of Marburger Zeitung(Amtliches Organ des Steirischen Heimatbundes) , November 19^41"-July 19^2.Book, probably of the DAI: Die na t anwe i sung fiir die ge sundheitlichePetreuung volksdeutscher Umsie^Ter~^7lHrend ihre's 'Aufent-EfdTes""HfT La"gl^rir,^iel\^s^egeben "vom BeauftragTen des Reichsgesundheit sf flKrersTT^O.Folder, probably of the DAI, containing a loose-leaf col-1 «a.tio« Di e Wirt schaf t, ^irt schaf tl i che Bestimmungen fttr die Umsibdier;Vertr^ge, Anordnungen, iGTcBTlTnTenT herausgegeben vonder Eauptabtellung III des Hfiich's^oii?mT¥sarTats fflr die Festigungdeutschen Volkstums. Stand 1. April 19*41.Collection of the DAI of Deutsche Sprachkurse der amtl.deutschen Sin- and Mckwa nder e r s t el 1 e: Lesebuch,' Unterstufe,Heft 1-g.Heft 3 is missing, Heft is in two parts,Duplicateomitted, fto date.Collection of the DAI of Deut s che Sprachkur se...L e sebuch,Mittelstufe, Heft 1-g. Ho datel

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 102329 Deutsches Ausland-Institut330ContinuedVOMI/1012/5,6,7.8VOMI/1013/1,2,3,>4,5.VOMI/101U70MI/1015VOMI/1016VOMI/101?VOMI/1018Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/1019Deutsches Ausland-InstitutVOMI/1020VOMI/1021VOMI/10227,FTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFT2U626932*4627052U6271S2*16273351 Collection of the DAI, of Deuts'che Sprachkurse.».Lesebuch,2*462759 Qberstufe, Heft 1-8. lo date.2U627672*4627762U6278S2*16280*42H628202*4629012)4629922^4632372U633022^63557FT 2*463585Book of the DAI: Deutsche Sprachkurse der Aintlichen DeutschenBin- und_ RtLckwend sreret'elTe* LeVebu^T' OberstuW. ITp daTe.Book of 'the IJAlT Deutsche Spraehkurse der Amtlichen DeutschenSin- un

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame lotes330 Deutsches Ausland-Institut ?OMI/1Q23 FT 2U63635VOMI/102HVOMI/1025 FT 2*163895VOMI/10262^3926Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VCMI/1027of Strasbourg to Prof. Dr. Rddiger of the DAI (on resettlementdocuinentPtion), photostats of a letter from 3S-Ansiedlungsstab,Arbeltsstab ITessau, to SS-Ansiedlungsstab Abt. Bauerl. Einsatz,Litzmannstsdt, and two statistical documents of unknown originon "Jrztliche Betreurmg der Volksdeut^chen...". 19^1 - 19HU.Folder of the DAI containing miscellaneous material, someof it of considerable interest, notably a letter by a secretaryof the S!fZ describing the work of Abteilung V, the annual report19^3 of Hauptabteilung I of Der Beauftragte des KKFDV G-otenhafen,material on the ownership of land, a secret "Entvurf einer Rahmenverordnurig...fiber die Schutzangehflrigen des Reiches" with Motivenbericht(June 19^1)» some material on Swedes among Black Sea Germans,and a copy of the German-Rumanian resettlement agreement ofDecember 13, 19*41. iqHl - l c lVnFolder of the DAI contJ^inin^r miscellaneous material fromdiverse sources (including RTCPD?, Reichprninister flir ErnMhrungand Landwirtschaft, Heichanfihrstand), mostly, but not solely, onAnsiedlung and the use and sale of land; of special interest: anumber of letters fro*n long-term ir r nates of resettler camps tothe SS-Ansiedlungsstab Litzmannstadt, etc., begging for speedyresettlement as farmers (February - June 19*42). 19^2 - 19HU,Folder of the DAI containing material originating with oraddressed to KKFDV, Stabshauptamt. It concerns Ansiedlung...inLothringen, Behandlung von So rider fallen bei der Heranziehung zumDeutschen Volk^sturm, Rttckflihrung von alteingesessenen Volksdeutschenand Deutsc'.hstaiomigen aus deni Generalgouvernement, Verleihua^der Staatssngehdrigkeit auf Widerruf an wiedereindeutschungsfahigr-Fl^chtlln^e nichtdeutschc-r Volkszugehbrigkeit aus den BaltenliUidern,Erf as sung der Staatenlosen im Eeichsgebiet fiir WehrundArbeitsdienst...; there is also another copy of the reporton "Absiedluag Lothringen im January 1QU3" (of. VOFI/gyH). FebraaryIQn3 - January 19^5.Folder of the DAI "3ranchturn" containing some items frompress, Prosse-I'orrespondenz des DAI, and the liAI's Aussendeutschervrpchanspiegeion resettler customs, music, etc", 19^1 - 19^3*folder containing material probably from the DAI: someStammbl&tter of reset tiers. These are filmed as specimens. Twelvemore boxes of Stammblatter are not filmed. Date uncertain,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 10U330 Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/102S FT 2^639^9 Folder, probably of the MT, containing the illustratedreport "Osteinsats Eann ^SU, 19U2" "by the leader of fourteen Jung-Mdelfiihrerinnen from Hamburg.r fhey helped farmers in Lubiewo(later Lobfelde), Ho km from

Price List for Records of the Deutschas Ausland-InstituteStuttgart. Part I: Records on Resettlement105National Archives Merc-copy No. T-81, Rolls 264-3^0Microfilm copies of one or more rolls of the microfilm may be purchased at tiie prices listed oelow. These prices are based on a chargeof 8 cents for each foot of microfilm, wit all prices rounded off to tlie nearest dollar. A minimum charge of 1,000 and a I5~perceut discount on orders for more tnan ^3,000*Checks or money orders for microfilm should be made payable to the General Services Administration and should be sent to the NationalArchives, Washington 25, D. C. Bach order should specifj the microcopy number (T-81), the roll number or numbers, and the price.Roll Price Roll Price Roll Price Roll Price264 ^9 281 *8 298 $ 315 $8265 7 282 8 299 8 316 8266 8 283 8 300 8 317 8267 8 284 8 301 8 318 8268 9 285 8 302 8 319 8269 8 286 8 303 8 320 8270 8 287 8 304 8 321 9271 8 288 9 305 8 322 7272 8 289 8 306 8 32? 8273 8 290 7 307 8 3^4 9274 8 291 8 308 8 325 8275 8 292 8 309 9 326 6276 8 293 8 310 7 327 8277 8 294 8 311 8 328 8278 8 295 8 312 8 329 8279 8 296 8 313 8 '330 8280 8 297 8 314 7 Total ^868GSA-yjASH DC 60-13929

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