Sample Forms - Philippines Bases Conversion and Development ...

Sample Forms - Philippines Bases Conversion and Development ... Sample Forms - Philippines Bases Conversion and Development ...


Name of the Procuring EntityStandard Form Number: SF-GOOD-32Revised on: May 24, 2004Project Reference NumberName of the ProjectLocation of the Project7BANK GUARANTEEWHEREAS, __(Name of Bidder)__ (hereinafter called “the Bidder”) has submitted his biddated __(Date)__ for the __(Name of Contract)__ (hereinafter called “the Bid”).KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that We __(Name of Bank)__ of __(Name ofCountry)__ having our registered office at ________________________ (hereinaftercalled “the Bank” are bound unto __(Name of Employer)__ (hereinafter called “theEmployer”) in the sum of _______________ for which payment well and truly to be madeto the said Employer the Bank binds himself, his successors and assigns by thesepresents.SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this _____ day of _________ 20___.THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:1) If the Bidder withdraws his Bid during the period of bid validity specified in theForm of Bid; or2) If the Bidder does not accept the correction of arithmetical errors of his bidprice in accordance with the Instructions to Bidder; or3) If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by the Employerduring the period of bid validity:a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with theInstructions to Bidders, if required; orb) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security in accordance with theInstructions to Bidders;we undertake to pay to the Employer up to the above amount upon receipt of his firstwritten demand, without the Employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that inhis demand the Employer will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owningto the occurrence of one or both of the two (2) conditions, specifying the occurredcondition or conditions.The Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date _______________ daysafter the deadline for submission of Bids as such deadline is stated in the Instructions toBidders or as it may be extended by the Employer, notice of which extension(s) to theBank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Banknot later than the above date.DATE __________________WITNESS_________________SIGNATURE OF THE BANK __________________SEAL ____________________________________________________________(Signature, Name and Address)This is only a SAMPLE FORM. A Bank Guarantee (used only asPerformance Bond and NOT as Bid Security) in another format used by thesource Bank and/or issuing entity is acceptable, provided said format isin accordance to law.

Sample BID FORM 8Date:To: BASES CONVERSION AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYGentlemen and/or Ladies:Having examined the Bidding Documents including Bid Bulletin Numbers [insertnumbers], the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to[supply/deliver/perform] [description of the GOODS or SERVICES] in conformity with thesaid Bidding Documents for the sum of(Cite bid amount in Total Cost both in words and figures.)We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to deliver the goods in accordance with thedelivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements.If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to provide a performance security in the form,amounts, and within the times specified in the Bidding Documents.We agree to abide by this Bid for the Bid Validity Period specified in BDS provisionfor ITB Clause 22.2 and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any timebefore the expiration of that period.Commissions or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Bid,and to contract execution if we are awarded the contract, are listed below: 1Name and addressof agentAmount andCurrencyPurpose ofCommission or gratuity(if none, state “None”)Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your writtenacceptance thereof and your Notice of Award, shall be binding upon us.We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive.We certify/confirm that we comply with the eligibility requirements as per ITB of theBidding Documents.Dated this _____________ day of ________________________ 20__.[signature][in the capacity of]Duly authorized to sign Bid for and on behalf of____________________________1 Applicable only if the Funding Source is the ADB, JBIC or WB.Page 1 of 1

<strong>Sample</strong> BID FORM 8Date:To: BASES CONVERSION AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYGentlemen <strong>and</strong>/or Ladies:Having examined the Bidding Documents including Bid Bulletin Numbers [insertnumbers], the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to[supply/deliver/perform] [description of the GOODS or SERVICES] in conformity with thesaid Bidding Documents for the sum of(Cite bid amount in Total Cost both in words <strong>and</strong> figures.)We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to deliver the goods in accordance with thedelivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements.If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to provide a performance security in the form,amounts, <strong>and</strong> within the times specified in the Bidding Documents.We agree to abide by this Bid for the Bid Validity Period specified in BDS provisionfor ITB Clause 22.2 <strong>and</strong> it shall remain binding upon us <strong>and</strong> may be accepted at any timebefore the expiration of that period.Commissions or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Bid,<strong>and</strong> to contract execution if we are awarded the contract, are listed below: 1Name <strong>and</strong> addressof agentAmount <strong>and</strong>CurrencyPurpose ofCommission or gratuity(if none, state “None”)Until a formal Contract is prepared <strong>and</strong> executed, this Bid, together with your writtenacceptance thereof <strong>and</strong> your Notice of Award, shall be binding upon us.We underst<strong>and</strong> that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive.We certify/confirm that we comply with the eligibility requirements as per ITB of theBidding Documents.Dated this _____________ day of ________________________ 20__.[signature][in the capacity of]Duly authorized to sign Bid for <strong>and</strong> on behalf of____________________________1 Applicable only if the Funding Source is the ADB, JBIC or WB.Page 1 of 1

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