Suture Needles

Suture Needles Suture Needles


Sutures & NeedlesHarvard Apparatus LOOK ® Sutures• Needles penetratesmoothly• Sutures stay secure• Superior packagingwith easy to identifymarkingsLOOK ® SuturesLOOK ® sutures and needles are the highest quality available. Their proprietaryin-house manufacturing processes give them maximum controlover the quality of all products. From the receipt of raw materialto the shipping of finished products, they oversee every aspect of theproduction cycle and hold it to the highest standards.Rigid inspections make certain sutures meet or exceed exacting U.S.P.standards. Indeed, LOOK ® tolerances have long been consideredamong the tightest in the industry. The end result is a suture that performsexactly the way you expect it to!Suture Diameter EquivalentsEuropean PharmacopeiaU.S.P. Natural Non-Absorbable Suture DiameterSize Catgut Materials Minimum Maximum6-0 1.0 0.7 0.07 mm 0.099 mm5-0 1.5 1.0 0.10 mm 0.149 mm4-0 2 1.5 0.15 mm 0.199 mm3-0 3 2 0.20 mm 0.249 mm2-0 3.5 3 0.30 mm 0.339 mm0 4 3.5 0.35 mm 0.399 mm1 5 4 0.40 mm 0.499 mm2 6 5 0.50 mm 0.599 mm3 7 6 0.60 mm 0.699 mmPolyglycolic Acid-AbsorbableThis new material is a synthetic absorbablesuture that provides extraordinary smoothnessfrom its proprietary coating, low friction,and reduced tissue trauma. Available in greenand undyed versions.Nylon MonofilamentThis black and clear nylon monofilaments aresmooth and nonporous, resulting in excellenttensile strength and ease of passage throughtissue, while reducing tissue trauma, andpreventing tissue ingrowth.Silk Black BraidedSurgical black braided silk is speciallyprocessed for optimum handling and knotsecurity without excess capillarity.Polyviolene ® PolyesterThis green and white braided Polyviolene ®polyester suture material has a uniquecombination of strength, excellent handling,and knot-tying security. Special braiding offers auniform surface which minimizes tissue trauma.Gut Plain-AbsorbablePlain gut is manufactured from the highestquality raw material to ensure ease of handling,dependable absorption, and high tensilestrength. All strands are precisionpolished to a uniform diameter.Gut Chromic-AbsorbableChromic gut has the same high qualitycharacteristics as our plain gut, with specialtreatment to maintain tensile strength withinthe tissue while prolonging absorption.Surgical InstrumentsSuture U.S.P. SizeLength 6-0 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0 1 2 3Non-Sterile Spool*Silk Black Brd. 22.9 m BS4 72-3287 BS4 51-7607 BS4 51-7615 BS4 51-7623 BS4 51-7631 BS4 51-7649 BS4 51-7656 – BS4 51-7672$Silk Black Brd. 91.4 m BS4 72-3288 BS4 51-7680 BS4 51-7698 BS4 51-7706 BS4 51-7714 BS4 51-7722 BS4 51-7730 BS4 51-7748 BS4 51-7755$ 43.70 38.00 18.70 19.50 26.20 39.20 39.20 46.00 53.40Nylon Black Brd. 91.4 m – BS4 51-7763 BS4 51-7771 BS4 51-7789 BS4 51-7797 – – – –$Nylon Black Mono. 91.4 m BS4 72-3290 BS4 51-7821 BS4 51-7839 BS4 51-7847 BS4 51-7854 BS4 51-7862 BS4 51-7870 BS4 51-7888 –$ 20.60 20.50 18.20 16.70 19.20 22.60 24.80 33.30Polyviolene Green Brd. 91.4 m BS4 72-3291 BS4 51-7896 BS4 51-7904 BS4 51-7912 BS4 51-7920 BS4 51-7938 BS4 51-7946 BS4 51-7953 –$Polyviolene White Brd. 91.4 m – BS4 72-3293 BS4 72-3294 BS4 72-3295 – – – – –$ 45.00 28.90 28.30Stainless Steel Mono. 22.9 m – BS4 72-3297 – – – – – – –$*Note: Non-Sterile suture spools are the specified length and supplied as an individual spool.U.S. Toll Free: (800) 272-2775 • Fax: (508) 429-5732 • Online: www.harvardapparatus.comE17

<strong>Suture</strong>s & <strong>Needles</strong>Harvard Apparatus LOOK ® <strong>Suture</strong>s• <strong>Needles</strong> penetratesmoothly• <strong>Suture</strong>s stay secure• Superior packagingwith easy to identifymarkingsLOOK ® <strong>Suture</strong>sLOOK ® sutures and needles are the highest quality available. Their proprietaryin-house manufacturing processes give them maximum controlover the quality of all products. From the receipt of raw materialto the shipping of finished products, they oversee every aspect of theproduction cycle and hold it to the highest standards.Rigid inspections make certain sutures meet or exceed exacting U.S.P.standards. Indeed, LOOK ® tolerances have long been consideredamong the tightest in the industry. The end result is a suture that performsexactly the way you expect it to!<strong>Suture</strong> Diameter EquivalentsEuropean PharmacopeiaU.S.P. Natural Non-Absorbable <strong>Suture</strong> DiameterSize Catgut Materials Minimum Maximum6-0 1.0 0.7 0.07 mm 0.099 mm5-0 1.5 1.0 0.10 mm 0.149 mm4-0 2 1.5 0.15 mm 0.199 mm3-0 3 2 0.20 mm 0.249 mm2-0 3.5 3 0.30 mm 0.339 mm0 4 3.5 0.35 mm 0.399 mm1 5 4 0.40 mm 0.499 mm2 6 5 0.50 mm 0.599 mm3 7 6 0.60 mm 0.699 mmPolyglycolic Acid-AbsorbableThis new material is a synthetic absorbablesuture that provides extraordinary smoothnessfrom its proprietary coating, low friction,and reduced tissue trauma. Available in greenand undyed versions.Nylon MonofilamentThis black and clear nylon monofilaments aresmooth and nonporous, resulting in excellenttensile strength and ease of passage throughtissue, while reducing tissue trauma, andpreventing tissue ingrowth.Silk Black BraidedSurgical black braided silk is speciallyprocessed for optimum handling and knotsecurity without excess capillarity.Polyviolene ® PolyesterThis green and white braided Polyviolene ®polyester suture material has a uniquecombination of strength, excellent handling,and knot-tying security. Special braiding offers auniform surface which minimizes tissue trauma.Gut Plain-AbsorbablePlain gut is manufactured from the highestquality raw material to ensure ease of handling,dependable absorption, and high tensilestrength. All strands are precisionpolished to a uniform diameter.Gut Chromic-AbsorbableChromic gut has the same high qualitycharacteristics as our plain gut, with specialtreatment to maintain tensile strength withinthe tissue while prolonging absorption.Surgical Instruments<strong>Suture</strong> U.S.P. SizeLength 6-0 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0 1 2 3Non-Sterile Spool*Silk Black Brd. 22.9 m BS4 72-3287 BS4 51-7607 BS4 51-7615 BS4 51-7623 BS4 51-7631 BS4 51-7649 BS4 51-7656 – BS4 51-7672$Silk Black Brd. 91.4 m BS4 72-3288 BS4 51-7680 BS4 51-7698 BS4 51-7706 BS4 51-7714 BS4 51-7722 BS4 51-7730 BS4 51-7748 BS4 51-7755$ 43.70 38.00 18.70 19.50 26.20 39.20 39.20 46.00 53.40Nylon Black Brd. 91.4 m – BS4 51-7763 BS4 51-7771 BS4 51-7789 BS4 51-7797 – – – –$Nylon Black Mono. 91.4 m BS4 72-3290 BS4 51-7821 BS4 51-7839 BS4 51-7847 BS4 51-7854 BS4 51-7862 BS4 51-7870 BS4 51-7888 –$ 20.60 20.50 18.20 16.70 19.20 22.60 24.80 33.30Polyviolene Green Brd. 91.4 m BS4 72-3291 BS4 51-7896 BS4 51-7904 BS4 51-7912 BS4 51-7920 BS4 51-7938 BS4 51-7946 BS4 51-7953 –$Polyviolene White Brd. 91.4 m – BS4 72-3293 BS4 72-3294 BS4 72-3295 – – – – –$ 45.00 28.90 28.30Stainless Steel Mono. 22.9 m – BS4 72-3297 – – – – – – –$*Note: Non-Sterile suture spools are the specified length and supplied as an individual spool.U.S. Toll Free: (800) 272-2775 • Fax: (508) 429-5732 • Online: www.harvardapparatus.comE17

<strong>Suture</strong>s & <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Suture</strong>s with Reverse Cutting Precision Point <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Needles</strong>• Remarkably consistent and reliable• Penetrates cleanly with minimal drag• Resists bending, catching and breakingThese Harvard LOOK ® <strong>Suture</strong> <strong>Needles</strong> are manufacturedfrom top quality surgical stainless steeland are designed to stay sharp to ensure continuedpassage through tissue. They are attached tothe suture by a swagging technique providing onecontinuous, even, smooth strand between theneedle and suture material.These needles are tempered to the right combinationof hardness and tensile strength. They holdChord LengthLengththeir fine cutting edge/point and resist bendingwhen the necessary pressure is applied.They provide a secure attachment for the suturematerial. Regular tests gauge needles sharpnessand ductility.These <strong>Needles</strong> with <strong>Suture</strong>s are individuallypackaged in sterile, peelable, double envelopesfor maximum protection. They are supplied inboxes of 12.PointPointReverse Cutting <strong>Needles</strong>Cutting Edge onOuter Curve. Fortough, difficult-topenetratetissues.Cutting EdgeCut Taper <strong>Needles</strong>Cutting tip and taperbody. For toughtissues. Like twoneedles in one.Straight Cutting <strong>Needles</strong>Specialized Tools For BioresearchC1 C3 PC31 PC33<strong>Needles</strong> Shown Actual SizePointSmooth penetrationfor passage throughtissues.Reverse Cutting Precision Point - 3/8 Circle, pkg. of 12U.S.P. Size<strong>Suture</strong><strong>Suture</strong><strong>Needles</strong> Material Length 7-0 6-0 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0C1 Curvature 130° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – BS4 59-6860 – – – –$ 74.70Chord Length 9.00 mm Nylon Clear Mono. 25 cm (10 in) – BS4 72-3304 – – – –$Length 11 mm Nylon Black Mono. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 72-3305 BS4 72-3306 – – – –$ 76.20 72.80Polyviolene White Brd. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 72-3307 – – – – –$Gut-Chromic 30 cm (12 in) – BS4 72-3308 – – – –$ 107.80Gut-Plain 30 cm (12 in) – BS4 72-3309 – – – –$C3 Curvature 158° Nylon Black Mono. 20 cm (8 in) – BS4 72-3310 BS4 72-3311 – – –$ 70.30 70.30Chord Length 9.6 mm Nylon Black Mono. 45 cm (18 in) – BS4 72-3312 BS4 72-3313 BS4 72-3314 – –$Length 13 mm Nylon Clear Mono. 20 cm (8 in) – BS4 72-3315 BS4 72-3316 – – –$ 68.00 70.00Nylon Clear Mono. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 72-3317 – – –$Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 72-3318 – – –$ 72.10Polyviolene Green Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 72-3321 – – –$Gut-Chromic 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 72-3322 – – –$ 78.00Gut-Plain 45 cm (18 in) – – – BS4 72-3325 – –$E1811,000 Specialty Products to Enhance Your Bioresearch

<strong>Suture</strong>s with Reverse Cutting Precision Point <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Suture</strong>s & <strong>Needles</strong>Reverse Cutting Precision Point - 3/8 Circle, pkg. of 12U.S.P. Size<strong>Suture</strong><strong>Suture</strong><strong>Needles</strong> Material Length 7-0 6-0 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0C3 PolyGlycolic Undyed Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – BS4 72-3326 BS4 72-3327 BS4 72-3328 – –$ 82.60 82.50 80.00PC31 Curvature 135° PolyGlycolic Undyed Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 72-3329 BS4 72-3330 BS4 72-3331$Chord Length 15.1 mm – – – – – – – –Length 19 mm – – – – – – – –PC33 Curvature 135° PolyGlycolic Undyed Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – – BS4 72-3332$ 79.70Chord Length 19.6 mm – – – – – – – –Length 24 mm – – – – – – – –<strong>Suture</strong>s with Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Needles</strong> Shown Actual SizeC6C7C8C10C17C22Reverse Cutting - 3/8 Circle, pkg. of 12U.S.P. Size<strong>Suture</strong><strong>Suture</strong><strong>Needles</strong> Material Length 6-0 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0Surgical InstrumentsC6 Curvature 135° Silk Black Brd. 75 cm (30 in) – – – BS4 72-3333 – –$ 31.00Chord Length 14.5 mm Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – BS4 51-0545 BS4 51-0552 BS4 51-0560 – –$Length 19 mm Gut-Plain 70 cm (27 in) – BS4 51-0578 BS4 51-0586 BS4 51-0594 – –$ 38.00 38.00 38.00Gut-Chromic 70 cm (27 in) – BS4 51-0602 BS4 51-0610 BS4 51-0628 – –$Nylon Black Mono. 25 cm (10 in) – BS4 72-3334 – –$ 32.20Nylon Black Mono. 45 cm (18 in) – BS4 51-0636 BS4 51-0644 BS4 51-0651 – –$Nylon Black Mono. 70 cm (27 in) – – BS4 72-3335 – – –$ 32.50PolyGlycolic Undyed Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – BS4 72-3336 BS4 72-3337 BS4 72-3338 – –$C7 Curvature 135° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 72-3341 BS4 51-0735 – –$ 31.60 32.10Chord Length 19 mm Gut-Plain 70 cm (27 in) – – – BS4 51-0743 BS4 51-0750 –$Length 24 mm Gut-Chromic 70 cm (27 in) – – – – BS4 51-0768 –$ 38.00U.S. Toll Free: (800) 272-2775 • Fax: (508) 429-5732 • Online: www.harvardapparatus.comE19

<strong>Suture</strong>s & <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Suture</strong>s with Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle <strong>Needles</strong>Reverse Cutting - 3/8 Circle, pkg. of 12U.S.P. Size<strong>Suture</strong><strong>Suture</strong><strong>Needles</strong> Material Length 6-0 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0Specialized Tools For BioresearchC7 Length 24 mm Nylon Black Mono. 25 cm (10 in) – – BS4 72-3342 – – –$ 32.20Nylon Black Mono. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 51-0776 BS4 51-0784 – –$PolyGlycolic Undyed Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – – BS4 72-3344 BS4 72-3345 BS4 72-3346 –$ 42.40 42.40 42.40C8 Curvature 135° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – – – BS4 51-6609 –$Chord Length 21 mm Gut-Chromic 70 cm (27 in) – – – – – BS4 51-6625$ 38.00Length 26 mm Nylon Black Mono. 45 cm (18 in) – – – – BS4 51-6633 –$C10 Curvature 135° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – – BS4 51-6674 – BS4 51-6690$ 33.40 32.70Chord Length 24 mm Nylon Clear Mono. 70 cm (27 in) – – – BS4 72-3348 – –$C17 Curvature 135° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 51-0461 BS4 51-0479 BS4 51-0487 – – –$ 31.40 31.20 31.10Chord Length 12 mm Gut-Chromic 45 cm (18 in) – BS4 51-6146 – – – –$Length 12 mm Nylon Black Mono. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 51-0511 BS4 51-0529 BS4 51-0537 – – –$ 34.10 34.40 33.60Nylon Black Mono. 25 cm (10 in) BS4 72-3350 BS4 72-3351 BS4 72-3352 – – –$Gut-Plain 25 cm (10 in) – BS4 72-3353 BS4 72-3354 – – –$ 33.80 33.80PolyGlycolic Undyed Brd. 25 cm (10 in) – BS4 72-3355 – – – –$C22 Curvature 135° Nylon Black Mono. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 51-6203 BS4 51-6211 – – – –$ 38.30 34.40Chord Length 13 mm Polyviolene Green Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – BS4 51-6237 – – – –$Length 16 mm Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 72-3356 – – – – –$ 40.60E2011,000 Specialty Products to Enhance Your Bioresearch

<strong>Suture</strong>s with Reverse Cutting 1/2 Circle <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Suture</strong>s & <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Needles</strong> Shown Actual SizeC9C12C13C14C19C20C21C26C31Reverse Cutting - 1/2 Circle, pkg. of 12U.S.P. Size<strong>Suture</strong><strong>Suture</strong><strong>Needles</strong> Material Length 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0 1C9 Curvature 180° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 51-6955 – – –$ 30.40Chord Length 16.5 mm Polyviolene White Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 51-6963 – – –$Length 23 mm Nylon Black Mono. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 72-3358 – – –$ 30.40C14 Curvature 180° Nylon Black Mono. 75 cm (30 in) – – – – BS4 51-7219 –$Chord Length 29 mm PolyGlycolic Green Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – – – – – BS4 72-3367$ 42.40Length 40 mm – – – – – – – –C19 Curvature 180° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 59-6867 – – –$ 31.80Chord Length 13 mm Polyviolene Green Brd. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 59-6868 – – – – –$Length 18 mm – – – – – – – –Surgical InstrumentsC20 Curvature 180° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) BS4 51-6922 BS4 51-6930 – – – –$Chord Length 13.5 mm – – – – – – – –Length 20 mm – – – – – – – –C21 Curvature 180° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 59-6863 – – –$ 30.40Chord Length 17.5 mm Gut-Plain 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 59-6864 – – –$Length 26 mmC31 Curvature 180° Silk Black Brd. 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 59-6861 – – –$Chord Length 16 mm Gut-Plain 45 cm (18 in) – – BS4 59-6862 – – –$ 34.60Length 24 mm PolyGlycolic Undyed Braid 70 cm (27 in) – – BS4 72-3369 – – –$U.S. Toll Free: (800) 272-2775 • Fax: (508) 429-5732 • Online: www.harvardapparatus.comE21

<strong>Suture</strong>s & <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Suture</strong>s with Taper Point 1/2 Circle <strong>Needles</strong><strong>Needles</strong> Shown Actual SizeT14T5TT9T8T10Taper Point - 1/2 Circle, pkg. of 12<strong>Suture</strong> <strong>Suture</strong> U.S.P. Size<strong>Needles</strong> Material Length 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0 1T14 Curvature 180° PolyGlycolic Green Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – BS4 72-3371$ 39.40Chord Length 13.1 mm – – – – – – – –Length 19.8 mm – – – – – – – –Specialized Tools For BioresearchT5 Curvature 175° PolyGlycolic Green Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – – BS4 72-3372 BS4 72-3373 – –$Chord Length 18.5 mm – – – – – – – –Length 26.5 mm – – – – – – – –T Curvature 170° PolyGlycolic Green Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – – BS4 72-3374 BS4 72-3375 – –$ 38.00 37.90Chord Length 18.1 mm – – – – – – – –$Length 26.2 mm – – – – – – – –T9 Curvature 175° PolyGlycolic Green Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – – – BS4 72-3379 – –$Chord Length 24.5 mm – – – – – – – –Length 36.6 mm – – – – – – – –This needle is slightly thinner than the T8T8 Curvature 175° PolyGlycolic Green Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – – – BS4 72-3380 BS4 72-3381 BS4 72-3382$ 37.90 38.40 38.80Chord Length 24.8 mm Gut-Chromic 70 cm (27 in) – – – – – –$Length 36.6 mm – – – – – – – –T10 Curvature 160° PolyGlycolic Green Brd. 70 cm (27 in) – – – – BS4 72-3386 BS4 72-3387$Chord Length 29.4 mm – – – – – – – –Length 40.1 mm – – – – – – – –E2211,000 Specialty Products to Enhance Your Bioresearch

<strong>Suture</strong>s & <strong>Needles</strong>Straight Cutting and Circle <strong>Needles</strong>Straight Cutting NeedleStraight Cutting, pkg. of 12<strong>Suture</strong>Material, U.S.P. Size<strong>Needles</strong> Length 3-0 2-0SC2 Wire Diam. 0.66 mm Silk Black Brd., BS4 51-6781 BS4 51-679975 cm (30 in)$ 29.80 29.70Length 60 mmUmbilical TapeProduct Length 1/8 inch 1/4 inch 3/8 inchUmbilical Tape 20 Yards BS4 72-3388 BS4 72-3389 BS4 72-3390$ 62.00 116.40 144.00Umbilical Tape 100 Yards BS4 72-3391 – –$<strong>Suture</strong> <strong>Needles</strong>Eye <strong>Needles</strong>, 3/8 Circle, Cutting Edge, pkg. 12 Eye <strong>Needles</strong>, 1/2 Circle, Cutting Edge, pkg. 121234Eye of needle = 1 mmBS4 60-4157 $16.00Size 1, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4158 $16.00Size 2, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4159 $16.00Size 3, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4160 $16.00Size 4, pkg. of 121234Eye of needle = 1 mmBS4 60-4161 $16.00Size 1, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4162 $16.00Size 2, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4163 $16.00Size 3, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4164 $16.00Size 4, pkg. of 12Regular Surgeon’s, 3/8 Circle, Cutting Edge, pkg. 12 Regular Surgeon’s, 1/2 Circle, Cutting Edge, pkg. 12Surgical Instruments1214BS4 60-4171 $16.00Size 12, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4173 $16.00Size 14, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4175 $16.00Size 16, pkg. of 12121416BS4 60-4182 $16.00Size 12, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4184 $16.00Size 14, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4186 $16.00Size 16, pkg. of 1216BS4 60-4177 $16.00Size 18, pkg. of 1218BS4 60-4188 $16.00Size 18, pkg. of 1218BS4 60-4179 $16.00Size 20, pkg. of 1220BS4 60-4190 $16.00Size 20, pkg. of 1220Eye of needle = 2 mmEye of needle = 2 mmEye <strong>Needles</strong>, 1/2 Circle, Taper Point, pkg. 12134BS4 60-4165 $16.00Size 1, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4167 $16.00Size 3, pkg. of 12BS4 60-4168 $16.00Size 4, pkg. of 12For Needle Holders, see pages E24 and E25.U.S. Toll Free: (800) 272-2775 • Fax: (508) 429-5732 • Online: www.harvardapparatus.comE23

Needle HoldersNeedle HoldersWebster, pkg. 1Derf Needle Holder, pkg. 1SmoothBS4 51-2467 $90.0012 cm (4 3 ⁄4 in)SmoothBS4 51-2475 $90.0012.5 cm (5 in)Serrated Carbide JawsBS4 60-3995 $67.0012.5 cm (5 in)BabyBS4 51-2442 $122.0011 cm (4 1 ⁄4 in)BS4 51-2459 $90.0012 cm (4 3 ⁄4 in)Carbide JawsBS4 60-3994 $67.0012 cm (4 3 ⁄4 in)Olsen-Hegar Extra Delicate, pkg. 1Mayo-Hegar Serrated with Central Groove, pkg. 1Specialized Tools For BioresearchHalsey, pkg. 1Olsen-Hegar Serrated, Central Groove, pkg. 1SerratedBS4 51-2541 $141.0012 cm (4 3 ⁄4 in)SmoothBS4 51-2558 $141.0012 cm (4 3 ⁄4 in)This needle holder ismost commonly usedfor small animal suturingSmoothBS4 51-2483 $90.0012.5 cm (5 in)Serrated Carbide JawsBS4 60-4000 $67.0012.5 cm (5 in)BS4 51-2566 $121.0014 cm (5 1 ⁄2 in)BS4 51-2590 $67.0014 cm (5 1 ⁄2 in)BS4 51-2574 $135.0016.5 cm (6 1 ⁄2 in)BS4 51-2608 $67.0016.5 cm (6 1 ⁄2 in)BS4 51-2616 $67.0019 cm (7 1 ⁄2 in)Brown Convex Jaws, Fine Serrations, pkg. 1* For easy suture tyingHegar-Baumgartner, pkg. 1BS4 51-2665 $169.0012.5 cm (5 in)BS4 51-2673 $177.0015 cm (6 in)BS4 51-2681 $67.0018 cm (7 in)BS4 51-2699 $67.0020.5 cm (8 in)BS4 51-2624 $78.0014 cm (5 1 ⁄2 in)BS4 51-2632 $82.0016 cm (6 1 ⁄4 in)BS4 51-2657 $67.0020 cm (7 7 ⁄8 in)BS4 60-3996 $67.0013.5 cm (5 1 ⁄4 in)Mini ProfileBS4 820-634-13 $89.0013 cm (5 1 ⁄8 in)BS4 820-634-14 $90.0014 cm (5 1 ⁄2 in)see page E3 for details.Normal ProfileBS4 51-2491 $83.0013.5 cm (5 1 ⁄4 in)E2411,000 Specialty Products to Enhance Your Bioresearch

Needle HoldersNeedle Holders and <strong>Suture</strong> ClipsRyder-Martin Mini Profile, pkg. 1Needle Holders, pkg. 1BS4 51-2400 $237.0013 cm (5 1 ⁄8 in)BS4 51-2426 $262.0018 cm (7 in)BS4 60-3986 $540.00Micro Needle Holder,straight jaws,0.6 mm tips,7 1 ⁄8 in longAutomatic Release Ratchet Mini Profile, pkg. 1Michel Forceps, pkg. 1Mathieu, pkg. 1WebsterBS4 820-604-13 $230.0013 cm (5 1 ⁄8 in)Crile-WoodBS4 820-604-15 $113.0015 cm (6 in)Also for Left handersSerrated Slender JawsBS4 820-526-14 $70.0014 cm (5 1 ⁄2 in)Normal ProfileStandard JawsBS4 820-676-14 $123.0014 cm (5 1 ⁄2 in)Michel <strong>Suture</strong> Clips, pkg. of 1000BS4 52-3779 $141.0012.5 cm (5 in)Apply Michel <strong>Suture</strong>Clip with handlesection; remove clip withtip sectionBS4 52-3746 $124.007.5 mmBS4 52-3753 $130.0011 mmBS4 60-3993 $99.0022 mmSurgical InstrumentsBS4 820-676-17 $128.0017 cm (6 3 ⁄4 in)Adson, pkg. 1De Bakey, pkg. 1Serrated Central GrooveMini ProfileBS4 820-360-18 $110.0018 cm (7 in)BS4 820-646-18 $82.0018 cm (7 in)BS4 820-646-20 $100.0020 cm (7 7 ⁄8 in)see page E3 for details.see page E3 for details.U.S. Toll Free: (800) 272-2775 • Fax: (508) 429-5732 • Online: www.harvardapparatus.comE25

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