YHN Delivery Plan 2012-13 - Your Homes Newcastle

YHN Delivery Plan 2012-13 - Your Homes Newcastle

YHN Delivery Plan 2012-13 - Your Homes Newcastle

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Forewordby Steve Murphy,Chair of <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong><strong>Newcastle</strong>I am very pleased to introduce<strong>YHN</strong>’s <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Itprovides information about ourservices and how we will deliverthem. It also sets out ourrelationship with <strong>Newcastle</strong> CityCouncil and identifies what weintend to achieve next year.Once again we have had a very busyyear in which we have made furtherstrides towards achieving our longtermstrategic objectives.Despite an increasingly challengingfinancial environment we have strivento provide excellent services for ourcustomers. Over the past year wehave completed a comprehensivereview of our housing managementservice, the aim of which was to domore for less; this has resulted in anumber of improvements for ourcustomers including increasednumbers of estate inspections, freeingup housing officers to spend more timeout and about on estates, moreproactive approaches to managingrent arrears, and improving the ways inwhich tenants can access ourservices. We have also been workinghard to improve the level of service weprovide out of hours and we plan toimprove access even further when welaunch our new enquiry centre in April.To help support our customers inpreparation for welfare reform we haverecently refreshed our financialinclusion strategy. Our revisedapproach will include theimplementation of a brand newfinancial inclusion service to ensurethat customers have access to a widerange of information and support tohelp them to manage their finances inthese increasingly difficult times.Over the past year we have continuedto make great progress in building andrefurbishing homes. In July 2011 wereceived confirmation from the <strong>Homes</strong>and Communities Agency that ourproposal on behalf of Leazes <strong>Homes</strong>for grant funding under the affordablehousing programme had beenapproved. This £3.2 million grant willenable us to deliver approximately 345private homes and 144 affordablehomes over the next four years - greatnews for the city.It has been a particularly busy year onthe Byker Estate. In July 2011 itstenants voted in favour of setting up acommunity trust which will take overownership of the estate and all itsbuildings in May <strong>2012</strong>. This will pavethe way for much needed majorinvestment in this iconic grade listed IIestate and enable local residents to beat the heart of decision making on itsfuture. I represent <strong>YHN</strong> on the BykerTrust Board and I look forward tohelping to oversee the excitingchanges that lie ahead.3

February <strong>2012</strong> saw the completion ofBolam Coyne in the Byker estate.Empty for over ten years, this gradetwo listed building has beencompletely refurbished and nowprovides much-neededaccommodation in the form of 2 and 3bedroom homes.We have another challenging yearahead against a wider economicbackdrop of reduced public spending.Nonetheless we are confident that wecan to continue to improve ourservices and achieve our mission to bethe best housing provider in the NorthEast.I would like to take this opportunity tothank my colleagues on the Board, ourtenants and leaseholders, the CityCouncil, all <strong>YHN</strong> staff and our manypartners in both the public and privatesectors for their support during2011/12, a year in which we achievedso much. I very much look forward toextending our success together overthe year ahead.The new look Bolam Coyne, Byker4

1. Introduction<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong> is an Arms-Length Management Organisation thatwas created by <strong>Newcastle</strong> City Councilin 2004 to improve the condition of<strong>Newcastle</strong> City Council’s housingstock and the standard of servicesdelivered.Eight years on, our core businesscontinues to be the management andmaintenance of the Council’s 28,585homes and 1465 leasehold homes. Inaddition we are responsible for thedelivery of housing related supportservices that improve the sustainabilityof tenancies and neighbourhoods andpromote independent living across thecity.The services that we provide and theway that we do this are covered by amanagement agreement with theCouncil. The current agreement runsuntil March 2016 when it is due to bereviewed. Through this agreement, wehave to produce an annual deliveryplan which explains how we provideservices. The delivery plan is anopportunity for us to say what we haveachieved over the previous year, whatwe intend to achieve during the currentyear, and how we contribute tomeeting our own strategic objectivesand those of the City Council.This year’s delivery plan tells youabout: What our strategic objectives andcore values are; How we work with the City Counciland others; What services we provide and howthese are paid for; How we manage performance; Key themes that guide the work wedo; What we achieved during 2011/12;and What we intend to achieve during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.The delivery plan also includes ourservice plan for <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> as anappendix. The service plan givesmore detailed information about whatour individual teams and services aimto achieve during the coming year, andhow they contribute towards ourstrategic objectives.We have produced a delivery planevery year since 2004. It is acontinually evolving document. Aspart of a wider review on our businessand financial planning processes wewill be completely re-designing ourdelivery plan for next year to make itmore innovative, relevant, userfriendly,and more closely aligned withour Annual Report. In the meantimewe have taken the opportunity tostreamline this year’s delivery plan inpreparation for these changes.5

2. What we doOur mission statement is:<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong> intends tobe the best housing provider in theNorth EastWe will achieve our mission byinvesting in:Support and care to communitiesThree star excellent servicesA quality workforceRefurbishing and building homesThese are our four strategic objectives.These objectives were introduced in2007 to give focus to our work. Theydetermine how our priorities are set,and how performance throughout theorganisation is measured. All of ourperformance targets contribute toachieving one or more of the strategicobjectives.Core ValuesIn 2009, following consultation with<strong>YHN</strong> Board, our customers and ourstaff, we introduced a set of corevalues. They are:Accountability – acting openly andtaking responsibilityIntegrity – acting fairly and honestlyPassion – working positively withenthusiasmRespect – treating everyone with careand professionalismForward thinking – proactivelyseeking improvements and solutionsOur core values are at the heart of thebusiness, and are the principles andstandards that influence the way wework and behave. They make adifference by giving us a sense ofpride and belonging at work, and showwe care and are committed to peopleand the work we do.Business StrategyDuring 2009 we produced our firstbusiness strategy, entitled ‘Steppingup: Improving on Excellence inChallenging Times’. This strategygives a high level overview of thedirection we will take for the next fouryears, how we plan to achieve ourstrategic objectives, and what this willmean for our customers. In early 2011we reviewed and updated the strategyin response to changes brought aboutby the Government.The business strategy sets out ouraspirations, and provides a frameworkfor all of our other key documents suchas the annual delivery plan and serviceplan. The strategy explains where wewant to be in 2014, and identifies keyactions to achieve each of our fourstrategic objectives.This delivery plan and attached serviceplan outlines what we are doing on anannual basis towards achieving thelonger term aims and objectives setout within the business strategy. The‘looking back’ section of the deliveryplan shows what we have achieved inrelation to the business strategyactions. The ‘looking forward’ sectionsays how we will be developingmilestone targets to help us respond tothe challenges presented by the recentchange in government policy and tokeep on track in achieving longer termstrategic goals.6

Working with <strong>Newcastle</strong> CityCouncil (NCC)NCC set up <strong>YHN</strong> as a limitedcompany, and the Council is our oneand only shareholder. Ourmanagement agreement with NCC,which currently ends in March 2016,explains the services that we were setup to provide on behalf of the Counciland also describes the workingrelationship between us. Theagreement says that NCC and <strong>YHN</strong>:“intend to work within a spirit ofpartnership in order to continuouslyimprove the services and the way inwhich they are delivered”.This spirit of partnership underpins thework that we do and the services weprovide. Ways in which this happensare explained further in section four ofthis plan.We work closely with <strong>Newcastle</strong> CityCouncil on a daily basis at both astrategic and operational level. Wehave a key role to play in the deliveryof <strong>Newcastle</strong> City Council’s Housing<strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> which covers the city'shousing priorities for next year and theobjectives over the current spendinground up to 2015. The three mainpriorities, for which we are key deliverypartners, are:A Working City - supportingemployabilityGovernanceDecent NeighbourhoodsTackling Inequalities<strong>YHN</strong> is a company limited byguarantee and it has legal andstatutory duties under the CompaniesAct. We have a Company Secretarywho is responsible for making surethat business is conducted inaccordance with the law and forensuring that our governance reflectsthe Good Governance Standard forPublic Services. This comprises of sixcore principles of good governance,which include promoting the values ofthe whole organisation anddemonstrating good governancethrough conduct and behaviour. Ouradopted codes of conduct for staff andBoard members facilitate thepromotion, communication andembedding of proper standards ofbehaviour across the organisation.All of our governance arrangementsare set out in the GovernanceHandbook, a copy of which is issued toall Board members and is available onour website. The Board and its CommitteesThe Board has overall responsibility forthe management of the organisationand its primary responsibility is to setour overall strategy and to oversee theeffective implementation of thatstrategy.The Board meets every six weeks andhas five committees: Audit; Customerand Service <strong>Delivery</strong>; Finance andResources; Performance andRemuneration. Each committee hasTerms of Reference that set out thepurpose of the committee and mattersfor which it is responsible. The Termsof Reference are included in ourScheme of Delegations and copiescan be obtained from the CompanyAdministrator. Each of the threegroups of board members isrepresented on the committees. Wewill be carrying out a full review of ourexisting committee structures includingroles and responsibilities during <strong>2012</strong>.7

<strong>Newcastle</strong> City Council Corporate <strong>Plan</strong>A three year corporate plan and budget for 20<strong>13</strong>/14 onwards isexpected to be complete by September <strong>2012</strong>. It will set out the CityCouncil’s priority outcomes and identify how progress will be delivered.<strong>Newcastle</strong>'s Housing <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> 2011/12<strong>Newcastle</strong>'s Housing <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> covers the city's housing prioritiesand plans for next year and the objectives over the current spendinground up to 2015. This delivery plan makes up the work programme forthe new Fairer Housing Unit which brings together accountability forhousing issues into one place, with a sharper focus on priorities.<strong>YHN</strong> 30 year business plan.This is our key long term financialplan – growth and efficiencies areset out here.Stepping Up: <strong>YHN</strong> Business Strategy2009/14This strategy gives a high level overview ofour strategic direction for five years.Corporate StrategiesWe have a number of key strategies which the delivery and service plan contribute towardsincluding: <strong>YHN</strong>’s Finance Strategy, Value for Money Strategy, Equality and DiversityStrategy, Community Cohesion Strategy and Environmental Sustainability Strategy.<strong>YHN</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>This plan sets out annually ourobjectives and how we operate.<strong>YHN</strong> Service <strong>Plan</strong>This contains team action plans developedto achieve our four strategic objectives. It isincluded as an appendix to the <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Appraisals and one to one supervisionTargets from the service plan are cascaded into individual one toone’s and annual appraisals and monitored at a local level.9

The principles behind managingperformance are that we:Ensure all targets are SMART(Specific, Measurable, Achievable,Realistic, Time-bound) and areoutcome focused where possible;Benchmark our performance withothers and look at trends to help usunderstand the issues;Produce ‘traffic light’ reports so thatcustomers and stakeholders canget a snapshot picture of ourperformance;Keep all customers andstakeholders involved and informedabout performance issues;Focus on action for recovery inareas of under-performance; andOperate a consistent approach tosupervision, workplans andappraisals.We continuously strive to improve theways in which we gather, report anduse performance information. In<strong>2012</strong>/20<strong>13</strong> we will be making someconsiderable improvements to the wayin which we manage performance,moving the focus much more towardshow we use performance informationto help us improve our services.Further information about thesechanges will be provided on ourwebsite.Performance targetsWe first introduced a new set of ‘Top20’ and ‘Wider Management Team’targets in 2008. The intention of thiswas to provide relevant information toour Board and customers about‘business critical’ targets, and toensure that senior managersconcentrate attention on ‘headline’targets for each service. We believethis approach provides a focusedapproach that is easy for customers,Board members, the City Council andstaff to understand. These targets areupdated every year to ensure that theyreflect up to date priorities.Our ‘Top 20’ targets. These are20 key targets that provide anoverview of how we are doingacross all of our services.Performance against these targetsis reported to our PerformanceCommittee on a quarterly basis,and is reported to NCC and to ourcustomers. If any targets are nothit, an action plan is developed toensure an improvement inperformance is achieved.Our ‘Wider Management Team’targets. This is an additional set oftargets identified by managers torepresent overall serviceperformance and key serviceactions. Performance againstthese and the ‘Top 20’ targets isdiscussed by the team at regularmeetings, and any action requiredwhere targets are not being met isagreed. Wider Management Teamis made up of all senior managerswithin <strong>YHN</strong>.Team targets. This is a larger setof targets for each team within<strong>YHN</strong>. Managers and their teamsdetermine their team targets for thefollowing year as part of ourbusiness and financial planningprocess. Once agreed thesetargets are then used locally as abasis for monitoring performancewithin teams, linking with teamworkplans, staff supervision, andannual staff appraisals.Local offers. One of the ways wemonitor performance is throughlocal offers. They are a set ofmeasurable commitments between<strong>YHN</strong> and our customers to ensurewe deliver the services they said12

<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> are attached to the deliveryplan (Appendix 2).Further information about thesebudgets, including details of variationsbetween the two years, was includedin a report to the <strong>YHN</strong> Board in March<strong>2012</strong>. <strong>YHN</strong> Board reports areavailable on our website.The new self-financing system alsomeans that we now have an obligationto carry out Treasury Management.This management will be deliveredthrough a Service Level Agreement(SLA) with NCC.14

4. Key cross-cutting themesProviding excellent customerservicesTo achieve our mission to be the besthousing provider in the North East, weneed to consistently provide excellentcustomer services. We are committedto increasing opportunities to accessour services in ways that suit thediverse requirements of our customersand that equip us for the future whilstmaintaining high levels of customercare.Our Customer Service Strategy, ‘EveryCustomer Matters’ (2010-2014), setsout our vision for the futuredevelopment of customer services andoutlines improvements that we need tomake to ensure the on-going deliveryof three star excellent services. Thestrategy was developed aroundcustomers' needs and aspirationswhich were gathered throughconsultation with them and our ownstaff, and is closely linked to the keyprinciples of the Customer ServiceExcellence (CSE) standard.Our vision for customer services isthat:“Our customers will be able toaccess our services at whatevertime they want in a way that bestsuits their needs. Every time acustomer comes in contact with ourorganisation they will receiveexcellent and consistent customerservices, delivered by a qualityworkforce that is enabled bytechnology. <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong>will be recognised as a responsive,accessible, inclusive and above allan organisation that deliversexcellent customer services”.Our main customer service prioritiesfor <strong>2012</strong>/20<strong>13</strong> are:To ensure we live up to thepromises and standardsoutlined in our CustomerService Charter.To maintain our corporaterecognition against theCustomer Service Excellence(CSE) Standard.To continually improve thecustomer experience whencontacting <strong>YHN</strong> by extendingthe use of the <strong>YHN</strong> EnquiryCentre to resolve more querieseffectively and efficiently.Providing value for moneyValue for money is a requirement forany successful organisation as itenables the delivery of high qualityservices, provides more choice andensures needs and priorities are met.Successfully embracing value formoney enables us to provide betterhomes, better services and contributetowards better neighbourhoods. Valuefor money is about doing more for thesame amount. It is about raisingproductivity whilst increasingeffectiveness. For <strong>YHN</strong> it is aboutenabling us to deliver the highestquality possible at the lowest possibleprice, and ultimately becoming a moreefficient organisation and achievingour organisational objectives.15

Our vision for ensuring value formoney across the organisation is:“To deliver excellent services in aneconomic, efficient and effectiveway which will enable the provisionof sustainable, good quality anddesirable homes and contributetowards improving localcommunities”.Further information about ourapproach to delivering Value forMoney is set out in our Value forMoney strategy 2010-2014.Working in partnershipWorking in partnership opens upopportunities that otherwise would nothave existed or would not have beenas beneficial for the organisationsinvolved.Working with partners has manybenefits for <strong>YHN</strong>; it allows us to:Achieve more by poolingresources resulting in greatervalue for moneyProvide extra services andbetter support for our mostvulnerable tenantsExtend our creative possibilitiesand deliver positive activities fortenants which we would not beable deliver on our ownHelp our tenants accessemploymentWork in partnership with otherorganisations and communitiesto help make our communitiessaferImprove the energy efficiency ofour homes, and provide morehomes for people to live in.At <strong>YHN</strong> we know we cannot achieveour vision on our own; we recognisethe power of great partnerships. Manyof our most recent successes havebeen based on team work andpartnerships with outsideorganisations. The key to theirsuccess lies in ensuring that we areopen to new possibilities and newpartnerships and that we manage ourpartnerships well.Equality and DiversityEquality and diversity is an importantpart of everything that we do at <strong>Your</strong><strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong>. Our customerscome from diverse backgrounds andwe are committed to providing anddelivering services that meet theirneeds.As an organisation who has achievedthe ‘excellent’ level of the SocialHousing Equality Framework, we areworking hard to ensure our continuedcompliance with the general equalityduty placed upon us by the EqualityAct 2010. This means that we need tohave due regard for the need to:Eliminate unlawfuldiscrimination, harassment andvictimisation and other conductprohibited by the Act.Advance equality of opportunitybetween people who share aprotected characteristic andthose who do not.Foster good relations betweenpeople who share a protectedcharacteristic and those who donot.Overall responsibility for equality anddiversity rests with our Board, and ourChief Executive acts as our corporatechampion. However, our staff at alllevels think about equality anddiversity in their everyday workingactivities to make sure that we are16

treating everyone fairly and withrespect, and this is a natural part of theway we work.Our Equality Policy and Equality &Diversity Strategy outline our vision,aims, priorities and targets. OurCommunity Cohesion Strategy setsout the direction for addressingCommunity Cohesion until March2014. All services across <strong>YHN</strong> have aresponsibility for contributing towardsachieving our Equality and Diversityand Community Cohesion priorities.Service managers must ensure that allrelevant equality and diversity targetsare cascaded into their own teamtargets and into individual one to onesand appraisals. This helps to ensurethat equality and diversity ismainstreamed across the organisationand not the sole responsibility of oneteam.Mainstreaming of equality and diversityis further strengthened by our activitiessuch as ‘Diversity Week’, whichallowed staff to take part in learningacross a wide variety of equality anddiversity issues that could be put intopractice in the workplace. Progress onequality and diversity issues isreported directly to our Board, andwhere it is necessary to scrutinise orchallenge information separate Boardworkshops are held.Our Strategic Independent AdvisoryGroup has a key role at <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong><strong>Newcastle</strong>. Members of the groupprovide an independent voice to help<strong>YHN</strong> in appraising our approach toequality and diversity, especially at astrategic level on all new andsignificantly changed policies,procedures, housing services andfunctions.Risk managementWe have a Risk Management Strategyin place that sets out:Our commitment to implementingan effective risk managementframework;Our approach to risk managementand how, as an organisation, weintend to embed risk management;Clear roles and responsibilities inthe process of risk management;andClear monitoring procedures for ourstrategic risk register.Risks identified at a strategic level arecurrently monitored by <strong>YHN</strong> AuditCommittee. The strategic risk registeris reviewed annually by Boardmembers, <strong>YHN</strong> Management Teamand Audit Committee.Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT)The mission of our ICT service is toprovide secure, reliable and efficientICT systems and services that supportproductivity and excellent customerservice, and to get the right informationto the right people in the right way.Our programme to update out of dateand stand-alone ICT systems willcontinue next year, ensuring that theICT system underpinning the new <strong>YHN</strong>Enquiry Centre provides a full andconsistent view of our customers andprocedures. New software to supportour management of anti-socialbehaviourand the new online housingapplication system are also part of thisprogramme.We will continue work to network thecity’s tower blocks, allowing us to bringCCTV images back to the EnquiryCentre, and to deliver services more17

flexibly to customers in high-riseblocks. To ensure we are able torespond promptly to customerrequests, we are also investing inmobile working technology, providingappropriate staff with hand-helddevices to which the customer requestis sent.We will continue to help our customersto meet their needs through onlineservices delivered through ourwebsite, and will be linking up with<strong>Newcastle</strong> City Council in a campaignto promote digital inclusion.ICT security is an important part of ourwork, ensuring that information held onour ICT systems is properlymaintained and protected.We continue to support our efficiencyagenda through ICT, and will introducesystems to make PCs turn themselvesoff at night when not in use.Environmental SustainabilityWe adopted our EnvironmentalSustainability Strategy in April 2011,setting our vision to become the mostenvironmentally friendly housingorganisation in the North East. Toensure we achieve progress in thisarea we have become a member ofthe Sustainable <strong>Homes</strong> Index forTomorrow (SHIFT), a sustainabilityassessment tailored to the housingsector, and will undergo a public auditlater in <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We recognise that our businessactivities are both contributing factorsto and at risk from climate change andare making efforts to adapt ourpractices accordingly. In addition werealise that many of our customersface fuel poverty and we want to helpthem minimise these impacts in future.Both of these areas are addressed inour Environmental SustainabilityStrategy and Action <strong>Plan</strong>, the key aimsof which are to:Achieve a 6% reduction in ourcarbon footprint by 20<strong>13</strong> againstour 2005 baseline;Reduce the environmentalimpact of the housing stock wemanage and build; andInform and encouragebehavioural change by ourtenants and staff.To date we have put a lot of effort intoimproving the environmentalperformance of our existing and newbuild properties; for example during2011/12 we upgraded 472 windowsfrom single to double glazing andinstalled 398 cavity and loft insulationmeasures. We also carried outassessments to support the creation of1547 new Energy PerformanceCertificates.We have built 15 properties to theCode for Sustainable <strong>Homes</strong> levelthree, and a further 41 to level four;our customers in these properties havereceived comprehensive home userguides to help them minimise theenvironmental impacts of living in theirnew homes. To support tenants in ourexisting properties we also have aservice level agreement with theEnergy Centre at <strong>Newcastle</strong> CityCouncil to provide home visits totenants struggling with fuel povertyand to provide advice at public andcommunity events. We have installeda further 43 Solar PV systems at ournew build properties and also hope, bythe end of the financial year, to haveinstalled PV systems at 30 blocks toprovide electricity for communallighting, elevators and external lighting.In <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> we will continue the goodwork we have been doing, not only byimproving building fabric but also by18

adding greater value to our advice andsupport to our customers to help avoidfuel debt and poverty. Specific actionsthat we will undertake include:Improving the advice andsupport we offer our existingcustomers through the provisionof environmental sustainabilityinformation on our internet pageand through publication of ahandbook for tenants.Through our SLA with the CityCouncil’s Energy Centre,conducting at least 125 HomeVisits and attending at least fourevents for our customers.Reducing our carbon footprintby 2%.Building new properties to levelthree or higher of the Code forSustainable <strong>Homes</strong>.Monitoring the performance ofour existing micro-renewableinstallations to inform future rolloutof this programme andbetter understand how we canhelp tackle fuel poverty.Holding at least quarterlymeetings of the new ‘GreenNetwork’ for employees.Assessing the environmentalperformance of at least four ofour offices and implementingimprovements.Achieving at least a Bronzeaward in our <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> SHIFTassessment.Solar panels on new buildhomes at Colwyne Place,BlakelawTeaching children about recycling at theThomas Gaughan Centre19

establish governance arrangements by31/01/<strong>2012</strong> - AchievedThe Byker Community Trust wasestablished and registered with theFinacial Services Authority as anIndustrial and Provident Society on11 th September 2011.Complete the transfer of the Blucherproperties to Leazes <strong>Homes</strong> by 01/09/2011- AchievedThe Blutcher properties weresuccessfully transferred to Leazes<strong>Homes</strong> by the target date of01/09/2011.Three star excellent servicesAchieve 82% satisfaction with the overallhousing service by 31/03/<strong>2012</strong>.- Not achieved81.2% satisfaction recorded throughour survey of tenants and residents(STAR).Further investigation is now underwayto identify reasons for underperformance, and planimprovements.Achieve a 3% structural efficiency saving onthe 2011/12 <strong>YHN</strong>/HRA revenue base budgetof £30.6m by 31/03/<strong>2012</strong>.- AchievedDuring 2011/12 we made £1,368,540worth of efficiency savings.This equates to a 4.47% structuralefficiency saving on the 2011/12<strong>YHN</strong>/HRA revenue budget. Thisexceeds our target.Meet the ‘Excellent’ level of the SocialHousing Equality Framework by 31/12/2011. - AchievedAssessment was carried out inDecember 2011. <strong>YHN</strong> achieved thetarget ‘excellent’ level.Increase by 30% the number of furnished21

tenancies supported outside of <strong>Newcastle</strong>by 31/03/<strong>2012</strong>.- Not achievedBy the end of 2011/12, <strong>Newcastle</strong>Furniture Service (NFS) supported5081 external furnished tenancies.This equates to a 17% increase onthe end of 2010/11 (4336).The loss of the Wakefield contract(234 tenancies) during quarter threehas had a detrimental impact on thenumber of tenancies supported.However, they have recently entereda partnership with St Leger <strong>Homes</strong>(Doncaster).Produce a sustainable 30 year businessplan for Board approval by 30/09/2011.- AchievedReport produced and approved bythe target date of 30/09/2011.Deliver 84% of key milestones for major ITchanges to agreed timescales during2011/12- AchievedWe completed 17 out of 20milestones during 2011/12. Thisequates to 85%. Which exceeds ourtargets.Complete the initial establishment of a <strong>YHN</strong>Enquiry Centre with an associatedCustomer Relationship ManagementSystem and new telephony equipment by31/03/<strong>2012</strong>.- AchievedThe Enquiry Centre went live on26/03/<strong>2012</strong>.Support and care to communitiesImplement the Council’s new Allocationsand Lettings Policy and Sub RegionalChoice Based Lettings by 31/12/2011- Not achievedThe system was not implemented bythe target date of 31/12/2011, but isnow up and running and will be usedfor lettings from 14/05/<strong>2012</strong> oncefurther tests have been completed.Achieve a 1% reduction in <strong>YHN</strong>’s carbonfootprint, 63 tonnes, by 31/03/<strong>2012</strong>.- Achieved22

Overall we have reduced our carbonfootprint by 1047 tonnes. Thisequates to a 16% reduction. We havemassively exceeded our target.Achieve 90% level A’s in our Service QualityFrameworks for Supporting Peoplecontracts during 2011/12- AchievedWe achieved 100% level A’s forCCAS, Young Peoples Service andAdvice & Support Supporting Peoplecontacts during 2011/12assessments.Produce a <strong>YHN</strong> Community CohesionStrategy by 30/06/2011.- AchievedStrategy produced and approved bythe target date of 30/06/2011.Support 20 long term unemployed tenantsduring 2011/12 into paid employment with<strong>YHN</strong> for six months to promote a culture ofwork and help them gain skills andexperience- Achieved20 tenants were recruited to ‘<strong>Your</strong><strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Your</strong> Jobs’ during 2011/12.A quality workforceReduce the number of sickness days perFTE employee to 8 days by 31/03/<strong>2012</strong>Achieve North East Better Health at WorkGold award by 31/12/2011.Develop a <strong>YHN</strong> Coaching and MentoringStrategy by 30/09/2011.- Not achievedBy the end of 2011/12 the number ofsickness days per FTE was 8.59days; just short of our target of 8days. A number of actions have beenimplemented to improve this figureduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.- AchievedGold award achieved in November2011.- AchievedStrategy implemented and promotedby the target date of 30/09/2011.23

Strategic objective achievements2011/12 was another good year for us.We achieved many of our service plantargets and actions, and all teamshave contributed towards meeting ourstrategic objectives. Some of ourother major achievements during theyear are identified below. Theachievements are listed by strategicobjective, although some of theseachievements fit within more than oneobjective.Support and care to communitiesYou’ve Got The Power - In2011 our participatory budgetevent, You’ve got the Power,was shortlisted for the UKhousing awards. The event,now in its third year, empowersresidents to decide how tospend a budget from ourefficiency savings. Ideas forcommunity projects aredeveloped by staff andpresented to tenants. Theprojects aim to tackle keyissues that residents told uswere important to them. The2011 projects included:– Community Payback -Working with theProbation Service todeliver communityprojects that will improve<strong>YHN</strong> estates.– Eco Electric Pedals - Afun educational andinteractive project toengage the community inenergy efficiency.– Helping Hands - Aproject to help vulnerablepeople moving homewith a packing andremoval service.– The Generation Game -An inter-generationalproject bringing older andyounger people togetherover a game of rookiegolf.Delivering Assisted LivingLifestyles at Scale (DALLAS)Bid - DALLAS aims to showhow assisted living technologies(Telecare) and services can beused to promote wellbeing andquality health and care,enabling people to liveindependently for longer. Bidswere invited from organisationswith the view to establish up tofive consortia across the UKwith the aim of providingservices to a minimum of10,000 customers per consortia.<strong>YHN</strong>’s bid is in the final eightsubmissions out of 470nationwide resulting in us beingawarded a grant to develop afull business case forconsideration at the next stageof the process.Income Generation forTenants - Over 2011/12 ourAdvice and Support servicesupported tenants to accessover £3.3m in benefits andgrants.Three star excellent servicesCustomer Service Excellence- Following a 12 month review<strong>YHN</strong> retained full corporaterecognition in the CustomerService Excellent Standardwithout any partial noncompliance.The assessor was24

particularly impressed with theway <strong>YHN</strong> has actively soughtcontinuous improvementopportunities during the lastyear even though we werealready fully compliant last year.Housing Management review-In 2011 we completed acomprehensive review of ourhousing management service.This has resulted in a number ofimprovements for ourcustomers including increasednumbers of estate inspections,freeing up housing officers tospend more time out and abouton estates, more proactiveapproaches to managing rentarrears, and improving the waysin which tenants can access ourservices.the on-going development ofour staff.Refurbishing and building homes Photovoltaic Cell installation -During 2011/12 we installedsolar energy systems on over30 housing blocks. Solarelectricity systems capture thesun's energy using photovoltaic(PV) cells. The cells convertthe sunlight into electricity,which can be used to runelectrical appliances andlighting. The installation of solarpanels will lower <strong>YHN</strong>’s carbonfootprint and also generaterevenue under theGovernment’s clean energycash back scheme also knownas Feed In Tariff (FITs).A quality workforceBetter Health at Work - InNovember 2011 we wereawarded the North East BetterHealth at Work Gold Award.The North East Better Health atWork Award encouragesbusinesses to make acontribution to improving thehealth and wellbeing of theirstaff. We were able todemonstrate many initiativesthat contribute to making ahealthier workplace.Investors in People-GoldAward- In February <strong>2012</strong> wewere assessed by Investors inPeople and subsequentlyaccredited with the GoldStandard. Only 1% of all UKbusinesses achieve theInvestors in People Goldstandard so achieving thisstandard shows we can reallydemonstrate our commitment toAward for Best SocialHousing Development - TheRiverside Dene regenerationscheme in the West End wonthe award for best socialhousing development at the2011 LABC Building ExcellenceAwards in April 2011 after itincorporated new safety andgreen features into itsrefurbishment programme.Finalists in the 'Deliveringefficiency and value formoney' award – This was inthe 2011 UK Housing Awards.<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong> neededto ensure that we could meetthe needs of our disabled andolder tenants in the mosteffective and cost efficient wayby making the best use of thealready adapted housing stock,and matching these propertieswith those people in need ofthem. We have established amulti-agency Housing25

Adaptations Panel. It hasrepresentatives from ourAdaptations Service,Investment <strong>Delivery</strong> Team, aRelocation Officer, SeniorHousing Managers,Occupational Therapists andCity Council Adult Services.They meet every fortnight toreview the caseload. OurAdaptations Service wasrestructured to make theadaptations procedures moreefficient and use our resourcesmore effectively.This list is a summary of some of thebig achievements, but all teams acrossthe organisation have contributed inour drive towards achieving ourstrategic objectives.Investment and Modern <strong>Homes</strong>At the end of 2010/11 we had madesignificant progress in delivering ourprogramme and meeting our decenthomes target with 40,328 packagesdelivered and 24,405 homes madedecent. There were several keychanges that affected targets during2010/11, including two key partnersgoing into administration who wereprogrammed to deliver 1,301 decenthomes. Also new legislation onasbestos management significantlyreduced the pace of delivery but theimplementation of new processes hasovercome this.Following an announcement from the<strong>Homes</strong> and Communities Agency(HCA) that ALMO’s will not receivetheir final year’s allocation of funding,available resources to complete theModern <strong>Homes</strong> programme havedecreased significantly. This equatesto £12m for <strong>YHN</strong>. The decent homesdeadline date of December 2011 hasbeen removed and as a result we havere-programmed works beyond2011/12.26

Overall progress is given below:Year end 31/03/<strong>2012</strong>ANNUAL OUTTURNCUMULATIVE*OUTTURN(from 2004)CURRENT YEAROUTTURN AGAINSTTARGET2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Up to Q42011/12Up to Q42011/122011/12TargetNumber ofpackagesCompleted5,678 7,741 7,396 7,624 7,580 4,309 44,982 4,654 4,434Number ofunits madedecent1,063 2,074 6,1<strong>13</strong> 5,885 6,<strong>13</strong>7 3,<strong>13</strong>4 28,438 4,033 4,014*Cumulative figures made decent each year, does not reflect stock reductionThe other capital programmes that make up the Housing Investment Programme aresummarised below:Other Capital ProgrammesCurrent Expenditure ForecastCurrent HIP Resource AllocationCurrent Programme ExcessFundingAt end Q42011/12£127.5 M£127.5 M£0 MThis expenditure is for projects outsidemodern homes work, made up of thefollowing: Environments and Modern <strong>Homes</strong>plus; Landlord services;Meeting special needs;Redevelopment and demolitions;andImproving customer services.28

6. Looking forward: what we aim to achieve in <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Top 20 Targets <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>We have identified 20 ‘businesscritical’ targets which will be monitoredby our Performance Committee on aquarterly basis. We think that thesetargets will give a good overall pictureof how we are doing during the year toour customers, the Tenants’Federation, our Board and <strong>Newcastle</strong>City Council. These are aligned withour four strategic objectives. The ‘top20’ targets for <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> are:- Sponsorship and Grants-£474,000- Traded services-£433,000Increase the total number oftenants paying by Direct Debitto 4900 by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Complete 100% of all ICTdeliverables identified as highpriority on the <strong>2012</strong>-20<strong>13</strong> ICTInvestment <strong>Plan</strong>:Refurbishing and building homes1695 homes made decent by31/03/<strong>13</strong>Achieve a 90% success rateagainst key performanceindicators, as agreed with theByker Trust, during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Build 43 new homes inconjunction with Leazes <strong>Homes</strong>by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Three star excellent servicesAchieve 94% satisfaction withthe Repairs and Maintenanceservice during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>83% satisfaction with the overallhousing service during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Deliver 2 new services or keyprocesses through the EnquiryCentre by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Generate a minimum of£907,000 during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>through:– ASB managementsystem replacement– Concierge/EnquiryCentre technical integration– Workforce scheduling for<strong>Newcastle</strong> Furniture Service– Northgate Housing v6– Community HousingOffice WYSE terminalreplacement– ICT System IntegrationProduce equality and diversityaction plans, informed bydemographic analysis, for 6service areas and report toCustomer and Service <strong>Delivery</strong>Committee during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> Maintain a HRA budget of £10million below debt cap during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Complete a feasibility study onthe development of a tradingarm by 30/09/1229

Achieve a 3% efficiency savingon the <strong>2012</strong>/20<strong>13</strong> <strong>YHN</strong>/HRArevenue base budget of £30mby 31/03/<strong>13</strong>Support and care to communitiesAchieve 2% reduction in <strong>YHN</strong>’scarbon footprint by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Achieve 100% level A’s in ourService Quality Frameworkassessments for SupportingPeople contracts during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Support 30 unemployedresidents into paid employmentplacements with <strong>YHN</strong> in<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Upgrade and connect 95% ofConcierge properties scheduledfor connection to the EnquiryCentre by 31/3/20<strong>13</strong>.A quality workforceReduce number of sicknessabsence days per full timeequivalent to 8 days by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Achieve 100% of supportingpeople contracts tendered forduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Develop a strategic approach toFuel Poverty by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>How the top 20 targets were set for<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>The following table provides furtherinformation about the top 20 targets,including the desired outcome andrationale behind each target:Tenant employability event, March <strong>2012</strong>30

Strategic objective: Refurbishing and building homesTheme Outcome Rationale TargetDecent <strong>Homes</strong>Completion of themodern homesprogramme.Cornerstone of <strong>YHN</strong>’s existenceKey priority for tenants1695 homes made decent by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Strategic objective to refurbish andbuildReflects completion of the modernhomes programmeContinuation of 2011/12 target fromtop 20Byker Trust<strong>YHN</strong> contractsuccessfullydeliveredMajor project with high national andregional profileBeginning of a new way of workingAchieve a 90% success rate against keyperformance indicators, as agreed with theByker Trust, during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Income from the contract will beimportant in meeting challenges ofthe Business Strategy in relation toself- financingAllows for a transition from <strong>YHN</strong>’scurrent role in the creation of theTrust31

New BuildIncreased numberof new homes builtMakes key contribution to <strong>Newcastle</strong>City Councils housing delivery planBuild 43 new homes in conjunction withLeazes <strong>Homes</strong> by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>National and Local Governmentpriority to increase housing stockContinuation of 2011/12 targetReflects key partnership with Leazes<strong>Homes</strong>Strategic objective: Three star excellent servicesTheme Outcome Rationale Top 20 targetCustomersatisfactionIncreasedsatisfaction withthe Repairs &MaintenanceserviceStrategic objective of three starexcellent servicesRepairs and maintenance servicecontinues to be a key priority fortenantsAchieve 94% satisfaction with the Repairsand Maintenance service during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Increase of 2% against 2011/12 top20 targetCustomersatisfactionIncreased overallcustomersatisfaction withUseful generic indicatorSector standard83% satisfaction with the overall housingservice during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>32

housing servicesEnables benchmarking against otherproviders in the sector Increase of 1% against 2011/12targetService qualityImprovedcustomer accessto services throughthe new enquirycentre Improved service to the customer Improving the effectiveness of servicedelivery at first point of contact. Target represents the next milestonefollowing implementation of newenquiry centre handling out of hourscalls in April <strong>2012</strong>Deliver 2 new services or key processesthrough the enquiry centre by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong> Key strand of the Customer ServiceStrategy and therefore the BusinessStrategyIncome generationIncrease in incometo support coreservices andinvestment inhomesContributes to challenges in theBusiness Strategy relating toreduced funding sources and selffinancingHelps secure financial viabilityGenerate a minimum of £907,000 during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> through: Sponsorship and Grants- £474,000 Traded services- £433,000IncomeManagementIncrease in thenumber ofpayments throughHelps to protect tenants from debtRepresents an increase of 9% fromIncrease the total number of tenants payingby direct debit to 4900 by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>33

direct debits March <strong>2012</strong> baseline figure of 4500.Helps to control overall level ofarrearsContributes towards our FinancialInclusion and Income ManagementstrategiesAligned with Welfare Reformchanges- increased move towardsautomated payments.Will maximise rent and servicecharge income streams andtherefore help contribute to the keychallenges in the Business StrategyInformationTechnology (IT)Key IT prioritytasks completed High priority within the BusinessStrategy IT supports a wide range of linkedstrategic objectives including deliveryof excellent customer services.Complete 100% of all ICT deliverablesidentified as high priority on the <strong>2012</strong>/20<strong>13</strong>ICT Investment <strong>Plan</strong>:ASB management systemreplacementConcierge/Enquiry Centre technicalintegrationWorkforce scheduling for <strong>Newcastle</strong>Furniture Service34

Northgate Housing v6Community Housing Office WYSEterminal replacementEquality andDiversityImproved use ofdemographicinformation toinformdevelopment ofservices. Reflects key cross cutting issue Builds on work carried out withPerformance Committee during2011/12 to improve the quality ofdemographic data collected andquality of analysis ICT System IntegrationProduce equality and diversity action plans,informed by demographic analysis, for 6service areas and report to Customer andService <strong>Delivery</strong> Committee during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> Supports strategic objective of 3*excellent services Ensures we meet statutory duty asstipulated in the Equality Act. Aligns with the aspirations of the<strong>Newcastle</strong> Future Needs Assessmentby the City CouncilFinancialManagementBudgets accuratelymatch resourceneedsHeadline budgetsyear end outturnmatches budgetOne of the key challenges in theBusiness StrategyCentral to <strong>YHN</strong>’s financial viabilityEnables investment in properties andservicesMaintain HRA budget of £10 million belowdebt cap during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.35

provisionSuccessfullymanage first yearof self-financing.Subject of Board Away day held on07/02/12Trading ArmTo have a strategicapproach totrading armconfirmedIntegral to our Business StrategyCurrently at a watershed in ourdevelopmentComplete a feasibility study on thedevelopment of a trading arm by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>EfficiencyEfficiency savingon revenue basebudget Contributes to challenges in theBusiness Strategy relating to reducedfunding sources and self-financingAchieve a 3% efficiency saving on the<strong>2012</strong>/20<strong>13</strong> <strong>YHN</strong>/HRA revenue base budget of£30m by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong> Continuation of 2011/12 top 20 target36

Strategic objective: Support and Care to communitiesTheme Outcome Rationale Top 20 targetEnvironmentalsustainabilityReduction incarbon footprintFinancial benefits for customersthrough reduced energy billsReflects our ability to influenceenvironmental sustainability inrelation to behaviours as well ashousing stockAchieve 2% reduction in <strong>YHN</strong>’s carbonfootprint, against 2011/12 baseline, by31/03/20<strong>13</strong> Contributes to overall target of 6%carbon reduction by March 20<strong>13</strong> asdetailed in environmentalsustainability strategy as agreed byboardHigh priority within our businessstrategyNational and Local GovernmentpriorityImprovement target from 2011/12 top20Service qualityHighest levelachieved in thequalityStrategic objective of support andcareAchieve 100% level A’s in our ServiceQuality Framework assessments forSupporting People contracts during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>37

assessments forSupporting PeoplecontractsNational accreditation so facilitatesbenchmarkingContinuation of 2011/12 target fromtop 20Customersatisfaction andservice qualitySuccess in winningand retaining SPcontracts Strategic objective of support andcare Maximises support to vulnerabletenantsAchieve 100% of supporting peoplecontracts tendered for during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> Aligns activity with financialchallenges outlined in businessstrategyFuel PovertyTo have developeda <strong>YHN</strong> FuelPoverty Strategy inpreparation fornext winterIncreasingly important impact ontenants in current economic climate.Builds upon significant areas of workalready carried out during 2011/12e.g. investment to properties, adviceand support, environmentalsustainabilityDevelop a strategic approach to FuelPoverty by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>Supports our strategic objective ofsupport and careSupports tackling inequalities prioritywithin <strong>Newcastle</strong> City Council’shousing delivery plan.Contributes to challenge in the38

Business Strategy relating to welfarereformAllows for synergy with <strong>Newcastle</strong>City Council’s Energy StrategyEmployabilityIncreased numberof customers(including tenants,family members,residents on ourestates) assistedfromunemployment intoemployment Strategic objective of support andcare Contributes to <strong>YHN</strong>’s BusinessStrategy challenge relating to welfarereform Employability a key priority withinboth <strong>YHN</strong> Skills to Work Strategy andNCC’s Housing <strong>Delivery</strong> planSupport 30 unemployed residents into paidemployment placements with <strong>YHN</strong> in<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> Aligned with aspirations of <strong>Newcastle</strong>Futures and supports our continuedjoint working.Concierge ServiceSuccessfultransition to newconcierge service Helps to ensure smooth and timelytransition to new concierge service foraffected customers minimisingservice disruption.Upgrade and connect 95% of Conciergeproperties scheduled for connection to theEnquiry Centre by 31/3/20<strong>13</strong>. Key deliverable within conciergeservice contract. Subject to regular progress reports toboard39

Strategic Objective: A quality workforceTheme Outcome Rationale Top 20 TargetSicknessManagementMaximisingattendancethrough sicknessmanagementEnsures service delivery is properlyresourcedContributes towards our strategicobjective of a quality workforceReduce number of sickness absence daysper full time equivalent to 8 days by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Supports our Wellbeing at Workpriority as detailed within our PeopleStrategy.Continuation of 2011/12 target fromtop 20 and mirrors current topquartile target within ALMObenchmarking club.Contributes towards overallefficiency of the organisation40

Wider Management Team targetsThe targets that we have identifiedbelow are ones which our seniormanagers will be monitoring on aregular basis through the year. Theserepresent key areas of work for all ofour teams. This list of targets willenable senior managers to recogniseand acknowledge things that are goingwell. If any of the targets are not beingmet during the year, our WiderManagement Team will decide whataction is required to address anyproblems.<strong>YHN</strong>’s Enquiry Centre41

Directorate Team Wider Management TargetBusinessOrganisational DevelopmentTeam Deliver all actions within the <strong>YHN</strong> Leadership and ManagementDevelopment action plan within timescales during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Assets and ProgrammingDevelop and implement a <strong>YHN</strong> Talent Management Programmepilot by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>Generate at least £250k energy funding during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> (includedwithin overall Top 20 income generation target) Achieve Bronze level of SHIFT accreditation by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>New Build and Procurement Ensure 100% of all tender submissions to the <strong>Homes</strong> andCommunities Agency are completed to agreed timescales during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Customer Involvement Agree the 20<strong>13</strong>/2014 local offers by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Chief Executive’sOfficeChief Executive’s Office Carry out a review of committee structures by 31/08/<strong>2012</strong>Equality and Diversity Implement new Equality and Diversity blended training programmeby 31/07/<strong>2012</strong>42

Finance andResourcesHuman Resources Finalise Human Resources Team structure by 30/06/<strong>2012</strong>Finance Maintain a minimum HRA balance of £8 million by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Develop an approach to net present value (NPV) of properties ininvestment programme by 31/12/<strong>2012</strong>Income Collect £400,000 Former Tenants Arrears during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> Collect 97.5% of leasehold service charges during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Customer Service 95% of complaints to be given a full written response within 10working days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Implement a single number or key numbers for enquiries by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Citywide Services HASBET Implement new case management IT system and performancemanagement framework at <strong>YHN</strong> for antisocial behaviour by30/09/<strong>2012</strong><strong>Newcastle</strong> Furniture Service We will secure 2 new customers to the freight consolidation centreby 31/03/20<strong>13</strong> We will increase income generated by NFS by £400,000 during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Advice and Support Offer 100% of all new tenants a financial inclusion assessmentduring the Financial Inclusion Service pilot (April-Oct <strong>2012</strong>)43

Tenancy Services No more than 0.25% of tenants to be evicted for rent arrears during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Reduce the average time taken to re-let all properties to 16 daysby 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Reduce net rent arrears by 1.5% of year end figure for 2011/12 by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>Achieve 65% satisfaction of tenants who report anti-socialbehaviour by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>CCAS Deliver all stages of DALLAS bid to required timescales during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>44

The <strong>YHN</strong> Service <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>What is the Service <strong>Plan</strong>?The <strong>YHN</strong> Service <strong>Plan</strong> is an annualdocument which sets out what all ourteams do, and what they want toachieve during the year. It explainshow all teams contribute to meetingthe strategic objectives identified in thedelivery plan. The information is inalphabetical order on a directoratebasis.How is it developed?We use a business and financialplanning process to produce serviceplans. This process is described in thedelivery plan. It involves discussingteam priorities, financial issues andpotential targets and actions toachieve objectives with managers andstaff from across the organisation. Weconsulted with a cross section of stafffrom all teams and sections during2011/12. We also spoke to serviceusers to find out what the importantissues were for them. All of theinformation produced from this processwas condensed into a list of possibleactions and targets. Through furtherconsultation with customers, seniormanagers, managers and staff, this listwas refined further into a final plan foreach team.What is in the plan?The service plan includes informationabout what teams do, and lists actions,targets and indicators for each service.It includes service standards for allteams, and where relevant it includeslocal offers for the services that theseapply to. The service plan is used as aworking document for managers andstaff across the organisation, and isAppendix 1developed and refined further eachyear. An organisation chart is includedto show how the individual teams fitinto the overall <strong>YHN</strong> structure. Theintention is that the service plan actsas a comprehensive referencedocument for staff in identifying keytargets and action areas. There is alsoa link between what is in the serviceplan, and what is identified in individualworkplans, appraisals and supervisionsessions within teams.Specific information in the plans ismade up of:Our ‘Top 20’ targets. A list ofstrategic targets which areconsidered ‘business critical’.These also appear in the deliveryplan and form the basis ofperformance reports to the <strong>YHN</strong>Performance Committee. They arealso monitored regularly by seniormanagers.Our ‘Wider Management Team’targets. An additional set oftargets and actions identified by<strong>YHN</strong> Management Team torepresent overall performance andkey actions for each team. Theseare also included in the teamservice plans to ensureaccountability, and are discussedat regular meetings of the WiderManagement Team regularly. Service standards. These areincluded so that performanceagainst service standards ismonitored in the same way that allother targets are, through theperformance managementframework. A full review of allexisting service standards isscheduled to take place in summer45

<strong>2012</strong> which will result in manyexisting service standards beingupdated. Local offers. The aim of localoffers is that they provide anopportunity to tailor services orenhance the national standards.They are based on the principle oftalking to tenants and tailoringservice guarantees around theirneeds Team targets. These form thebasis of team service plans and areused by managers to assist inguiding and focusing the work oftheir teams for the forthcoming year.They are used to enable localperformance monitoring withinteams and link in with staffsupervision and annual staffappraisals. Managers are alsoexpected to ensure that all relevanttargets relating to corporate actionplans are cascaded. The keycorporate action plans with crosscuttingresponsibilities include:– Equality and Diversity Strategy– Community Cohesion Strategy– Social Housing EqualityFramework action plan– ‘Every Customer Matters’Customer Service Strategy– Environmental SustainabilityStrategy– Value for Money StrategyHow is the plan monitored?All of the actions and targets listed inthe service plan are monitored throughthe performance managementframework. This is described in thedelivery plan. It involves regularliaison with the manager of eachservice to check that actions andtargets are completed by the due date.Information about performance isreported to the <strong>YHN</strong> PerformanceCommittee on a quarterly basis. Ifactions or targets are not being metand are reported to the committee as‘red’, the relevant manager is requiredto take necessary action or develop aplan to ensure that performanceimproves.Community clean up in Benwell46

Organisational structureChief ExecutiveCommunicationsEquality & DiversityGovernanceDirector of Tenancy ServicesAssistant Chief Executive andDirector of BusinessDirector of Finance andResourcesSupport and Care Services- Advice and Support- Community Care Alarm Service andSheltered Housing- Concierge Service- Young People’s Services- Anti-Social Behaviour (HASBET) andRent RecoveryBusiness Services- <strong>Newcastle</strong> Furniture Service- PalatineHousing ManagementService- <strong>Your</strong> Choice <strong>Homes</strong>- Housing ManagementEnvironmental Services- Garden CareProperty MaintenanceAssets and Programming- Leasehold/Right to Buy- Environmental Sustainability- Health & SafetyDevelopment andProcurement- Procurement & Payments- New BuildBusiness Strategy Team- Policy and Business Support- Service Quality- Customer InvolvementInvestment <strong>Delivery</strong>- Adaptations- Relocation & ResettlementOrganisational DevelopmentCentral Services- Administration/Management Support- Facilities ManagementFinance- Revenue- Business SupportCustomer ServiceHuman ResourcesIncome- Debt Recovery<strong>YHN</strong> IT47

Appendix 1- <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong> Service <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Colour code<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 Team targetWider Management Team targetService standardLocal offerTeam targetDirectorate: BusinessTeam: Assets and ProgrammingKey work areas:Responsible for the delivery of <strong>YHN</strong>’s Assets Management Strategy and 30 yearinvestment plan: Develop and manage the implementation of the Asset Management Strategy; Manage construction related projects and procurements; <strong>Plan</strong> and deliver the Housing Investment Programme; Undertake housing related sustainability assessments and options appraisals; Manage and maintain <strong>YHN</strong>’s property information; Provide technical support to <strong>YHN</strong>, Leazes <strong>Homes</strong> and Byker Trust; Management of Leasehold and Right to Buy services; Management of Health and Safety; and Monitoring and implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targets 1695 homes to be made decent by 30/03/20<strong>13</strong>. Achieve a 2% reduction in <strong>YHN</strong>’s carbon footprint, against 2011/12 baselineby 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.PWider Management Team targets Generate at least £250k energy funding during <strong>2012</strong>/20<strong>13</strong>. Achieve Bronze level of SHIFT accreditation by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Pi48

Service standardsAssets and Information:We will produce a quarterly report for Performance Committee, Finance andResources Committee and managers on the Modern <strong>Homes</strong> Programmeprogress during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will ensure the Housing Investment Programme is monitored through sixweekly business meetings with budget holders during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will present resulting priorities and proposals to Investment Executivequarterly during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> to ensure value for money and strategic programmepriorities are maintained.We will provide quarterly KPI information on Constructor performance on theModern <strong>Homes</strong> Programme for quarterly benchmarking meetings during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Technical Services:We will complete a technical assessment for all PAFF submissions within twoweeks of receipt during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will provide technical recommendations on HPF schemes and budgetestimates to housing management within four weeks of receiving a requestduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will provide technical support to carry out surveys and inspections etc. toother <strong>YHN</strong> teams within two weeks of receiving a request during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Environmental Sustainability:We will monitor and report environmental sustainability KPIs onmonthly/quarterly basis during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will facilitate quarterly ‘Green Champion’ meetings during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> anddeliver associated actions.Leasehold: We will send you an estimated invoice for the year ahead by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. We will send you an actual bill for the previous year by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>.We will send you a leasehold newsletter twice a year.We will hold a leasehold event once a year.We will consult with you a minimum of 30 days before we carry out any major49

work to your home (legal requirement) during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will consult with you at least 30 days before we make any major changesto services you receive which involve long term partner agreements (legalrequirement) during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Right to Buy: Where all information is available, we will send RTB2 notices to at least 96%of customers within four weeks.Following an RTB2 notice, we will send offer notices to at least 96% ofcustomers:- within eight weeks from the date of the RTB2 if you are buying afreehold property (normally a house).- within 12 weeks from the date of the RTB2 if you are buying aleasehold property (normally a flat or maisonette).We will respond to 100% of customers who have sent us an initial notice ofdelay form within one calendar month.Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsOCarry out quarterly cost and quality benchmarking of construction partnersduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Send all new leaseholders a welcome pack within 30 days of notification ofsale completion during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Issue all leaseholders an annual report including demographic informationand performance information during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Monitor and report carbon footprint on a quarterly basis in line with theEnvironmental Sustainability Strategy to support <strong>YHN</strong> carbon footprintreduction target during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y50

Directorate: BusinessTeam: Business Development & ProcurementKey work areas:Provide a professional development and procurement function which: Delivers new housing schemes for <strong>YHN</strong> and Leazes <strong>Homes</strong>; Procures goods, works and services on behalf of service managers, Leazes<strong>Homes</strong> and the Byker Trust; and Delivers procurements in accordance with public contract regulations and<strong>YHN</strong>’s Financial Regulations.The targets and standards below are monitored on a quarterly basis throughthe service plan monitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 target Build 43 new homes in conjunction with Leazes <strong>Homes</strong> by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Wider Management Team targetsPEnsure 100% of all tender submissions to the <strong>Homes</strong> and CommunitiesAgency completed to agreed timescales during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsPiDeliver the projects in the Byker Contracts workstream against the agreedmilestones during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Notify staff of any changes to the procurement procedure within two weeks ofthe change being made during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Monitor and report the Corporate Procurement Strategy action plan toFinance and Resources Committee, according to committee requirementsduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Deliver 90% of reviews / procurements of externally delivered servicesrecommended by annual spend analysis during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y51

Directorate: BusinessTeam: Business StrategyKey work areas:Support services to make <strong>YHN</strong> a customer-focused organisation which drivesforward service improvements and ensures the company delivers the BusinessStrategy and its supporting strategies and plans: The effective delivery of customer involvement, business support, serviceimprovement, monitoring and assurance Developing and implementing performance management and monitoringframeworks Developing and updating policy and strategy Sharing information on housing initiatives, policy development, legislative andregulatory changes Co-ordinating annual business and financial planning processes Deliver a structured programme of positive activities for customers Develop a range of effective quantitative and qualitative involvement /feedback methods Ensure that involved customers are representative of <strong>YHN</strong>’s customer base Lead on the delivery and development of <strong>YHN</strong>’s Customer InvolvementStrategy To identify and promote opportunity for income generationThe targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetGenerate a minimum of £907,000 during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> through:- Sponsorship and Grants- £474,000- Traded services- £433,000Wider Management Team targetP Agree the 20<strong>13</strong>/2014 local offers by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.PManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.52

Team targetsPolicy and Business Support Develop a centralised and co-ordinated approach to bidding for grants andcontracts by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>. Develop a best practice repository for <strong>YHN</strong> by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>. Redesign policy and strategy templates by 31/08/<strong>2012</strong>.Implement arrangements that enable <strong>YHN</strong> to understand and interpretnational policy developments by 31/12/<strong>2012</strong>.Develop a process to enable a co-ordinated and consistent approach toaccreditations and assessments by 31/01/20<strong>13</strong>.Redesign <strong>YHN</strong>’s approach to quantitative research to improve efficiency andeffectiveness by 31/07/<strong>2012</strong>.Service Quality Redesign <strong>YHN</strong>’s business and financial planning process to improveefficiency and effectiveness by 31/08/20<strong>13</strong>. Redesign 20<strong>13</strong>/14 delivery plan and service plan by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Agree the performance monitoring requirements of the business by30/11/<strong>2012</strong>.Redesign <strong>YHN</strong>’s performance management framework and replace it with aprocess which sees all service performance information collated and fed backto the service by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Deliver the new performance management framework through an accountmanagement approach by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Redesign the SLA Management Programme incorporating revised monitoringarrangements by 31/12/<strong>2012</strong>.Customer Involvement Deliver 120 involvement activities by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. Deliver three customer inspections by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Deliver the <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> ‘You’ve Got the Power’ participatory budget event by30/06/<strong>2012</strong>. Produce an annual performance report by 01/10/<strong>2012</strong>. Deliver a minimum of twenty training courses for tenants during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.53

Generate £22,000 income for positive activities by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. Deliver 95% of targets in the Customer Involvement Strategy due in <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>on time.Y54

Directorate: BusinessTeam: Investment <strong>Delivery</strong>Key work areas:Deliver all aspects of the <strong>YHN</strong> investment programme to tenant and leaseholderproperties in <strong>Newcastle</strong> : Resident/ stakeholder consultation on investment proposals; Resident/ stakeholder consultation on key policies and business planning; Management of the adaptations service; Development of new regeneration schemes; Identifying and applying for new and existing sources of funding linked withthe property and the environment; and <strong>Delivery</strong> of investment projects on behalf of Leazes <strong>Homes</strong> and the BykerTrust.Service standardsInvestment <strong>Delivery</strong>: We will always write to you to tell you about any work we are planning foryour home at least three months before work is due to start during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will always hold an information event before we start work on your estateunder the Modern <strong>Homes</strong> Programme during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will carry out interim customer satisfaction surveys on your estate duringModern <strong>Homes</strong> work carried out in <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will carry out a customer satisfaction survey within three months of theestate being finished on all of our completed schemes during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will let you know what these surveys have shown us and what we aregoing to do about any problems that have been identified by 31/03/<strong>2012</strong>. We aim for 90% of our customers to be satisfied with internal work we havedone on the Modern <strong>Homes</strong> Programme during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We aim for 95% of our customers to be satisfied with the external work wehave done on the Modern <strong>Homes</strong> Programme during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Adaptations: We will send a welcome letter to all of our new clients within 28 working daysof receiving a referral from Adult and Culture Services during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will achieve a 95% customer satisfaction rate for the work carried out tothe home of our customers during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.55

Resettlement and Relocation:We will contact you within 20 working days of receiving a referral during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will agree with you how often we will update you about your move during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.When you have accepted another property, we will contact you within twoworking days to organise your move, during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Local offersWe will contact you within five working days after your move to sort out anyproblems you may have, during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will hold two tenants events to discuss the investment programme postModern <strong>Homes</strong> by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsOTWe will carry out interim customer satisfaction surveys within six weeks of ascheme starting throughout <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will feed any concerns from the interim surveys into Site Meetings during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. 1695 homes to be made decent by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. Achieve a minimum of £40,000 of external funding during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Deliver 6% savings on the £1.7m adaptations programme during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y56

Directorate: BusinessTeam: Organisational DevelopmentKey work areas:Provide support to <strong>YHN</strong> and the people who work at <strong>YHN</strong> to improve, change andmove forward and deliver excellent services:Identify and support individual learning and development needs.Driving forward organisational initiatives including:o Investors in People;o Management Competence and Induction Frameworks;o <strong>YHN</strong> Mentoring Scheme; andManagement of <strong>YHN</strong> Development Centre.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the serviceplan monitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 target Generate a minimum of £907,000 during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> through:- Sponsorship and Grants- £474,000- Traded services- £433,000Wider Management Team targetsDeliver all actions within the <strong>YHN</strong> Leadership and Management Developmentaction plan within timescales during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Develop and implement a <strong>YHN</strong> Talent Management Programme pilot by30/09/<strong>2012</strong>.Service standardsPWe will produce and advertise a learning and development brochure by27/04/<strong>2012</strong>.We will send joining instructions to a minimum of 96% of learners who have anadvanced booking on a training programme within 10 working days of theinternal course date during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will work with managers to develop annual team learning and developmentplans for all service areas by 31/07/<strong>2012</strong>.We will develop an annual learning and development plan for <strong>YHN</strong> Boardmembers by 31/07/<strong>2012</strong>.OManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensure57

that all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsGenerate £23,000 income during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> through hiring out <strong>YHN</strong>’sDevelopment Centre to external partner organisations.Generate £10,000 income during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> through offering places on ILMprogrammes to external organisations. Gain re-accreditation as an ILM Centre by 31/08/<strong>2012</strong>.Y58

Directorate: Chief Executives OfficeTeam: Chief Executives OfficeKey work areas:The Chief Executive’s Office incorporates the following functions: executiveassistance, equalities and diversity, company administration and board support andcommunications. We: Assist the Chief Executive and Management Team in the delivery of executiveprojects. Facilitate and develop the organisations decision making processes. Make sure that effective Governance processes and procedures are in place. Ensure compliance with all statutory requirements relating to governance. Provide Board support and manage the support provided to committees throughService Level Agreements. Develop a wide range of good quality and effective communications. Manage the relationship between <strong>YHN</strong> and the Media. Organise events on behalf of <strong>YHN</strong>. Provide marketing expertise to support business development.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programmeWider Management Team targets Carry out a review of committee structures by 31/08/<strong>2012</strong>.Service StandardsPiBoard Support:Distribute Board papers within one week of the meeting taking place during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Communications:We will produce and deliver <strong>Homes</strong> & People at least three times each yearto every tenant and leaseholder during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will produce 11 editions of ‘Rewind’, our internal newsletter for staff,during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will agree a timescale for the design and production of printed materialswithin five working days of accepting a request during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Provide translated information or material in alternative formats within 10working days of request during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensureO59

that all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsCommunications: Increase electronic distribution of <strong>Homes</strong> & People by 30% during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Ensure that images of BME and disabled senior staff and customers are usedproportionately within promotional material to reflect the diversity of ourcustomers during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Complete 90% of all actions in Communications Strategy action plan on timeduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Distribute four ‘Chief Executives Choice’ e newsletters to externalstakeholders during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Update Communication Strategy Action <strong>Plan</strong> for 20<strong>13</strong>-2015 by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Host at least four development workshops for the new SharePoint super-usergroup during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Complete 90% of the actions within the Palatine marketing plan on time during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Complete 90% of the actions within the NFS marketing plan on time during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Achieve £245,000 advertising value equivalent of positive media coverageduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Board Support: Produce an Annual Report for <strong>YHN</strong> by 31/08/<strong>2012</strong>. Commence recruitment for <strong>YHN</strong> Board by 03/04/<strong>2012</strong>.Promote the benefits of being a Board Member and the support availableduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Increase opportunities for tenants to interact with the Board during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y60

Directorate: Chief Executives OfficeTeam: Equality and DiversityKey work areas:Provide advice and support to Service Managers to ensure that <strong>YHN</strong>’s commitment toequality and diversity goes far wider than our legislative obligations by: Facilitating the implementation of policies, practices and procedures thatactively promote equality and diversity; and Mainstreaming the equality and diversity agenda within <strong>YHN</strong>.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 target Produce equality and diversity action plans, informed by demographic analysis, for6 service areas and report to Customer and Service <strong>Delivery</strong> Committee during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>PWider Management Team target Implement new Equality and Diversity blended training programme by31/07/<strong>2012</strong>.Service standardsPiInternal: Deliver an equality and diversity induction module to all new <strong>YHN</strong> staff during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Provide advice and assistance to all staff on all equality and diversity issues withinthree working days of receiving the request during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. When there are changes in equality and diversity legislation that effect <strong>YHN</strong> policyand procedures we will brief all staff before changes take effect during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.External: We will work with the Strategic Independent Advisory Group to agree an annualwork plan during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will ensure that Disability Acess <strong>Plan</strong> Statements for all our premisesaccessible to the public are reviewed six monthly during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> to ensure thataccess to our services meet the different needs of our diverse communities. Attend at least three meetings of the Housing Diversity Network Bench MarkingClub during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.O61

Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targets Monitoring and continuous improvements are reported at least twice toBoard/SMT/Staff and stakeholders during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Carry out a six monthly review of all DAPS statements during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Complete all actions in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index Improvement <strong>Plan</strong>by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>. In conjunction with the Customer Involvement Team, hold two activities to targetdifficult to access groups and promote consultation during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Ensure that 95% of the Equality & Diversity Strategy targets for <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> areachieved on time by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. Ensure that 95% of the Community Cohesion Strategy targets for <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> areachieved on time by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. Ensure that key improvements identified through the Social Housing EqualityFramework (SHEF) assessment are carried out on time by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Y62

Directorate: Finance & ResourcesTeam: Administration and FacilitiesKey work areas:Provide a central support service to <strong>YHN</strong> services. Covering: Facility management services; Administration services (including a central pool staff resource); Support to Management team and Board; Data protection and Freedom of information issues; SLA management; and Insurance.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programmeService standardsAdministration:We will provide a reception service at <strong>YHN</strong> House between 8.15am and 5pmeach working day during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> (99%).We will respond to a minimum of 96% of admin pool request forms within twoworking days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will order 96% of uniforms within two working days of uniform fittingstaking place during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will process 96% of travel\accommodation requests within two workingdays during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will enter a minimum of 98% of PRI forms onto the Northgate systemwithin two working days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Facilities:We will provide a courier service for <strong>YHN</strong> House, decentralised teams andthe Civic Centre on 98% of the working days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.99% of goods received at <strong>YHN</strong> House bearing a name or section will bedelivered to the recipient within one working day during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.O63

Team targetsFacilities Management: Complete at least 96% of all daily health and safety reviews of <strong>YHN</strong> Houseand grounds during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Management Support Carry out 98% of planned organisation wide telephone monitoring during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Type and circulate Management Team and Divisional SMT minutes within fiveworking days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Respond to 95% of management team correspondence within 10 workingdays during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Type and circulate 95% of minutes for all other meetings supported withinseven working days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Pass on 98% of complaints to the central team within one working day during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y64

Directorate: Finance & ResourcesTeam: Customer ServiceKey work areas:Implementation of <strong>YHN</strong>’s Customer Service Strategy ‘Every Customer Matter’ anddelivery of the Customer Service Strategy Action <strong>Plan</strong> through the management andco-ordination of:- <strong>YHN</strong> Complaints Policy and Process;- <strong>YHN</strong> Customer Service Excellence Programme;- Development of the <strong>YHN</strong> Enquiry Centre; and- Development of the Customer Relationship Management IT system.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetDeliver 2 new services or key processes through the enquiry centre by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Wider Management Team targetsP95% of complaints to be given a full written response within 10 working daysduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Implement a single number or key numbers for enquiries by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Service standardsPi We will reply to letters within 10 working days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will answer 90% of calls within five rings during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.OManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsWork with Investigating Officers to enable them to provide a full writtenresponse to complaints within ten working days of receipt during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Investigating officers to achieve 50% satisfaction in how complaints arehandled during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Acknowledge 95% of formal complaints within three working days during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Send 95% of formal complaints to Investigating Officers within two working65

days of receipt during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Maintain Corporate CSE recognition for <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong> during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y66

Directorate: Finance & ResourcesTeam: FinanceKey work areas:Provide a comprehensive finance support service which supports <strong>YHN</strong> in makingstrategic decisions through the provision of: A monitoring service for the capital programme and repairs and maintenancecurrent spend; Statutory accounting for <strong>YHN</strong>, Leazes <strong>Homes</strong>, Byker Trust and Leaseholdservice; Budget management and financial control, including the production of the 5year Medium Term <strong>Plan</strong>; Production of Revenue <strong>YHN</strong> and HRA Budgets, including the agreement ofthe <strong>YHN</strong> management fee; Implementation of NCC Budget Monitoring Tool/Famis system; Monitoring and reconciliation of <strong>YHN</strong> Payroll and maintenance of <strong>YHN</strong>Establishment (E1’s); and Support/training for POP’s payment system.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targets Maintain HRA budget of £10 million below debt cap during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Achieve a 3% structural efficiency saving on the <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> <strong>YHN</strong>/HRA revenuebase budget of £30m by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.PWider Management Team targets Maintain a minimum HRA balance of £8 million by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Develop an approach to net present value (NPV) of properties in investmentprogramme by 31/12/<strong>2012</strong>.Service StandardsPiFinance Business Support:Process 100% of Right to Buy cost floor calculations within 15 working days ofreceiving the request during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Produce audited <strong>YHN</strong> annual financial statements for the <strong>YHN</strong> annual generalmeeting during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Revenue:Respond to Budget monitoring tool queries before the beginning of the nextmonth during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.67

Produce Bi-monthly Revenue Budget Monitor reports within 10 working daysfrom the start of the month during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Train new Budget Managers and Devolved Budget holders in the BudgetMonitoring Tool within two weeks of being notified of their FAMIS login during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Train relevant new staff in the POP’s system and supply security access tothe POP system within two weeks of being notified of their FAMIS login during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Car Allowance Insurance Documents; send a reminder to 95% of appropriatestaff one month before date of expiry during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.OManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team TargetsAll FinanceInvestigate 96% of Budget Monitoring Tool accountancy actions within themonth during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> for the HRA and <strong>YHN</strong> budget holders.Finance RevenueAchieve 97% accuracy of <strong>YHN</strong> Management Fee expenditure, revised outturnbudgets to actual during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Achieve 97% accuracy of HRA supervision and management expenditurerevised outturn budgets to actual during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Pay 93% of POPS invoices within 30 days of receipt of invoice during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Implement (in partnership with the Income Team), a systematic approach tothe regular check of council tax payments to ensure that payments are notbeing made to properties that are not eligible by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>.Finance Business SupportHRA Subsidy relating to 2011/12 claims to be submitted to the Department ofCommunities and Local Government timetable and without subsequentamendment of value greater than £420,000. Provide budgeted leasehold charges to the Income Team by 30/01/20<strong>13</strong>.68

Provide actual leasehold charges to the Income Team by 30/08/<strong>2012</strong>.Provide 100% of requested leasehold statements within statutory deadlinesduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y69

Directorate: Finance & ResourcesTeam: Human ResourcesKey work areas:Provide a comprehensive HR advice and support service to both staff and ServiceManagers, covering in particular:- Recruitment and Selection- Employee Wellbeing- Absence Management- Employment law/Policy Development- Employee Relations- Workforce planning/Service Reviews- HR information systems/DHS/SharePoint- 360 degree feedback- Talent Management & Succession <strong>Plan</strong>ningThe targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetReduce number of sickness absence days per full time equivalent to 8 daysby 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Wider Management Team target Finalise Human Resources Team structure by 30/06/<strong>2012</strong>.Service standardsPPiWe will provide initial advice and coaching to managers within two workingdays of a request on sickness absence reviews in 90% of cases during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Hold monthly meetings to assist managers in the management of long termsickness cases during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will provide initial advice and coaching to managers within two workingdays of a request on disciplinary issues in 90% of cases during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Upon receipt of a completed and authorised recruitment vacancy, we will takethe necessary action within two working days for 95% of cases during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Send 95% of all shortlisted and interviewed candidates either a conditional orunsuccessful (if internal candidates) letter within five working days of receivingthe information from the recruiting manager during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.O70

Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsDevelop a suite of bespoke HR information on the staff intranet web pages by30/06/<strong>2012</strong>.Up skill the HR Advisor Team to handle first line disciplinary/grievance casework and attendance management meetings by 30/06/<strong>2012</strong>. Automate five key processes within the HR domain by 30/10/<strong>2012</strong>. Achieve 80% internal customer satisfaction with HR services during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y71

Directorate: Finance & ResourcesTeam: IncomeKey work areas:Deliver an efficient and effective income management service which maximises ourincome and enables us to provide excellent homes and services by: Collecting income when it’s due to prevent arrears. Providing accessible income services. Managing, collecting and minimising arrears. Ensuring our income services provide excellent value for money.<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetIncrease the total number of tenants paying by direct debit to 4900 by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Wider Management Team targetsP Collect £400,000 Former Tenants Arrears during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Collect 97.5% of leasehold service charges during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Service standardsPiIncome Team:We will ensure that 95% of refunds are authorised within 5 days of receiving arefund request during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Except where Housing Benefit confirmation isrequired in which case they will be authorised within 5 days of receipt of theHousing Benefit authorisation.We will issue 95% of new swipe cards within 10 working days of receiving therequest during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will recalculate 95% of rents within five working days of being notified ofany changes during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will forward 95% of Home Contents Insurance confirmations within 10working days of the requested start date during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will provide a schedule of payments to 95% of customers who pay bydirect debit during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will ensure that at least 10 working days’ notice is given for any changesto payments during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Debt recovery:We will contact 95% of customers within a maximum of 14 working days of you72

eing referred to the service during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>, to discuss your outstanding debt.OManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsDeliver rent increase notifications to tenants by the statutory deadline of04/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Charge approved rent and service charge levels from the first Monday in April(01/04/20<strong>13</strong>). Increase the number of direct debit payers to 4900 by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Y73

Directorate: Finance & ResourcesTeam: <strong>YHN</strong> ICTKey work areas:Provide and maintain ICT systems and services to support <strong>YHN</strong>'s operations andstaff. <strong>YHN</strong> ICT is responsible for: Developing <strong>YHN</strong>'s ICT strategy and ensuring systems are effective andsecure. Delivering robust ICT solutions to meet changing business needs. Procuring and supporting hardware and software, from PCs to major ICTsystems. <strong>Plan</strong>ning and delivering ICT training for <strong>YHN</strong> staff.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme:<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 target Complete 100% of all ICT deliverables identified as high priority on the<strong>2012</strong>/20<strong>13</strong> ICT Investment <strong>Plan</strong>: ASB management system replacement Control room integration Workforce scheduling for <strong>Newcastle</strong> Furniture Service Northgate Housing v6 Community Housing Office WYSE terminal replacement ICT System Integration PService standards Service levels achieved for 85% of requests and incidents during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Change management: 85% of service and system changes delivered toagreed timescale during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.OManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsDeliver 85% of key milestones for major ICT changes to agreed timescaleduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Achieve an annual overall satisfaction rate of at least 85% with <strong>YHN</strong> ICTServices by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Achieve at least 85% overall satisfaction rate for individual service desks callsduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Fix 35% of incidents on first contact during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Y74

Directorate: Tenancy ServicesTeam: Housing ManagementKey work areas:Provide a customer focused housing management service to the council’s 28,585rented properties and cross-tenure communities. This service is delivered from eightfull service Community Housing Offices, one satellite office and three CustomerService Centres. These services are: Estate management. Tenancy enforcement including dealing with anti-social behaviour and rentarrears. The management of void properties. Lettings. Reporting and monitoring repairs. Working with leaseholders and the private sector. Contributing to regeneration and development. Sustaining and supporting tenancies and communities. Assisting in the delivery of improvement programmes.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 target 83% satisfaction with the overall housing service during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Wider Management Team targetsPReduce the percentage of tenants evicted for rent arrears to no more than0.25% by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Reduce the average time taken to re-let all properties to 16 days by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Reduce net rent arrears by 1.5% of year end figure for 2011/12, by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Achieve 65% satisfaction of tenants who report anti-social behaviour by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Service standardsPiAllocationsWhen you register for housing in <strong>Newcastle</strong> via Tyne and Wear <strong>Homes</strong> wewill aim to contact at least 95% of applicants within 5 working days to confirmreceipt of their application.All applicants who apply for a home in <strong>Newcastle</strong> can access advice on their75

available housing options.If you complete a housing options interview all applicants will be given apersonal housing plan setting out what options are available to them.If you do not qualify to join our scheme we will tell you:- Why this is;- What information we have considered; and- What you can do to qualify, including the support available to you. We will deal with 95% of appeals within 21 days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Anti-social behaviourWe will contact you within the following times to offer a face-to-face interviewor an interview by phone, or by e-mail if you would prefer. The timescales arebased on how serious the anti-social behaviour is:- The next working day if the anti-social behaviour is personallymotivated;- Within three working days if the anti-social behaviour is a widercommunity issue that does not need an immediate response; or- Within five working days for less serious types of anti social behavioursuch as environmental issues.Our target for the above timescales is 97% for all anti-social behaviour during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.OLocal offers We will complete an options appraisal on the introduction of welfare visits forvulnerable customers by 31/08/20<strong>13</strong>.GManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targets 70% of Housing Project Fund schemes to be completed by 01/01/20<strong>13</strong>.80% of Housing Project Fund budget to be committed and orders placed by30/11/<strong>2012</strong>. Review <strong>YHN</strong>’s the Emergency <strong>Plan</strong> by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Y76

Directorate: Tenancy ServicesTeam: Property Maintenance ServicesKey work areas:Management of the Repairs and Maintenance contract for the repairs serviceprovided by City Build and other Contractors to NCC, Leazes <strong>Homes</strong> and BykerTrust properties, the team:Manage all aspects of repairs and maintenance, void reinstatement, minorworks and programmed and cyclical maintenance for NCC’s housing stock.Provide technical support to all other sections within <strong>YHN</strong>.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetAchieve 94% satisfaction with the repairs and maintenance service during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Service standardsPFor emergency repairs we say we will carry out within four hours, we aim tocarry out 99.5% of those repairs within that time during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.For urgent repairs we say we will carry out within either one, three or sevenworking days we aim to carry out 99% of all those repairs within relevanttimescales during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.For routine repairs we say we will carry out within 15 working days, we aim tocarry out 99% of those repairs within that time during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We aim to complete at least 98% of repairs at the first visit whenever possibleduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We monitor how satisfied our customers are with the service and we aim toachieve at least 92% satisfaction during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We aim to keep at least 97% of appointments that we have made for repairsduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We aim to carry out an annual gas safety check and issue a gas safetycertificate for 99.9% of all properties we manage during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Local offersOComplete an evaluation of the Repairs and Maintenance demographic sharingexercise (which aims to improve our use of information held about tenantsindividual needs accessing the R&M service) by 31/12/<strong>2012</strong>.77

GManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targets Complete 99% of all Energy Performance Certificate requests within 15working days of request during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Team will attend at least 20 Tenants’ and Residents’ Association meetingsduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y78

Directorate: Tenancy Services (Support and Care)Team: Advice and SupportKey work areas:Provide an advice and support service to current and prospective tenants withparticular support on housing and financial issues. The service aims to: Ensure that current tenancies are maintained; and Support prospective tenants in succeeding in their tenancies.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme.<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetGenerate a minimum of £907,000 during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> through:- Sponsorship and Grants- £474,000- Traded services- £433,000Achieve 100% level A’s in our Service Quality Framework assessments forSupporting People contracts during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Achieve 100% of supporting people contracts tendered for during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Wider Management Team targetOffer 100% of all new tenants a financial inclusion assessment during theFinancial Inclusion Service pilot (April-Oct <strong>2012</strong>).Service standardsPPiAfter you are referred to us, we will always arrange to interview you. Ourtarget is to see at least 92% of new customers within 10 working days of youbeing referred to us during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will always create a support plan for you. Our target is to do this during thefirst interview for at least 90% of our customers during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We aim for at least 92% of our customers to be satisfied with staff from theAdvice and Support Service during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.O79

Team targetsWe will refer at least 85 service users into <strong>Newcastle</strong> Futures or otheremployability services during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will generate at least £3.3m through applying for benefits and charityapplications for tenants during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will reduce the amount of arrears per advice and support worker by anaverage of £20,000 during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y80

Directorate: Tenancy Services (Support and Care)Team: Community Care Alarm Service and Sheltered HousingKey work areas:Provide an integrated housing management and mobile warden services forresidents of <strong>Newcastle</strong> through the provision of a Community Care Alarm service(CCAS) and Sheltered Housing Service: CCAS helps <strong>YHN</strong> promote independent living by providing telecare and 24hour response services.CCAS has contracts with external organisations.Sheltered Housing Service is designed to offer an overall housingmanagement and warden response service to vulnerable clients (over the ageof 60) to around 1000 properties in 26 schemes across the city.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme.<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetsAchieve 100% level A’s in our Service Quality Framework assessments forSupporting People contracts during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Achieve 100% of supporting people contracts tendered for during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Wider Management Team targetP Deliver all stages of DALLAS bid to required timescales during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Service standards We will answer 98.5% of all alarm calls within one minute during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.When you need help our Mobile Wardens will come to your home as quickly aspossible. We aim to be with customers within 30 minutes for 90% of all alarmcalls during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will complete either a ‘data check’ or a support plan with you depending onyour needs. We will do this once during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>, so that the information weuse to provide your service is correct and up to date.If you live in one of our sheltered housing schemes: We will complete a support plan with you once a year during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will review your support plan six months after completion during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.O81

Local offersSheltered Housing:We will offer a free financial assessment to all applicants who are offered asheltered housing tenancy, to help them decide whether they can afford to live inthe property.We will offer an enhanced property standard for sheltered housing propertieswhich includes stripping and painting all rooms if the property needs to bedecorated.We will offer an enhanced furniture package which can include carpets, curtainsand a specialist bed for new sheltered housing tenants if they need them.We will offer a free financial assessment when completing a support plan for allsheltered housing tenants. We will consult all sheltered housing tenants, either through meetings orindividual visits, before any sheltered housing improvement work is carried out.GM Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targets Achieve 90% user satisfaction during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Mobile & Telecare ServicesRetain Telecare Services Association (TSA) Code of Practice Accreditationduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Achieve 5% increase in CCAS/Telecare client growth by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong> based onclient numbers as at 31/03/<strong>2012</strong>.Sheltered Housing Service Reduce rent arrears for current tenancies in our sheltered schemes by 1.5%by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. Reduce void re-let times to 35 days by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Y82

Directorate: Tenancy Services (Support and Care)Team: ConciergeKey work areas:Provide a comprehensive concierge service to tenants and leaseholders living inflats. Services provided include: Building cleaning. Reception duties. Safety and security.Inspections to shared areas.Monitoring of a citywide CCTV system that help to make communities safer,stable places to live.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 target Upgrade and connect 95% of Concierge properties scheduled for connectionto the Enquiry Centre by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.PService StandardsProvide 90% of all new tenants with a welcome pack within seven workingdays of moving in during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Offer all new tenants an introduction to the Concierge Service during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Undertake all tenant introductions within seven working days of receiving therequest unless a later date is specified by the customer during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Display our cleaning work schedule in buildings with a concierge serviceduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Inspect all concierge buildings, every quarter, during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> to make sureour service provider is keeping to our cleaning standard.Invite tenants’ representatives to our quarterly inspections and make theresults available to tenants if requested during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Carry out safety and security checks on 95% of concierge blocks every dayduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.O83

Team targetsUndertake monthly building cleaning inspections for 95% of blocks during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y84

Directorate: Tenancy Services (Citywide)Team: Housing, Anti-social Behaviour and Enforcement TeamKey work areas:The Housing, Anti-Social Behaviour and Enforcement Team (HASBET) provides acentralised support service to Community Housing Offices and other <strong>YHN</strong> teams in<strong>Newcastle</strong> with the primary role of tackling anti-social behavior by: Working in partnership with other enforcement and support agencies. Working with local teams to tackle anti-social behaviour to manage moreserious anti -social behaviour cases and breach of tenancy cases. Managing <strong>Newcastle</strong>’s graded response intelligence model.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programmeWider Management Team target Implement new case management IT system and performance managementframework at <strong>YHN</strong> for anti-social behaviour by 30/09/<strong>2012</strong>.PiService standardsWe will send 99% of our customers’ details of our Victim Support Officerwithin 5 working days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will contact you within the following times to offer a face-to-face interviewor an interview by phone, or by e-mail if you would prefer. The timescales arebased on how serious the anti-social behaviour is:- The next working day if the anti-social behaviour is personally motivated.- Within three working days if the anti-social behaviour is a widercommunity issue that does not need an immediate response.- Within five working days for less serious types of anti-social behavioursuch as environmental issues.Our target for the above timescales is 97% for all anti-social behaviour during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will contact the person you say has carried out the anti-social behaviourwithin 5 working days of the timescales above for 97% of customers during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will only do this with your agreement.We will contact 99% of our customers to complete a customer satisfactionform within five working days of closing your complaint during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.OLocal OffersWe will increase publicity of the action we take against ASB perpetrators by85

publishing an annual summary of ASB case studies through our AnnualReport by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.We will increase publicity of the action we take against ASB perpetrators byproviding a quarterly update on recent cases through our website during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will develop and deliver a good citizenship programme aimed at youngpeople living on our estates by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>GManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targets In 97% of cases we will install surveillance equipment within five workingdays after receiving Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA)authorisation during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Ensure 90% of closed ASB cases are resolved during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Achieve customer satisfaction rating of 80% for the handling of ASB casesreferred to HASBET during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Achieve customer satisfaction rating of 80% for the speed of responsereferred to HASBET during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y86

Directorate: Tenancy Services (Citywide)Team: <strong>Newcastle</strong> Furniture ServiceKey work areas:Deliver a range of services to tenants of <strong>YHN</strong> and external organisations to helpsupport independence. These services include:o Comprehensive furniture package service;o Child safety equipment scheme for <strong>YHN</strong> Tenants; ando Garden Care maintenance scheme.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme.<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetGenerate a minimum of £907,000 during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> through:- Sponsorship and Grants- £474,000- Traded services- £433,000Wider Management Team targetsPWe will secure two new customers to the freight consolidation centre by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. We will increase income generated by NFS by £400,000 during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Service standardsPFurniture Service:We will deliver 94% of furniture to you within five working days of you askingus during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will collect 94% of furniture from you within five working days of youasking us during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will repair or replace 94% of all faulty cookers we have supplied to youwithin two working days of you telling us about it during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will carry out 94% of collections following receipt of termination for all<strong>YHN</strong> managed tenancies within two working days of a request during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will visit all customers within eight weeks after delivering their furniturepack during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.The Garden Care Service: We will visit you 11 times within a 12 month period during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.87

The Child Safety Equipment Scheme:We will install 95% of safety equipment referrals within eight weeks during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Managers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targets Achieve 95% satisfaction with services by 31/03/20<strong>13</strong>. We will maintain ISO9001 accreditation during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will maintain ISO14001 accreditation during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will carry out four full stock checks during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Furniture Service:OWe will reuse at least 60% of all products returned from terminations during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will repair at least 55% of NFS supplied white goods within tenant’shomes during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.The Garden Care Service:We will increase the number of Garden Care customers by 10% during<strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y88

Directorate: Tenancy Services (Citywide)Team: Rent Recovery TeamKey work areas:Provide a supportive rent recovery service to both tenants and <strong>YHN</strong> service areas toensure compliance with legislation in possession proceedings, through the provisionof: Quality assurance in rent arrears recovery; Collaborative working with courts in targeting ‘won't pay’ tenants; Benchmarking cost and performance; Telephone payment service; and Representing <strong>YHN</strong> in court cases.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme.Service standardsWe will prepare particulars of a claim and lodge papers at court within threeworking days of receiving a court referral and a valid Notice of SeekingPossession. We will do this for 98% of cases during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will send out a covering letter, witness statement and fact sheet todefendants 10 working days prior to court hearings in 99% of cases, in orderto comply with the pre-action protocol for rent arrears, during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will check and action if necessary all adjourned rent arrears cases on aweekly basis during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will check, and action if necessary, 98% of referrals for a warrant ofeviction within four working days of receiving the request and update the rentaccount where appropriate during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We attend court for all <strong>YHN</strong> cases listed for rent arrears during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will check 98% of active rent recovery cases within five working days andupdate the rent account where appropriate during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will publish our performance figures to internal customers on a quarterlybasis during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.OManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 4189

are also cascaded.Team targetsRefer 99% of tenants who go through the court process to the Advice andSupport Service during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y90

Directorate: Tenancy Services (Support and Care)Team: Young Peoples ServiceKey work areas:The Young People's Service supports young people by giving advice, preventinghomelessness and helping young people to find a home. The service consists of thefollowing teams: Floating Support and Homeless Prevention – aims to prevent youngpeople from becoming homeless & provides support in tenancies. Supported Accommodation Service – a 24 hour staffed hostel for homelessyoung people & block of 16 semi-independent tenancies with on-site supportduring office hours. Family Intervention Project – support for families at risk of eviction andchaotic lifestyles. Youth Voice – provides opportunities for young people and families to beinvolved in decision making and to volunteer.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring program.<strong>YHN</strong> Top 20 targetGenerate a minimum of £907,000 during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> through:- Sponsorship and Grants- £474,000- Traded services- £433,000Achieve 100% level A’s in our Service Quality Framework assessments forSupporting People contracts during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. Achieve 100% of supporting people contracts tendered for during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Service standardsPMake sure that everyone supported in a tenancy is fully involved in thedecisions that affect their life. We aim to do this for at least 99% of customersduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Provide advice and information to a minimum of 99% of young people andfamilies using our service to ensure they know their rights during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Encourage a minimum of 99% of young people engaging with our service totake part in their community or participate with Youth Voice during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Jointly assess the needs with Initial Response Service for a minimum of 99% of16 and 17 year olds in <strong>Newcastle</strong> who are in need of accommodation andpresent at Housing Advice Centre during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.95% of vulnerable young people who are supported by our floating supportservice to maintain a successful tenancy for 12 months during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.91

Develop a support plan for 99% of young people and families within 10 workingdays of engaging with the service during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>. We will ensure 100% of young people & families are involved in their reviewsand we will review all support plans within the following timescales:- Monthly for all customers engaged with FIP.- Every six weeks for all customers living in the hostel.- Quarterly for all customers engaged with our Floating support service orliving in our supported accommodation.OManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targets Review all support plans in the following timescales during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>:- Six weeks for the Hostel.- Monthly for Family Intervention Project.- Quarterly for Floating Support and supported Accommodation.All 16 and 17 year olds that present in housing need to the Housing AdviceCentre or Young People’s Service will be assessed and supported to ensuretheir housing need is resolved during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Ensure void levels in Young People’s Service supported accommodation areless than 2.5% (or 20 weeks) during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Offer all customers advice on welfare reform, its impact and incomemaximization during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Family Intervention Project:Support at least 18 families identified by Housing Management as high risk ofeviction because of their complex and chaotic lifestyles during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y92

Directorate: Tenancy Services (Housing Management)Team: <strong>Your</strong> Choice <strong>Homes</strong>Key work areas:Manage the council’s lettings policy, in partnership with other housing providers in<strong>Newcastle</strong> and across the sub region via Tyne and Wear <strong>Homes</strong> through: Management of the lettings service, including housing options;Performance monitoring and analysis of future need for housing; andAssessment of housing needs to help support prospective and current tenantsto succeeding in their tenancies.The targets below are monitored on a quarterly basis through the service planmonitoring programme.Service standardsWhen you register for housing in <strong>Newcastle</strong> via Tyne and Wear <strong>Homes</strong> wewill aim to contact at least 95% of applicants within 5 working days to confirmreceipt of their application.All applicants who apply for a home in <strong>Newcastle</strong> can access advice on theiravailable housing options.If you complete a housing options interview all applicants will be given apersonal housing plan setting out what options are available to them.If you do not qualify to join our scheme we will tell you:- Why this is;- What information we have considered; and- What you can do to qualify, including the support available to you. We will deal with 95% of appeals within 21 days during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.OManagers must ensure that all team targets are incorporated into individual121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Managers must also ensurethat all relevant targets relating to corporate action plans as listed on page 41are also cascaded.Team targetsWe will achieve 65% Housing Association nominations to existing propertiesduring <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will achieve 100% Housing Association nominations to new buildproperties in-line with the nomination agreement with NCC during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.We will increase take-up of mutual exchange as a housing option to 10% by31/03/20<strong>13</strong>.Encourage 60% of all new applicants to access advice via our housing options93

process during <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.Y94

Appendix 2- Housing Revenue Account/<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong> Budgets for2011/12 and <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>Summary of the HRA Revenue Budget PositionTable 1 shows the 2011-12 Revised budget position as at January <strong>2012</strong>:BudgetBase budget2011-12Revisedbudget 2011-12Variationfrom Basebudget£m's £m's £m's %HRA Income (<strong>13</strong>1.2) (127.6) 3.6 -2.7HRA Expenditure 129.8 125.6 (4.2) -3.2HRA Deficit / (Surplus) (1.4) (2.0) (0.6)Capital projects funded from HRA 1.6 1.6NET HRA Deficit / (Surplus) (0.4) 1.0HRA expenditure includes:<strong>YHN</strong> Management Fee 30.7 29.8 (0.9) -3.1* Table 1 shows a £1.6m contribution to the Capital Investment Programme.<strong>2012</strong>-<strong>13</strong> Base budget positionTable 2- shows the <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>13</strong> projected base Budgets as at January <strong>2012</strong>:BudgetBase budget2011-12Base budget<strong>2012</strong>-<strong>13</strong>Variationfrom Basebudget£m's £m's £m's %HRA Income (<strong>13</strong>1.2) (118.7) 12.5 -9.5HRA Expenditure 129.8 111.4 (18.4) -14.2HRA Deficit / (Surplus) (1.4) (7.3) (5.9)Capital projects funded from HRA - 7.5 7.5NET HRA Deficit / (Surplus) (1.4) 0.2 1.6HRA expenditure includes:<strong>YHN</strong> Management Fee 30.7 29.0 (1.7) -5.7* Table 2 shows a small deficit position on the HRA due to a £7.5M contribution to theCapital Investment Programme95

Table 3 shows the major variations of the <strong>YHN</strong> Management Fee from the 2011-12 Base budgetSummary of major <strong>YHN</strong> variances from 2011-12 Base2011-12Revised<strong>2012</strong>-<strong>13</strong>Base£000's £000'sCommitments c/fwd. from 2010-11 975 -Staff turnover Provision (net of Temporary staffing) (631) (704)Salary adjustments (488) (329)Net Efficiency savings/ Misc adj's (798) (820)Inflation - 150Total <strong>YHN</strong> variations (942) (1,703)BykerThe transfer of Byker stock will have an impact on the HRA. The reduction in incomefrom rents and service charges will be partially offset by reduced cost pressures (e.g.repairs and maintenance) and income from the management fee with the BykerTrust. But we should be aware of the risk that we may not be able to pass on all ofthe costs associated with Byker. We hope to retain economies of scale through <strong>YHN</strong>retaining the management agreement for Byker.There is the transfer of significant investment requirements and their revenueconsequences (interest payments) to the trust.The budget for <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>13</strong> was prepared on the basis of the transfer of Byker on 27 thMarch <strong>2012</strong>. For every calendar month delay there will be additional interest costs ofapproximately £70k.View of the Byker Wall96

Appendix 3- Modern <strong>Homes</strong> Programme <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong><strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> Modern <strong>Homes</strong> Programme - new startsInternal PackagesPROPTYPEESTREFProg Estate NamePCKGProgYearInternalEstateTotalNonTrads 219 FENHAM SOLVYT I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 24Trads 220 FENHAM TRADS I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 53NonTrads 221 FENHAM WILDS I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 60Trads 330 KENTON BAR BUNGALOWS I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 30Trads 331 KENTON BAR HOUSES I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 187Trads 332 KENTON BAR MID RISE I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 116Trads 335 KENTON BUNGALOWS I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 76Trads 347NORTH FENHAM/STAMFORDHAM ROADBUNGALOWS I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 91NonTrads 408 CHURCH ROAD EST NON TRAD I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 25Trads 505 HARESIDE MID RISE I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 180Trads 512 NEWBURN/THE RETREAT I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 17Trads 558 WESTERHOPE 1960s I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 28Trads 615 BYKER ‐ ST PETERS ROAD I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 12Trads 632 CHURCH STREET/WALKER ROAD HOUSES I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 17Trads 661 ST ANTHONYS/NTH OF BIRDS NEST RD I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 353NonTrads 679WELBECK ROAD/SCROGGROAD/WESTBOURNE AVENUE I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 40Sheltered 692 WESTBOURNE AVE (EASTBOURNE) SHLTD I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 27Trads 695 CHURCH ST/JANE TERRACE I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 9Trads 735 SHIELDFIELD(WESLEY STREET) 1940s I <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 39Internal Packages <strong>13</strong>8497

PROPTYPEESTREFProg Estate NamePCKGProgYearExternalEstateTotalSheltered 205ARTHURS HILL/THORPE CLOSE/IRISSTEEDMAN SHLTD E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 43NonTrads 219 FENHAM SOLVYT E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 25Trads 220 FENHAM TRADS E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 56NonTrads 221 FENHAM WILDS E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 64Trads 233 TWO BALL LONNEN E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 463Trads 336.1 KENTON HOUSES & LOW RISE ‐ WINDOWS E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 64Trads 345 MONTAGU WEST E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 95Trads 437.1 DINNINGTON 1946 HOUSES ‐ WINDOWS E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 19Trads 648 HEXHAM AVENUE(WALKER) DUOSLABS E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 51Trads 669.2 POTTERY BANK 1936 (Phase 2) E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 154Sheltered 692WESTBOURNE AVE (EASTBOURNE)SHLTD E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 27Trads 697 HEXHAM AVENUE(WALKER) TRADS E <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong> 87External Packages 1148Total Packages 2532NB: This programme does not include schemes from the 2011/12 programme that willcarry over in to <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>13</strong>.98

For moreinformationlog ontowww.yhn.org.uk<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong> Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registration number5076256. Registered office: <strong>Newcastle</strong> Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon TyneNE1 8PR. A company controlled by <strong>Newcastle</strong> City Council.2

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