PPM 2-3

PPM 2-3

PPM 2-3

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Policy and Procedures Memorandum<strong>PPM</strong> 2-3Technology Hall of FameAPPROVED AT THEBOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGJUNE 15, 2000<strong>PPM</strong> 2-3 Approved June 15, 2000

POLICY AND PROCEDURES MEMORANDUM<strong>PPM</strong> 2-3TECHNOLOGY HALL OF FAMEI. PURPOSE:A. The Technology Hall of Fame recognizes individuals or groups of individualswho have been prime innovators in technology development or understanding forelectronic warfare whose efforts have resulted in enhanced survivability of forcesand equipment. Although focused on individuals, the Technology Hall of Famemay recognize Government, Industry or Academic technology groups or units forspecific aggregate technical achievements.B. This <strong>PPM</strong> applies only to the Technology Hall of Fame. The program publiclyrecognizes records for historical purposes, the deeds and actions of technologistswhose output has been the foundation of EW knowledge, systems and operations.The procedures of this <strong>PPM</strong> formalize the Technology Hall of Fame and establishcriteria and processes for the Hall and it inductees.II.TECHNOLOGY HALL OF FAME CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES:A. Induction into the Technology Hall of Fame will be awarded to deservingindividuals or groups of individuals who have made unique and importanttechnical contributions to the field of electronic/information warfare. These couldbe in many and diverse technology areas such as components, jamming systems,receiving systems, reconnaissance/SIGINT systems, threat system understanding,software, CM testing, CM analysis, CCM, etc. A sample list of applicabletechnologies is attached (Attachment 1).B. Nominations may be made by any AOC member or other interested parties. Allnominations must be co-sponsored by a National AOC Director or a LocalChapter President. The closing date for nominations in a given year is the 2 ndweek in May each year. An attached Nominations form serves as a guide to theinformation needed for a nomination (Attachment 2).C. All Technology Hall of Fame nominations, in a given year, will be reviewed by aTechnology Hall of Fame committee chaired by a Regular Director of theNational Board of Directors. This committee will recommend that some or all ofa given year’s nominations be approved for induction into the Hall of Fame. TheNational Board of Directors will provide final approval based on simple majorityon an individual basis.<strong>PPM</strong> 2-3 Approved June 15, 2000

D. For years 2001 and 2002, the maximum number of inductees will be 100.Thereafter, a maximum of twenty-five (25) can be inducted each year.I. TECHNOLOGY HALL OF FAME ELIGIBILITY:A. The Technology Hall of Fame is open to everyone. Nominees may be living ordeceased and need not to be an AOC member or a U.S. citizen. Eligibility isbounded only by the depth and significance of technical contributions to EW andsurvivability. Receipt of any other AOC award is immaterial to Hall of Fameeligibility.B. Technology units, development teams and special operating entities can also benominated for the Technology Hall of Fame. As in {III. a.,} eligibility criteria isstrictly based on quality and importance of the group’s technical contributions toEW and survivability.II.RECOGNITION OF INDUCTEES:A. Each inductee or identifiable next of kin will be notified of their selection for theTechnology Hall of Fame via a letter signed by the AOC President.B. An appropriate display at AOC National Headquarters will contain TechnologyHall of Fame’s inductee names.C. Inductees will be recognized annually in the JED.D. A booklet/brochure, that is available for distribution and updated annually, will bepublished that lists all of the Technology Hall of Fame inductees with a briefdescription of their contributions.E. Induction process/recognition will be at an appropriate local technical sessions,chapter meetings or regional symposia. Whenever possible, the award will bepresented by a national officer or national BOD member.2<strong>PPM</strong> 2-3 Approved June 15, 2000

Sample List – Applicable TechnologiesATTACHMENT 1• DRFM• ECM Technique Development and Applications- Monopulse- Conventional- EO/IR• Towed Decoys- Electronics payload- Mechanical: packaging, aerodynamics, and tow lines• Low Signature Vehicle Design- RF- EO/IR• Foreign Material (Threat Systems) Exploitation and Understanding• Broad Bandwidth, High Power TWTs• VCOs and Synthesizers• Embedded Processors and High Speed DSP- Signal processing- Calibration- BIT• Kinematic Flares• Special material (SM) Flares• BOL Chaff; RBOC Chaff• Low level Solid State Microwave Amplifiers• Solid State Microwave Control Devices- Phase shifters- Attenuators• EW Analysis Models (ESAMS, TAC Brawler, JMASS, etc.)• Simulators for EW Testing• MMIC• Specialized EW Software- Emitter ID/sorting• Antennas- Low RCS- Steerable arrays- Specialized (Rotman lens, etc.)• High Speed Digital Data Buses and Interfaces- Control- Monitoring<strong>PPM</strong> 2-3 Approved June 15, 2000

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