Figure 3.3 : Heritage DesignationsArea of Angus withinthe Cairngorms National ParkBrechinMontroseKirriemuirTannadiceFerrydenGlamisForfarDunnichenSt VigeansArbirlotAuchmithieLundieMurroesPanbrideArbroathFowlisConservation Area (Outstanding)Conservation AreaArticle 4 DirectionGardens & Designed LandscapesAncient Monuments(in care of Scottish Ministers)(C) CROWN COPYRIGHT, ANGUS COUNCIL LA09023L, 2005.Angus Local Plan Review66Finalised Plan

Development Affecting Conservation Areas3.24 Development proposals in conservation areas should besympathetic to their surroundings and will be assessed on thecontribution they would make to the character or appearance ofeach area. Support will be given to proposals which are consistentwith the aims of preservation or enhancement but equally,development proposals which are poorly designed or where thesetting, scale, use of materials, colours, or finish is inappropriate,will be discouraged.3.25 In order to fully assess the impact of a proposal, applicationsshould be accompanied by sufficient information on the historical,architectural, environmental and archaeological significance of thesite along with details of the nature of the proposed development.Policy ER11 : Development Affecting Conservation AreasDevelopment proposals within conservation areas or affectingthe setting of such areas will be supported where they:(a) respect the character and appearance of the area in termsof:• density, scale, proportion and massing;• layout, grouping and setting;• design, materials and finish;(b) contribute positively to the setting of the area and maintainimportant views within, into or out of the area;(c) retain particular features which contribute to the characterand appearance of the area;• open spaces;• walls and other means of enclosure;• ground surfaces;• natural features such as trees and hedgerows;(d) accord with the Character Statement for the area.Demolition of Buildings in Conservation Areas3.26 Conservation area designation brings the demolition of mostbuildings under planning control by introducing the requirement forConservation Area Consent. This recognises the damage thatdemolition of ‘unlisted’ but important buildings can do to thecharacter and appearance of the area. There is a generalpresumption in favour of retaining buildings that make a positivecontribution to the character or appearance of conservation areas.applications for demolition of unlisted buildings in conservationareas will usually require to be accompanied by:Conservation Area ConsentConsent required to demolish anunlisted building in aconservation area.• a detailed scheme for the redevelopment of the site;• details of site layout if it is to be retained as an open area;• an indication of project timescale; and• a structural engineer’s report.Angus Local Plan Review67Finalised Plan

Development Affecting Conservation Areas3.24 Development proposals in conservation areas should besympathetic to their surroundings and will be assessed on thecontribution they would make to the character or appearance ofeach area. Support will be given to proposals which are consistentwith the aims of preservation or enhancement but equally,development proposals which are poorly designed or where thesetting, scale, use of materials, colours, or finish is inappropriate,will be discouraged.3.25 In order to fully assess the impact of a proposal, applicationsshould be accompanied by sufficient information on the historical,architectural, environmental and archaeological significance of thesite along with details of the nature of the proposed development.Policy ER11 : Development Affecting Conservation AreasDevelopment proposals within conservation areas or affectingthe setting of such areas will be supported where they:(a) respect the character and appearance of the area in termsof:• density, scale, proportion and massing;• layout, grouping and setting;• design, materials and finish;(b) contribute positively to the setting of the area and maintainimportant views within, into or out of the area;(c) retain particular features which contribute to the characterand appearance of the area;• open spaces;• walls and other means of enclosure;• ground surfaces;• natural features such as trees and hedgerows;(d) accord with the Character Statement for the area.Demolition of Buildings in Conservation Areas3.26 Conservation area designation brings the demolition of mostbuildings under planning control by introducing the requirement forConservation Area Consent. This recognises the damage thatdemolition of ‘unlisted’ but important buildings can do to thecharacter and appearance of the area. There is a generalpresumption in favour of retaining buildings that make a positivecontribution to the character or appearance of conservation areas.applications for demolition of unlisted buildings in conservationareas will usually require to be accompanied by:Conservation Area ConsentConsent required to demolish anunlisted building in aconservation area.• a detailed scheme for the redevelopment of the site;• details of site layout if it is to be retained as an open area;• an indication of project timescale; and• a structural engineer’s report.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review67Finalised Plan

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