Figure 3.1 - Natural Heritage DesignationsArea of Angus withinthe Cairngorms National Park3128192492811Kirriemuir233517Forfar313630 29Brechin143113 20Montrose2733 3238725 34137618121516Arbroath22 5 10321Monifieth264CarnoustieREF1234AUCHTERHOUSE HILLBALLOCH MOSSBALSHANDO BOGBARRY LINKSNNRSACSPARAMSARSSSIGCROTHER567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132BLACKLAW HILL MIRECARROT HILL MEADOWCRAIGS OF LUNDIE AND ARDGARTH LOCHCROSSBOG PINEWOODDEN OF AIRLIE*DEN OF FOWLISDEN OF OGILDILTY MOSSDRYLEY'S BRICKPITDUN'S DISHEASTHAVENELLIOT LINKSFORESTMUIRGAGIE MARSHGANNOCHY GORGEKINNABER LINKS (part of ST. CYRUS S.S.S.I.)LITTLE BALLOLOCHINDORESLOCH OF KINNORDYLOCH OF LINTRATHENLONG LOCH OF LUNDIEMONIFIETH BAYMONTROSE BASINNORTH ESK & WEST WATER PALEOCHANNELSRESCOBIE AND BALGAVIES LOCHSRESTENNETH MOSSRIVER SOUTH ESK (linear)RICKLE CRAIG - SCURDIE NESSxLNRNNR - National Nature ReserveSAC - Special Area of ConservationSPA - Special Protection AreaSSSI - Site of Special Scientific InterestGCR - Geological Conservation Review Site(i.e. site is partly or wholly a SSSI forits geological interest.)LNR - Local Nature ReserveNSA - National Scenic Areax*DesignatedCandidateProposedSite in process of beingde-declared as an NNR33343536ROSSIE MOORROUND LOCH OF LUNDIETHE RIVER TAY & ITS TRIBUTARIES(linear)TURIN HILL (composite site)x3738WHITEHOUSE DENWHITING NESS - ETHIE HAVEN COAST(C) CROWN COPYRIGHT, ANGUS COUNCIL LA09023L, 2005.Angus Local Plan Review58Finalised Plan

Policy ER2 : National Nature Reserves and Sites of Special ScientificInterestDevelopments affecting National Nature Reserves and Sites of SpecialScientific Interest will only be permitted exceptionally where it can beadequately demonstrated that either:(a)(b)the proposed development will not compromise, destroy oradversely affect the conservation objectives and/or particularinterest for which the site was notified; orthere is an overriding and proven public interest where social oreconomic considerations outweigh the need to safeguard theecological, geological or geomorphological interest of the site andthe need for the development cannot be met in other less damaginglocations or by reasonable alternative means.3.8 Angus also contains a number of sites of regional or local natureconservation or geological interest including Regionally Important GeologicalSites, Local Nature Reserves and sites of recognised local nature conservationimportance.Policy ER3 : Regional and Local DesignationsNational NatureReserves (NNRs):areas of national orinternational importancefor nature conservationwhich include some ofthe most importantnatural and semi-naturalhabitats in Great Britain.Sites of SpecialScientific Interest(SSSIs):areas of land or waterwhich in the opinion ofScottish NaturalHeritage are of specialinterest by reason oftheir flora, fauna, orgeologicalorphysiographicalfeatures.LocalNatureReserves:areas of locallyimportant natureconservation or amenityvalue which give accessto the public.Development which would adversely affect sites containing habitats,species, and/or geological or geomorphological features of local orregional importance, whether designated or otherwise, will only bepermitted where:(a) ecological appraisals have demonstrated to the satisfaction of theCouncil that the overall integrity of the site and the features of naturalheritage value will not be compromised; or(b) the economic and social benefits arising from the proposalsignificantly outweigh the natural heritage value of the site.Wider Natural Heritage and Biodiversity3.9 The protection and enhancement of the natural heritage value of the widerenvironment beyond the confines of designated areas is necessary to promotebiodiversity. Species or habitats protected under the Wildlife and CountrysideAct 1981, EC Birds or Habitat Directives or identified as priorities in the UKBiodiversity Action Plan may be found outwith designated sites. LocalBiodiversity Action Plans have been prepared for both Tayside and theCairngorms with the aim of safeguarding the future of the area’s habitats andspecies. Implementation of these LBAP`s is progressing through the preparationand implementation of a series of habitat and species action plans. The LocalBiodiversity Action Plans for Tayside and the Cairngorms will be materialconsiderations in the determination of planning applications.Local BiodiversityAction Plan:A Local BiodiversityAction Plan focusesresources to conserveandenhancebiodiversity (at a locallevel) by means of localpartnerships takingaccount of both nationaland local priorities.Angus Local Plan Review59Finalised Plan

Figure 3.1 - Natural Heritage DesignationsArea of <strong>Angus</strong> withinthe Cairngorms National Park3128192492811Kirriemuir233517Forfar313630 29Brechin143113 20Montrose2733 3238725 34137618121516Arbroath22 5 10321Monifieth264CarnoustieREF1234AUCHTERHOUSE HILLBALLOCH MOSSBALSHANDO BOGBARRY LINKSNNRSACSPARAMSARSSSIGCROTHER567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132BLACKLAW HILL MIRECARROT HILL MEADOWCRAIGS OF LUNDIE AND ARDGARTH LOCHCROSSBOG PINEWOODDEN OF AIRLIE*DEN OF FOWLISDEN OF OGILDILTY MOSSDRYLEY'S BRICKPITDUN'S DISHEASTHAVENELLIOT LINKSFORESTMUIRGAGIE MARSHGANNOCHY GORGEKINNABER LINKS (part of ST. CYRUS S.S.S.I.)LITTLE BALLOLOCHINDORESLOCH OF KINNORDYLOCH OF LINTRATHENLONG LOCH OF LUNDIEMONIFIETH BAYMONTROSE BASINNORTH ESK & WEST WATER PALEOCHANNELSRESCOBIE AND BALGAVIES LOCHSRESTENNETH MOSSRIVER SOUTH ESK (linear)RICKLE CRAIG - SCURDIE NESSxLNRNNR - National Nature ReserveSAC - Special Area of ConservationSPA - Special Protection AreaSSSI - Site of Special Scientific InterestGCR - Geological Conservation Review Site(i.e. site is partly or wholly a SSSI forits geological interest.)LNR - Local Nature ReserveNSA - National Scenic Areax*DesignatedCandidateProposedSite in process of beingde-declared as an NNR33343536ROSSIE MOORROUND LOCH OF LUNDIETHE RIVER TAY & ITS TRIBUTARIES(linear)TURIN HILL (composite site)x3738WHITEHOUSE DENWHITING NESS - ETHIE HAVEN COAST(C) CROWN COPYRIGHT, <strong>ANGUS</strong> COUNCIL LA09023L, 2005.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review58Finalised Plan

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