ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES3.1 The environmental assets and resources of Angus have longbeen recognised as important in both local and national terms. Thearea is essentially rural in nature with an interdependent network ofseven towns and numerous villages.3.2 The diverse landscape ranges from sandy beaches and cliffsalong the 55km coastline, the attractive and productive Strathmorevalley with its market towns, to the remote splendour of the uplandareas of the Glens.3.3 Angus has a rich and varied biodiversity that is reflected in thebroad range of sites designated for their natural heritage value andwhen combined with the areas distinctive built heritage and importanthistoric environment provide a high quality environment, attractive toboth residents and visitors.3.4 Protecting and enhancing the environmental assets and built andhistoric heritage of Angus is central to the Council’s approach to thesustainable development and the use of the areas finite and nonrenewableresources which can help to enhance the health andquality of life for both present and future generations of people livingand working in Angus.3.5 The capacity of the natural and built environment of Angus toaccept development and absorb change varies from area to areadepending on local characteristics. The Local Plan complements theaims set out in the Dundee and Angus Structure Plan for thesustainable management of the areas environmental resources bygiving priority to:• protecting and enhancing wildlife habitats identified as being ofinternational, national or local importance;• protecting and enhancing the biodiversity of Angus;• conserving and enhancing important landscapes and landscapefeatures and ensuring that new development is sympathetic tolandscape character;• protecting and enhancing the quality of the built and historicenvironment and ensuring that development proposals respectlocal characteristics;• promoting the sustainable use of water resources and ensuringthat new development does not exacerbate any flood risk;• promoting the integrated management of the coastal area andminimising unnecessary coastal development;• guiding proposals for renewable energy;• safeguarding good quality agricultural land from inappropriate andirreversible development;• providing a framework for the selection of sites for mineralextraction, landfill and land raise developments to minimiseenvironmental damage to landscape, heritage and environmentalassets.The Dundee and AngusStructure Plan aims for thesustainable management of theareas environmental resourcesare to :• protect and enhance thenatural environment inAngus in ways whichrespect landscapecharacter, promotebiodiversityconservation,and enable public enjoymentand understanding;• conserve the heritage valueof the built and historicenvironment and enhanceenvironmental quality in andaround the main settlementsof the area;• encourage the sustainableuse of the area’s naturalresources and provide aframework for managing theimpact of development thatsupports the economicviability of rural areas; and• provide a framework forrenewableenergydevelopment and wastemanagement.Angus Local Plan Review56Finalised Plan

3.6 Areas of the natural environment of Angus are of international,national and local importance for their ecological, geological andgeomorphological interest. In line with Government objectives theprotection and enhancement of the area’s rich and variedenvironmental assets is central to Angus Council’s approach to thestainable use of resources.Ecology, Habitat and Geological Conservation3.7 A range of sites in Angus have been recognised for their wildlifeand geological interest. Those of international importance for wildbirds include Ramsar sites and Special Protection Areas. Those ofinternational importance for rare, vulnerable or endangered habitatsand species of plants or animals are designated as Special Areas ofConservation. Together these form a European Community widenetwork of protected areas, known as Natura 2000. In addition Angushas a number of areas covered by national designations, includingNational Nature Reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Theareas of international and national natural heritage designation arelisted in Figure 3.1 and shown on the main Proposals Map.Policy ER1 : Natura 2000 and Ramsar SitesDevelopment likely to have a significant effect on a designated,candidate or proposed Natura 2000 site (Special ProtectionAreas and Special Areas of Conservation), or Ramsar site andnot connected with or necessary to the conservationmanagement of the site must undergo an appropriateassessment as required by Regulation 48 of the Conservation(Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations 1994. Development will onlybe permitted exceptionally and where the assessment indicatesthat:(a) it will not adversely affect the integrity of the site; or(b) there are no alternative solutions; and(c) there are imperative reasons of overriding public interest,including those of a social or economic nature.THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTNPPG 14: Natural Heritage(1999):The Government’s objectives forScotland’s natural heritage are toconserve, safeguard and, wherepossible, enhance:• the overall populations andnatural ranges of nativespecies and the quality andrange of wildlife habitatsand ecosystems;• geological andphysiographical features;• the natural beauty andamenity of the countrysideand the natural heritageinterest of urban areas; and• opportunities for enjoyingand learning about thenatural environmentNatura 2000:a network of areas designated toconserve rare, endangered orvulnerable natural habitats andspecies of wildlife comprising:-Special Protection Areas(SPAs):areas classified by the ScottishMinisters in accordance with theEC Birds Directive for thepurpose of protecting thehabitats of rare, threatened ormigratory bird species.Special Areas of Conservation(SACs):areas designated by the ScottishMinisters in accordance with theEC Habitats Directive to ensurethat rare, endangered orvulnerable habitats and speciesof Community interest are eithermaintained at or restored to afavourable conservation status.Where proposals affect a priority habitat and/or priority speciesas defined by the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), the onlyoverriding public interest must relate to human health, publicsafety or beneficial consequences of primary importance to theenvironment. Other allowable exceptions are subject to theviews of the European Commission.Ramsar Site:wetland of worldwide importanceparticularly those containinglarge numbers of waterfowl.Sites include marshes, fens,peatlands, estuaries, open waterand in-shore marine areas, andtheir associated plant life andanimals.Angus Local Plan Review57Finalised Plan

ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES3.1 The environmental assets and resources of <strong>Angus</strong> have longbeen recognised as important in both local and national terms. Thearea is essentially rural in nature with an interdependent network ofseven towns and numerous villages.3.2 The diverse landscape ranges from sandy beaches and cliffsalong the 55km coastline, the attractive and productive Strathmorevalley with its market towns, to the remote splendour of the uplandareas of the Glens.3.3 <strong>Angus</strong> has a rich and varied biodiversity that is reflected in thebroad range of sites designated for their natural heritage value andwhen combined with the areas distinctive built heritage and importanthistoric environment provide a high quality environment, attractive toboth residents and visitors.3.4 Protecting and enhancing the environmental assets and built andhistoric heritage of <strong>Angus</strong> is central to the <strong>Council</strong>’s approach to thesustainable development and the use of the areas finite and nonrenewableresources which can help to enhance the health andquality of life for both present and future generations of people livingand working in <strong>Angus</strong>.3.5 The capacity of the natural and built environment of <strong>Angus</strong> toaccept development and absorb change varies from area to areadepending on local characteristics. The Local Plan complements theaims set out in the Dundee and <strong>Angus</strong> Structure Plan for thesustainable management of the areas environmental resources bygiving priority to:• protecting and enhancing wildlife habitats identified as being ofinternational, national or local importance;• protecting and enhancing the biodiversity of <strong>Angus</strong>;• conserving and enhancing important landscapes and landscapefeatures and ensuring that new development is sympathetic tolandscape character;• protecting and enhancing the quality of the built and historicenvironment and ensuring that development proposals respectlocal characteristics;• promoting the sustainable use of water resources and ensuringthat new development does not exacerbate any flood risk;• promoting the integrated management of the coastal area andminimising unnecessary coastal development;• guiding proposals for renewable energy;• safeguarding good quality agricultural land from inappropriate andirreversible development;• providing a framework for the selection of sites for mineralextraction, landfill and land raise developments to minimiseenvironmental damage to landscape, heritage and environmentalassets.The Dundee and <strong>Angus</strong>Structure Plan aims for thesustainable management of theareas environmental resourcesare to :• protect and enhance thenatural environment in<strong>Angus</strong> in ways whichrespect landscapecharacter, promotebiodiversityconservation,and enable public enjoymentand understanding;• conserve the heritage valueof the built and historicenvironment and enhanceenvironmental quality in andaround the main settlementsof the area;• encourage the sustainableuse of the area’s naturalresources and provide aframework for managing theimpact of development thatsupports the economicviability of rural areas; and• provide a framework forrenewableenergydevelopment and wastemanagement.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review56Finalised Plan

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