Policy SC40 : Upgrade of A92/A930Angus Council will safeguard land required to enable theimplementation of the dualling of the A92 between Arbroath andDundee and improved linkages to Carnoustie and Monifieth.2.104 Angus Council also recognises the benefits of upgrading thefollowing routes:• A92 north of Arbroath to the boundary with Aberdeenshire;• A935 Montrose to Brechin and to the A90(T).2.105 These improvements would enhance accessibility betweenMontrose and the A90(T) at Brechin and increase accessibilitybetween Angus and areas to the north. The implementationprogramme for each of these schemes will be timed according to theavailability of resources required to deliver these improvementsalongside other priorities.Policy SC41 : Road Network ImprovementsAngus Council will consider the possibility of upgrading the A92north of Arbroath to the boundary with Aberdeenshire and theA935 Montrose to Brechin road and its links to the A90(T).Roadside Facilities2.106 The provision of necessary roadside facilities in the interests ofroad safety and convenience must be coordinated to avoiddetrimental effects on the environment, the appearance of thecountryside and must consider the impact on facilities currentlyavailable in bypassed communities.2.107 Guidance on the provision of roadside facilities on motorwaysand other trunk roads is contained in NPPG 9: The Provision ofRoadside Facilities on Motorways and Other Trunk Roads inScotland. In Angus the A90(T) Dundee to Aberdeen route forms partof the trunk road network to which the guidance applies. Existingroadside facilities on the 50 km of the A90(T) in Angus are located atForfar (on the east side of the Orchardbank/Glamis Road junction),Finavon, Balnabreich (Little Chef) and Stracathro. In addition planningpermission was granted in 2004 for overnight accommodation atOrchardbank, Forfar. The range of facilities available to road users atthese locations is complemented by facilities available in thebypassed towns of Forfar and Brechin.2.108 The allocation (B11) of a site for a hotel/travel lodge at DubtonFarm, Brechin, also provides a potential facility for road usersprepared to divert from the A90(T). Proposals for additional facilitieson the A90(T) will only be permitted where existing services arealready located and where full access standards required by theScottish Executive (normally related to grade separated junctions) canbe achieved. The existing facilities at Finavon and Balnabreich are notaccessed from the A90(T) by grade separated junctions and thereforeproposals for additional roadside facilities at these locations would notbe appropriate. The existing facilities at Forfar (Orchardbank/GlamisRoad junction) and Stracathro however have grade separated accesstherefore proposals to improve and extend the range of existingservices provided at these locations will be supported where thesealso accord with other policies of this Local Plan.Angus Local Plan Review52Finalised Plan

Policy SC42 : Roadside Facilities on A90(T)The preferred locations for commercial roadside facilities(including food, fuel, overnight accommodation and associatedparking) on the A90(T) are at the sites of the existing facilities atStracathro and at Orchardbank, Forfar, on the north eastquadrant of the junction with the A94. Proposals to extend therange and quality of the facilities at these locations will beacceptable provided they are mainly directed to meeting theneeds of road users. Outwith these two areas, new and extendedcommercial roadside facilities on the A90(T) to serve road userswill not be acceptable.2.109 The A92 coastal tourist route through Angus extends fromMonifieth to Lower North Water Bridge north of Montrose, a distanceof some 26 miles (41 km). Within the coastal corridor a range offacilities providing for the needs of tourists and long distance travellersare located adjacent to the A92 or within existing towns and villagesall of which are easily accessible from the A92. On the 11 mile (17 km)stretch between Monifieth and Arbroath, which is currently beingupgraded to dual carriageway standard, existing facilities are locatedat Ethiebeaton Park (travel lodge, restaurants, fast food and toiletstogether with planning permission for fuel), whilst a range of otherfacilities are located within Monifieth, Carnoustie and Arbroath.Between Arbroath and Lower North Water Bridge facilities aregenerally located within the communities at Inverkeilor and Montrose.Local Plan policy seeks to support facilities within existingcommunities adjacent to the A92 by directing proposals for newfacilities to locations within existing development boundaries inpreference to the development of facilities within the open countryside.Policy SC43 : Roadside Facilities on the A92Any new roadside facilities serving the A92 should beaccommodated within the existing development boundaries andno new provision will be permitted within areas of opencountryside.Roadside Facilities include:• short term parking for bothcommercial and privatevehicles, including those onlywishing to rest and not to useany facilities;• fuel;• toilets;• picnic area ;• telephones;• catering;• retail;• tourist information;• cash dispenser;• overnight accommodation.(It is expected that all facilitiesare to be provided primarily tomeet the reasonable needs oftravellers and the scale ofprovision should be consistentwith these needs)(NPPG9 : The Provision ofRoadside Facilities onMotorways and other TrunkRoads in Scotland)Freight2.110 Angus Council seeks to encourage more freight to be carriedby rail or water where it provides a feasible alternative to road basedtransport and will safeguard appropriate sites for freight use, includingthe railway goods yard at Helen Street in Arbroath. Where appropriatethese are identified in the relevant Settlement Statements in Part 4.Policy SC44 : Rail and Sea Freight FacilitiesAngus Council will support proposals for freight facilities atlocations that are convenient and accessible to the rail networkor the Port at Montrose where these are compatible with adjacentland uses.Angus Local Plan Review53Finalised Plan

Policy SC42 : Roadside Facilities on A90(T)The preferred locations for commercial roadside facilities(including food, fuel, overnight accommodation and associatedparking) on the A90(T) are at the sites of the existing facilities atStracathro and at Orchardbank, Forfar, on the north eastquadrant of the junction with the A94. Proposals to extend therange and quality of the facilities at these locations will beacceptable provided they are mainly directed to meeting theneeds of road users. Outwith these two areas, new and extendedcommercial roadside facilities on the A90(T) to serve road userswill not be acceptable.2.109 The A92 coastal tourist route through <strong>Angus</strong> extends fromMonifieth to Lower North Water Bridge north of Montrose, a distanceof some 26 miles (41 km). Within the coastal corridor a range offacilities providing for the needs of tourists and long distance travellersare located adjacent to the A92 or within existing towns and villagesall of which are easily accessible from the A92. On the 11 mile (17 km)stretch between Monifieth and Arbroath, which is currently beingupgraded to dual carriageway standard, existing facilities are locatedat Ethiebeaton Park (travel lodge, restaurants, fast food and toiletstogether with planning permission for fuel), whilst a range of otherfacilities are located within Monifieth, Carnoustie and Arbroath.Between Arbroath and Lower North Water Bridge facilities aregenerally located within the communities at Inverkeilor and Montrose.Local Plan policy seeks to support facilities within existingcommunities adjacent to the A92 by directing proposals for newfacilities to locations within existing development boundaries inpreference to the development of facilities within the open countryside.Policy SC43 : Roadside Facilities on the A92Any new roadside facilities serving the A92 should beaccommodated within the existing development boundaries andno new provision will be permitted within areas of opencountryside.Roadside Facilities include:• short term parking for bothcommercial and privatevehicles, including those onlywishing to rest and not to useany facilities;• fuel;• toilets;• picnic area ;• telephones;• catering;• retail;• tourist information;• cash dispenser;• overnight accommodation.(It is expected that all facilitiesare to be provided primarily tomeet the reasonable needs oftravellers and the scale ofprovision should be consistentwith these needs)(NPPG9 : The Provision ofRoadside Facilities onMotorways and other TrunkRoads in Scotland)Freight2.110 <strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> seeks to encourage more freight to be carriedby rail or water where it provides a feasible alternative to road basedtransport and will safeguard appropriate sites for freight use, includingthe railway goods yard at Helen Street in Arbroath. Where appropriatethese are identified in the relevant Settlement Statements in Part 4.Policy SC44 : Rail and Sea Freight Facilities<strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will support proposals for freight facilities atlocations that are convenient and accessible to the rail networkor the Port at Montrose where these are compatible with adjacentland uses.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review53Finalised Plan

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