2.39 Access to suitable employment opportunities is an essential partof a sustainable Angus. Jobs provide more than just income, and arean important part of most peoples’ lives. Angus retains a higherproportion of the workforce in agriculture, forestry, fishing andmanufacturing (20%) than the Scottish average (14%), but the servicesector provides the majority of jobs (74%).2.40 Most employment is focused on the towns where infrastructure,communications and labour force are most readily available. Changesin farming and associated activities have had a significant impact onthe rural economic structure. Tourism is an important part of theAngus economy and provides opportunities throughout Angus.Vision:WORKINGTo raise the quality of life of theScottish people throughincreasingeconomicopportunities for all on a sociallyand environmentally sustainablebasis.The Way Forward: Frameworkfor Economic Development inScotland; Scottish Ministers,June 20002.41 In promoting the development of sustainable communities, thisLocal Plan aims to stimulate investment in Angus by encouraging theretention or upgrading of existing business sites and premises andproviding a range of employment sites in key locations to meetdemand. There is also support for tourism activities and proposals forfarm diversification that contribute to the rural economy.Angus Towns - Employment Land2.42 In line with the Dundee and Angus Structure Plan, a supply ofemployment land will be maintained in Arbroath, Forfar, Montrose,Brechin, Carnoustie and Kirriemuir that reflects their size andrequirements. Development will generally be directed to existing andproposed serviced industrial estates and business parks. Whilst thisdoes not prohibit new business development outwith these areas,there is a presumption in favour of directing employment uses withinthe towns to sites identified for that purpose.2.43 Employment land available for development is currently welldistributed across the Angus towns:ArbroathKirktonElliot9.2ha1.0haBrechin Business Park 7.8haCarnoustie Panmure 0.5haForfar Orchardbank 29.6ha (gross)Kirriemuir North Mains of Logie 2.7haMontroseFortiesBroomfield7.6ha4.8haAngus Total63.2haSource: 2004 Employment Land Survey, Department of Planning and Transport –land available for development now or within five yearsLand used for employmentpurposes also needs to be welllocated in relation to thetransport network and the labourforce.The Way Forward: Frameworkfor Economic Development inScotland; Scottish Ministers,June 2000Dundee And Angus StructurePlanAims –• provide a range ofemployment sites in keylocations to meet andencourage demand throughoutthe plan period;• identify and encourage majortourism opportunities; and• facilitate the sensitivedevelopment and diversificationof the ruraleconomy.Employment Land Supply2.44 Employment opportunities should be well related to the transportnetwork and available workforce. The allocation of employment land isbased on the accessibility of sites, availability of infrastructure,environmental quality and capacity, and transport links. To provide arange of sites capable of meeting the changing needs of businessthroughout the plan period and beyond, provision is made in each ofAngus Local Plan Review32Finalised Plan

the main towns for a minimum five-year supply. Monitoring the take upand distribution of employment development will ensure land iscontinually available.Policy SC13 : Employment Land SupplyAngus Council will maintain a supply of employment land towhich proposals for business and industry will be directed asfollows:• Arbroath, Elliot and Kirkton, (minimum 10 ha);• Forfar, Orchardbank (minimum 10 ha);• Montrose, Forties Road and Broomfield (minimum 10 ha);• Brechin, Business Park (minimum 5 ha);• Carnoustie (up to 5 ha);• Kirriemuir (up to 5 ha).At these locations, and other established employment areas,planning permission will not normally be granted for uses otherthan Class 4* (business), Class 5* (general industry), and Class6* (storage and distribution), but may be considered where theyare small scale, complementary and ancillary to the existing orproposed use. Development proposals will require todemonstrate there is no detriment to the surrounding amenity.* As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.2.45 Business park developments at Brechin and Forfar provide goodquality facilities adjacent to the A90(T) and these are expected tomeet demand for prime employment land over the plan period. Inaccordance with the Dundee and Angus Structure Plan and PolicySC13, this Local Plan will allocate land to maintain a minimum fiveyearsupply throughout the plan period. Provision is made as follows:• Arbroath – land allocated west of the Elliot Estate. The Local Planwill resist development proposals that would prejudice the futureexpansion of the Elliot Industrial Estate to the west, to ensure thissite can be developed as the need arises.• Forfar – land allocated at Carseview Road provides for generalemployment use.• Montrose - part of the former Montrose airfield allocated to meetan anticipated shortage of available land during the plan period.• Carnoustie – land allocated at Clayholes.• Kirriemuir – land allocated at East Muirhead of Logie.SPP2: Economic Development(2002)The Planning System has animportant role in supportingbusiness development andcontributing to economicprosperity.Industrial And Business Use2.46 Not all business and industrial activities will be located onexisting or proposed employment land allocations. Where newemployment development is proposed within a settlement, is in asuitable location, and can be accommodated without detriment toamenity, such proposals will normally be welcomed.Angus Local Plan Review33Finalised Plan

2.39 Access to suitable employment opportunities is an essential partof a sustainable <strong>Angus</strong>. Jobs provide more than just income, and arean important part of most peoples’ lives. <strong>Angus</strong> retains a higherproportion of the workforce in agriculture, forestry, fishing andmanufacturing (20%) than the Scottish average (14%), but the servicesector provides the majority of jobs (74%).2.40 Most employment is focused on the towns where infrastructure,communications and labour force are most readily available. Changesin farming and associated activities have had a significant impact onthe rural economic structure. Tourism is an important part of the<strong>Angus</strong> economy and provides opportunities throughout <strong>Angus</strong>.Vision:WORKINGTo raise the quality of life of theScottish people throughincreasingeconomicopportunities for all on a sociallyand environmentally sustainablebasis.The Way Forward: Frameworkfor Economic Development inScotland; Scottish Ministers,June 20002.41 In promoting the development of sustainable communities, thisLocal Plan aims to stimulate investment in <strong>Angus</strong> by encouraging theretention or upgrading of existing business sites and premises andproviding a range of employment sites in key locations to meetdemand. There is also support for tourism activities and proposals forfarm diversification that contribute to the rural economy.<strong>Angus</strong> Towns - Employment Land2.42 In line with the Dundee and <strong>Angus</strong> Structure Plan, a supply ofemployment land will be maintained in Arbroath, Forfar, Montrose,Brechin, Carnoustie and Kirriemuir that reflects their size andrequirements. Development will generally be directed to existing andproposed serviced industrial estates and business parks. Whilst thisdoes not prohibit new business development outwith these areas,there is a presumption in favour of directing employment uses withinthe towns to sites identified for that purpose.2.43 Employment land available for development is currently welldistributed across the <strong>Angus</strong> towns:ArbroathKirktonElliot9.2ha1.0haBrechin Business Park 7.8haCarnoustie Panmure 0.5haForfar Orchardbank 29.6ha (gross)Kirriemuir North Mains of Logie 2.7haMontroseFortiesBroomfield7.6ha4.8ha<strong>Angus</strong> Total63.2haSource: 2004 Employment Land Survey, Department of Planning and Transport –land available for development now or within five yearsLand used for employmentpurposes also needs to be welllocated in relation to thetransport network and the labourforce.The Way Forward: Frameworkfor Economic Development inScotland; Scottish Ministers,June 2000Dundee And <strong>Angus</strong> StructurePlanAims –• provide a range ofemployment sites in keylocations to meet andencourage demand throughoutthe plan period;• identify and encourage majortourism opportunities; and• facilitate the sensitivedevelopment and diversificationof the ruraleconomy.Employment Land Supply2.44 Employment opportunities should be well related to the transportnetwork and available workforce. The allocation of employment land isbased on the accessibility of sites, availability of infrastructure,environmental quality and capacity, and transport links. To provide arange of sites capable of meeting the changing needs of businessthroughout the plan period and beyond, provision is made in each of<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review32Finalised Plan

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