Policy SC10 : Sites for Gypsies/TravellersAngus Council will support existing sites and consider thedevelopment of new sites for Gypsies/Travellers where theysatisfy an identified local demand and :• are compatibile with surrounding land uses;• provide a good residential environment for the people livingthere, including the provision of public utilities for each pitchor in amenity blocks as appropriate; and• are well located for access to the local road network.Villa Property2.35 In some of the Angus burghs there are areas of large, stone builthouses set in mature garden grounds, such as Lour Road/HillsideRoad, Forfar; Brechin Road, Kirriemuir; and Park Road, Brechin. Theseproperties often have extensive stone boundary walls which contributeto their character. The gardens of some of these properties would belarge enough to accommodate new houses, which would substantiallyalter the amenity and character of the area. In order to protect thecharacter and appearance of villa property areas, proposals will beconsidered under the following policy. This policy does not applyoutwith development boundaries.Policy SC11 : Villa PropertyDevelopment proposals for new residential development within thegarden ground of stone-built villa properties within developmentboundaries will only be acceptable where:• the development (including roads and driveways) does notdamage the character and appearance of the existing propertyand/or the surrounding area;• the proposal respects the density, scale, form, siting,orientation and materials of existing buildings;• development does not result in the unacceptable loss ofimportant trees;• car parking and garaging are unobtrusively sited; and• the proposal complies with other relevant policies of this Plan.Development proposals involving the change of use of villaproperty which would adversely affect the residential character ofthe surrounding area or significantly impact on the amenityenjoyed by adjoining properties, will not be permitted.House Extensions2.36 The extension of houses to provide additional accommodation isone of the most common forms of development. Badly designed orinappropriate extensions can spoil the external appearance of buildingsand can have a negative impact on the surrounding area.2.37 Planning legislation provides guidelines within which proposals forextensions to property are considered. Angus Council have a duty toconsider the wider environmental impacts of development, protect thecharacter and appearance of towns and villages, and take account ofthe potential impacts on neighbours. Specific guidance on extensions tolisted buildings is set out in Policy ER14.Angus Local Plan Review30Finalised Plan

2.38 Further detailed guidance on extensions to houses is contained inAngus Council’s Advice Notes 3: Roofspace Extensions, 15: FrontExtensions, and 19: House Extensions.Policy SC12 : House ExtensionsDevelopment proposals for extensions to existing dwellings willbe permitted except where the extension would:• adversely affect the appearance and character of the dwellingand/or the surrounding area. Alterations and extensionsshould respect the design, massing, proportions, materialsand general visual appearance of the area;• have a significant and unacceptable detrimental effect on theresidential amenity enjoyed by adjoining households;• reduce the provision of private garden ground to anunacceptable level;• result in inadequate off-street parking provision and/or accessto the property.Angus Local Plan Review31Finalised Plan

Policy SC10 : Sites for Gypsies/Travellers<strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will support existing sites and consider thedevelopment of new sites for Gypsies/Travellers where theysatisfy an identified local demand and :• are compatibile with surrounding land uses;• provide a good residential environment for the people livingthere, including the provision of public utilities for each pitchor in amenity blocks as appropriate; and• are well located for access to the local road network.Villa Property2.35 In some of the <strong>Angus</strong> burghs there are areas of large, stone builthouses set in mature garden grounds, such as Lour Road/HillsideRoad, Forfar; Brechin Road, Kirriemuir; and Park Road, Brechin. Theseproperties often have extensive stone boundary walls which contributeto their character. The gardens of some of these properties would belarge enough to accommodate new houses, which would substantiallyalter the amenity and character of the area. In order to protect thecharacter and appearance of villa property areas, proposals will beconsidered under the following policy. This policy does not applyoutwith development boundaries.Policy SC11 : Villa PropertyDevelopment proposals for new residential development within thegarden ground of stone-built villa properties within developmentboundaries will only be acceptable where:• the development (including roads and driveways) does notdamage the character and appearance of the existing propertyand/or the surrounding area;• the proposal respects the density, scale, form, siting,orientation and materials of existing buildings;• development does not result in the unacceptable loss ofimportant trees;• car parking and garaging are unobtrusively sited; and• the proposal complies with other relevant policies of this Plan.Development proposals involving the change of use of villaproperty which would adversely affect the residential character ofthe surrounding area or significantly impact on the amenityenjoyed by adjoining properties, will not be permitted.House Extensions2.36 The extension of houses to provide additional accommodation isone of the most common forms of development. Badly designed orinappropriate extensions can spoil the external appearance of buildingsand can have a negative impact on the surrounding area.2.37 Planning legislation provides guidelines within which proposals forextensions to property are considered. <strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> have a duty toconsider the wider environmental impacts of development, protect thecharacter and appearance of towns and villages, and take account ofthe potential impacts on neighbours. Specific guidance on extensions tolisted buildings is set out in Policy ER14.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review30Finalised Plan

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