2.19 It should be noted that because in many circumstances theerection of modern agricultural or forestry buildings which are generallyof a steel frame construction, does not require planning permission, thedemolition of such buildings to allow further new housing developmentwill not be supported as this may lead to the need for replacementbuildings elsewhere on the property.Policy SC4 : Countryside Housing – Reuse and Redevelopment ofExisting Sites and BuildingsIn both Category 1 and 2 RSU’s all proposals must take accountof the relevant provisions of Policy S6 : Development Guidelines,meet the plot size requirements as appropriate, and must notcreate or extend ribbon development. In all cases proposalsshould have regard to the scale of the existing area of builtdevelopment and the rural character of the area; must be capableof producing a good quality residential environment and must notadversely affect or be affected by farming or other rural businessactivities.a) Renovation of Existing Houses :In preference to demolition and replacement, Angus Council willusually insist on the retention and renovation of stone-builthouses which are sound and/or wind and watertight, or whichhave four walls standing to eaves height and at least 50% of theroof structure and covering in place and are therefore capable ofattracting improvement grant. Proposals for sensitively designedextensions to such houses will also be supported.b) Demolition and Replacement of Existing Houses :Acceptable where the existing house is of minimal visual orhistoric interest or where it is structurally incapable ofrehabilitation*. The maximum footprint for a replacement dwellingwill require to be compatible with the size of the plot and thesurrounding environment.Plot Size Requirements:Category 1 RSU’s : between0.08ha (800m 2 ) and 0.2ha(2000m 2 )Category 2 RSU’s : between0.06ha (600m 2 ) and 0.4ha(4000m 2 )The footprint of the dwelling,including contiguous buildings,should generally take up around25 % of the plot area.*Angus Council may require astructural survey by a competentprofessional to be submitted.c) Previously cleared housing sites :Where there is little or no evidence of a house having previouslyexisted, development proposals will be assessed against PolicySC5.d) Conversion and restoration of stone-built, and othertraditionally constructed non-residential rural buildings :Proposals will be supported where conversion would retain orenhance the existing architectural style of the building. A limitednumber of new build houses may be acceptable within theboundaries of the area, where it can be demonstrated it is requiredto make the restoration of existing buildings economically viable.e) Demolition and redevelopment of existing stone-built or othertraditionally constructed non-residential rural buildings :Proposals may be supported where these buildings arestructurally incapable of conversion* and the design quality of thedevelopment is considered to be an improvement over renovationor reconstruction of the original. In circumstances where a sitehas become vacant or derelict and is of minimal visual or historicinterest, redevelopment proposals which would bring a significantbenefit to the local environment may be supported. Where the*Angus Council may require astructural survey by a competentprofessional to be submitted.Angus Local Plan Review24Finalised Plan

whole site is proposed for redevelopment, proposals must occupythe whole ‘planning unit’ having regard to the plot size criteria. Amaximum of four new houses will be permitted.f) Modern agricultural or forestry buildings :Proposals to convert, or demolish and replace modern agriculturalor forestry buildings for housing development will not besupported.New Houses in the Countryside2.20 The opportunity to build new houses in the Angus countryside hasbeen provided for by successive local plans. Policy SC5 sets out thecircumstances within which new house building may be permitted inCategory 1 RSU’s, Category 2 RSU’ s, and to provide houses forpeople who need to be located in proximity to their workplace -essential workers.Policy SC5 : Countryside Housing – Greenfield Sites.All proposals must take account of the relevant criteria in PolicyS6 : Development Guidelines, meet the plot size requirements asappropriate, and must not create or extend ribbon development.(a) Category 1 RSU’s : A single new house may be acceptablewhere the site:i) forms part of an existing building group and developmentwill round off or consolidate the group; orii) forms a gap site with a maximum road frontage of 50metres.Development proposals for more than one new house on eachsite will not be supported.(b) Category 2 RSU’s : The following developments will besupported :i) a single house on a self-contained site, or within theestablished garden ground of an existing house;ii) up to two new houses on gap sites with a maximumfrontage of 75 metres;iii) up to two new dwellings on land which forms part of anexisting building group where development would round offor consolidate the group.Development, which would result in the coalescence ofbuilding groups or of a group with a nearby settlement, will notbe permitted.(c) Essential Worker Housing : Proposals for a house for anessential worker will be supported where there is provenevidence of the need for the person to live at their place ofwork. The site must form part of the landholding where theworker is employed. Applicants will be required to enter into aSection 75 Agreement to ensure the property continues tomeet the needs of an essential worker.Angus Local Plan Review25Plot Size Requirements:Category 1 RSU’s : between0.08ha (800m 2 ) and 0.2ha(2000m 2 )Category 2 RSU’s : between0.06ha (600m 2 ) and 0.4ha(4000m 2 )The footprint of the dwelling,including contiguous buildings,should generally take up around25% of the plot area.Ribbon Development:A string of three or more housesalong a road.Gap Sites:The space between thecurtilages of two dwellings orbetween the curtilage of onedwelling and a metalled road.Self – contained sites:The whole site must be fullyoccupied by a single plot whichmeets the plot size criteria. Siteswhich breach field boundaries orplots which have been artificiallycreated by planting or othermeans of enclosure will not meetthis definition. Fences are notconsidered to be an appropriateform of enclosure for thepurposes of this definition.Building Group:A group of at least 3 existingdwellings which can includebuildings with planningpermission for conversion toresidential use. The buildinggroup will require to have anexisting, recognisable sense ofcontainment (defined below).Sense of Containment:A sense of containment iscontributed to by existing, visibleboundaries such as landform,buildings, roads, trees,watercourses, and establishedmeans of enclosure such ashedges or walls. Fences are notconsidered to be an appropriateform of enclosure for thepurposes of this definition. Anymeans of enclosure recentlyerected to artificially create asense of containment will not beacceptable.Essential Worker:a full or part time worker (at least20 hours per week or equivalent)required by the operationalneeds of a farm or ruralbusiness to live in closeproximity to their place of workfor reasons of security or animalwelfare or similar.Finalised Plan

whole site is proposed for redevelopment, proposals must occupythe whole ‘planning unit’ having regard to the plot size criteria. Amaximum of four new houses will be permitted.f) Modern agricultural or forestry buildings :Proposals to convert, or demolish and replace modern agriculturalor forestry buildings for housing development will not besupported.New Houses in the Countryside2.20 The opportunity to build new houses in the <strong>Angus</strong> countryside hasbeen provided for by successive local plans. Policy SC5 sets out thecircumstances within which new house building may be permitted inCategory 1 RSU’s, Category 2 RSU’ s, and to provide houses forpeople who need to be located in proximity to their workplace -essential workers.Policy SC5 : Countryside Housing – Greenfield Sites.All proposals must take account of the relevant criteria in PolicyS6 : Development Guidelines, meet the plot size requirements asappropriate, and must not create or extend ribbon development.(a) Category 1 RSU’s : A single new house may be acceptablewhere the site:i) forms part of an existing building group and developmentwill round off or consolidate the group; orii) forms a gap site with a maximum road frontage of 50metres.Development proposals for more than one new house on eachsite will not be supported.(b) Category 2 RSU’s : The following developments will besupported :i) a single house on a self-contained site, or within theestablished garden ground of an existing house;ii) up to two new houses on gap sites with a maximumfrontage of 75 metres;iii) up to two new dwellings on land which forms part of anexisting building group where development would round offor consolidate the group.Development, which would result in the coalescence ofbuilding groups or of a group with a nearby settlement, will notbe permitted.(c) Essential Worker Housing : Proposals for a house for anessential worker will be supported where there is provenevidence of the need for the person to live at their place ofwork. The site must form part of the landholding where theworker is employed. Applicants will be required to enter into aSection 75 Agreement to ensure the property continues tomeet the needs of an essential worker.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review25Plot Size Requirements:Category 1 RSU’s : between0.08ha (800m 2 ) and 0.2ha(2000m 2 )Category 2 RSU’s : between0.06ha (600m 2 ) and 0.4ha(4000m 2 )The footprint of the dwelling,including contiguous buildings,should generally take up around25% of the plot area.Ribbon Development:A string of three or more housesalong a road.Gap Sites:The space between thecurtilages of two dwellings orbetween the curtilage of onedwelling and a metalled road.Self – contained sites:The whole site must be fullyoccupied by a single plot whichmeets the plot size criteria. Siteswhich breach field boundaries orplots which have been artificiallycreated by planting or othermeans of enclosure will not meetthis definition. Fences are notconsidered to be an appropriateform of enclosure for thepurposes of this definition.Building Group:A group of at least 3 existingdwellings which can includebuildings with planningpermission for conversion toresidential use. The buildinggroup will require to have anexisting, recognisable sense ofcontainment (defined below).Sense of Containment:A sense of containment iscontributed to by existing, visibleboundaries such as landform,buildings, roads, trees,watercourses, and establishedmeans of enclosure such ashedges or walls. Fences are notconsidered to be an appropriateform of enclosure for thepurposes of this definition. Anymeans of enclosure recentlyerected to artificially create asense of containment will not beacceptable.Essential Worker:a full or part time worker (at least20 hours per week or equivalent)required by the operationalneeds of a farm or ruralbusiness to live in closeproximity to their place of workfor reasons of security or animalwelfare or similar.Finalised Plan

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