Figure 2.2 : Rural Settlement Units - Categories 1&2Area of Angus withinthe Cairngorms National ParkEdzellBrechinHillsideMontroseKirriemuirForfarLethamFriockheimInverkeilorGlamisAuchmithieNewtyleMonikieArbroathMuirhead &BirkhillWellbankNewbiggingMonifiethCarnoustieR.S.U Category 1R.S.U Category 2(C) CROWN COPYRIGHT, ANGUS COUNCIL LA09023L, 2005.Angus Local Plan Review22Finalised Plan

Countryside Housing2.13 Rural Angus is not a single homogenous area, varyingsignificantly in character, land use, population levels and availability ofand access to a range of services and facilities. The strategy of theLocal Plan aims to maintain the diversity of rural Angus whilst makingprovision for new development in appropriate locations to encouragepeople to live and work in rural communities.2.14 In countryside areas the strategy of the Plan supports newhousing development on appropriate sites within the developmentboundaries of existing settlements. Outwith development boundaries,the conversion of buildings and/or redevelopment of existing sites isencouraged as the preferred type of rural housing development.2.15 The policy guiding new housebuilding in the Angus countryside isbased on Rural Settlement Units which are classed as either Category1 or Category 2 areas. The policy provides for limited new building inlocations with stabilising or increasing populations which are closer tothe main towns (Category 1 Rural Settlement Units) and encouragesnew house building in more remote rural areas which are losingpopulation and or local services (Category 2 Rural Settlement Units).2.16 Everyone who is involved with housing developments in thecountryside, including architects and their clients, builders, andplanners, have a collective responsibility to ensure that the Anguscountryside remains as rural and attractive as possible whilstaccommodating the needs of people who have the opportunity to liveand work there. All development proposals are required to respect thescale and character of their location, and should not result inuncharacteristic urban forms of development in rural locations. A housedesign, which might suit one location in Angus may not fit well inanother place!Rural settlement units(RSU’s):Geographical areas looselybased on primary schoolcatchment areas.Category 1 RSU’s :These areas are generally non –remote areas with stable orincreasing populations or wherethere are no services or facilitiesin need of support. In theseareas new housing developmentoutwith settlements should berestricted.Category 2 RSU’s :Primarily remote rural areaswhere limited new developmentoutwith settlements may beappropriate in order to stem ruraldepopulation and/or supportexisting services.Reuse and Redevelopment of Existing Sites and Buildings2.17 It is recognised that opportunities to convert and/or redevelopsites in rural areas are increasing as a result of ongoing changes in thestructure of farming in particular. The conversion and renovation ofstone-built buildings in the countryside helps to maintain something ofthe existing rural character of Angus, and is the preferred form ofhousing development in the countryside.2.18 Where renovation or conversion is shown not to be possible,proposals to demolish stone-built, non-residential rural buildings andreplace with new houses will be considered where a good design,respecting the rural character of the area can be achieved. Incircumstances where a whole area is proposed for redevelopment itmust incorporate the total area which constitutes the ‘planning unit’. Amaximum of four new houses will be permitted as proposals for five ormore houses should be accommodated on allocated sites withindevelopment boundaries. Phased proposals submitted for parts of thesite will not be permitted.Planning Unit -Case law helps to establish thecriteria for determining aplanning unit cf Burdle vSecretary of State [1972]For the purposes of this policy a“planning unit” is generallyregarded as the extent ofbuildings and/or land occupiedby the same primary use.Angus Local Plan Review23Finalised Plan

Figure 2.2 : Rural Settlement Units - Categories 1&2Area of <strong>Angus</strong> withinthe Cairngorms National ParkEdzellBrechinHillsideMontroseKirriemuirForfarLethamFriockheimInverkeilorGlamisAuchmithieNewtyleMonikieArbroathMuirhead &BirkhillWellbankNewbiggingMonifiethCarnoustieR.S.U Category 1R.S.U Category 2(C) CROWN COPYRIGHT, <strong>ANGUS</strong> COUNCIL LA09023L, 2005.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review22Finalised Plan

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