111a124ROADLB15SMPostBaldragon4371410176821339000735400735200Spring735000Re(co7348003390005055338600338800Farm CottagesBalmydown9335St1Strathmartine HospitalTCBChyLodgeLodgeStrathmartine HospitalPITEMPTONShelterPlayground16 1ASHTON TERRACE10Pitempton FarmBased upon Based the upon Ordnance upon the the Ordnance Survey mapping Survey Survey mapping with the permission with with the the permission ofof ofthe controller the the controller of HMSO of (c) HMSO of Crown HMSO (c) Copyright. Crown (c) Crown Copyright.Unauthorised Unauthorised reproduction reproduction infringes infringes Crown copyright Crown Crown copyrightand may and lead and may to may prosecution lead lead to prosecution to or civil proceedings. or civil or civil proceedings.Angus Council Angus Angus LA09023L, Council Council LA09023L, 2003 2005 20031:5000Dighty Water338600338800NROADPITEMPTONDightyWaterPITEMPTON ROAD338000338200338400005400390623Craigmil HousePlaying FieldsPavilionBridgefoot House43Craigmi lsCraig MillsTennis CourtDighty WaterSMWaterfa l0003FBOld BaldragonStrathmartine HospitalOld BaldragonI sues98.3mUndCRCo tagesBaldragonCo tagesSTRATHMARTINE ROADDismantled RailwayCFFAIRLIE TERRACEFAIRLIE TERRACE11UA Bdy338000Strathmartine HospitalBasedFinalised Angus Local Plan Review338200338400ST MARTIN AVENUEST MARTIN DRIVETrack24 22STRATHMARTINE ROAD90.8m20 18THOMS CLOSEBack RowCraigmillFront RowCRAIGMILL ROADSt Martin'sChurch(site of)GraveyardDimantled RailwayPath (um)El Sub Sta73378007734800735000735200735400337800Angus Local Plan Review270Finalised Plan

STRATHMARTINE HOSPITAL1. The Strathmartine Hospital Estate lies to the northwest of Dundee.Although a small part of the estate has been retained in health careuse the remainder of the site (17.5 ha) has been declared surplus tothe requirements of the NHS Trust. The surplus buildings andlandscaped grounds offer an opportunity for reuse and redevelopmentfor a range of uses, in the context of the strategy for the South AngusHousing Market Area.KEY ISSUE/DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY2. The development approach for the Strathmartine Hospital Estateduring the life of this Local Plan will be to support proposals for theappropriate reuse and redevelopment of the site for a mix of uses inthe context of the strategy for the South Angus Housing Market Area.Housing development will be limited to a maximum of 40 residentialunits from the conversion of the important category B listed buildingand any additional new housing.PROFILERole:Surplus former hospital siteon the northern fringe ofDundee.Drainage:Existing hospital drainagesystem.Surface water disposal tothe Dighty Water.3. The feasibility of other compatible land uses and activities such asbusiness uses, non-mainstream housing (nursing home, shelteredhousing, etc), leisure and recreational uses should be investigated. Acomprehensive strategy or master plan to guide the development ofthis important urban fringe site will be required and should addressissues such primary and secondary school capacity, timing andphasing of development, landscape setting and existing tree cover,and public safety and security related to existing redundant structures.OPPORTUNITY SITES4. The following site provides an opportunity for redevelopment.Where proposals involve new housing development they will require tocontribute towards meeting the provisions of Policy SC6: AffordableHousing (see page 27).St1: Opportunity Site - Strathmartine Hospital EstateThe Strathmartine Hospital Estate provides an opportunity forreuse and redevelopment for a range of uses. Proposals for reuseof the site must be in accordance with a comprehensive strategyor master plan which will be prepared for this site and includedetails of the following requirements:• retention of the existing listed building;• the timing, phasing and location of development;• public safety and security related to existing structures;• the retention of existing tree cover, enhancement of thelandscape setting and biodiversity of the site;• provision for public access to the landscaped grounds forinformal recreational purposes.Opportunity Sites: Sitesavailable for redevelopmentfor housing and/or otheruses. Given uncertaintiesrelated to the timing ofrelease of such sites fordevelopment and the rangeof potentially suitable uses,they are not countedtowards meeting theStructure Plan housingallowances until planningpermission is granted.Opportunity SiteSt1: StrathmartineHospital EstateHousing development will be limited to a maximum of 40residential units comprising the conversion of the existing listedbuilding and any limited new housing development.Angus Local Plan Review271Finalised Plan

111a124ROADLB15SMPostBaldragon4371410176821339000735400735200Spring735000Re(co7348003390005055338600338800Farm CottagesBalmydown9335St1Strathmartine HospitalTCBChyLodgeLodgeStrathmartine HospitalPITEMPTONShelterPlayground16 1ASHTON TERRACE10Pitempton FarmBased upon Based the upon Ordnance upon the the Ordnance Survey mapping Survey Survey mapping with the permission with with the the permission ofof ofthe controller the the controller of HMSO of (c) HMSO of Crown HMSO (c) Copyright. Crown (c) Crown Copyright.Unauthorised Unauthorised reproduction reproduction infringes infringes Crown copyright Crown Crown copyrightand may and lead and may to may prosecution lead lead to prosecution to or civil proceedings. or civil or civil proceedings.<strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Angus</strong> LA09023L, <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Council</strong> LA09023L, 2003 2005 20031:5000Dighty Water338600338800NROADPITEMPTONDightyWaterPITEMPTON ROAD338000338200338400005400390623Craigmil HousePlaying FieldsPavilionBridgefoot House43Craigmi lsCraig MillsTennis CourtDighty WaterSMWaterfa l0003FBOld BaldragonStrathmartine HospitalOld BaldragonI sues98.3mUndCRCo tagesBaldragonCo tagesSTRATHMARTINE ROADDismantled RailwayCFFAIRLIE TERRACEFAIRLIE TERRACE11UA Bdy338000Strathmartine HospitalBasedFinalised <strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review338200338400ST MARTIN AVENUEST MARTIN DRIVETrack24 22STRATHMARTINE ROAD90.8m20 18THOMS CLOSEBack RowCraigmillFront RowCRAIGMILL ROADSt Martin'sChurch(site of)GraveyardDimantled RailwayPath (um)El Sub Sta73378007734800735000735200735400337800<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review270Finalised Plan

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