HOUSINGNEW ALLOCATIONS4. Table 1 summarises new allocations of housing land which willcontribute towards meeting the Structure Plan allowances to 2011.L2 : Housing - Jubilee ParkTable 1 : New AllocationsL2 : Jubilee Park 30L3 : East HemmingStreet 30Total 602.3 ha of land between Bractullo Gardens and Letham PrimarySchool is allocated for around 30 houses. Proposals should bein accordance with the development brief which will be preparedfor this site which will include details of the followingrequirements :• provision of 0.7 ha of open space/playing fields adjacent tothe primary school which could incorporate a small carparking area accessed from Braehead Road;• a footpath/cycleway along the southern boundary of the sitelinking Woodside Road with the primary school includingpossible connections to Dundee Road via Bractullo Gardens,Jubilee Park and Old Letham;• vehicular access to serve the new housing from the existingdevelopment at Bractullo Gardens and/or Jubilee Park.Vehicular access to the new housing will not be permittedfrom Old Letham, Woodside Road or Braehead Road;• 15% of the capacity of the site to provide LCHO affordablehousing.Opportunity to provide vehicular access for residents atWoodside Road through this area should also be investigated aspart of this development.L3 : Housing - East Hemming Street2.9 ha of land at East Hemming Street/Gardyne Road is allocatedfor around 30 houses. Proposals should address the followingrequirements :• vehicular access from East Hemming Street;• footpath connections should be provided through the site, inparticular to give access to the primary school;• an appropriate scheme to secure the retention and reuse ofthe listed building within the site;• 15% of the capacity of the site to provide LCHO affordablehousing.WORKINGL4 : Safeguard of Employment LandExisting employment areas at East Den Brae and Dundee Roadwill be safeguarded for employment uses in support of theeconomic base of the village.Angus Local Plan Review238Finalised Plan

LETHAM GRANGE1. Letham Grange is a large country estate north of Arbroath whichhas developed over a number of years as a major recreational andresidential area comprising an hotel, two golf courses and sites for140 houses located in dispersed groups throughout the estate.KEY ISSUE/DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY2. The strategy for Letham Grange seeks to limit residentialdevelopment to the existing approved number and distribution ofhouse sites and to encourage proposals which enhance or expand theestate’s tourism and recreational potential.PROFILERole:Major recreational andresidential area incorporating anhotel and two golf courses.Housing Land Supply June2004:Existing - 3Drainage:Constrained by capacity ofexisting networkHOUSINGEXISTING SITES3. The existing housing land supply, comprising sites with planningpermission or under construction as identified in the Housing LandAudit June 2004, is shown in Table 1.Table1:Existing Sites(a) Letham Grange 3Total 3LG1 : Housing – Letham GrangeHousing development at Letham Grange will be limited to theapproved development layout of dispersed groups of sites to amaximum of 140 units.SPORT AND RECREATION4. The existing recreational facilities at Letham Grange are regardedas a major contribution to the attractiveness of the area. Futureproposals which consolidate and where appropriate expand thetourism potential of Letham Grange will be supported where these arecompatible with the existing land uses and amenity. Developmentdirectly affecting Letham Grange Hotel (Category A listed building) orits setting must respect the architectural quality and character of thebuilding.LG2 : Tourism and Recreation DevelopmentProposals which enhance or expand the tourism and recreationpotential of the Letham Grange complex will be supported wherethey are compatible with the existing land uses/activities and arenot detrimental to the area’s unique environment.LG3 : Letham Grange HotelDevelopment within the immediate vicinity of Letham GrangeHotel (Category ‘A’ Listed Building) must respect thearchitecture and character of the building.Angus Local Plan Review239Finalised Plan

HOUSINGNEW ALLOCATIONS4. Table 1 summarises new allocations of housing land which willcontribute towards meeting the Structure Plan allowances to 2011.L2 : Housing - Jubilee ParkTable 1 : New AllocationsL2 : Jubilee Park 30L3 : East HemmingStreet 30Total 602.3 ha of land between Bractullo Gardens and Letham PrimarySchool is allocated for around 30 houses. Proposals should bein accordance with the development brief which will be preparedfor this site which will include details of the followingrequirements :• provision of 0.7 ha of open space/playing fields adjacent tothe primary school which could incorporate a small carparking area accessed from Braehead Road;• a footpath/cycleway along the southern boundary of the sitelinking Woodside Road with the primary school includingpossible connections to Dundee Road via Bractullo Gardens,Jubilee Park and Old Letham;• vehicular access to serve the new housing from the existingdevelopment at Bractullo Gardens and/or Jubilee Park.Vehicular access to the new housing will not be permittedfrom Old Letham, Woodside Road or Braehead Road;• 15% of the capacity of the site to provide LCHO affordablehousing.Opportunity to provide vehicular access for residents atWoodside Road through this area should also be investigated aspart of this development.L3 : Housing - East Hemming Street2.9 ha of land at East Hemming Street/Gardyne Road is allocatedfor around 30 houses. Proposals should address the followingrequirements :• vehicular access from East Hemming Street;• footpath connections should be provided through the site, inparticular to give access to the primary school;• an appropriate scheme to secure the retention and reuse ofthe listed building within the site;• 15% of the capacity of the site to provide LCHO affordablehousing.WORKINGL4 : Safeguard of Employment LandExisting employment areas at East Den Brae and Dundee Roadwill be safeguarded for employment uses in support of theeconomic base of the village.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review238Finalised Plan

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