Area of Angus withinthe Cairngorms National ParkForfar, Kirriemuir andthe Angus GlensHousing Allowance 1085Completions 2001/04 223Planning Permissions 213Remaining Requirement 649EdzellBrechinBrechin/MontroseHousing Allowance 835Completions 2001/04 224Planning Permissions 291Remaining Requirement 320HillsideMontroseKirriemuirForfarLethamFriockheimInverkeilorGlamisNewtyleArbroathMuirhead &BirkhillSouth Angus - Carnoustie,Monifieth & the SidlawsHousing Allowance 1045Completions 2001/04 401Planning Permissions 552Remaining Requirement 92WellbankMonikieMonifiethCarnoustieArbroath HMABrechin/Montrose HMAArbroathHousing Allowance 850Completions 2001/04 325Planning Permissions 207Remaining Requirement 318Forfar,Kirriemuir & Glens HMA(C) CROWN COPYRIGHT, ANGUS COUNCIL LA09023L, 2005.South Angus HMAAngus Local Plan Review18Finalised Plan

2.8 Figure 2.1, page 18 shows the housing market areas andincludes a summary of the housing land supply position at 2004 foreach. The summaries identify the Dundee and Angus Structure Planallowances for each area over the period 2001 – 2011 and showsthe level of new housing which this Local Plan needs to plan fortaking account of completions between 2001 and 2004 and thenumber of sites with planning permission. Sites are allocated in theSettlement Statements in Part 4 of the Plan. In some locationsspecific land allocations are likely to accommodate housing landrequirements beyond 2011. Where appropriate, specific proposalsrefer to this in order to guide the phasing of future development andinvestment planning.Housing Land Supply2.9 The Local Plan allocates housing development in the mainsettlements in each housing market area, giving priority to the reuseand redevelopment of brownfield sites where possible, and wherethe resulting development is capable of providing an attractive,liveable residential environment. In addition some greenfield sitesare allocated to provide an element of choice and to assist inmeeting the housing requirements of the Dundee and AngusStructure Plan. These allocations augment the existing supply ofsites that already have planning permission. The continuingeffectiveness and progress of the housing land supply is monitoredthrough the annual Dundee and Angus Housing Land Audit.2.10 The allocations of housing land are detailed in the SettlementStatements in Part 4 of the Local Plan. It should be noted that thefigures attributed to each allocation are indicative only andmay change subject to the achievement of a satisfactoryresidential environment, which has regard to the character andappearance of the surrounding area. Appendix 2 (page 295)provides a summary of all housing sites, which together contributetowards the allowances of the Dundee and Angus Structure Plan.Policy SC1 : Housing Land SupplyAdequate land has been allocated in the Local Plan to meet theallowances of the Dundee and Angus Structure Plan up to 2011as illustrated in Table 2.1. Land identified for residentialdevelopment will be safeguarded from alternative uses, and itseffectiveness will be monitored through the annual audit ofhousing land.• Proposals for majordevelopment on greenfieldsites elsewhere in the Dundeeand South Angus housingmarket area will not bepermitted where this wouldseriouslyprejudiceimplementation of the DundeeWesternGatewaydevelopment. In the Monifieth,Carnoustie and Sidlaw area,additions to the effectivehousing land supply will befocussed on the mainsettlements of Monifieth andCarnoustie and contribute to arange and choice of sitesthroughout the wider housingmarket area.Dundee and Angus StructurePlanHousing Policy 4 : AngusHousing Market Areas – LocalPlans will allocate land to meet theallowances detailed in Schedule 1.A range and choice of sites shouldbe provided in each housingmarket area and priority given tothe reuse of previously developedland. The majority of the additionalallowances for each market areashould be directed to Arbroath,Forfar, Montrose and Brechinrespectively.Brownfield Sites:These are normally sites, whichhave previously been developedor used for some purpose, whichhas ceased. They may encompassreuse of existing buildings byconversion; demolition and newbuild; clearance of vacant orderelict land and new build; infilland various other forms ofintensification. It excludes privateand public gardens, sports andrecreation grounds, woodlandsand amenity open spaces.Greenfield Sites:These are sites which have neverbeen previously developed orused for an urban use, or are onland that has been brought intoactive or beneficial use foragriculture or forestry ie fullyrestored derelict land.Dundee and Angus HousingLand Audit: prepared annually, inconsultation with CommunitiesScotland and Homes for Scotland.Angus Local Plan Review19Existing Sites: Sites withplanning permission or which areunder construction. Shown in theSettlement Statements and listedin Appendix 2.Effective Housing Land: Landfree or expected to be free ofconstraints in the five year periodunder consideration and thereforeavailable for the construction ofhouses.Finalised Plan

Area of <strong>Angus</strong> withinthe Cairngorms National ParkForfar, Kirriemuir andthe <strong>Angus</strong> GlensHousing Allowance 1085Completions 2001/04 223Planning Permissions 213Remaining Requirement 649EdzellBrechinBrechin/MontroseHousing Allowance 835Completions 2001/04 224Planning Permissions 291Remaining Requirement 320HillsideMontroseKirriemuirForfarLethamFriockheimInverkeilorGlamisNewtyleArbroathMuirhead &BirkhillSouth <strong>Angus</strong> - Carnoustie,Monifieth & the SidlawsHousing Allowance 1045Completions 2001/04 401Planning Permissions 552Remaining Requirement 92WellbankMonikieMonifiethCarnoustieArbroath HMABrechin/Montrose HMAArbroathHousing Allowance 850Completions 2001/04 325Planning Permissions 207Remaining Requirement 318Forfar,Kirriemuir & Glens HMA(C) CROWN COPYRIGHT, <strong>ANGUS</strong> COUNCIL LA09023L, 2005.South <strong>Angus</strong> HMA<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review18Finalised Plan

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