2171279Playground235412A 928177469007468007467007466007465007464007463003382003383003384003385003386003387006600FB746900IssuesFBBM 72.43mSt Fergus's WellPath (um)se Lodge82.7mPlaying FieldAngles ParkManse74680083.8mCross SlabKIRKWYNDWr TBM 84.66mSDSt Fergus's ChurchSt Fergus's Church(remains of)Path (um)3980Path (um)PumpAngus Folk CollectionSewageWorksStrathmoreArmsHotel6Wr TPOEl Sub Sta746700South Lodge2186.0mSTREET19 17 15 9 to 13 7MAIN16 18145Kendal121036 8TCB1BM 85.64m2PCThe Square6 7 8 93 4SD84.0mHall6Path (um)21Ivy Cottage89.3mCottageDaisyBREAHEAD ROAD202282630BM 83.02m746600MemorialPolice Station90.2mTel ExWestview CottageAllotmentGardensHallBM 88.19mMonSchoolHouseGlamisPrimary SchoolShelterDUNDEE ROADWestendCottage2 12Rose CottageG1GlamisCar ParkGarage3Glamis BurnBuilder's Yard772561746500136STRATHMORE ROAD2011DistrictNurse'sHouse2087.0mSIWeirCHARLESTON ROAD6 20Braidwood2135 7STRATHMORE TERRACE920G(a)19The Mill52BM 90.21mSaw Mill746400Cemetery122192.5mTankSinksBM 96.17m97.6m746300100.1mA 928Path (um)338200GlamisFinalised Angus Local Plan Review338300 338400338500338600WeirSluiceBased upon the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission ofthe controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright.Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyrightand may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.Angus Council LA09023L, 2005DrainTanksN1:3000FishHatche338700Angus Local Plan Review212Finalised Plan

GLAMIS1. Glamis is valuable to the tourism economy of Angus. The village sitsat the gates of Glamis Castle, home of the Earl of Strathmore. Anyfuture development should be of a high quality which respects thehistorical character and setting of the village and does not detract fromits role as a focus for tourism. There is scope for limited areas of newdevelopment within the village which if sensitively designed willcomplement the existing village. Modest new housing development andthe potential to accommodate local business or tourism uses areprovided for.KEY ISSUES2. The issues for Glamis are:• To allow for limited new development which does not compromisethe role of the village as a significant tourist location;• To promote high quality development which complements theconservation area and wider heritage value of the village.• The limited capacity of the Waste Water Treatment Plant that is aconstraint to further development in GlamisPROFILERole:Glamis is the focus of theGlamis Estate, located 8kmto the west of Forfar. Thevillage has a smallpopulation but is a populartourist destination andtherefore supports a range ofvaluable services for localpeople and visitors.Population:Census: 2001 – 233;1991 - 259;% Change 91/01 : -10.04.Housing Land Supply June2004:existing - 24.Drainage:Capacity for additionaldevelopment may be limited.DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY3. The strategy for Glamis seeks to:-• Support the development of new housing at Dundee Road;• Safeguard an area suitable to accommodate new local businessand/or tourism uses;• Encourage ongoing environmental improvements within the villagehaving regard to its status as an outstanding conservation area;• Continue to support the valuable tourism role of the village bymaking provision for additional facilities or services in support ofthat function.GENERAL4. The Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) serving Glamis hascapacity issues. The site at Dundee Road West was allocated in thefirst Angus Local Plan as a housing allocation, but limited to 24 houses.Planning permission has now been granted for this project, andconsequently the drainage threshold for Glamis has now beenreached. Further development will depend on investment in the WWTPalthough there is no project in Scottish Water’s Investment Plan toresolve this issue. Angus Council will press Scottish Water forresolution of this drainage problem to enable appropriate futuredevelopment and the attraction of new investment to Glamis.Angus Local Plan Review213Finalised Plan

GLAMIS1. Glamis is valuable to the tourism economy of <strong>Angus</strong>. The village sitsat the gates of Glamis Castle, home of the Earl of Strathmore. Anyfuture development should be of a high quality which respects thehistorical character and setting of the village and does not detract fromits role as a focus for tourism. There is scope for limited areas of newdevelopment within the village which if sensitively designed willcomplement the existing village. Modest new housing development andthe potential to accommodate local business or tourism uses areprovided for.KEY ISSUES2. The issues for Glamis are:• To allow for limited new development which does not compromisethe role of the village as a significant tourist location;• To promote high quality development which complements theconservation area and wider heritage value of the village.• The limited capacity of the Waste Water Treatment Plant that is aconstraint to further development in GlamisPROFILERole:Glamis is the focus of theGlamis Estate, located 8kmto the west of Forfar. Thevillage has a smallpopulation but is a populartourist destination andtherefore supports a range ofvaluable services for localpeople and visitors.Population:Census: 2001 – 233;1991 - 259;% Change 91/01 : -10.04.Housing Land Supply June2004:existing - 24.Drainage:Capacity for additionaldevelopment may be limited.DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY3. The strategy for Glamis seeks to:-• Support the development of new housing at Dundee Road;• Safeguard an area suitable to accommodate new local businessand/or tourism uses;• Encourage ongoing environmental improvements within the villagehaving regard to its status as an outstanding conservation area;• Continue to support the valuable tourism role of the village bymaking provision for additional facilities or services in support ofthat function.GENERAL4. The Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) serving Glamis hascapacity issues. The site at Dundee Road West was allocated in thefirst <strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan as a housing allocation, but limited to 24 houses.Planning permission has now been granted for this project, andconsequently the drainage threshold for Glamis has now beenreached. Further development will depend on investment in the WWTPalthough there is no project in Scottish Water’s Investment Plan toresolve this issue. <strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will press Scottish Water forresolution of this drainage problem to enable appropriate futuredevelopment and the attraction of new investment to Glamis.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review213Finalised Plan

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