42247166521744600744500744400744300744200744100744000368100 368200 368300 368400Mean Low Water SpringsMean High Water SpringsAuchmithie52.4mCave3055RockRock44.8mShingleSeaton ofAuchmithieRocksBM 43.44mMaiden StaneCoastal Slope2426Shingle20ETHIE STREETElSub3529Sta39.9mPO31TCB39 401538Hotel565040.2m LBWellPath (um)4845Coastal Slope61 56PCWaterfall1538SpreadsRocksCoastalSlopeRock2821ShingleShingleHarbourMudCoastal SlopeRockBouldersPath (um)ShingleCastle RockFortShingle2808RockShingleCoastalCoastal SlopeSlopeupon the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission ofthe controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright.Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyrightand may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.Angus Council LA09023L, 2005Based upon Based the Ordnance upon the Survey Ordnance mapping Survey with mapping the permission with the of permission ofthe controller the of controller HMSO (c) of Crown HMSO Copyright. (c) Crown Copyright.Unauthorised Unauthorised reproduction reproduction infringes Crown infringes copyright Crown copyrightand may lead and to may prosecution lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. or civil proceedings.Angus Council Angus LA09023L, Council 2003 LA09023L, 20031:3500Coastguard StationCottages368100 368200 368300RockNRocks1a3684000014367700 367800 367900 3680000053Reservoir(covered)7239Am1 Parkland Area7ETHIE STREET3944 48El Sub StaHall40.2m2312927KIRKBANK262316 2230 34 3870496869Am1 HousingChurchBM 41.99mOld Manse6111SinksIssues39.6m0014Old SchoolhouseDrain6200 77007809AuchmithieBasedFinalised Angus Local Plan Review367700 367800 367900 368000367600367600744000744100744200744300744400744500744600Angus Local Plan Review168Finalised Plan

AUCHMITHIE1. The small fishing village of Auchmithie, perched above the cliffswas designated a conservation area in 1972. It is a populardestination for local visitors with its old harbour and cliffs.KEY ISSUE/DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY2. A drainage embargo at Auchmithie has constrained the possibilityof new development in recent years and consequently the levels ofpopulation and available facilities have reduced. Of particular localconcern is the lack of any significant area of outdoor recreationfacilities.3. The village is served by a communal septic tank which hasrecently been replaced by Scottish Water (SW) to improve outflow, tomeet environmental standards. SW are monitoring the outflow andthere may be capacity in the new tank to accommodate some limiteddevelopment. SEPA will require to be assured that the future outflowof the tank will not breach mandatory Bathing Waters Standards. Ifsome residential development can be accommodated within thecapacity of the existing tank or a privately funded upgrade could beagreed, potential for increasing traffic problems limits options for itslocation.PROFILERole:Originally a small fishingvillage, about 4km north ofArbroath.Population:Census: 2001 - 1831991 - 221% change 91/01 - 17%Drainage:Formal drainage constraintWater Supply:Available4. The development strategy for Auchmithie seeks to provideopportunity for new housing and address the issue of play space. Inaddition Angus Council will also seek to establish a programme forsmall scale environmental improvements within the villageHOUSINGNEW ALLOCATIONS5. 3. Table 1 summarises new allocations for housing land which willcontribute towards meeting the Structure Plan allowances to 2011.Table 1: New AllocationsAm1 : North of Kirkbank 10Total 106. In conjunction with and as part of the proposed new housingdevelopment, opportunity will also be sought to establish new villagepark that will provide for outdoor play needs.Am1 : Housing - KirkbankApprox 0.8ha of land immediately north of the existing houses atKirkbank is allocated for residential development of around 10dwellings, subject to available drainage capacity. Developmentof this site should:-• allocate 20% of the capacity of the site to provide LCHOaffordable housing;• have regard to its edge of village location; and• incorporate appropriate landscaping and boundarytreatment.Angus Local Plan Review169Finalised Plan

42247166521744600744500744400744300744200744100744000368100 368200 368300 368400Mean Low Water SpringsMean High Water SpringsAuchmithie52.4mCave3055RockRock44.8mShingleSeaton ofAuchmithieRocksBM 43.44mMaiden StaneCoastal Slope2426Shingle20ETHIE STREETElSub3529Sta39.9mPO31TCB39 401538Hotel565040.2m LBWellPath (um)4845Coastal Slope61 56PCWaterfall1538SpreadsRocksCoastalSlopeRock2821ShingleShingleHarbourMudCoastal SlopeRockBouldersPath (um)ShingleCastle RockFortShingle2808RockShingleCoastalCoastal SlopeSlopeupon the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission ofthe controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright.Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyrightand may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.<strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> LA09023L, 2005Based upon Based the Ordnance upon the Survey Ordnance mapping Survey with mapping the permission with the of permission ofthe controller the of controller HMSO (c) of Crown HMSO Copyright. (c) Crown Copyright.Unauthorised Unauthorised reproduction reproduction infringes Crown infringes copyright Crown copyrightand may lead and to may prosecution lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. or civil proceedings.<strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Angus</strong> LA09023L, <strong>Council</strong> 2003 LA09023L, 20031:3500Coastguard StationCottages368100 368200 368300RockNRocks1a3684000014367700 367800 367900 3680000053Reservoir(covered)7239Am1 Parkland Area7ETHIE STREET3944 48El Sub StaHall40.2m2312927KIRKBANK262316 2230 34 3870496869Am1 HousingChurchBM 41.99mOld Manse6111SinksIssues39.6m0014Old SchoolhouseDrain6200 77007809AuchmithieBasedFinalised <strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review367700 367800 367900 368000367600367600744000744100744200744300744400744500744600<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review168Finalised Plan

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