OPPORTUNITY SITES10. There are a number of sites in Forfar that provide opportunitiesfor redevelopment. Where proposals involve new housingdevelopment they will require to contribute towards meeting theprovisions of Policy SC6: Affordable Housing (see page 27). Somesites are within an area affected by a drainage constraint, although itis anticipated foul drainage may be accommodated on a ‘like for like’basis. A separate system for disposal of surface water will berequired.F8 : Opportunity Site - South Street0.8 ha of land at South Street provides an opportunity for a highdensity development of town houses and flats. Proposalsshould provide for improved sightlines at the StrangStreet/South Street corner through realignment of the buildingline and/or reduction in the height of the walls.Opportunity Sites: Sitesavailable for redevelopment forhousing and/or other uses.Given uncertainties related tothe timing of release of suchsites for development and therange of potentially suitableuses, they are not countedtowards meeting the StructurePlan housing allowances untilplanning permission is granted.Opportunity SitesF8 : South StreetF9 : Forfar InfirmaryF10 : New RoadF11 : St James RoadF9 : Opportunity Site - Forfar Infirmary1.2 ha of land at Forfar Infirmary provides an opportunity foraround 30 dwellings, business or community uses. The mainvehicular access should be from Montrose Road. Pedestrian andcycle routes linking Montrose Road and Arbroath Road shouldbe provided through the site. The existing boundary wall alongthe Arbroath Road frontage will require to be retained andincorporated into development proposals.F10 : Opportunity Site - New Road2.4 ha of land at New Road provides an opportunity foralternative uses including housing, business, community uses orretailing which is complementary to the town centre; or anappropriate mix of these uses. Vehicular access will not bepermitted from The Vennel.F11 : Opportunity Site - St James Road1.1 ha of land to the south of St James Road will provide anopportunity for alternative uses including housing, business orcommunity uses; or an appropriate mix of these uses. Proposalsshould address the street frontage along St James Road, whichis one of the main routes through the southern part of the town.WORKINGSITES PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED BY THE FIRST ANGUS LOCALPLAN11. The first Angus Local Plan allocated land at Orchardbank foremployment purposes. The construction of roads and infrastructurehas commenced on site.F12 : Working - Orchardbank29.6 ha of land to the west of Orchardbank adjacent the A90(T) isreserved for a ‘Gateway’ development comprising businessdevelopment (Class 4*), general industry (Class 5*), storage andAngus Local Plan Review134Finalised Plan

distribution (Class 6*), a landscaped spine incorporating a publicpath, appropriate boundary treatment including landscaping,screening and mounding for noise attenuation, and roadsidefacilities including a travel lodge. Development should be inaccordance with the approved Development Brief for the site.(Outline planning permission for a business park, roadside facilitiesand a travel lodge style hotel was granted 16 July 2004, detailedplanning permission for infrastructure and landscaping was granted 8June 2004).*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.F13 : Working – Carseview Road4 ha of land at Carseview Road is allocated principally forgeneral industrial development (Class 5*). There may also bescope for limited areas of business (Class 4*) development in thewestern part of the site. Access will be from Carseview Road anda landscaped buffer will be required along the northern andwestern boundaries.TOWN CENTRES AND RETAILING12. Forfar is a market town serving a large rural area, and the towncentre provides for a range of uses including retail, business, office,other service activities and housing. Angus Council will supportprivate sector initiatives for appropriate improvement and/orredevelopment in the town centre. This could include proposals tostrengthen and enhance the area’s retail and service function,including mixed-use redevelopment and housing in upper floors.COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES13. School facilities in Forfar are to be upgraded as part of theCarnoustie and Forfar Schools Public Private Partnership (PPP)Project, programmed for completion by July 2008. The proposals forForfar are :• a replacement two-stream primary school at Langlands within theexisting site,• upgrading of Kirkriggs to a two-stream primary school, and• a new-build two-stream primary school at Whitehills Nursery, FyfeStreet.14. Completion of the PPP proposals for Forfar will result in existingprimary schools at Wellbrae and Chapelpark, a listed building,becoming surplus to the Education Department’s requirements.Proposals for redevelopment or reuse of these sites will be required totake account of the amenity of surrounding areas and relevant policiesof this Local Plan. The site at Lilybank which was formerly reservedfor education purposes is surplus to requirements and is no longerreserved for development in this Plan.15. Separate to the PPP project, a site for a new primary school isreserved within Policy F7 : New Neighbourhood – Westfield to meetfuture educational needs arising from that development.Angus Local Plan Review135Finalised Plan

OPPORTUNITY SITES10. There are a number of sites in Forfar that provide opportunitiesfor redevelopment. Where proposals involve new housingdevelopment they will require to contribute towards meeting theprovisions of Policy SC6: Affordable Housing (see page 27). Somesites are within an area affected by a drainage constraint, although itis anticipated foul drainage may be accommodated on a ‘like for like’basis. A separate system for disposal of surface water will berequired.F8 : Opportunity Site - South Street0.8 ha of land at South Street provides an opportunity for a highdensity development of town houses and flats. Proposalsshould provide for improved sightlines at the StrangStreet/South Street corner through realignment of the buildingline and/or reduction in the height of the walls.Opportunity Sites: Sitesavailable for redevelopment forhousing and/or other uses.Given uncertainties related tothe timing of release of suchsites for development and therange of potentially suitableuses, they are not countedtowards meeting the StructurePlan housing allowances untilplanning permission is granted.Opportunity SitesF8 : South StreetF9 : Forfar InfirmaryF10 : New RoadF11 : St James RoadF9 : Opportunity Site - Forfar Infirmary1.2 ha of land at Forfar Infirmary provides an opportunity foraround 30 dwellings, business or community uses. The mainvehicular access should be from Montrose Road. Pedestrian andcycle routes linking Montrose Road and Arbroath Road shouldbe provided through the site. The existing boundary wall alongthe Arbroath Road frontage will require to be retained andincorporated into development proposals.F10 : Opportunity Site - New Road2.4 ha of land at New Road provides an opportunity foralternative uses including housing, business, community uses orretailing which is complementary to the town centre; or anappropriate mix of these uses. Vehicular access will not bepermitted from The Vennel.F11 : Opportunity Site - St James Road1.1 ha of land to the south of St James Road will provide anopportunity for alternative uses including housing, business orcommunity uses; or an appropriate mix of these uses. Proposalsshould address the street frontage along St James Road, whichis one of the main routes through the southern part of the town.WORKINGSITES PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED BY THE FIRST <strong>ANGUS</strong> <strong>LOCAL</strong><strong>PLAN</strong>11. The first <strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan allocated land at Orchardbank foremployment purposes. The construction of roads and infrastructurehas commenced on site.F12 : Working - Orchardbank29.6 ha of land to the west of Orchardbank adjacent the A90(T) isreserved for a ‘Gateway’ development comprising businessdevelopment (Class 4*), general industry (Class 5*), storage and<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review134Finalised Plan

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