SITES PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED BY THE FIRST ANGUS LOCALPLAN8. The sites summarised in Table 2 were previously identified in thefirst Angus Local Plan but have not yet come forward. This Plancontinues the allocation of these sites for housing development, andwhere appropriate the wording of the proposal and/ or the indicativeyield from the site may have changed. Development may bedependant on the completion of Phase 3 of the Forfar SewersRenewal Scheme which is indicated by Scottish Water for completionduring 2005.Table 2 : Sites from First ALPF2 : Beechill Nursery 5F3 : Green Street 20Total 25F2 : Housing - Beechill Nursery1.4 ha of land is allocated for residential development of around5 dwellings. The site must be accessed directly from Lour Roadand development must safeguard trees within the site.F3 : Housing - Green Street1 ha of land at Green Street is allocated for residentialdevelopment of around 20 dwellings. (Planning permission for 18flats granted 30 September 2004)NEW ALLOCATIONS9. Table 3 summarises new allocations of housing land which willcontribute towards meeting the Structure Plan allowances to 2011.The sites allocated are considered to have the potential to deliverattractive places to live in a range of locations across Forfar, meetinga variety of different housing needs. Taking account of the scale of thesites identified, the likely timescales within which development mightbegin and the issues that each of the sites must address,development of some sites is planned to come forward on a phasedbasis, with development expected to continue beyond 2011.Table 3 : New AllocationsF4 : Wester Restenneth 70F5 : Whitehills Nursery 15F6 : Dundee Road 100F7 : Westfield 300Total 485F4 : Housing - Wester Restenneth20 ha of land at Wester Restenneth, between the Montrose Roadand the Old Brechin Road, is allocated for around 140 dwellingsand major areas of open space. A first phase of up to 70dwellings will be permitted in the period to 2011.A comprehensive development scheme will be required for thewhole site which should address the following requirements:• A full remediation statement will be required for the site,indicating the areas of made ground and how these will beremediated.• 15% of the capacity of the site to provide LCHO affordablehousing.• Foul drainage arrangements for this site will be via theMontrose Road sewer on completion of Phase 3 of the ForfarSewers Renewal Scheme which is indicated by ScottishWater for completion during 2005. Foul drainage connectionsinto another part of the sewerage system wouldunacceptably limit drainage available in other parts of thetown.Angus Local Plan Review132Finalised Plan

F5 : Housing - Whitehills Nursery0.7 ha of land at Whitehills Nursery between Prior Road andStation Road is allocated for around 15 dwellings with arequirement for 15% of the capacity of the site to provide LCHOaffordable housing. Vehicular access will be taken from FyfeStreet.A further 6ha of land may have potential for housingdevelopment, subject to satisfactory access arrangements, andwill require to be confirmed by a future local plan.F6 : Housing - Dundee Road5.4 ha of land at Dundee Road is allocated for around 100dwellings. Proposals should include 15% of the capacity of thesite to provide LCHO affordable housing.F7 : New Neighbourhood - WestfieldApproximately 107 ha of land on the western edge of Forfarbetween the Glamis Road and the Dundee Road is identified forthe development of a new neighbourhood, including major areasof open space. Proposals should be in accordance with thedevelopment brief which will be prepared for this site which willinclude details for the following phases of development.Land is allocated for an initial phase of development in theperiod to 2011 comprising:-(a) approximately 28 ha of land for up to 300 dwellings, with 15%of the capacity of the site to provide LCHO affordablehousing; a new distributor road linking Dundee Road /Westfield Loan and the Glamis Road; open space/parkfacilities; and an area of land for possible communityfacilities;(b) the provision of approximately 37 hectares of land for openspace/recreational use which is required to ensure the longterm maintenance of a green buffer between developmentand the A90(T). Within this area only built development thatis ancillary to the use of the land for open space/recreationalpurposes will be acceptable.An area of land is safeguarded for further development in theperiod beyond 2011. Development proposals will require to beconfirmed by a future local plan and may comprise:(c) land for residential development, including affordablehousing;(d) a site for a new primary school;(e) an area on the south side of the Glamis Road forbusiness/employment development.Angus Local Plan Review133Finalised Plan

F5 : Housing - Whitehills Nursery0.7 ha of land at Whitehills Nursery between Prior Road andStation Road is allocated for around 15 dwellings with arequirement for 15% of the capacity of the site to provide LCHOaffordable housing. Vehicular access will be taken from FyfeStreet.A further 6ha of land may have potential for housingdevelopment, subject to satisfactory access arrangements, andwill require to be confirmed by a future local plan.F6 : Housing - Dundee Road5.4 ha of land at Dundee Road is allocated for around 100dwellings. Proposals should include 15% of the capacity of thesite to provide LCHO affordable housing.F7 : New Neighbourhood - WestfieldApproximately 107 ha of land on the western edge of Forfarbetween the Glamis Road and the Dundee Road is identified forthe development of a new neighbourhood, including major areasof open space. Proposals should be in accordance with thedevelopment brief which will be prepared for this site which willinclude details for the following phases of development.Land is allocated for an initial phase of development in theperiod to 2011 comprising:-(a) approximately 28 ha of land for up to 300 dwellings, with 15%of the capacity of the site to provide LCHO affordablehousing; a new distributor road linking Dundee Road /Westfield Loan and the Glamis Road; open space/parkfacilities; and an area of land for possible communityfacilities;(b) the provision of approximately 37 hectares of land for openspace/recreational use which is required to ensure the longterm maintenance of a green buffer between developmentand the A90(T). Within this area only built development thatis ancillary to the use of the land for open space/recreationalpurposes will be acceptable.An area of land is safeguarded for further development in theperiod beyond 2011. Development proposals will require to beconfirmed by a future local plan and may comprise:(c) land for residential development, including affordablehousing;(d) a site for a new primary school;(e) an area on the south side of the Glamis Road forbusiness/employment development.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review133Finalised Plan

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