Access should be taken from Barry Road. Ground conditionsurveys establishing the suitability of the ground for housing orother built uses will be required.*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.C4 : Opportunity Site - Greenlaw Hill1.7 ha of land at Greenlaw Hill provides an opportunity forresidential development which should reflect the rural settingand open nature of this site, and its prominence at the entranceto Carnoustie on the Upper Victoria Link.Access will be from the Upper Victoria Link road anddevelopment will not be permitted until the new road iscompleted.C5 : Opportunity Site – Links Parade,Former Dalhousie Golf ClubApproximately 0.7ha of land at Links Parade provides anopportunity for redevelopment for leisure uses, holidayaccommodation, offices, housing or mix of these uses.WORKING11. There is a lack of employment land to serve the needs of newand expanding businesses within the Carnoustie/Barry/Monifietharea. The rationalisation of Heather Pre-Packs to a single, servicedsite at Clayholes Farm provides a basis for establishing an area foremployment use on the west side of Balmachie Road.C6 : Working - Clayholes FarmApproximately 5ha of land is allocated at Clayholes Farm forClass 4* (business), Class 5* (general industry), and Class 6*(storage and distribution) uses.Proposals should include details of requirements for significantlandscaping and planting to create a buffer around the wholesite to protect the amenity of surrounding land uses, and toscreen the site from the north.*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.TOWN CENTRES AND RETAILING12. As with many small towns, Carnoustie town centre provides for arange of uses including retail, business, office, other service activitiesand housing. The mix of uses and layout which contribute to thetown’s unique character, also limit the opportunity for majorredevelopment. Angus Council will support private sector initiativesfor the appropriate improvement and/or redevelopment in Carnoustietown centre. This could include proposals to strengthen andenhance the area’s retail and service function, including mixed-useredevelopment and housing in upper floors.Angus Local Plan Review124Finalised Plan

COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES13. The Health Authority has determined that the present healthcentre on Dundee Street is inadequate to meet the futurerequirements of Carnoustie and Barry residents. Following extensiveinvestigation a site for a replacement facility has been identified atPitskelly Park.C7: Replacement Health Centre, Barry Road0.4 ha of land at Pitskelly Park, Barry Road, is reserved for anew health centre. (Planning permission for the development wasgranted in November 2004)14. School facilities in Carnoustie are to be upgraded as part of theCarnoustie and Forfar Schools Public Private Partnership (PPP)project, programmed for completion by July 2008. For Carnoustie theproject comprises:-• a new two stream primary school at Thomas Street;• a new build single stream primary school for central Carnoustieat Queen Street/Newton Road;• upgrading of the existing Carlogie Primary School; and• replacement of Carnoustie High School teaching blocks.15. Completion of the project in Carnoustie will result in the primaryschools at Kinloch, Dundee Street; Barry and Panbride becomingsurplus to the Education Department’s requirements. Proposals forthe redevelopment or reuse of these sites will be required to takeaccount of the amenity of surrounding areas and relevant policies ofthis Local Plan.C8 : Primary School Site - Thomas Street2.4 ha of land at Thomas Street is allocated for a new twostream primary school.C9 : Primary School Site - Queen Street1.2 ha of land at Queen Street is allocated for a new singlestream primary school.16. An extension to Shanwell Cemetery was allocated in the firstAngus Local Plan. This Local Plan reaffirms the allocation of land fora cemetery extension.C10 : Shanwell Cemetery Extension0.4 ha of land adjoining the existing Shanwell Cemetery isreserved as an extension. Upgrading of the access road fromthe Upper Victoria Link along the line of the existing track willbe required.SPORT AND RECREATION17. This Local Plan continues the land allocation from the firstAngus Local Plan for a new sports ground and associated facilities atShanwell Road, adjacent to Carnoustie High School.Angus Local Plan Review125Finalised Plan

Access should be taken from Barry Road. Ground conditionsurveys establishing the suitability of the ground for housing orother built uses will be required.*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.C4 : Opportunity Site - Greenlaw Hill1.7 ha of land at Greenlaw Hill provides an opportunity forresidential development which should reflect the rural settingand open nature of this site, and its prominence at the entranceto Carnoustie on the Upper Victoria Link.Access will be from the Upper Victoria Link road anddevelopment will not be permitted until the new road iscompleted.C5 : Opportunity Site – Links Parade,Former Dalhousie Golf ClubApproximately 0.7ha of land at Links Parade provides anopportunity for redevelopment for leisure uses, holidayaccommodation, offices, housing or mix of these uses.WORKING11. There is a lack of employment land to serve the needs of newand expanding businesses within the Carnoustie/Barry/Monifietharea. The rationalisation of Heather Pre-Packs to a single, servicedsite at Clayholes Farm provides a basis for establishing an area foremployment use on the west side of Balmachie Road.C6 : Working - Clayholes FarmApproximately 5ha of land is allocated at Clayholes Farm forClass 4* (business), Class 5* (general industry), and Class 6*(storage and distribution) uses.Proposals should include details of requirements for significantlandscaping and planting to create a buffer around the wholesite to protect the amenity of surrounding land uses, and toscreen the site from the north.*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.TOWN CENTRES AND RETAILING12. As with many small towns, Carnoustie town centre provides for arange of uses including retail, business, office, other service activitiesand housing. The mix of uses and layout which contribute to thetown’s unique character, also limit the opportunity for majorredevelopment. <strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will support private sector initiativesfor the appropriate improvement and/or redevelopment in Carnoustietown centre. This could include proposals to strengthen andenhance the area’s retail and service function, including mixed-useredevelopment and housing in upper floors.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review124Finalised Plan

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