permission granted July 2004 to convert the school building to 10flats/1 house, and outline planning permission granted July 2004 for10 houses in adjacent ground).REGENERATION PROJECT7. The Queens Park Housing Estate has been identified asappropriate for regeneration to provide a wider choice of mixed tenurehousing through demolition of the existing flats and the construction ofnew dwellings. Opportunities for environmental improvement includinglandscaping and boundary treatment will also be promoted toenhance the entrance to the town.B3 : Regeneration - Queens Park2.0 ha of land at Queens Park, provides an opportunity forredevelopment to provide around 35 dwellings including privateand social rented accommodation and children’s nursery.Development proposals should seek to address the north eastand north west corners of the site which are highly visible on theapproach to and from Brechin. (Outline planning permissiongranted September 2004).OPPORTUNITY SITES8. There are a number of sites in Brechin that provide opportunitiesfor redevelopment. Where proposals involve new housingdevelopment they will require to contribute towards meeting theprovisions of Policy SC6: Affordable Housing (see page 27).B4 : Opportunity Site - Albert Place0.22 ha of land at Albert Place provides an opportunity for reuse/redevelopmentto provide around 10 dwellings. The site ispartly vacant and partly in industrial use, and its redevelopmentis dependent upon the whole site becoming available. Proposalsfor the comprehensive redevelopment of the whole site will berequired taking account of the guidance in Angus Council AdviceNote 6: Backland Housing Development.Opportunity Sites: Sitesavailable for redevelopment forhousing and/or other uses. Givenuncertainties related to the timingof release of such sites fordevelopment and the range ofpotentially suitable uses, theyare not counted towards meetingthe Structure Plan housingallowances until planningpermission is granted.Opportunity SitesB4: Albert PlaceB5: Scott StreetB6: Witchden Road - formergas worksB7: Southesk Street /Commerce StreetB5 : Opportunity Site - Scott Street, Goods Yard2.4 ha of land at Scott Street provides an opportunity forredevelopment for around 70 dwellings. A comprehensivelandscaping scheme will be required to enhance the amenity ofthe area and provide a buffer to the railway line.Angus Local Plan Review116Finalised Plan

B6 : Opportunity Site - Witchden Road, Former Gas Works0.6 ha of land at the former gas works site provides anopportunity for redevelopment for a variety of uses includingresidential or business use (Class 4*) subject to a siteinvestigation being undertaken to assess potential landcontamination and the satisfactory completion of anyremediation works.*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.B7 : Opportunity Site - Southesk Street/Commerce StreetThe vacant site fronting onto the east side of Southesk Streetprovides opportunity for redevelopment for alternative usescompatible with the surrounding area including office/businessuse (Class 4*). The wall forming the boundary with SoutheskStreet is Category B listed and will require to be incorporatedinto development proposals.*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.TOWN CENTRES AND RETAILING9. Building upon previous environmental improvement schemes andin support of a wider regeneration strategy for the town, AngusCouncil will seek to establish a Townscape Heritage Initiative withinthe historic centre of Brechin.B8 : Town Centre ImprovementsAngus Council will support appropriate initiatives including theestablishment of a Townscape Heritage Initiative for theimprovement and/or redevelopment of buildings and sites withinBrechin Town Centre where they support and enhance the area’sretail and service function.SPORT AND RECREATIONB9 : Community Woodland - CookstonApproximately 7.3 ha of land adjacent to the A90(T) at Cookstonis allocated for community woodland and recreational openspace. All woodland areas should principally comprise nativespecies.B10 : Open Space Area - Cookston4.9 ha of land on the west side of Cookston Road, adjacent to theA90(T), is allocated for recreational open space to complementthe use of the existing community woodland for recreationalactivity.TOURISMB11 : Hotel/Travel Lodge Development - Dubton Farm1.5 ha of land in the west of Brechin, north of the A935, isallocated for a hotel/travel lodge (Class7*) use. The site isAngus Local Plan Review117Finalised Plan

B6 : Opportunity Site - Witchden Road, Former Gas Works0.6 ha of land at the former gas works site provides anopportunity for redevelopment for a variety of uses includingresidential or business use (Class 4*) subject to a siteinvestigation being undertaken to assess potential landcontamination and the satisfactory completion of anyremediation works.*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.B7 : Opportunity Site - Southesk Street/Commerce StreetThe vacant site fronting onto the east side of Southesk Streetprovides opportunity for redevelopment for alternative usescompatible with the surrounding area including office/businessuse (Class 4*). The wall forming the boundary with SoutheskStreet is Category B listed and will require to be incorporatedinto development proposals.*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.TOWN CENTRES AND RETAILING9. Building upon previous environmental improvement schemes andin support of a wider regeneration strategy for the town, <strong>Angus</strong><strong>Council</strong> will seek to establish a Townscape Heritage Initiative withinthe historic centre of Brechin.B8 : Town Centre Improvements<strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will support appropriate initiatives including theestablishment of a Townscape Heritage Initiative for theimprovement and/or redevelopment of buildings and sites withinBrechin Town Centre where they support and enhance the area’sretail and service function.SPORT AND RECREATIONB9 : Community Woodland - CookstonApproximately 7.3 ha of land adjacent to the A90(T) at Cookstonis allocated for community woodland and recreational openspace. All woodland areas should principally comprise nativespecies.B10 : Open Space Area - Cookston4.9 ha of land on the west side of Cookston Road, adjacent to theA90(T), is allocated for recreational open space to complementthe use of the existing community woodland for recreationalactivity.TOURISMB11 : Hotel/Travel Lodge Development - Dubton Farm1.5 ha of land in the west of Brechin, north of the A935, isallocated for a hotel/travel lodge (Class7*) use. The site is<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review117Finalised Plan

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