BRECHIN1. The ‘Cathedral City’ of Brechin functions as an employment,commercial and service centre for north Angus. The town contains anumber of attractive and distinctive areas including its characterfultown centre, the Cathedral precinct with its round tower and lanes, StNinians Square and the Caledonian Railway Station.2. The first Angus Local Plan encouraged economic regeneration andinward investment by providing opportunities for business, leisure,tourism and housing together with environmental improvement of thetown centre. This Local Plan maintains this approach and continues tosupport and build upon measures aimed at improving theattractiveness of the town for inward investment. This includes theprovision of attractive and well located sites for housing to the west ofthe town, developing the potential for recreation and tourism andpromoting the regeneration and improvement of vacant andunderused sites. Further improvement of the town centre environmentremains a key focus of the strategy. Angus Council will seek toestablish a Townscape Heritage Initiative for Brechin to facilitate therestoration, repair and reuse of historic buildings within the centralarea of the town.PROFILERole:North-east Angus market townproviding a range of servicesand facilities to thesurrounding area.Population:Census 2001 – 7199;1991 – 7655;% Change 91/01 : - 5.96.Housing Land Supply June2004 :existing - 119constrained - 80Employment Land Supply2004:Brechin Business Park-7.85haMontrose Road – 0.14haDrainage:Capacity with localisedconstraints affecting parts ofthe town.KEY ISSUES3. The main issues affecting Brechin include:-• how to encourage and improve the vitality and viability of the towncentre;• how to encourage the regeneration of vacant and underusedbuildings and land;• how to fully build upon measures already in place aimed atimproving the attractiveness of Brechin for inward investment.DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY4. The Development Strategy for Brechin seeks to:-• provide for a range of housing development by releasinggreenfield land on the west side of the town and promoting theuse of available brownfield land;• support measures which will regenerate the town centre andenhance its historic character and general environment;• improve the environment by encouraging urban renewal of vacantand underused sites;• support the potential for recreation and tourism development byreserving a site in the west of Brechin for improved visitoraccommodation as part of the existing gateway facility.• integrate recreational open space in association with the releaseof new land for housing development in the west of the town.Angus Local Plan Review114Finalised Plan

HOUSINGEXISTING SITES5. The existing housing land supply, comprising sites with planningpermission or under construction as identified in the Housing LandAudit June 2004, is shown in Table 1.NEW ALLOCATIONS6. Table 2 summarises new allocations of housing land which willcontribute towards meeting the Structure Plan allowances to 2011.B1 : Housing - Dubton FarmApproximately 29 ha of greenfield land in the west of Brechin atDubton is allocated for residential development together withsignificant areas of landscaping and public open space.Table 1 : Existing Sites(a) River Street 8(b) Bearehill /Rosehill 93(c) Witchden Road 8(d) Guthrie Park 10Total 119Table 2 : New AllocationsB1 : Dubton Farm 100B2 : Andover School 20Total 120An initial phase of 100 units will be released within the planperiod. The scale of further land release in the period beyond2011 will be determined by a future Local Plan. Proposals shouldbe in accordance with the development brief which will beprepared for this site which will include details of the followingrequirements:• structural landscaping within and around the periphery of thesite, including the provision of community woodlandadjacent to the A90(T) to provide effective noise mitigation,define development areas and help to integrate newdevelopment into the existing landscape framework andadjacent built up area;• access to be taken directly from the A935 and PittendriechRoad;• provision for public transport and linkages for pedestriansand cyclists throughout the whole site and to key publicplaces such as schools, the town centre, communitywoodland areas, Brechin Business Park and visitor attractionto the west;• developer investment to upgrade off site sewers;• noise impact assessment focusing on the A90(T) and BrechinBusiness Park to the west;• provision of associated community facilities;• 25% of the capacity of the site should provide LCHOaffordable housing.B2 : Housing - Andover School, Nursery Lane0.83 ha of land at the former Andover School comprising theexisting stone building and adjacent ground is allocated foraround 20 dwellings. The school building is Category B listedand will require to be retained. Proposals to convert the schoolbuilding to housing must comply with Policy ER14 of the LocalPlan (page 69). Whilst there is potential for housing to be builtwithin adjacent ground to the south and north of the school,proposals must comply with Policy ER15 (page 70). The site issurrounded by a stone boundary wall which will require to beretained as part of any development proposals. (Full planningAngus Local Plan Review115Finalised Plan

BRECHIN1. The ‘Cathedral City’ of Brechin functions as an employment,commercial and service centre for north <strong>Angus</strong>. The town contains anumber of attractive and distinctive areas including its characterfultown centre, the Cathedral precinct with its round tower and lanes, StNinians Square and the Caledonian Railway Station.2. The first <strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan encouraged economic regeneration andinward investment by providing opportunities for business, leisure,tourism and housing together with environmental improvement of thetown centre. This Local Plan maintains this approach and continues tosupport and build upon measures aimed at improving theattractiveness of the town for inward investment. This includes theprovision of attractive and well located sites for housing to the west ofthe town, developing the potential for recreation and tourism andpromoting the regeneration and improvement of vacant andunderused sites. Further improvement of the town centre environmentremains a key focus of the strategy. <strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will seek toestablish a Townscape Heritage Initiative for Brechin to facilitate therestoration, repair and reuse of historic buildings within the centralarea of the town.PROFILERole:North-east <strong>Angus</strong> market townproviding a range of servicesand facilities to thesurrounding area.Population:Census 2001 – 7199;1991 – 7655;% Change 91/01 : - 5.96.Housing Land Supply June2004 :existing - 119constrained - 80Employment Land Supply2004:Brechin Business Park-7.85haMontrose Road – 0.14haDrainage:Capacity with localisedconstraints affecting parts ofthe town.KEY ISSUES3. The main issues affecting Brechin include:-• how to encourage and improve the vitality and viability of the towncentre;• how to encourage the regeneration of vacant and underusedbuildings and land;• how to fully build upon measures already in place aimed atimproving the attractiveness of Brechin for inward investment.DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY4. The Development Strategy for Brechin seeks to:-• provide for a range of housing development by releasinggreenfield land on the west side of the town and promoting theuse of available brownfield land;• support measures which will regenerate the town centre andenhance its historic character and general environment;• improve the environment by encouraging urban renewal of vacantand underused sites;• support the potential for recreation and tourism development byreserving a site in the west of Brechin for improved visitoraccommodation as part of the existing gateway facility.• integrate recreational open space in association with the releaseof new land for housing development in the west of the town.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review114Finalised Plan

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