projects, which will retain and enhance the unique character ofthe Harbour, will be sought.A15 : Improvement Of Tourist LinkagesAngus Council will continue to pursue the strengthening oflinkages between the Abbey Precinct, High Street and Harbourarea and the West Links as a means of consolidating andpromoting tourist and environment benefits to both Arbroath andAngus.TOWN CENTRES AND RETAILING22. Arbroath supports a wide range of retail provision in terms of type,form and location including a covered mall, major food stores and arange of regional and national multiple stores’ and independentretailers. The recent establishment of the Westway Retail Park atDundee Road offers opportunities for larger retail units to bedeveloped within Arbroath. There is also the potential to developleisure facilities at this gateway location.23. Evidence and findings from a recent Public Local Inquiry inconnection with major retail development proposals has confirmedthat there is expenditure capacity to support a second superstore thatwould improve the range and choice of convenience retailing forconsumers and reduce the leakage of expenditure from the catchmentarea. Angus Council has agreed that an additional superstore ofaround 5000 square metres (gross) would be appropriate. Followingfurther consideration of the locational options, the Council hasidentified the Westway Retail Park as the preferred location havingregard to various issues including accessibility and distribution, retailfunctions, development constraints, and land use and regenerationopportunities.A16 : Westway - Dundee RoadLand at Westway/Dundee Road is reserved for retail use, leisureuse and ancillary development including the provision of a foodretail store (around 5000 sqm gross) and non food retailwarehouses for sale of durable goods (limited to bulky andelectrical goods.)24. The town centre contains a mixture of land uses, which the LocalPlan seeks to maintain and strengthen, through the implementation ofa package of environmental improvements and other initiatives (suchas the Townscape Heritage Initiative). These aim to support thephysical and economic regeneration of the town and its historic core.The High Street remains a focus both for shopping and as a linkbetween two major attractions within the town, at the Abbey and theHarbour.Townscape Heritage Initiative(THI)A five-year programme of grantassistance for the social,economic and heritageregeneration of historic towncentres.25. The West Port is an important part of Arbroath, both as ashopping street and a conservation area. Whilst Angus Council willencourage new uses where they are compatible with existingactivities, retailing is important in retaining the vitality and viability ofthe area.Angus Local Plan Review108Finalised Plan

A17 : West Port Shopping FrontageProposals involving the change of use of existing ground floorretail premises (Class 1*) shops will only be acceptable where:-• it can be demonstrated that the property has been vacant forat least 12 months and actively marketed for retail use in thattime; or• at least 5% of retail units within the West Port are vacant.Where development proposals satisfy the above criteria thefollowing will also apply:-• ground floor frontage development should include a shopwindow frontage and maintain an appropriate windowdisplay; and• a condition will be applied (in accordance with Circular4/1998) to restrict the permission to the use specified.Proposals for the establishment of hot food takeaways will beconsidered in the context of Policy SC25: Public Houses and HotFood Takeaways, Restaurants and Cafes.Circular 4/1998 – The use ofconditions in PlanningPermissions*As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION26. The implementation of projects to improve transport links isimportant to maintaining and improving accessibility within and aroundArbroath. The former goods yard at Helen Street has been identifiedby Network Rail as a strategic site, which will be safeguarded forfuture use as a potential rail freight facility.A18 : Helen Street - Goods YardThe site of the former railway goods yard at Helen Street issafeguarded as a potential site for a rail freight facility.ENVIRONMENTTOWNSCAPE HERITAGE INITIATIVE27. The approval of the application for Townscape Heritage Initiative(THI) recognises the quality of Arbroath’s historic town centre. The THIis a partnership of the Heritage Lottery Fund, the European RegionalDevelopment Fund, Scottish Enterprise Tayside, Historic Scotland andAngus Council. The THI has funds to support projects, which furthersocial, economic and heritage regeneration within the Arbroath No1Conservation Area.Townscape Heritage Initiative(THI)A five-year programme of grantassistance for the social,economic and heritageregeneration of historic towncentres.HOSPITALFIELD28. Hospitalfield House (a Category A listed building and ScheduledAncient Monument), set in around 22 ha of managed woodland andopen agricultural land, is a prominent feature in the local landscapeand a unique private open space within Arbroath. The Local Planpolicy seeks to maintain this unique character and all developmentproposals will require to be accompanied by a conservation and/ordesign statement demonstrating how they contribute to the characterAngus Local Plan Review109Finalised Plan

projects, which will retain and enhance the unique character ofthe Harbour, will be sought.A15 : Improvement Of Tourist Linkages<strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will continue to pursue the strengthening oflinkages between the Abbey Precinct, High Street and Harbourarea and the West Links as a means of consolidating andpromoting tourist and environment benefits to both Arbroath and<strong>Angus</strong>.TOWN CENTRES AND RETAILING22. Arbroath supports a wide range of retail provision in terms of type,form and location including a covered mall, major food stores and arange of regional and national multiple stores’ and independentretailers. The recent establishment of the Westway Retail Park atDundee Road offers opportunities for larger retail units to bedeveloped within Arbroath. There is also the potential to developleisure facilities at this gateway location.23. Evidence and findings from a recent Public Local Inquiry inconnection with major retail development proposals has confirmedthat there is expenditure capacity to support a second superstore thatwould improve the range and choice of convenience retailing forconsumers and reduce the leakage of expenditure from the catchmentarea. <strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has agreed that an additional superstore ofaround 5000 square metres (gross) would be appropriate. Followingfurther consideration of the locational options, the <strong>Council</strong> hasidentified the Westway Retail Park as the preferred location havingregard to various issues including accessibility and distribution, retailfunctions, development constraints, and land use and regenerationopportunities.A16 : Westway - Dundee RoadLand at Westway/Dundee Road is reserved for retail use, leisureuse and ancillary development including the provision of a foodretail store (around 5000 sqm gross) and non food retailwarehouses for sale of durable goods (limited to bulky andelectrical goods.)24. The town centre contains a mixture of land uses, which the LocalPlan seeks to maintain and strengthen, through the implementation ofa package of environmental improvements and other initiatives (suchas the Townscape Heritage Initiative). These aim to support thephysical and economic regeneration of the town and its historic core.The High Street remains a focus both for shopping and as a linkbetween two major attractions within the town, at the Abbey and theHarbour.Townscape Heritage Initiative(THI)A five-year programme of grantassistance for the social,economic and heritageregeneration of historic towncentres.25. The West Port is an important part of Arbroath, both as ashopping street and a conservation area. Whilst <strong>Angus</strong> <strong>Council</strong> willencourage new uses where they are compatible with existingactivities, retailing is important in retaining the vitality and viability ofthe area.<strong>Angus</strong> Local Plan Review108Finalised Plan

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