Frame Relay - for Faster and More Efficient Data Communications ...

Frame Relay - for Faster and More Efficient Data Communications ...

Frame Relay - for Faster and More Efficient Data Communications ...

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Computerised System <strong>for</strong> QualityInspection in Optical-Fibre CableProductionGoran Nilsson <strong>and</strong> Solweig ViklundIn order to meet the market's increasingly stringent quality requirements - thosespecified in SS-ISO 9001, <strong>for</strong> example - Ericsson Cables AB in Hudiksvall, Sweden,has developed a computerised system <strong>for</strong> quality inspection in optical-fibre cableproduction. The system, called Dehlfi, has been in operation at the Hudiksvall factorysince 1988; another version has been used at Ericsson Cables' Spanish factory sinceits inauguration in July, 1991.The authors describe the system's design, functions <strong>and</strong> field of application.optical cablesoptical fibresquality controlinspectionstatistical process controlFig. 1Workplaces, terminals <strong>and</strong> test stations in theDehlfi systemQuality is a concept of vital importance toEricsson Cables. For a product to be improved<strong>and</strong> optimised, its characteristicsmust be known. Knowledge of a product'squality is largely a matter of in<strong>for</strong>mation -in design, sales <strong>and</strong> administration - <strong>and</strong>this in<strong>for</strong>mation must be easy to underst<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> make use of.A considerable number of parameters areneeded in the design <strong>and</strong> manufacture ofoptical fibre <strong>and</strong> cable. Large amounts ofmeasurement data have to be presentedin an attractive <strong>and</strong> comprehensible way -even to our customers. To achieve ourquality objectives we must have a systemthat can receive, store, process <strong>and</strong>present the necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation. That iswhy Ericsson Cables has developed acomputerised system called Dehlfi (<strong>Data</strong>baseat Ericsson Hudiksvall <strong>for</strong> optical Fibre<strong>and</strong> cable).Some requirements have been given toppriority in the development of the system:- data must admit of being automaticallyentered <strong>and</strong> stored in the database- the database must be user-friendly <strong>and</strong>easy to modify- the database must allow the use of complexrelations- printouts - especially those in the <strong>for</strong>mof customer documents- must be of highquality.The manufacture of fibre <strong>and</strong> cable is describedin References 1 <strong>and</strong> 2.System description<strong>Data</strong>baseThe core of Dehlfi is a minicomputer. It isan HP 9000/835S, with RISC architectureERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

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