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ERICSSONREVIEW1-21992<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> - <strong>for</strong> <strong>Faster</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>More</strong> <strong>Efficient</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Communications</strong>Computerised System <strong>for</strong> Quality Inspection in Optical-Fibre Cable ProductionHuman Factors - A Key to Improved QualityCell-voltage Equalisers Series BMP 160In Search of Managed Objects

ERICSSON REVIEWNumber 1-2 • 1992 • Volume 69Responsible publisher Bo Hed<strong>for</strong>sEditor Per-Olof ThyseliusEditorial staff Martti ViitaniemiSubscription Peter MayrSubscription one year $30Address S-126 25 Stockholm, SwedenPublished in English with four issues per yearCopyright Telefonaktiebolaget L M EricssonContents2 • Editorial Changes3 • <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> - <strong>for</strong> <strong>Faster</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>More</strong> <strong>Efficient</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Communications</strong>12 • Computerised System <strong>for</strong> Quality Inspection in Optical-Fibre CableProduction20 • Human Factors - A Key to Improved Quality28 • Cell-voltage Equalisers Series BMP 16034 • In Search of Managed ObjectsCoverDehlfi is a computerised system <strong>for</strong> qualityinspection in optical-fibre cable production. TheDehlfi system is available in three languages:English, Spanish <strong>and</strong> Swedish. The pictureshows cable attenuation testing at Ericsson'sFibroco factory in Spain.

ERICSSON REVIEWBO HEDFORSPublisher 1992-GOSTA LINDBERGPublisher 1979-1991EDITORIAL CHANGESOn March 1, 1992, Gosta Lindberg <strong>and</strong>Goran Norrman retired from their respectiveposts as publisher <strong>and</strong> editor of EricssonReview. The new publisher is Bo Hed<strong>for</strong>s,senior vice president in TelefonaktiebolagetL M Ericsson <strong>and</strong> Director of CorporateSystems <strong>and</strong> Technology. Per-OlofThyselius has been appointed as the neweditor.Gosta Lindberg succeeded Dr ChristianJacobaeus as publisher of Ericsson Reviewin 1979, following his appointment asTechnical Director of TelefonaktiebolagetL M Ericsson. Gosta Lindberg has takenan active part in making Ericsson Reviewan objective <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mative technical journal<strong>and</strong> has been a valuable support to thesuccessive editors during his 13 years aspublisher.Goran Norrman leaves his position as editorof Ericsson Review with this issue.When he succeeded Gosta Neovius, in1986, he had a long <strong>and</strong> successful serviceto the company behind him. His broadtechnical knowledge <strong>and</strong> interest intechnology has been very valuable in hiseditorial work, which has been much appreciatedby the publisher <strong>and</strong> management,<strong>and</strong> not least by the readers.From the editor's deskThis, the first issue of Ericsson Review aftermy appointment as editor, is also thefirst issue to be published in English only.Subscribers who have previously receivedthe French, Spanish or Swedish editionswill from now on receive only the Englishedition. When the Board of Ericsson Reviewrecently decided to stop publishing thenon-English editions, their prime motivewas the awkward delay between the first<strong>and</strong> last editions - even considering thatEricsson Review has never had the ambitionto be a technical news magazine.Another basis <strong>for</strong> the decision was, of cource,our firm belief that the majority of ourFrench, Spanish <strong>and</strong> Swedish readers arefamiliar with English.Ericsson Review was first published in1923, <strong>and</strong> as early as 1924 it became afive-language magazine. Since the discontinuanceof the German edition, it hasbeen issued in four languages. The ambitionfrom the start was to publish a technicalmagazine to spread knowledge ofEricsson products <strong>and</strong> Ericsson technologyto our customers' technical staffs <strong>and</strong>to the technical staffs within our own worldwideorganisation. This objective has neverbeen changed. The major content ofEricsson Review has always been descriptionsof our different systems <strong>and</strong> products<strong>and</strong> outlines of our technical objectives.Occasionally, the magazine has also containednews from Ericsson's business operations,large telecom exhibitions <strong>and</strong>conferences.Scientific material from our applied researchactivities had once an exclusiveoutlet in the <strong>for</strong>m of Ericsson Technics.This magazine was integrated with EricssonReview in 1978. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, it turnedout that scientific material met with difficultiesin competing <strong>for</strong> space in EricssonReview. The readers are the only oneswho can change this situation, <strong>and</strong> we willcertainly appreciate it if they in<strong>for</strong>m us oftheir views on Ericsson Review <strong>and</strong> itscontents.During my 38 years of working with differentparts of Ericsson, I have myself beena regular reader of Ericsson Review. Takingoffice as editor I will do my best tocreate a readable <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mative magazinein the years to come.GORAN NORRMANEditor 1986-1991To avoid the situation of our English readersreceiving the first issue of Ericsson Review1992 prior to the last 1991 issue, wehave chosen to publish a double-issue:1-2, 1992.PER-OLOF THYSELIUSEditor 1992-ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> - <strong>for</strong> <strong>Faster</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>More</strong><strong>Efficient</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Communications</strong>Kajsa LundfallKAJSA LUNDFALLEricsson Business <strong>Communications</strong>Today, workstations <strong>and</strong> personal computers have become everyday tools. This fachas radically changed the conditions <strong>for</strong> data communications networking. Theprocessing power has moved from computer centres to users' desks. Thecommunications pattern is also different: it is no longer a matter of exchangingtransactions of the question/answer type, but of transferring large volumes of data inthe <strong>for</strong>m of "bursts". At the same time, technological improvements in the transportnetworks have resulted in better data transmission quality. This, in turn, reduces theneed <strong>for</strong> error-correcting functions in the communication protocols; instead, ef<strong>for</strong>tsfocus on the ever-growing need <strong>for</strong> higher transmission speed. <strong>Efficient</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling ofthe new situation requires new protocols <strong>and</strong> new communications systems.The author describes the way technological advances <strong>and</strong> a growing market dem<strong>and</strong>contribute to the development of new communications protocols such as <strong>Frame</strong><strong>Relay</strong>. The article compares <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> to packet switching (X.25) <strong>and</strong> describeshow <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> works.data communication systemscomputer networkspacket switchingprotocolsFig. 1Traditional centralised multi-user systemThe environment is primarily designed <strong>for</strong> moderatetransmission speedIn the last few years we have been witnessinghow developments in the data processing<strong>and</strong> data communication fieldshave changed the use of computers inmany companies. Due to the low cost ofpersonal computers <strong>and</strong> workstations,practically every desk is equipped withthese tools today. The typical in<strong>for</strong>mationsystem is no longer a centralised multiusersystem, but a decentralised systemmade up of interacting Local Area Networks(LAN). These inter-networks (composedof various LANs) place new dem<strong>and</strong>son the Wide Area Networks (WAN).Centralised systemsThe core of a typical transaction-orientedsystem is a central host computer whichserves a large number of terminal usersconnected via concentrators <strong>and</strong> communicationprocessors, Fig. 1. All exchangeof in<strong>for</strong>mation between a terminal <strong>and</strong> itsenvironment takes place via the host computer,which also accommodates all processingpower. Most of today's applications<strong>and</strong> communication networks havebeen designed <strong>for</strong> operation in this environment.The typical transaction is a text string (aquestion) which is sent to the host computer,<strong>and</strong> a full screen (an answer) which issent from the host computer to the terminal.Very little graphics - if any at all - isused, <strong>and</strong> the amount of in<strong>for</strong>mation transferredis small. Moderate transmissionspeed can be used, even when the requirements<strong>for</strong> short response time are stringent.Distributed systemsThe present development in computertechnology is creating a new computer environment- based on Local Area Networks<strong>and</strong> distributed, interacting applications- which supplements the traditionalhost computer configuration. LANs usesimple protocols <strong>and</strong> provide high transmissionspeed <strong>for</strong> data communicationsover short distances. Gone is the centralisedarrangement, with a master-slave relationshipbetween computer <strong>and</strong> terminal,in which all in<strong>for</strong>mation must pass througha mainframe.Local Area Networks <strong>and</strong> personal computershave developed along parallel lines.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

4Fig. 2Distributed computer environment based on LocalArea Networks using internal transmissionspeeds of several Mbit/s. This places exactingdem<strong>and</strong>s on the datacom network, which is requiredto provide cost-effective LAN-to-LANcommunicationsFig. 3The transfer time varies with the link transmissionspeed, which in turn is dependent on thetype of file transferred. When programs or filescontaining graphics are to be transferred, a linktransmission speed of 64 kbit/s will result in unsatisfactoryresponse timeFig. 4A client-server application makes efficient use ofthe combined processing power provided by thehost computer <strong>and</strong> the personal computer/workstation.This makes exacting dem<strong>and</strong>s on thenetworkType of file 64 kbit's 2 Mbit*2 text pages 1/3s 1/100 s1 page of spreadsheet 6 s 1/5 s1 drawing page 15 s 1/2 sLarge program file 1 min 2 sThe design of protocols <strong>for</strong> Local Area Networkshas been based on the dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>these networks to be capable of h<strong>and</strong>lingshort response times <strong>and</strong> transferringlarge amounts of data (file transfers, etc).This has been achieved by building LANswith internal cabling <strong>for</strong> data transmissionat high speeds. The Wide Area Networks,on the other h<strong>and</strong>, use the existing transmissioninfrastructure, which is primarilydesigned <strong>for</strong> telephone traffic.Increasingly, applications in the LAN environmentare introducing more graphics,which accentuates the need <strong>for</strong> large filein<strong>for</strong>mation transfer at high speed. An LANcan manage transmission speeds of 4,10or 16 Mbit/s, or even more. The transfertime is short even <strong>for</strong> large in<strong>for</strong>mation volumes,<strong>and</strong> databases, program libraries<strong>and</strong> advanced I/O devices serving the entirenetwork have become a reality. In atypical LAN, data is processed on theuser's own personal computer or workstation.The user connects himself to the networkonly to print out files or to transfer filesor programs to a server or retrieve themfrom that server. In<strong>for</strong>mation is transferredin the <strong>for</strong>m of short bursts at a relativelylow frequency.The need <strong>for</strong> communications outside thelocal environment requires adistributed infrastructure,as exemplified in Fig. 2. ButLAN-to-LAN traffic in Wide Area Networksis not altogether uncomplicated. Both technology<strong>and</strong> economy make the transmissionspeed on the links between local environmentsa restricting factor. Fig. 3 illustratesthe differences in transfer time <strong>for</strong>different file types transferred on a link at9.6 kbit/s, 64 kbit/s <strong>and</strong> 2 Mbit/s.New architecturesThe processing power offered by today'sPCs <strong>and</strong> workstations is sufficient <strong>for</strong> mostapplications. <strong>Data</strong>bases, program libraries<strong>and</strong> many other applications are characterisedby the need <strong>for</strong> common resources<strong>for</strong> storing in<strong>for</strong>mation or <strong>for</strong> tellingusers where a certain type of in<strong>for</strong>mationcan be accessed. In LANs, thesecommon resources are available in servers.In most PC networks, however, servershave so far been used only as an extrahard disk <strong>for</strong> storage <strong>and</strong> printout of data.All processing of data has taken placein the local workstation. In order to makemore efficient use of the processing powerERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 5The X.25 protocol places the users' data In packets,which are sent one after the other on theline. In this way, maximum use Is made of the capacityof the connection. Each connection is virtual,which means that several sessions can usethe same physical line simultaneouslyPacket, virtual channel 1Packet, virtual channel 2Fig. 6X.25 switching permits maximum utilisation ofthe capacity of the connection, all of which isavailable <strong>for</strong> use by the party who needs it <strong>for</strong>the momentB<strong>and</strong>widthprovided by the server, a new type of applicationhas emerged in which the server<strong>and</strong> the workstation share the processingwork. This new way of designing applicationsis called the client-server model,Fig. 4.In the future, the client-server concept maypermit use of the network as an externaldata bus between workstation <strong>and</strong> server,a configuration which will place very highdem<strong>and</strong>s on fast <strong>and</strong> safe in<strong>for</strong>mationtransfer in the network.The client-server model does not requirethat the user knows where the requestedin<strong>for</strong>mation is stored. It may be in a serverin his own LAN or in another LAN that<strong>for</strong>ms part of the network. The location ofdata is transparent to the user: he addressesthe service he wants to use, leaving itto the network to keep track of where it isexecuted. These conditions set the requirements<strong>for</strong> LAN-to-LAN traffic thatcharacterise future development of longdistancenetworks.Improved transport networksThe ongoing modernisation of public telecomnetworks replaces analog transmissionto a great extent with more robust digitaltechnology, including extensive useof fibre optic cables that are immune to interference.The result is significantly decreasederror rate <strong>and</strong> a dramatic reductionin the leasing cost of digitalconnections <strong>for</strong> transmission speeds of 64kbit/s <strong>and</strong> upwards.Planning <strong>for</strong> highertransmission speedThe Local Area Networks have the capacityrequired to meet the need <strong>for</strong> highspeedconnections with very short delay,which is the result of increased workstationprocessing power <strong>and</strong> larger in<strong>for</strong>mationvolume in each transfer. The digitalisationof public networks makes it possibleto meet this need in Wide Area Networkstoo. However, a traffic pattern characterisedby short in<strong>for</strong>mation bursts <strong>and</strong> hightransmission speed means poor utilisationof point-to point connections between twoLocal Area Networks. Communication protocolswhich permit interleaving of trafficfrom a large number of users over a singlecommunication line, are a prerequisite<strong>for</strong> cost-effective h<strong>and</strong>ling in Wide AreaNetworks.X.25So far, X.25, or packet switching, has beenthe leading established communicationsprotocol capable of interleaving data frommany users over a single line. Packetswitching is used both <strong>for</strong> public services<strong>and</strong> in private networks in order to ensuresatisfactory economic utilisation of networktrunks, Fig. 5.X.25 is an effective method <strong>for</strong> meetingintermittent data communication needs,<strong>and</strong> today's X.25 networks have worldwidecoverage. X.25 does not stipulate pre-allocationof a specific portion of the bit flowto a specific connection between two users.As opposed to time division multiplexing,this means that the whole bit flow isavailable to the user who has data to sendat the moment, Fig. 6. This also means thatseveral so-called "virtual connections" areset up in parallel over the same physicallink. Each of these connections is allocateda logical channel: a unique identity indicatedin the data packet header.Two types of connection are defined inX.25: Permanent Virtual ConnectionsERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 7A company's data network should be designedso as to permit both existing <strong>and</strong> future applicationsto use the same physical networkBox 1St<strong>and</strong>ardisation of <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong><strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> as a communications st<strong>and</strong>ard wasfirst proposed by CCITT in the late 80's <strong>and</strong> thenpresented in Recommendation 1.122. At that time,the US st<strong>and</strong>ardisation body ANSI had also beganto take an interest in this field, but the resultof both bodies' work was rather long in coming.Northern Telecom, DEC, CISCO, <strong>and</strong> Stratacomthere<strong>for</strong>e took the matter in their own h<strong>and</strong>s, submittingat the end of 1990 a proposal <strong>for</strong> a st<strong>and</strong>ardbased on the existing - but still incomplete -proposals drawn up by CCITT <strong>and</strong> ANSI. This proposalalso contained a "Local Management Interface",LMI, which describes the exchange of in<strong>for</strong>mationon link status between the DTEs <strong>and</strong>the network. To complete the work <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>ce thepace of st<strong>and</strong>ardisation, <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> Forum wasestablished in January, 1991.<strong>More</strong> than 70 companies including Ericsson arenow members of <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> Forum, which doesnot do any st<strong>and</strong>ardisation work of its own but submitsproposals to existing st<strong>and</strong>ardisation bodiessuch as CCITT, ANSI <strong>and</strong> ETSI. The <strong>for</strong>mation of<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> Forum speeded up the st<strong>and</strong>ardisationwork, <strong>and</strong> the CCITT <strong>and</strong> ANSI st<strong>and</strong>ardshave now reached an appreciable degree of development,including the specification of LMI functionality.CCITT's recommendations include I.223 (whichdescribes the service), Q.922 (describing theframe) <strong>and</strong> 0.933 (signalling). ANSI's versions ofthese st<strong>and</strong>ards, which are basically equivalent tothose specified by CCITT, are called T1.606 (theservice), T1.618 (frame) <strong>and</strong> T1.617 (signalling).(PVC) <strong>and</strong> Virtual Connections (VC). ThePermanent Virtual Connection is a networkpath which is predefined by the networkoperator. The procedure <strong>for</strong> setting up aVirtual Connection includes indication ofthe address by means of a Network TerminalNumber, which is unique to each setof equipment connected. No network operatoris involved in this set-up procedure,which results in the establishment of a networkpath that remains connected until thesender or receiver orders its release.The X.25 protocol is based on the store<strong>and</strong>-<strong>for</strong>wardprinciple. Packets enteringthe network are stored in a buffer <strong>and</strong>passed on in the order of their arrival. Thetransfer over each individual link is monitoredseparately, <strong>and</strong> an error results in initiationof retransmission on the link. In thisway, correct data transfer is possible evenin networks with heavily disturbed connections.There is one disadvantage, however;the protocol h<strong>and</strong>ling requires muchprocessing power, which causes delay<strong>and</strong> limits the available transfer speed. Today,a typical X.25 network cannot efficientlyutilise link speeds above 64 kbit/s.But the development towards higher transmissionspeed is evident in the X.25 networks,too, <strong>and</strong> follows the developmentof microprocessor capacity.Due to their limited transmission speed,X.25 networks have not been consideredeffective enough <strong>for</strong> the interconnection ofLANs in a wide-area environment. Pointto-pointconnections have been preferredwhen high transmission speed has beenthe prime requirement. Although point-topointconfigurations provide the requiredtransmission speed, they are not usuallycost-effective. The reason <strong>for</strong> this is thatLAN interconnect applications generatedata in the <strong>for</strong>m of bursts; that is, they utilisethe available capacity <strong>for</strong> very short periodsonly. In fact, the connections are passivemost of the time, resulting in a low degreeof utilisation.Network solutions of today <strong>and</strong>tomorrowThe new <strong>and</strong> the traditional, centraliseddatacom environments usually coexist ina company's organisation. Today, manycompanies there<strong>for</strong>e have a datacom environmentmade up of separate infrastructures.A uni<strong>for</strong>m communications environmentmust be able to meet the needs ofboth LAN-to-LAN connections <strong>and</strong> of thelarge number of terminals connected tohost computers, Fig. 7.<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> - a newalternative in datacommunicationsThe purpose of introducing <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>is to meet the new requirements, <strong>and</strong> mainlythose resulting from the development ofLAN-to-LAN communications. The st<strong>and</strong>arddefines a simplified packet switchingservice which meets the need <strong>for</strong> a simpleFig. 8The <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard specifies an interfacebetween a user <strong>and</strong> a <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> networkERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 9A typical <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> network with DTEs, networknodes <strong>and</strong> public <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> servicesFig. 10<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> networks use permanent virtualconnections, which means that a physical connectioncan provide several logical channels <strong>for</strong>simultaneous usedata transmission protocol focusing onhigh speed <strong>and</strong> requiring a minimum oferror-correcting <strong>and</strong> flow-controlling functions.The st<strong>and</strong>ard, which is described in bothCCITT <strong>and</strong> ANSI recommendations, definessignal <strong>and</strong> data transmission at linklevel, OSI level 2, in the interface betweenuser equipment <strong>and</strong> network, Fig. 8. (Cf.X.25, which comprises the first three OSIlevels <strong>and</strong> uses a frame at level 2 <strong>for</strong> thetransmission of a packet at level 3.) Thest<strong>and</strong>ardisation work is briefly described inBox 1.How <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> worksA <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> network is made up of networknodes <strong>and</strong> user equipment, DTE.s(Date Terminal Equipment) connected tothe network. The DTE, e.g., a personalcomputer, a gateway, a router or a hostcomputer, is provided with the interfacedefined <strong>for</strong> <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>, Fig. 9.The sending DTE transmits frames to thenetwork. Each of these frames contains anidentification code (<strong>Data</strong> Link ConnectionIdentifier, DLCI). All network nodes alongthe path to the final destination contain in<strong>for</strong>mationindicating the outgoing channelto which a frame with a specific identificationcode is to be sent. The path betweenthe sending <strong>and</strong> receiving DTEs has beenpredefined by the network operator. Thistype of connection - a Permanent VirtualConnection - is so far the only one definedin the st<strong>and</strong>ard. Virtual connections are notincluded in today's <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> function,but future versions of the protocol are expectedto allow such connections too.The network node routes to the right destinationsthe frames sent from a DTE. Thenetwork node reads the identification codeof the incoming frame <strong>and</strong> sends the frame(without changing it) on the outgoing channelindicated in the node's routing table.This outgoing channel can either be a connectionto another network node (in whichcase the procedure described above is repeated)or a connection directly to the terminatingDTE. However, the way theframes are h<strong>and</strong>led internally in the networkis not defined in the st<strong>and</strong>ard.As in X.25 switching, the use of severalidentification codes permits several parallelsessions in different directions to coexiston one physical connection, Fig. 10.In this way, a DTE can communicate simultaneouslywith different destinationsover the same physical connection to thenetwork. This is necessary if the DTE is acommunications port in an LAN, but it is alsoan attractive solution in cases where theDTE is a personal computer or workstationthat uses several simultaneously activewindows.H<strong>and</strong>ling is simple because the protocoldoes not include any error-correctingmechanism. Speeds of several Mbit/s canbe used without requiring unreasonableprocessing capacity <strong>for</strong> link h<strong>and</strong>ling.Today's version of the st<strong>and</strong>ard stipulatesa maximum link transmission speed ofERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

8Fig. 11The frame <strong>for</strong>mat used <strong>for</strong> <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>Fig. 12The address field of the frame used <strong>for</strong> <strong>Frame</strong><strong>Relay</strong> consists of a DLCI <strong>and</strong> control /check in<strong>for</strong>mation<strong>for</strong> flow h<strong>and</strong>lingC/REAFECN6ECNDEComm<strong>and</strong>/Response indication bitExtended Address bitsForward Explicit Congestion Notification bitBackward Explicit Congestion Notication bitDiscard Eligibility bit2 Mbit/s, but considerably higher speedscan be expected.<strong>Frame</strong> StructureThe frame <strong>for</strong>mat used <strong>for</strong> <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> isbased on LAPD (Link Access Protocol D),which has been specified by CCITT(Q.922) <strong>and</strong> ANSI (T1.618). The frame,Fig. 11, is used to carry both user data <strong>and</strong>identification code (DLCI). The header ofthe LAPD frame consists of two byte <strong>and</strong>contains - in addition to the 10-bit DLCI -in<strong>for</strong>mation bits <strong>for</strong> flow control (BECN,FECN <strong>and</strong> a DE bit; see below).The length of the in<strong>for</strong>mation field in theLAPD frame is adjustable to a maximumvalue defined <strong>for</strong> the service concerned.The length is normally set to a value atwhich the in<strong>for</strong>mation from the application- a TCP/IP packet, an SDLC frame, anX.25 packet, etc - can be carried withouthaving to be split.The frame ends in a <strong>Frame</strong> Checking Sequence,FCS, which is used to check thatthe frame has been transferred correctly.As opposed to X.25, where an erroneousFCS triggers a retransmission procedureover the link, the network cannot guaranteethat all frames will reach their destination.<strong>Frame</strong>s indicated as erroneous by theFCS are discarded, but this does not necessarilymean that the user loses any data.Checking to ensure that the DTE-to-DTEtransmission has been error-free is usuallya m<strong>and</strong>atory function in the higher-levelprotocol used <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation transfer inthe application concerned. If an error occurs,data must be retransmitted throughthe entire network, <strong>and</strong> this obviouslytakes longer time than retransmission onlyover the link on which the error occurred.An approximate limit where <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>is effective is a Bit Error Ratio (BER) of nomore than 1/1,000,000 on individual links.This means that modern, digital transportnetworks are well suited <strong>for</strong> the simplifiedprotocol, but if the chain contains an analoglink, a short delay time <strong>for</strong> each linkmust be weighed against the expected frequencyof end-to-end retransmission.Flow control <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling of overloadsituationsThe h<strong>and</strong>ling of an overload situation in a<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> network dem<strong>and</strong>s less of theswitching equipment than h<strong>and</strong>ling the samesituation in an X.25 network. In the lattercase, the flow is controlled by the networknode sending confirmation messagesin the backward direction to the DTE,to the effect that sending may go on. If nomessage is <strong>for</strong>thcoming, the DTE will stopsending new packets until it has receiveda confirmation. This rule ensures a controlled<strong>and</strong> stable system, at the cost of delayedtransfer.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

9Fig. 13Applications which use sophisticated graphics<strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e generate very large files are becomingmore <strong>and</strong> more frequent. Transferthrough the network requires a transmissionspeed of several Mbit s to obtain a reasonable responsetime. Local networks are well adapted tothis requirement, but in wide area network transferthere may be inconveniences, since thesenetworks did not initially have the infrastructurerequired <strong>for</strong> high transmission speeds.In pace with the digitalisation of the wide areanetworks, new communication protocols are nowevolving, the development of them being to alarge extent driven by the dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> efficientLAN-to-LAN communication. <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> is oneexample of this trend<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> is based on the opposite principle:the network node sends signals tothe DTE only in overload situations. Thismeans simplified h<strong>and</strong>ling, <strong>and</strong> no delayswill occur as long as the traffic is undisturbed.A <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> network reacts tooverload in two steps:1 When the node registers a tendency towardsoverload, the network requeststhe DTE to reduce its data flow by sendinga Forward/Backward Explicit CongestionNotification (FECN/BECN) consistingof the check bits of the frameheader, Fig. 12. The network takes noaction but leaves it to the DTE to decideon the best way of controlling its dataflow.2 If overload occurs, the network will discardframes.The st<strong>and</strong>ard does not say how the networkwill define the concept "tendency towardsoverload". To exemplify, the nodecan count the number of frames queued<strong>for</strong> access to outgoing lines, or check theCPU load, <strong>and</strong> then send an FECN/BECNsignal when a preset limit value is exceeded.As has been mentioned already, a discardedframe in the network will not result inloss of in<strong>for</strong>mation. The higher-level userapplication protocol checks that the terminatingDTE sends a confirmation of datahaving arrived. If no such confirmation isreceived, retransmission through the entirenetwork will be initiated, resulting in undesireddelays, i.e. longer response time.Transferring the flow control to the DTEclearly involves a risk, since most oftoday's frame-relay-compatible DTEs cannoth<strong>and</strong>le FECN <strong>and</strong> BECN signals. Somesuppliers of equipment capable of h<strong>and</strong>lingFECN/BECN signals recommend usersto switch off the function in order toavoid falling behind when competing <strong>for</strong>transport capacity with equipment withoutthat function.For the simplified flow h<strong>and</strong>ling to functionproperly, each connection from a DTE isallocated a Committed In<strong>for</strong>mation Rate,CIR. This rate is affiliated to the virtual connectionthrough the network, <strong>and</strong> the ratevalue determines how much data the DTEcan send on this connection during a givenperiod of time.The st<strong>and</strong>ard does not give a strict definitionof how to use the CIR value. It could,<strong>for</strong> example, be chosen so that each PVCwould be guaranteed access to a given bitflow, which would basically be the sameas using a leased line. A 2 Mbit/s connectionwould then be able to carry 32 PVCsof 64 kbit/s each. However, a more rationaluse will be ensured by starting from thestochastic traffic characteristics <strong>and</strong> interpretingCIR as a stochastic value of the averageamount of data that a PVC is expectedto carry during a given period of integration.Since the traffic is in the <strong>for</strong>m ofbursts, there is little probability of all sourcessending at the same time. In otherwords, we can allow a PVC to momentarilyutilise a relatively large portion of theavailable transmission capacity, providedthe stipulated average value is kept. At anintegration time of, say, 0.5 s, a CIR valueof 256 kbit/s <strong>for</strong> a PVC will mean that theDTE can use this PVC <strong>for</strong> sending one ormore bursts of altogether 128 kbit duringeach 500 ms interval.Assigning CIR values will facilitate calculationof the traffic flow through the network.When the CIR value is exceeded,the Discard Eligibility bit in the frame head-ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2. 1992

10er (DE, Fig. 12) should be set to 1. If thisis not done in the DTE, it will be done bythe access node of the network. If overloadoccurs, queued frames whose DE bitis set will be discarded be<strong>for</strong>e other, unmarkedframes. The DTE is allowed to exceedthe assigned CIR by apredeterminedvalue, the Excess Burst Size. If largeramounts of data are being transmitted, allexcess frames will be discarded, regardlessof the load situation in the network,Fig. 14.An overload situation may remain in thenetwork even after all frames with set DEbits have been discarded. In order to furtherorganise the continued discarding, itis also possible to establish an order of priority<strong>for</strong> the different virtual connections.This is up to the manufacturer or operatorto decide, since the <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> recommendationdoes not define any priorities.Supervision of the interfaceSupervisory frames with reserved DLCIaddresses are used <strong>for</strong> two purposes: <strong>for</strong>supervision <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> exchange of in<strong>for</strong>mationbetween the network <strong>and</strong> the DTEs.The link status <strong>and</strong> the in<strong>for</strong>mation indicatingactive or inactive link are transferredin these frames. Indication of the status ofpermanent virtual connections <strong>and</strong> executionof changes in the DLCIs used areother functions of these in<strong>for</strong>mationframes.Implementation of <strong>Frame</strong><strong>Relay</strong>-<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> can be implemented in differentways:• As part of a private packet switching networkthat also supports other types ofcommunication, such as X.25 <strong>and</strong> SNA.• As a virtual private network consisting ofan operator network section dedicated touse by a specific customer, a companyor an organisation.• As a public <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> service providedby the PTT or some other operator.• As a hybrid solution: a private networkcovering the primary geographical areaof a company, <strong>and</strong> peripheral units connectedvia public <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> services.Fig. 14H<strong>and</strong>ling an overload situation in a <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>network. Each Virtual Connection through thenetwork is assigned a Committed In<strong>for</strong>mationRate (OR). The CIR value is generated by thenetwork <strong>and</strong> indicates that the DTE on this connectionis capable of sending a given amount(Committed Burst Size, Be) of data during a givenperiod of time (Tc), CIR=Bc Tc. Provided thenetwork is not overloaded, the DTE is allowed tosend a somewhat larger amount of data (ExcessBurst Size, Be) on the connection. But if an overloadsituation occurs, this extra amount will becancelled <strong>and</strong> any frames above the CIR valuediscarded. If the DTE exceeds the maximum permissiblequota (Be + Be) <strong>for</strong> a given connection,the network will always discard the excess numberof framesCommitted RateMeasurement IntervalERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

11<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> in ERIPAXEricsson's packet switching system ERIPAX iscontinuosly improved to meet the emerging dem<strong>and</strong>s<strong>for</strong> an enhanced packet switching service.<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> services is currently added toERIPAX functionality.The implementation of <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> in ERIPAXcon<strong>for</strong>ms to applicable international st<strong>and</strong>ards butalso includes additional services of value to theuser. To follow <strong>and</strong> influence the <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>st<strong>and</strong>ardisation process, Ericcson has been amember of the <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> Forum since itsfounding in 1991.<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> will be offered as an integrated softwarefunction in the ERIPAX node, allowing packetswitching <strong>and</strong> <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> services to co-existin the node. Packet-switched services, such asX.25 <strong>and</strong> SNA/SDLC, may use <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> as abearer service within the network <strong>and</strong> - withoutany additional investments - benefit by the higherspeed <strong>and</strong> capacity of the <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> service.If so required, certain parts of a network can berestricted <strong>for</strong> use of one of the services only.<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> services in ERIPAX will be describedby Goran Ingemarsson <strong>and</strong> Bo Karl<strong>and</strong>er in an articlein the next issue of Ericsson Review.A study of the 1000 largest companies inthe USA, made by the Yankee Group <strong>and</strong>published in <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Communications</strong> International,January 1992, shows that 64 %of these companies were planning to installcommunications systems based on<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> technology within the nexttwo to five years. Western Europe is probablysome years behind the developmentin the US, where deregulation has playedan important role <strong>and</strong> where LANs are inmore frequent use than in Europe.Advantages of <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong><strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> is basically a simplified implementationof the X.25 protocol, aimedat facilitating a marked increase of thetransmission speed on network links <strong>and</strong>DTE lines. The advantages of the X.25 protocolremain unchanged, i.e. efficient trafficinterleaving <strong>and</strong> the possibility of establishingseveral connections over thesame physical channel. The consequencesof the removal of the error-correctingfunction <strong>and</strong> the greatly simplified flowcontrol on individual network links aremore than compensated <strong>for</strong> by the improvedtransmission quality obtained byextensive digitalisation of the public transmissionfacilities.<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> is there<strong>for</strong>e a logical consequenceof the technological development— in two respects. Firstly, in terms of thenew needs emerging in the increasinglyadvanced computer environment. Secondly,in terms of faster <strong>and</strong> cheaper transmission(characterised by a lower level ofsensitivity to interference), which is the resultof improved digital technology <strong>and</strong>which is probably also enhanced by the ongoingderegulation of public telecom operations.Another important factor is the ease withwhich <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> can be introduced intoday's data communications environment.A PC, a workstation or a server becomesa <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> DTE after addingsoftware of low complexity. <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>,just as X.25, is a specification of the interfacebetween the DTE <strong>and</strong> the network,<strong>and</strong> many of the functions offered today bythe X.25 networks (such as alternativerouting <strong>and</strong> charging) can be directly appliedwhen implementing <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>functionality in an X.25 node.No network-to-network interface is specifiedin the present version of the st<strong>and</strong>ard,but the st<strong>and</strong>ardisation work is in progress.The result of this work is likely to furtherstrengthen the position of <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> asan attractive public <strong>and</strong> private service.Effective LAN-to-LAN communication isthe driving <strong>for</strong>ce behind the introduction of<strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>, but once the <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong>networks have been implemented it will bepossible to offer better solutions to otherdatacom needs too. There<strong>for</strong>e, it is not surprisingthat <strong>Frame</strong> <strong>Relay</strong> has been widelyaccepted, both by operators <strong>and</strong> by suppliersof equipment <strong>for</strong> corporate datacomnetworks.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Computerised System <strong>for</strong> QualityInspection in Optical-Fibre CableProductionGoran Nilsson <strong>and</strong> Solweig ViklundIn order to meet the market's increasingly stringent quality requirements - thosespecified in SS-ISO 9001, <strong>for</strong> example - Ericsson Cables AB in Hudiksvall, Sweden,has developed a computerised system <strong>for</strong> quality inspection in optical-fibre cableproduction. The system, called Dehlfi, has been in operation at the Hudiksvall factorysince 1988; another version has been used at Ericsson Cables' Spanish factory sinceits inauguration in July, 1991.The authors describe the system's design, functions <strong>and</strong> field of application.optical cablesoptical fibresquality controlinspectionstatistical process controlFig. 1Workplaces, terminals <strong>and</strong> test stations in theDehlfi systemQuality is a concept of vital importance toEricsson Cables. For a product to be improved<strong>and</strong> optimised, its characteristicsmust be known. Knowledge of a product'squality is largely a matter of in<strong>for</strong>mation -in design, sales <strong>and</strong> administration - <strong>and</strong>this in<strong>for</strong>mation must be easy to underst<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> make use of.A considerable number of parameters areneeded in the design <strong>and</strong> manufacture ofoptical fibre <strong>and</strong> cable. Large amounts ofmeasurement data have to be presentedin an attractive <strong>and</strong> comprehensible way -even to our customers. To achieve ourquality objectives we must have a systemthat can receive, store, process <strong>and</strong>present the necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation. That iswhy Ericsson Cables has developed acomputerised system called Dehlfi (<strong>Data</strong>baseat Ericsson Hudiksvall <strong>for</strong> optical Fibre<strong>and</strong> cable).Some requirements have been given toppriority in the development of the system:- data must admit of being automaticallyentered <strong>and</strong> stored in the database- the database must be user-friendly <strong>and</strong>easy to modify- the database must allow the use of complexrelations- printouts - especially those in the <strong>for</strong>mof customer documents- must be of highquality.The manufacture of fibre <strong>and</strong> cable is describedin References 1 <strong>and</strong> 2.System description<strong>Data</strong>baseThe core of Dehlfi is a minicomputer. It isan HP 9000/835S, with RISC architectureERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

13GORAN NILSSONSOLWEIG VIKLUNDEricsson Cables AB(Reduced Instruction Set Computing), capableof per<strong>for</strong>ming 14 million instructionsper second (14 MIPS). It has an 8 Mbyteprimary memory <strong>and</strong> uses two hard disksof 571 <strong>and</strong> 670 Mbyte respectively. Twomagnetic tape stations are provided <strong>for</strong>backup copying.The HP machine uses a UNIX operatingsystem. The database is developed in HPAllbase/4GL, which is a special databaselanguage, <strong>and</strong> has ISAM data files (IndexSequential Access Method). A number ofexternal routines are written in the two programminglanguages C <strong>and</strong> Pascal.Fibre-optic networkA star-shaped network connects the minicomputerto terminals, test stations <strong>and</strong> otherequipment, Fig. 1. Cable designers,system developers at the technical department<strong>and</strong> operators at the manufacturing<strong>and</strong> quality inspection departmentscan access the system via this network. In1991,12 test stations, 10 terminals <strong>and</strong> variousPCs <strong>and</strong> printers were connected tothe network.The network is made up of fibre-optic modems<strong>and</strong> fibre-optic multimode cables,<strong>and</strong> designed according to ElA's st<strong>and</strong>ardRS 232 (CCITT V24/V28).The units of a test station are interconnectedvia the instrument bus HP-IB (Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus), by other instrumentmanufacturers called GPIB (GeneralPurpose Interface Bus). This is a st<strong>and</strong>ardised,general-purpose bus which connectsone or more test instruments to acontrol unit, thus <strong>for</strong>ming a computer-controlledtest system.The communication routines are written inHP Basic, <strong>and</strong> data is transferred in the<strong>for</strong>m of text sequences in ASCII code(American National St<strong>and</strong>ard Code <strong>for</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mationInterchange). This is not the fastestcommunication protocol available, butthe transfer time is insignificant in comparisonwith the test time.Test stationsA test station is equipped with a test instrument;<strong>for</strong> example, an OTDR (Optical TimeDomain Reflectometer) <strong>and</strong> the associatedcomputer HP 9000/332, a printer <strong>and</strong> aplotter, Fig. 2. Each test station has a specifictest program in HP Basic. The menucontrolledtest program instructs the operator<strong>and</strong> reads the instrument. A teststation may either communicate directlywith the database or operate in st<strong>and</strong>alonemode.User interfacesThe Dehlfi system has menu-based userinterfaces. Each operator category has aseparate, tailor-made set of menus, <strong>and</strong>each operator has a unique password.Personal computers have Windows userinterfaces, Fig. 3.The introduction of Dehlfi meant considerablesaving of labour, <strong>for</strong> one thing becausethe system eliminates the time-consuming<strong>and</strong> monotonous manual recordingof test data at terminals.Fig. 2Example of test station equipmentPrinterComputerDiskette driveTest instrumentHP ThinkjetHP 9000/332HP 9122OTDRERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2,1992

Box 1Code39, the first alphanumeric bar-code ever tobe designed, is now the most frequent code in industrialapplications. The code consists of 44 discrete,unique patterns. Each pattern is made upof 9 elements: 6 narrow <strong>and</strong> 3 wide; hence thename Code 3 of 9. Each sequence starts <strong>and</strong> endswith an asterisk, "*".An enhanced version, Extended Code39, hasbeen introduced to permit coding of all 128 charactersin the ASCII table. Here, $, %, / <strong>and</strong> + arecombined with other characters to <strong>for</strong>m a completeASCII table. Example: "a" is coded as "+A".<strong>Data</strong> flowTraceability is important when producingoptical fibre <strong>and</strong> cable. The Dehlfi systemprovides an efficient tracing function: it c<strong>and</strong>etermine to which cables the fibres drawnfrom a given pre<strong>for</strong>m belong <strong>and</strong>, in theopposite direction, the original pre<strong>for</strong>msused <strong>for</strong> a given cable, Fig. 4.Pre<strong>for</strong>msPre<strong>for</strong>ms delivered to the factory are registeredon receipt, i.e. each pre<strong>for</strong>m is givena unique identification number - a pre<strong>for</strong>mid.This number, together with data onmanufacture, supplier <strong>and</strong> type of fibre, isstored in the database. The number willthen <strong>for</strong>m part of the fibre identity.Fibre drawingWhen the fibre is drawn, a drawing recordis prepared which contains run data <strong>and</strong>machine data. The finished fibre is thensubjected to a strength test, <strong>and</strong> the fibrelengths obtained are registered in the database,which generates a unique identificationnumber, a fiberid, <strong>for</strong> each fibre. Thefiberid is printed - both in plain text <strong>and</strong> inbar-code - on a label printer <strong>and</strong> stuck onthe fibre drum. All registration of pre<strong>for</strong>ms<strong>and</strong> fibres is done by staff serving at thedrawing towers.Fibre testingThe registration of the fibre is followed byquality inspection (primary testing) at fourdifferent test stations in the test room:- Attenuation test, OTDR- Spectral attenuation <strong>and</strong> mode field test,FOA (Fibre Optical Analyser)- Dispersion test, CD3 (Chromatic Dispersion)- Geometrical test, i.e. testing of the geometricalcharacteristics of the fibre.The operator carries out the tests asprompted by the test program. Test datacan be stored in three ways:- Automatically in the database- On diskettes- In the <strong>for</strong>m of printouts only.A check is made to ascertain that the fibrehas been registered, <strong>and</strong> then the test datais stored in the database. Storage on diskettesis primarily a backup routine to safeguardthe system against faults, such asbreaks in the communication betweendatabase <strong>and</strong> test station. A program routineis provided which automatically readstest data from diskettes to the database.The system automatically compares theprimary test results of each fibre with spec-Fig. 3Windows' Spanish user interfaceERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

15Fig. 596-fibre ribbon cableified values. Approved fibres are put instock.Purchased fibrePurchased fibre is accompanied by test datastored on diskettes, whose contents areread to the database via a PC. At the sametime, a cross-reference register is preparedwhich shows the supplier's <strong>and</strong>Ericsson's fiberids. A label showing fiberid,length <strong>and</strong> storage-location is printed onthe label printer <strong>and</strong> stuck on the fibre drum.All labels - Ericsson's as well as those ofthe fibre suppliers - have bar-code in<strong>for</strong>mationwhich facilitates h<strong>and</strong>ling <strong>and</strong> minimisesthe risk of mistakes.Code39 is the st<strong>and</strong>ard bar-code (symbology),<strong>and</strong> Extended Code39 is also usedwhere required. See Box 1.RibbonsRibbons are manufactured <strong>for</strong> use in ribboncable.The ribbons are placed in thecable core, with up to four ribbons in eachslot, which gives 96 fibres per cable, Fig. 5.In the manufacturing phase, each ribbonis given a unique identification number - aribbonid. The quality of a ribbon is inspectedby comparing its test data with the dataof each fibre in the ribbon.Storage managementThe Dehlfi system also h<strong>and</strong>les the storageof fibres. The database indicates thephysical storage-location of each fibre. Itonly takes a couple of minutes to producean inventory report showing the currentquantity of each type of fibre. This in<strong>for</strong>mationis sent once a week to the productionplanning department. The financial departmentalso receives weekly reports onstorage transactions, i.e. the amount of fibresreceived <strong>and</strong> withdrawn.Secondary coating, str<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong>jacketingFibres are withdrawn from store <strong>for</strong> secondarycoating <strong>and</strong> str<strong>and</strong>ing. For eachcable, the fibres selected in the databasetally exactly with the customer's specification.For this purpose, the system uses asearch routine which selects fibres with therequired properties <strong>and</strong> indicates theirphysical storage-location.

16Fig. 6Cable attenuation test at Ericsson's Fibroco factoryin SpainAfter the secondary coating has been applied,the fibre is subjected to quality inspection(secondary testing). This test iscarried out according to the same routinesas those applied in the primary OTDR test.The test data is usually stored directly inthe database.Terminals at the str<strong>and</strong>ing lines registerthe fibre contents of each cable, <strong>and</strong> thecable is given a unique identification number— a cableid. The cable line operatorsalso h<strong>and</strong>le the registration of cables. Tofacilitate work <strong>and</strong> minimise the risk of incorrectregistration, all terminals have abar code reader <strong>and</strong> a bar-code menu.Str<strong>and</strong>ing is followed by intermediate testing,jacketing <strong>and</strong> delivery inspection.Intermediate testing comprises attenuationmeasurements of all fibres in thecable. The test data is stored in the database.The values obtained in these tests<strong>and</strong> in secondary attenuation tests arechecked against the primary attenuationvalues. The program issues a warning ifthe difference exceeds the tolerancesspecified.Delivery inspectionA cable which has passed the delivery inspectionis ready <strong>for</strong> delivery. A deliveryrecord <strong>for</strong> the customer is printed on a laserprinter.The delivery record documents the optical<strong>and</strong> physical parameters of the cable, Fig.7. Since a cable may contain hundreds offibres, the delivery record will take up atleast two size-A4 pages. The first pagecontains statistical data, <strong>and</strong> the subsequentpages give test data of each individualfibre.The layout of the delivery record will vary,depending on the customer's requirements<strong>and</strong> on the type of cable delivered.To rationalise h<strong>and</strong>ling, customers may receivecable parameters stored on diskette.StatisticsTwo main system requirements were definedwhen Dehlfi was put into service inApril, 1988: Automatic transfer of test datafrom test stations to the database, <strong>and</strong>printout of complete delivery records. Duringthe subsequent development of theDehlfi system, a large number of quality inspectionparameters have been added,<strong>and</strong> the possibilities of using these parametersin quality work have also increased.Three program categories are available <strong>for</strong>the processing of data extracted from thedatabase:- Search, processing <strong>and</strong> presentationComplete reports <strong>for</strong> recurrent follow-upare prepared- Search <strong>and</strong> processing<strong>Data</strong> is prepared <strong>for</strong> presentation bymeans of a special graphicsprogram, e.g. Graph-in-the-Box- SearchRoutines which only locate predetermineddata <strong>for</strong> processing <strong>and</strong> presentationlater on by means of statistics software,e.g. Minitab.Minitab is a software package <strong>for</strong> advancedstatistical processing. EQFOS(Ericsson Quality, Design <strong>and</strong> StatisticalAnalysis of Experiments) is one of its users.Graph-in-the-Box is a very h<strong>and</strong>ygraphics program which also contains somestatistics functions.The software packages developed byEricsson Cable's own specialists includeone <strong>for</strong> collecting fibre data during a pre-ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

VK 1523-402033CERICSSON CABLESRECORD OPTICAL CABLEPrepared I Date Order no:HL/ECA/T/VK Margit Dahlberg 17 Dec 91 29595-080Approved [ Checked Manufacture no: ' KB no:| S40E00700 7779Cable : GNLWLV 24x10/125 EM Length ordered. . : 4000tested. . . : 3978Fibre : OVD/Q shipped. .: 3973Cable id.. . : 9035007 Customer :Drum no....: 3483 order..: KI 199-6755spec no:SPECIFIED VALUES [ TEST VALUES| mean | min | maxMode field diam P1I 9.4 ± 0.8 Jim 9.2 9.6H _ Cladding diam 125 ± 3 Jim 124 126J I Concentricity error ^ 1.0 iim 0.32BBI " Cladding non circ

18Fig. 9Installing the Dehlfi system at Ericsson's Fibrocofactory in SpainFig. 8Example of printout <strong>for</strong> monitoring fibre production.The program was developed by EricssonCable's own software specialistsFi le name: er2Date : 92-03-03Mean: 0.34St<strong>and</strong>ard deviation : 0.007Number of values.. .: 1732ATTENUATION at 1310 nmWeek xx - yy, supplier AA.classpart r%l123456789101112 0.50 : REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

19determined period, <strong>for</strong> presenting certainstatistical in<strong>for</strong>mation, <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> showing (bymeans of histograms) how the data is distributed,Fig. 8. Quarterly reporting of fibrestatistics is one application of this software.A production report shows the output of thefibre manufacture at Ericsson Cable's ownfactories, both <strong>for</strong> defined periods of theyear <strong>and</strong> on a per-year-basis. The figuresshow the approved amount of fibre, expressedeither in number of metres or asa percentage of the total length of drawnfibre. Report items include the number ofdrawn pre<strong>for</strong>ms, the relation between actual<strong>and</strong> theoretical results, <strong>and</strong> the lengthof approved or rejected fibre.Expected future developmentFlexibilityToday, 30 peripheral units (terminals, teststations, etc) can be connected to the mini-computerof the Dehlfi system. Since thesystem would be useful to more technical,production <strong>and</strong> inspection staff, an extensionis being planned according to twomain options:- Extension of the present star-shapednetwork by adding serial ports on themini-computer. This will permit connectionof 80 users- Installation of an LAN (Local Area Network).The advantage of this option istwofold: a larger number of users can beconnected, <strong>and</strong> the LAN can be connectedto the existing PC network.Both options require extension of the primarymemory to 16 Mbyte.A result of the in-house development of thesoftware is high flexibility. Programs in thedatabase <strong>and</strong> in the test stations can easilybe modified in step with the introductionof changes to design <strong>and</strong> production procedures.International applicationThe Dehlfi system is available in threelanguages: English, Spanish <strong>and</strong> Swedish.In addition to the Swedish Hudiksvallfactory, the system has been in operationat Ericsson's new Fibroco factory in Spainsince that factory was inaugurated in July,1991. The English version is used whenguiding visitors from abroad <strong>and</strong> as a plat<strong>for</strong>m<strong>for</strong> translations into other languages(only Spanish, so far).All further Dehlfi development work is doneat Hudiksvall. The English <strong>and</strong> Spanishversions are updated in parallel with thedevelopment of the Swedish software. Ourobjective is to be able to provide three mutuallycompatible versions.ReferencesLarsson, A. <strong>and</strong> NygSrd-Skalman, K.: SlottedCore Optical Fibre Cable. Ericsson Review65 (1988) :3, pp. 100-107Stensl<strong>and</strong>, L. <strong>and</strong> Gustafsson, P.: FibreManufacture Using Microwave Technique.Ericsson Review /65(1988):4, pp. 152-157.

Human Factors - A Key to ImprovedQualityThomas Backstrom <strong>and</strong> Nigel ClaridgeTelecom services are being developed rapidly, <strong>and</strong> introduced at an alarming pace.Both end-users <strong>and</strong> telecom network operators will soon experience how theseservices <strong>and</strong> other emerging possibilities place new <strong>and</strong> greater dem<strong>and</strong>s on theircommunication with the telecom system. Technical solutions must take human issuesinto account - technology is used by people in their daily lives. As the number ofservices offered increases, it will become more <strong>and</strong> more important to provideefficient interaction between the individual <strong>and</strong> the technology.Internationally, the art of creating an integrated man-machine system is known asHuman Factors Engineering, or Human Factors <strong>for</strong> short.The authors describe what Human Factors is, Ericsson's corporate policy within thearea, <strong>and</strong> the process required to create good <strong>and</strong> usable products from the humanviewpoint.human factorstelecommunication servicesst<strong>and</strong>ardisationFig. 1In a changing world, where telecommunicationsis becoming a part of everyday life of the individual,variations in culture, traditions <strong>and</strong> languageplace dem<strong>and</strong>s on the design of telecom products<strong>and</strong> services. Human Factors increases thedegree of usability <strong>and</strong> acceptability by makingproducts simple <strong>and</strong> easy to useEricsson manufactures <strong>and</strong> supplies productswithin a wide variety of areas - fromspecialised <strong>and</strong> complex products, suchas in<strong>for</strong>mation systems used in fighter aircraft,to public <strong>and</strong> private telephone exchanges<strong>and</strong> consumer products such astelephone sets. Each product has its ownset of specific design requirements <strong>and</strong>conditions, based on the characteristics<strong>and</strong> limitations of the intended users.Although there are few similaritiesbetween the design specifications <strong>for</strong> thecockpit of a modern fighter <strong>and</strong> those <strong>for</strong>a desk-top telephone set, all products - irrespectiveof the level of technology - haveone basic dem<strong>and</strong> in common: they mustbe designed so as to per<strong>for</strong>m well in theenvironment <strong>for</strong> which they are intended.Clearly, a fighter cockpit or air traffic controlcentre requires significantly more developmentresources than a simpler product,but how many of us have beenfrustrated, if not injured, when using a canopener. After several unsuccessful attemptswe have probably thrown it away.To avoid these problems, the way a productwill be used - <strong>and</strong> by whom - must bethoroughly analysed <strong>and</strong> the results integratedearly into relevant product specifications.In principle, there is little differencebetween the Human Factors methods appliedwhen designing a cockpit <strong>and</strong> thoseapplied in the design of a telephone set.The variation lies in the number <strong>and</strong> complexityof relevant factors, resulting incockpit design being significantly more difficult<strong>and</strong> more extensive.Historical backgroundThe need <strong>for</strong> new specialist knowledgearose because both users <strong>and</strong> manufacturersbecame more <strong>and</strong> more specialisedin their activities, <strong>and</strong> because dem<strong>and</strong>s<strong>for</strong> safety <strong>and</strong> efficiency increased. Thisknowledge identified dem<strong>and</strong>s to be includedin product design - dem<strong>and</strong>s thatwere based on the users' (operators') cognitive<strong>and</strong> physical limitations <strong>and</strong> the worksituation. It also <strong>for</strong>mulated these dem<strong>and</strong>sso that they were understood <strong>and</strong>usable by the systems engineer.The need <strong>for</strong> Human Factors knowledgewas accentuated during the Second WorldWar. Technical developments advancedto such a degree that individuals operatingsystems <strong>and</strong> vehicles experienced seriousdifficulties <strong>and</strong> were exposed to personaldanger. It became necessary todesign control systems <strong>and</strong> to present in<strong>for</strong>mationin a way that permitted efficientoperation, yet avoided overstressing theindividual <strong>and</strong> eliminated the risk of accidents.This development has continued, <strong>and</strong> HumanFactors knowledge is now applied notonly to complex <strong>and</strong> sophisticated productsbut also to a wide range of everydayproducts, such as cars, computers, tools<strong>and</strong> machinery <strong>and</strong> consumables. Aids <strong>for</strong>the elderly <strong>and</strong> the h<strong>and</strong>icapped is anotherarea where Human Factors knowledge isapplied.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

21NIGEL CLARIDGENomos Management ABTHOMAS BACKSTROMEricsson Telecom ABBox 1Definition of Human FactorsHuman Factors is defined as "The study of the relationbetween man <strong>and</strong> his occupation, equipment<strong>and</strong> environment, <strong>and</strong> particularly the applicationof anatomical, physiological <strong>and</strong>psychological knowledge to problems arisingtherefrom".There<strong>for</strong>e, "Human Factors in In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology"(IT) is considered to be the study of, <strong>and</strong>application of Human Factors knowledge to, allaspects of the relation between the human, themachine <strong>and</strong> the environment which directly influencethe safe, efficient, acceptable <strong>and</strong> satisfyingusage of the IT system.Box 2HUMAN FACTORSENGINEERINGEricsson's PolicyPurpose To ensure high Human Factors'quality in all Ericsson productsPolicy Human Factors Engineeringshould be applied to all product design,thus making the productsprofessional also from the individualuser's <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ler's point ofviewResponsibility Business Area <strong>and</strong>/or Local Companymanagement is responsible<strong>for</strong> the issuance of application rules<strong>for</strong> Human Factors Engineering.Corporate Systems <strong>and</strong>Technology is responsible <strong>for</strong>coordination activitiesGuiding Principles- Products <strong>and</strong> systems to be used in similar userenvironments should be given uni<strong>for</strong>m economicor Human Factors properties- In product design work, great attention shouldbe paid to the concepts "user-friendliness" <strong>and</strong>"suitability <strong>for</strong> purpose"- Our professional knowledge in Human FactorsEngineering should be utilised in our marketing- Qualified application of Human Factors Engineeringshould be emphasised as importantquality improvements- Existing st<strong>and</strong>ards in the Human Factors fieldmust be followed <strong>and</strong> measures must be takento further develop such st<strong>and</strong>ardsERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2,1992What is Human FactorsAs defined in Box 1, Human Factors is aninterdisciplinary science. The terms HumanFactors <strong>and</strong> Ergonomics are oftenused synonymously when defining boththe applied area of research <strong>and</strong> the methodused to create products. In Sc<strong>and</strong>inavia,the term Ergonomics has beenstrongly identified with the physical designof products <strong>and</strong> workplaces, i.e. associatedwith man's physical characteristics relevantin this context: anthropometry,stress, vision <strong>and</strong> hearing. The term HumanFactors is used to encompass theseaspects - <strong>and</strong> also the cognitive aspects- in the design process, such as man's abilityto process, interpret <strong>and</strong> act upon in<strong>for</strong>mation.Cognitive issues have grown inimportance as in<strong>for</strong>mation technology hasbroken into more <strong>and</strong> more areas of application.The changing world ofTelecommunicationsAs a result of increased competitionthrough deregulation, network operators'cost situation has become strained at thesame time as subscriber dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> servicehas increased. Subscribers have becomeincreasingly dependent on the telecomservices they use. Individuals <strong>and</strong>companies are emphasising the need <strong>for</strong>mobility; yet dem<strong>and</strong>ing access to the samefunctions <strong>and</strong> services irrespective oflocation. Many of these dem<strong>and</strong>s are nowfulfilled by both public <strong>and</strong> private exchanges<strong>and</strong> by fixed <strong>and</strong> mobile services.Common to all these changes is the dem<strong>and</strong><strong>for</strong> simplified methods of h<strong>and</strong>lingan increased range of complex services.Services must be easy to learn <strong>and</strong> easyto use <strong>for</strong> end-users, subscribers <strong>and</strong> networkoperator service staff. H<strong>and</strong>ling procedures<strong>for</strong> a given service should be thesame irrespective of the application, whichmeans that efficient, uni<strong>for</strong>m h<strong>and</strong>lingcharacteristics will become one of the mostimportant competitive edges in the future.This applies both to products which arepart of the network <strong>and</strong> to products usedby subscribers when utilising network services.<strong>Efficient</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling characteristicsare a result of products that are well adaptedto user requirements <strong>and</strong> the intendedtask.There are further advantages to be gainedthrough the application of Human Factors.Variations in culture, tradition <strong>and</strong> languageare taken into account, which resultsin products becoming accessible toa wider range of end-users. The applicationof Human Factors will reduce trainingtime, lead to more reliable data input <strong>and</strong>higher productivity, <strong>and</strong> ensure that productswill be better adapted to the environmentsin which they will be used. Facedwith the trend (noticeable in many countries)of increased supplier responsibility<strong>for</strong> product safety, the need to designgood, safe products supported by usabilitytesting becomes paramount. HumanFactors input in product development willbecome more <strong>and</strong> more essential.Ericsson's PolicyEricsson's goal as regards Human Factorsis that all Ericsson products should meetuser requirements <strong>for</strong> com<strong>for</strong>t <strong>and</strong> safety,<strong>and</strong> at the same time promote user <strong>and</strong>system per<strong>for</strong>mance efficiency. The Ericssonview of Human Factors is summarisedin a corporate policy which has been approvedby the Corporate Executive Committee,Box 2. The policy emphasises theneed <strong>for</strong> all Ericsson products to have aprofessional design with regard to user requirements.It also expresses the need <strong>for</strong>co-ordination in these issues between thedifferent corporate units.A principal criteria put into practice is thatspecifications about usability <strong>and</strong> functionalityare integrated, at an early stage, intothe development process of completelynew or existing products.The Technical Committee <strong>for</strong>Human FactorsEricsson Technology Council (ETC) coordinatesthe follow-up of technical developmentsin general, <strong>and</strong> also the provisionof new technology within Ericsson. Thistask is per<strong>for</strong>med via a number of researchcentres, application labs <strong>and</strong> a series ofspecialised technical committees. TheTechnical Committee <strong>for</strong> Human Factors(TUHF) is one of these committees.TUHF's task is to strengthen Ericsson'scompetence within the area of HumanFactors <strong>and</strong> to ensure a uni<strong>for</strong>m corporateprofile.TUHF, through a network of contacts, bothwithin Ericsson <strong>and</strong> with external institu-

221 Use the user's model2 Introduce through experience3 Design the product to be user-centred4 Allow the user to observe <strong>and</strong> control thesystem5 Log activities during testing6 Ensure consistency <strong>and</strong> uni<strong>for</strong>mity7 Provide immediate feedback8 Avoid the unexpected9 Validate entered data where possible10 Provide selected help in<strong>for</strong>mationFig. 3Ten fundamental principles to keep the userfriendly! (British Telecom, 1990)Fig. 2The main elements in the computer systemIt is important to view the system not merely as aset of technological items, but as the totality ofpeople at work with equipment in a working environment.The challenge is to provide sufficientflexibility <strong>and</strong> variety of interfaces to suit thewide range of users <strong>and</strong> task situationstions, organisations <strong>and</strong> specialists, receivesvital input <strong>for</strong> its development programme<strong>and</strong> in this way ensures increasedHuman Factors knowledge about new technology<strong>and</strong> market dem<strong>and</strong>s. Ericssoncooperates with Nomos Management AB,which provides access to current specialistknowledge in the Human Factors area.Human Factors <strong>and</strong> Industrial Design havemany areas of mutual interest. AlthoughIndustrial Design tends to work with thephysical characteristics of products, emphasisingaesthetic values, more <strong>and</strong>more work is being done on the graphicaldesign of user interfaces, notably the designof symbols, pictograms <strong>and</strong> icons.TUHF, there<strong>for</strong>e, works in close cooperationwith The Technical Committee <strong>for</strong> Design.4International CooperationCooperation has been established withBritish Telecom's Human Factors Divisionin Engl<strong>and</strong>. The purpose of this cooperationis - through exchange of knowledge<strong>and</strong> experience - to strengthen HumanFactors know-how in both companies <strong>and</strong>to ensure that Ericsson products fulfil BritishTelecom's usability requirements. It alsoaims at developing a broader base <strong>for</strong>usability testing, involving end-users fromseveral markets.Working with Human FactorsThe user, the task, the system <strong>and</strong> the softwareare the main elements which, togetherwith procedures <strong>and</strong> decision rules,<strong>for</strong>m an efficient system, Fig. 2. The userinterface, where a given task is to be per<strong>for</strong>med,is the common boundary betweenthe user <strong>and</strong> the technical system. The primarygoal of Human Factors is to specify<strong>and</strong> design the interface so that the userwill be given the best possible environmentto carry out his task safely <strong>and</strong> efficiently(Box 3).The general approach is the same whendesigning all types of interfaces, althoughmethods <strong>and</strong> the amount of input data inthe different project phases may vary. Likeall other development work, Human Factorsis an iterative process. The designprinciples presented in Fig. 3 should be followedthroughout the development of userinterfaces.Start with the usersThe end-user determines how a system isused in day-to-day operation <strong>and</strong>, hence,the design of the interface. The initial stageis to identify the users <strong>and</strong> describe theirknowledge, skills <strong>and</strong> experience. It is importantto note the differences <strong>and</strong> extremeshere, <strong>and</strong> design the interface accordingly.<strong>More</strong> complex products <strong>and</strong>systems require an underst<strong>and</strong>ing of theway users process in<strong>for</strong>mation, interpretdisplays <strong>and</strong> make decisions. Faulty assumptionsabout user needs can have anegative effect on usability. If the interfaceis not designed to meet user requirements,it is unlikely that the product will beused efficiently, if at all.Identify the task to be per<strong>for</strong>medA task analysis is made to describe usertasks in detail <strong>and</strong> to collect in<strong>for</strong>mationabout working environments. This providesfundamental in<strong>for</strong>mation about userneeds. Several task analysis methods areavailable <strong>for</strong> making the process of collecting<strong>and</strong> abstracting in<strong>for</strong>mation aboutusers more systematic. They range from"macro" methods - the whole system isanalysed in terms of organizational, social<strong>and</strong> environmental issues - to "micro"methods, through which sub-tasks are reducedinto small cognitive units.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

23Box 3User interfacesUser interfaces can be defined as the boundarybetween the user <strong>and</strong> the system <strong>and</strong> wheresome task is per<strong>for</strong>med. Interfaces can be- dialogues with computers <strong>and</strong> other products- presentation of in<strong>for</strong>mation on a display <strong>and</strong>/orother medium- entry of data/comm<strong>and</strong>s from keyboard or otherinput device- physical design of products <strong>and</strong> workplaces- sight <strong>and</strong> sound characteristics- procedures, rules <strong>and</strong> routines- icons, symbols <strong>and</strong> pictograms- systems <strong>for</strong> marking cables <strong>and</strong> connectors- instructions, manuals <strong>and</strong> training materialFig. 4Two generations of Ericsson mobiletelephonesMobile telephony will be a major part of futuretelecom services. Human Factors will play an integralrole in designing services based on userrequirements <strong>and</strong> interfaces with regard to cognitive<strong>and</strong> physical issuesExamples of task factors are-ease- complexity- novelty- time limits-whether tasks are repetitive, overlapping,monitoring- what skills a task requires- whether a task is per<strong>for</strong>med by a groupor by an individual.Define evaluation criteriaWhen usability testing is integrated into thedesign cycle, it should be quantitativelyspecified in advance. Per<strong>for</strong>mance goals<strong>for</strong> usability should be measurable. Keyfactors in usability testing are- learnability- or ease of learning - is thetime <strong>and</strong> ef<strong>for</strong>t required to reach a predefinedlevel of user per<strong>for</strong>mance- per<strong>for</strong>mance - or ease of use - is thenumber of tasks accomplished by experiencedusers, the speed of task execution<strong>and</strong> the number of mistakes made- flexibility, the extent to which users canadapt a system to new ways of interactionas they become more experienced- attitude, subjective assessment engenderedin users by the system <strong>and</strong> the interface.Test <strong>and</strong> evaluateTesting <strong>and</strong> evaluation should be carriedout with users early in the design processto ensure that products <strong>and</strong> interfaces aredesigned to meet user needs <strong>and</strong> requirements.The conceptual design of an interface maystart with the creation of sketches of the interfacewhich demonstrate surface features.These can be tested <strong>for</strong> appropriateness;<strong>for</strong> example, the design of ametaphor or symbol can be checked withrespect to how well it is understood by users.As design develops it will be trans<strong>for</strong>medthrough simple models <strong>and</strong> simulations toprototypes, full-scale models <strong>and</strong>, eventually,the final product (implementation).There are many computer-based designtools which permit quick <strong>and</strong> easy evaluationof user-interface options. Applicationof these tools is essential if interface designis to be cost-effective. Well conductedtrials ensure that the design matchesthe users' mental model of the system <strong>and</strong>the tasks.Trials should be conducted in environmentswhich are as realistic as possible;preferably the real situation. It is importantto establish whether the product is reallyusable or not. The principle rule is to designiteratively, with many cycles of "design- test with users - redesign". The aimis not to produce one correct solution whichis subsequently not changed, but an evolvingsystem which - with each iteration - isfurther tailored to users' needs.Experience gained from evaluating theproducts, especially in the real situation,will provide input when planning futuregenerations of the product, or completelynew products. "Future-proofness" is of keyimportance, <strong>and</strong> interface design guidelinesprovide a consistent approach toproduct <strong>and</strong> system uppgrades.Variation in the development processThe development process is seldom simple<strong>and</strong> regular. The process rarely startsfrom square one, i.e. the development ofa completely new product or system.There is invariably some <strong>for</strong>m of historyfrom existing products which must be takeninto account. This means that HumanFactors ef<strong>for</strong>ts in each phase will vary fromproduct to product.When a new product is created, based onnew technology, it is important to identifyuser attitudes <strong>and</strong> requirements so that theproduct is used, understood <strong>and</strong> acceptedby users once the novelty value wears off.When combining products from severalvendors into a new <strong>and</strong> unique configuration,qualities such as homogeneity <strong>and</strong>continuity in use are important. In general,the primary Human Factors considerationis consistency of operation of all componentsrather than optimisation of a singlecomponent.Manufacturers sometimes buy productsfrom another vendor. Human Factors ef<strong>for</strong>twill depend on several factors, such asthe quantity purchased, the importance ofthe product to the corporate strategy, <strong>and</strong>the ease with which usability can be improved.There is a golden opportunity to improveusability when redesigning an existingproduct: by obtaining usability data fromthe users of the existing product. Features<strong>and</strong> functions that have been well receivedERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2. 1992

24Fig. 5Advanced Human Factors design - J AS cockpitThe cockpit ot JAS 39 is designed to provide thepilot with maximum support during flying, navigation<strong>and</strong> tactical applications. Displayed in<strong>for</strong>mationis either presented automatically or canbe selected by the pilot.The display in the centre is an electronic mapproviding navigational in<strong>for</strong>mation. Human Factorsspecified the quantity of in<strong>for</strong>mation presented<strong>and</strong> designed <strong>and</strong> tested symbols. Simplicityis the key. All in<strong>for</strong>mation must be easilyunderstood under the most difficult conditionspossiblemay be retained, while the redesign ef<strong>for</strong>tfocuses on solutions to problems that usershave identified as being the most serious.St<strong>and</strong>ardisationCurrent st<strong>and</strong>ardisation activities in thearea of Human Factors are directed mainlytowards the user interface <strong>and</strong> software.A number of relatively similar de-factost<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation display (CUA,OPEN LOOK, Motif, Apple) are used bymanufacturers when they design their applications.This illustrates the difficulties inestablishing a uni<strong>for</strong>m st<strong>and</strong>ard duringrapid technical developments. A user interfacest<strong>and</strong>ard must be verified in a widerange of applications be<strong>for</strong>e it can begenerally accepted. During this time, furtherdevelopments occur <strong>and</strong> the conditionschange. No quick breakthrough resultingin one particular st<strong>and</strong>ard dominatingover the others is there<strong>for</strong>e expected.In the telecommunications area, where thelarge network operators have a significantinfluence in the st<strong>and</strong>ardisation bodies,st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>for</strong> completely new services arebeing worked out. The European TelecommunicationsSt<strong>and</strong>ards Institute (ETSI)has twelve committees, one of which dealswith Human Factors. Issues dealt with concernusability in telecommunications, suchas Universal Personal Telephony (UPT)<strong>and</strong> video telephony. The procedures,symbols <strong>and</strong> icons used in these applicationsare studied. Other issues concerntelecommunications <strong>for</strong> people with specialneeds, including the h<strong>and</strong>icapped; theobjective being to ascertain that publictelephone services are available to thesegroups. ETSI also produces manuals,h<strong>and</strong>books <strong>and</strong> check-lists <strong>for</strong> the designof services <strong>and</strong> products.Current Human FactorsprojectsTelecom servicesThe total number of telecom services is exp<strong>and</strong>ingrapidly <strong>and</strong> each user is going tobe confronted with many more servicesthan today. Services are going to be broadin nature <strong>and</strong> not, as today, mainly oftelephony character. Thus, the dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>simple, intuitive <strong>and</strong> reliable use of serviceswill become more <strong>and</strong> more important.There must be a significant degree ofuni<strong>for</strong>mity between closely related services,<strong>and</strong> a clear <strong>and</strong> consistent differencebetween different groups of services sothat users underst<strong>and</strong> the distinctions. Toachieve this is no easy task, especiallywhen cultural variations in the interpretationof concepts <strong>and</strong> use of telephony mustbe considered.Human Factors is intensively engaged indesigning new services <strong>for</strong> public, private<strong>and</strong> mobile telephony. Examplesof currentactivities are- Development of system-independentmethods of specifying <strong>and</strong> describingservices based on user perspectives ofthe services. (The design of services incurrent networks is determined by theway in which the telecom system is constructed)- Studies of the use of current serviceswith detailed analysis of motivation <strong>and</strong>justification <strong>for</strong> each service- Evaluation of prototypes of new serviceswithin different user groups- Test <strong>and</strong> evaluation of symbols <strong>and</strong>icons <strong>for</strong> services.Presentation of in<strong>for</strong>mation inadvanced vehiclesOne of the most stressful workplacesimaginable is the cockpit of a modernfighter aircraft. Pilots must interpret situationsquickly <strong>and</strong> accurately <strong>and</strong> act accordingly.They are often exposed to acombination of mental <strong>and</strong> physical stress,typically g-<strong>for</strong>ces. To support the decisionmakingprocess, the pilot receives in<strong>for</strong>mation- from several different sources -which is continuously adapted <strong>and</strong> combinedin a suitable way be<strong>for</strong>e being presented.The visual display unit is the mostefficient <strong>and</strong> suitable means of presentingthis in<strong>for</strong>mation.Ericsson has designed the in<strong>for</strong>mationsystem <strong>for</strong> the Swedish Air<strong>for</strong>ce's newfighter, JAS 39 Gripen (Fig. 5). The cockpitof JAS has been the subject of HumanFactors ef<strong>for</strong>t in four major areas: presentationof in<strong>for</strong>mation, design of controls,workstation design <strong>and</strong> environmental adaptation.The pilots' physical characteristics,capabilities <strong>and</strong> limitations have beenanalysed in detail, as have the type <strong>and</strong>amount of in<strong>for</strong>mation they need. Testswith mock-ups <strong>and</strong> various <strong>for</strong>ms of prototypeshave been used to increase knowledge.The establishment of the final designof the cockpit, with in<strong>for</strong>mationsystems <strong>and</strong> controls, has been based onERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

25Fig. 6Cellular network configurationsIt is essential to see in<strong>for</strong>mation about all or partof a cellular network in order to manage it efficiently.TMOS User Interface Design St<strong>and</strong>ards(TUIDS) have been applied to interface design<strong>and</strong> have specified rules <strong>for</strong> the selection <strong>and</strong>use of colour, <strong>for</strong> exampleresults from simulation <strong>and</strong> full-scale trials.Only then has the system been installed inits correct environment.Telecommunications Management<strong>and</strong> Operation Support-TMOSTMOS is a family of systems whose differentproducts together offer operative support<strong>for</strong> the whole telephone network <strong>and</strong>its services. Based on TMOS, Ericssonhas developed a series of products:NMAS Network Management System <strong>for</strong>the switched telecommunicationsnetworkSMAS Service Management System <strong>for</strong>intelligent networksCMAS Cellular Management System <strong>for</strong>mobile telephone networksFMAS Facility Management System <strong>for</strong>transport networksBMAS Business Management System <strong>for</strong>Centrex <strong>and</strong> Virtual Private NetworksIn a family of systems, characteristics <strong>and</strong>configurations should be based on a uni<strong>for</strong>mbasic structure, partly to illustrate therelationship but mainly so that users recognisesituations <strong>and</strong> procedures. This isof particular importance <strong>for</strong> the user interface.TMOS is based on workstation technologythat provides products with powerfulgraphical user interfaces, Fig. 6. Inorder to create a homogeneous interface,Ericsson has developed a st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>for</strong>TMOS "look <strong>and</strong> feel" - TMOS User Inter-ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 7User interface <strong>for</strong> PBX attendantworkstationsHuman Factors has been involved in the analysis<strong>and</strong> simulation of new PBX workstations. Thisfigure illustrates a normal traffic situation. Incomingcalls are presented in the left-h<strong>and</strong> field;outgoing calls in the right-h<strong>and</strong> field. The arrowin the centre indicates voice contact. The displayis void of redundant in<strong>for</strong>mation making the requiredin<strong>for</strong>mation easy to find <strong>and</strong> selectFig. 8User interface <strong>for</strong> PBX attendantworkstationsThis figure illustrates a situation in which the attendantcan obtain in<strong>for</strong>mation about the requiredextension using any one or a combinationof several search profiles available in the directory.Directory support is located in the lower partof the displayface Design St<strong>and</strong>ards, TUIDS. TUIDSconsists of two equally important parts:- Part 1, which describes the method of integratingHuman Factors into the specification<strong>and</strong> design process- Part 2, which provides general <strong>and</strong> specificrules <strong>for</strong> the design of TMOS userinterfacesWhen designing interfaces, trade-offsbetween conflicting dem<strong>and</strong>s must bemade. TUIDS provides in<strong>for</strong>mation whicheases this situation. It is designed to worktogether with commercially available userinterface style guides, where all interfacedetails are described (windows, windowframes, buttons, menus, etc). TUIDS specifieshow these elements should be used,combined <strong>and</strong> grouped to create an efficientinterface. The style guide selected <strong>for</strong>TMOS is Open Look.Work is under way to present a corporatest<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>for</strong> designing user interfaces. Althoughdeveloped <strong>for</strong> the TMOS application,TUIDS will be adapted to <strong>for</strong>m theback-bone of this st<strong>and</strong>ard.PBX attendant workstationsTechnical developments have changedthe application of Human Factors in thede-sign of attendant workstations: the emphasishas shifted from physical issues tocognitive ones. Prime requirements in thedevelopment of Ericsson Business <strong>Communications</strong>'futureworkstation<strong>for</strong>MD110were increased user efficiency, availability<strong>and</strong> flexibility. The functionality withinthe PBX has become more complex <strong>and</strong>more sophisticated, accentuating the need<strong>for</strong> easy <strong>and</strong> logical access to the differentfeatures.If basic <strong>and</strong> frequent tasks are awkward toper<strong>for</strong>m <strong>and</strong> less frequent tasks difficult toremember, then system credibility will below - as will user efficiency. Simplicity isthere<strong>for</strong>e essential, especially <strong>for</strong> the moresophisticated functionality available; <strong>for</strong>example, the integration of supportsystems with basic call-h<strong>and</strong>ling procedures.The task of designing the user interfacewas complicated by the fact that the productwas to be sold worldwide. This meanttaking different business cultures <strong>and</strong> traditions- <strong>and</strong> different languages - into accountin the design, <strong>and</strong> having the resultstested <strong>and</strong> evaluated not only by specialistsin the team but also by experiencedPBX attendants on both sides of the Atlantic.The participation of users in the processof designing, simulating <strong>and</strong> developingthe user interface has had aproductive impact on the design work.The user interface specification was theguiding factor <strong>for</strong> hardware design. Onceit had been established what in<strong>for</strong>mationwas to be presented <strong>and</strong> how the PBX attendanth<strong>and</strong>led this in<strong>for</strong>mation, hardwareissues such as display technology<strong>and</strong> size, <strong>and</strong> keyboard layouts, could bespecified.One specific area has been the design <strong>and</strong>test of symbols <strong>and</strong> pictograms <strong>for</strong> PBX attendantworkstations. Symbols <strong>and</strong> pictogramsare interpreted differently in differentcountries <strong>and</strong> also by individuals withina country. This is a challenge to the HumanFactors specialist, since the userERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 9User interface <strong>for</strong> desk-top telephone setsThe advent of the display in desk-top telephoneshas solved many Human Factors problems <strong>and</strong>,at the same time, has created new ones. Initially,the type <strong>and</strong> quantity of in<strong>for</strong>mation displayedwas specified <strong>and</strong> the way in which users accessedthe various functions <strong>and</strong> features wereidentified.Fig 9a illustrates the "Idle Mode" with in<strong>for</strong>mationsuch as time <strong>and</strong> date, subscribers' extensionnumber <strong>and</strong> subscriber name. The third rowis reserved <strong>for</strong> menu selection only. A maximumof four alternatives are presented, each correspondingto a menu key located directly underneath.Figure 9b represents the "Message Mode". Theuser is in<strong>for</strong>med that there are messages <strong>and</strong>can either call a person direct, leaf through othermessages or delete messagesReferences1 Dialogergonomi - Effektiv interaktionmanniskor-dator. Mekan<strong>for</strong>bundet 1989,Mekanresultat 89005 ISBN 91-524-1021-8.2 Asker, B.: Graphic User Interfaces. EricssonReview 67, (1990):3, pp 138-146.3 Brantberg, H., Ostman, J.: VDU Maps inSophisticated Craft. Ericsson Review 68(1991):1,pp 10-20.4 Lindhe, R. Wiklund J..Ericsson Design. -Policy, Guidelines <strong>and</strong> Methodology.Ericsson Review 66 (1989):1, pp 40-46.5 A Guide to Usability. 1990. The Open University,Milton Keynes, Engl<strong>and</strong>.interface must work efficiently <strong>and</strong> beunderstood irrespective of whether it isused by a Russian or an Australian operator.Design of desk-top telephone setsThe desk-top telephone set has alwaysbeen the subject <strong>for</strong> Human Factors application.Traditionally, Human Factorshas addressed the physical issues, suchas numeric keyboard layout, keytopshape <strong>and</strong> size, receiver weight, size <strong>and</strong>balance.With the advent of digital phones, the emphasishas shifted from these physical issuesover to the analysis of procedures requiredto obtain the wide variety offunctions <strong>and</strong> features now available.The procedures required to obtain thesefeatures/functions have been none toouser-friendly. The everyday user has hadto enter long unfamiliar codes, such as*21 * number #, in order to use the simple"follow-me" feature. The net result of theseawkward codes was that many of the features/functionsoffered were not used becauseprocedures were long <strong>and</strong> difficultto remember.The situation was partly remedied by increasingthe number of programmablekeys on the telephone set. Instead of thecomplicated codes, the user only neededto press one key. This was convenient <strong>for</strong>the user but resulted in telephone sets witha vast number of keys, which was not particularlycost-efficient. The advent of thedisplay in the telephone set eased manyof the Human Factors problems mentioned.The aim was to minimise the useof long codes <strong>and</strong> reduce the number ofkeys. But the display created new problems.Human Factors work addresseduser-interface design, in particular the type<strong>and</strong> quantity of in<strong>for</strong>mation displayed <strong>and</strong>the way in which the user accessed thevarious features/functions available. Onthe basis of this analysis, then <strong>and</strong> onlythen, could the size of the display be established.Figs 9a <strong>and</strong> 9b illustrate the in<strong>for</strong>mationcontent in the telephone display. The exemplifieddisplay is made up of three rowswith 40 characters in each row.The analysis of the user interface is followedby a visualisation process whereend users participate in the simulation <strong>and</strong>evaluation of traffic situations. User participation<strong>and</strong> feedback is an integral part ofthis design <strong>and</strong> development work.SummaryIn all development work there is a desireto improve user efficiency <strong>and</strong> technicalper<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>and</strong> to rationalise production.In addition, products <strong>and</strong> systems are increasinglybeing combined into new, evenmore sophisticated <strong>and</strong> complex creations.For a market-orientated technical corporationlike Ericsson, the usability of its productsis an important part of the company'sbusiness <strong>and</strong> marketing strategy. It is vitalthat products <strong>and</strong> systems are designedso that they meet customers'requirements<strong>and</strong> expectations.The Human Factors work contributes activelyto the usability, acceptability <strong>and</strong>learnability of Ericsson products <strong>and</strong>systems, <strong>and</strong> to the application of thecompany's Human Factors policy withinthe scope of the Ericsson Human Factorsprogramme.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Cell-voltage EqualisersSeries BMP 160Johan Fr<strong>and</strong><strong>for</strong>sIn telecom installations, batteries are used to guarantee uninterrupted service in theevent of a power outage. The dimensioning of battery capacity is based on estimatesof the frequency <strong>and</strong> duration of outages <strong>and</strong> other disturbances. The condition of thebatteries is also an essential parameter. Inadequate charge of individual battery cellswill reduce the time electronic equipment can be powered by batteries. In 1982,Ericsson Components AB introduced cell-voltage equalisers as a means of securingfull charge of all cells in a battery.The author describes Ericsson Components' new cell-voltage equalisersBMP 160 003, BMP 160 004 <strong>and</strong> BMP 160 005 <strong>and</strong> how they can be employed tosecure proper charging <strong>and</strong> increase battery service life.consequence, that these cells will be discharged.Other cells are supplied with acurrent in excess of their need <strong>and</strong> areovercharged. To improve the condition ofthe first-mentioned cells, the battery mustbe subjected to equalising charge at regularintervals, with a current that is capableof recharging those cells which havenot been compensated <strong>for</strong> their self-discharge.Other cells will inevitably be overcharged,which has a negative effect ontheir service life.equaliserscells (electric)power supplies to apparatusThe principle of cell-voltageequalisersA 48 V battery contains 23 or 24 cells connectedin series. Each cell is subjected toa self-discharge process, the intensity ofwhich depends on manufacturing tolerances<strong>and</strong> the battery's age. Float-chargingof the battery, in normal operation, is oneway to compensate <strong>for</strong> this self-discharge.If no cell-voltage equalisers are used, allbattery cells are supplied with the samefloating current, which means that <strong>for</strong> someof the cells the floating current is lowerthan the self-discharge current <strong>and</strong>, as aThe cell-voltage equaliser is a current/voltageregulator (Fig. 2), which is connectedacross each single battery cell. The rectifierthat feeds the battery is set at an outputvoltage equal to the nominal cell floatingvoltage multiplied by the number ofseries-connected cells in the chain. If allthe cells were identical, all of them wouldhave the nominal voltage <strong>and</strong>, as appearsfrom Fig. 3, an additional current of 200mA would pass through the shunt regulatorin each cell-voltage equaliser. If a cellhas a voltage below the nominal value, thecell-voltage equaliser will reduce the currentthrough the shunt regulator, <strong>and</strong> thecorresponding higher current will passthrough the cell. If the cell voltage exceedsthe nominal value, the equaliser will increasethe current through the shunt reg-Rg. 1Cell-voltage equaliser BMP 160 005/1, connectedto a battery cellERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

29JOHAN FRANDFORSEricsson Components ABulator <strong>and</strong> so reduce the current throughthe cell. In this way, each individual cell willhave a current whose value is determinedby the deviation of the cell voltage from thenominal value. This means that, in a fullycharged battery, each individual cell will besupplied with the floating current neededto compensate <strong>for</strong> its self-discharge.Cell-voltage equaliser BMP 160Fig. 1 shows a BMP 160 cell-voltage equaliserconnected to a battery cell. The equaliserweighs 40 g <strong>and</strong> its dimensions are30x23x9 (HxWxD). It is connected directlyto the cell poles by means of one red <strong>and</strong>one blue 270 mm cable provided with ablade-type contact. BMP 160 comes inthree mechanically identical designs whichare in different colours: BMP 160 003/1 <strong>for</strong>2.25 V is red, BMP 160 004/1 <strong>for</strong> 2.23 V isblue, <strong>and</strong> BMP 160 005/1 <strong>for</strong> 6.75 V isblack. The equalisers <strong>for</strong> 2.25 V <strong>and</strong> 2.23 Vare intended <strong>for</strong> individual cells: the one<strong>for</strong> 6.75 V is intended <strong>for</strong> three-cell batteries.The design is simple <strong>and</strong> rugged. Theregulating capacity, 0-350 mA, is sufficient<strong>for</strong> batteries with a nominal floating currentof up to 200 mA. If greater capacity is needed,several equalisers can be connectedin parallel across the cell.Technical data of the three versions aregiven in Box 1.Fig. 2The battery floating current is regulated in eachindividual cell <strong>and</strong> is not affected by the conditionof other cellsFig. 3Current l s through shunt regulator <strong>for</strong> cell-voltageequaliser BMP 160BMP 160 004, 2.23 VBMP 160 003, 2.25 VBMP 160 005, 6.75 VERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

30Box1CELL-VOLTAGE EQUALISER BMP 160 - TECHNICAL DATADimensionsWeightConnectionConnecting cableMax voltage without destructionTemperature range30x23x9 mm40 g6 mm blade270 mm2.9 V0 to +55°C(1.2"x0.9"x0.4")(1.4 oz)(32 to 131F)ModelTrimming levelColourShunt current attrimming levelBMP 160 004/12.23 +0.007Blue200 mABMP 160 003/12.25 ±0.007Red200 mABMP 160 005/16.75 ±0.015Black150 mAFig. 4, below leftCell voltages measured In a large-size batterywithout cell-voltage equalisers (ICE)Fig. 5, below rightCell voltages measured in the same battery whenit has been provided with cell-voltage equalisers<strong>for</strong> a short periodExperiences of cell-voltageequalisersBackup timeFig. 4 shows the distribution of cell-voltagevalues measured in a large-size batterywhich has been used in a plant, underobservance of normal maintenance routinesbut without cell-voltage equalisers.Fig. 5 shows the corresponding valueswhen the battery has been provided withcell-voltage equalisers <strong>for</strong> a short period.The distribution between the cells has decreasedfrom the order of ±200 mV toabout ±20 mV; that is, by a factor of 10.This means a marked improvement of thecondition of the battery.The proper charging of a battery cell canonly be checked through several hours ofloading tests <strong>and</strong> voltage measurements.The fact that the voltage across a cell innormal float-charging is close to the nominalvoltage does not guarantee a satisfactorycondition of this cell. Nor is the oppositeself-evident: if the voltage across a cellin a battery without equaliser is up to 50mV below the nominal voltage, this doesnot necessarily mean that the cell is in abad condition. The latter, on the otherh<strong>and</strong>, is an indication that the cell mayhave a higher self-discharge than othercells in the battery <strong>and</strong> that the floating currentthere<strong>for</strong>e has not been sufficient tokeep the cell fully charged. If the worstcomes to the worst, the charging of sucha cell may be only 50-60 % of the capacityof a fully loaded one. In an eight-hourtest, the battery capacity would drop to thelower voltage limit after less than fivehours. This means a 50 % reduction of thebattery backup time in spite of the fact thatall the cells are fully capable of functioning.EconomyThe above example may seem somewhatdrastic, but low cell voltages caused by insufficientfloat-charging occasionally appeareven in relatively new batteries. Theempty circles in Fig. 6 show the cell voltagesin a 48 V, 3,000 Ah battery that hasbeen in operation <strong>for</strong> four years. The values<strong>for</strong> about one third of the cells are 35m V or more below the nominal voltage. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately,this battery was not tested withrespect to capacity when the voltageswere measured, <strong>and</strong> its real condition isthere<strong>for</strong>e not known. However, plant managementconsidered boost charging necessaryin order to restore the condition ofthe battery but decided to choose the alternativesolution: cell-voltage equalisers.Fig. 6 shows the voltages measured be<strong>for</strong>ethe cell-voltage equalisers were installed<strong>and</strong> the corresponding values aftersix weeks. An eight-hour discharging test,in con<strong>for</strong>mity with US st<strong>and</strong>ards, wasmade after another three months. The bat-ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 6Cell voltages measured in a 3,000 Ah battery afterfour years' operation without cell-voltage equalisers,<strong>and</strong> six weeks after equalisers havebeen installed. The cells in the diagram are arrangedaccording to the values recorded in thefirst measurement• Initial reading• Reading after 6 weekstery voltage was measured every fifteenminutes; the results are shown in Fig. 7.As is evident from the power drawn fromthe battery - 104 % of the nominal eighthourcapacity - it had been restored to perfectcondition.In a battery without cell-voltage equalisers,the balance between the cells is restoredthrough periodic equalising charges.Since the battery backup time in practiceis determined by that battery cell which isin the worst state of charge, the battery willnot - in the intervals between the additionalcharges - meet the backup-time requirementscalculated on the basis of nominalbattery data. Correct dimensioning, there<strong>for</strong>e,requires that a battery without cellvoltageequalisers should have somewhatgreater capacity than a battery providedwith such equalisers. It is difficult to quantifythe need <strong>for</strong> overcapacity: it dependsvery much on the maintenance of batteriesat each specific plant. But a plausibleestimate is that the cost price of batterieswith cell-voltage equalisers is roughly thesame as that of batteries without equalisers.The two alternatives - greater batterycapacity or automatic control - are in allprobability equally good. On the otherh<strong>and</strong>, cell-voltage equalisers make thebattery more resistant to insufficient maintenance<strong>and</strong> in this way help to assure thatit is in good condition when its capacity isneeded.This means that battery maintenance canbe made easier. Experience has shownthat the number of voltage readings can behalved, <strong>and</strong> substantial reductions of costshave been demonstrated in many cases.Relatively large cost savings can also bemade when new batteries are installed <strong>and</strong>when battery cells have to be exchanged.When a new battery is installed, it is normallycycled three or four times, in order<strong>for</strong> all its cells to be in the same condition.In this procedure, which takes three to fourdays, the battery is measured each hour.It has turned out, though, that a battery providedwith cell-voltage equalisers seldomrequires this cycling <strong>and</strong> measurementprocedure. Such a battery is in perfect conditionafter six weeks of normal float-charging.When the equipment to be powered isinstalled <strong>and</strong> tested, the battery is well balanced<strong>and</strong> in good condition.If the capacity of a cell in an installed batteryhas been considerably reduced, dueto premature ageing or some kind of dam-Fig. 7Capacity test of the battery shown in Fig. 4, threemonths after installation of cell-voltage equalisersERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

32age, the faulty cell or the entire batterymust be exchanged. In most cases, a newcell has much lower self-discharge thanthe ordinary battery cells. Replacement ofindividual cells in a battery there<strong>for</strong>e causesbalance problems <strong>and</strong> is not recommendedin industry st<strong>and</strong>ards. In a batteryprovided with cell-voltage equalisers, theimbalances between the cells are automaticallycompensated <strong>for</strong>, which meansthat individual cells can be replaced withoutany risk of complications.An interesting alternative, when replacinga cell in a battery without cell-voltage equaliser,is to provide only the new cell with anequaliser. This is one way of avoiding bothovercharge of the new cell <strong>and</strong> voltagedrops in other cells in the series-connectedfloating-current chain. But if a batterycell needs to be replaced, it is likely thatother cells too are in a bad condition <strong>and</strong>that the battery backup time has been reducedto a value well under what was projected.If an assessment of the battery'scondition indicates that satisfactory backuptime can be achieved by providing allthe cells with equalisers, then this solutionis often preferable to scrapping the battery.When it is eventually scrapped, after havingserved its time, the cell-voltage equaliserscan be shifted on to the new battery.Fig. 8Measurement of cell voltages in batteries installedverticallyERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

33Thermal run-awayPlacing batteries in cramped spaces involvesa risk ot thermal run-away. Whenthe temperature in a battery rises, the selfdischargeprocess is intensified, which willraise the floating current. The power generationin the battery increases <strong>and</strong> causesthe temperature to rise further. Theeel Is in the centre of a battery as a ru le can -not carry off heat to the same extent as theouter cells <strong>and</strong> will there<strong>for</strong>e have a highertemperature. The cell voltage rises with increasedtemperature, which means thatthe hottest cells account <strong>for</strong> a greater portionof the total power generated in the battery.The temperature in these cells riseseven more. If a cell cannot carry off enoughheat, the process will get out of control,causing the electrolyte to boil away <strong>and</strong>destroying the overheated cell. The plantwill no longer have any st<strong>and</strong>by power.If the battery is provided with cell-voltageequalisers, even a slight voltage increaseleads to a substantial reduction of the currentthrough the cell. The feedback is negative.The risk of thermal run-away - <strong>and</strong>thus a potential source of trouble - hasbeen eliminated.Valve-regulated batteries - intheory <strong>and</strong> in practiceCell-voltage equalisers have been successfullyused in valve-regulated batteriesalso. However, some experts - basingtheir arguments on theoretical models ofthe chemical processes involved - claimthat cell-voltage equalisers should not beused in this type of battery. If low cell voltagesare caused by sulphation in the cells,the increase of the floating current achievedby means of cell-voltage equalisersclearly has a positive effect. If, on the otherh<strong>and</strong>, the low cell voltages are due tothe fact that cells have dried out, <strong>and</strong> thata recombination process is going on, thenincreased floating current will have a negativeeffect. Correspondingly, high cellvoltages may indicate that the recombinationprocess is incomplete, in which casethe floating current should be kept at a highvalue.In the operational data of valve-regulatedbatteries that Ericsson Components ABhas access to, there are no indications thatcell-voltage equalisers have any negativeeffects, even though batteries from differentmanufacturers might possibly have differentcharacteristics in this respect.SummaryIn a power supply system, the battery isthat component which has the shortest life<strong>and</strong> needs most maintenance. This nottoo-glamorousmaintenance also requiresthat the applicable instructions are followedin every detail.When the primary power supply fails, theproper functioning of a fully charged batterysuddenly becomes vitally important.The cell-voltage equaliser has been developedto assure that the battery is alwaysin the best possible condition <strong>and</strong> to reducethe consequences of temporary deviationsfrom stipulated maintenance routines.The costs of cell-voltage equalisers arecompensated <strong>for</strong> by cost savings. Firstly,maintenance routines can be simplified,<strong>and</strong>, secondly, a battery with cell-voltageequalisers need not be cycled when it isinstalled. In a longer perspective, the batteryeconomy will be improved thanks toideal float-charging conditions, which increasethe life of the battery cells, <strong>and</strong>thanks to the possibility of replacing damagedor prematurely aged battery cellswithout having to include any additionalmaintenance measures.References1 B.W.B Battery Systems Inc. ICE MANU­AL Rev 3.0 1991.12 Bjork, D.: Maintenance of Batteries. IN-TELEC-86.13 Andersson, H. <strong>and</strong> Bergvik, S.: SealedLead-Acid Batteries <strong>for</strong> Small Telecommunicationsplants. Ericsson Review601 (1983):4,s 222-225.4 Bjork, D.: Operation <strong>and</strong> Maintenance ofPower Supply Equipment. Ericsson Review64 (1987):1, s 9-15.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

In Search of Managed ObjectsWalter Widl <strong>and</strong> Kidane Woldegiorgisare laid out in Recommendation M.3010.Management of the telecommunication network across st<strong>and</strong>ardised interfaces M.3020 identifies the management servicesthat represent the managementrequires that the necessary resources - in the <strong>for</strong>m of Managed Objects - should alsobe st<strong>and</strong>ardised. A methodology <strong>for</strong> describing tools <strong>and</strong> processes is needed to tasks <strong>and</strong> describes the methodology to bedefine the Managed Objects that represent the manageable resources of the used in the specification of the interfaces.telecommunication network.M.3400 contains the list of TMN managementfunctions <strong>for</strong> the different TMN func­The derivation of the Managed Objects <strong>for</strong> the transport network is the main focus ofthis article.tional areas. Two recommendations thatprovide in<strong>for</strong>mation models are in the finalprocess of approval. M.3100 provides ageneric network in<strong>for</strong>mation model, <strong>and</strong>G.744 is the in<strong>for</strong>mation model <strong>for</strong> SDHbasedtransport networks.telecommunication networkstelecommunication network managementst<strong>and</strong>ardisationFig. 3Relations between CCITT's TMN RecommendationsIntroduction<strong>Efficient</strong> management of new <strong>and</strong> existingtelecommunication networks is one of themain concerns of administrations, manufacturers<strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ardisation bodies. Intensivestudies during the last few yearsseem to have finally resulted in workabletools <strong>for</strong> the description of networks <strong>and</strong>their management, as appears from the relationsbetween CCITT's TMN Recommendations,Fig. 3. The methodology <strong>and</strong>the driving <strong>for</strong>ces behind the definition ofthe st<strong>and</strong>ardised interfaces (both communicationprotocols <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation model)Figs. 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 show an overview of themethodology <strong>and</strong> the processes involvedin deriving the Managed Objects. Fig. 1shows the associated tasks, which - in abroad sense - are seen as the functional<strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation modelling processes.A number of TMN Management Servicesare defined by CCITT. "Management oftransport networks" is an example of sucha service. The functional modelling of thetransport network consists of a process,Fig. 2, in which - <strong>for</strong> each transport networklayer or sublayer - Trails <strong>and</strong> Con-ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

35WALTER WIDLKIDANE WOLDEGIORGISEricsson Telecom ABnections are identified, along with the correspondingTermination Points (ConnectionPoints <strong>and</strong> Termination ConnectionPoints). 2 In this process, Manageable Resourcesin the vicinity of the TerminationPoints are derived.In the in<strong>for</strong>mation modelling, the Resourcesare combined into Managed Objects.This article demonstrates these processes<strong>for</strong> the Termination Point <strong>and</strong> crossconnectionaspects of the transport network.Fig. 1Development of transport network Managed ObjectsFig. 2Development process <strong>for</strong> transport network ManagedObjectsNETCPCPMONetwork ElementTermination Connection PointConnection PointManaged ObjectERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 4The telecommunication network can be consideredto be divided intoa the physical transmission networkb the logical transport networkcdDESDXCLSTANTNSSPSCPFNUwsOSQthe intelligent services networkthe telecommunication managementnetwork (TMN)Digital ExchangeSynchronous digital cross-connect equipmentLine SystemTerminalAccess NodeTransit NodeService Switching PointService Control PointFeature NodeUserWorkstationOperating SystemInterface between the Transmission ManagementNetwork <strong>and</strong> the Managed ObjectsIn a follow-up article, the derivation of ManagedObjects <strong>for</strong> other aspects will be presented.No attempt is made in this articleto define the Managed Objects in detail,since the st<strong>and</strong>ards referred to give completedefinitions of the objects in question.A layered view of thetelecommunication networkBasically, networks <strong>and</strong> their managementare described according to the principle ofdividing complex problems into less complexones, which can be solved independentlyof each other. Partial solutions cancontribute in an iterative manner to the solutionof a complex problem.If these principles are followed, the telecommunicationprocess can be allocatedto various networks, Fig. 4,- the physical transmission network- the logical transport network- the intelligent services network (IN)-the telecommunications managementnetwork (TMN).In addition to the telecommunication functions,each of the networks also containsfunctions <strong>for</strong> network management. ManageableResources are represented byManaged Objects in the In<strong>for</strong>mation Model.The Transmission Network, Fig. 4a, containsthe physical means of transfer of in<strong>for</strong>mation,i.e. telecommunications equipment<strong>and</strong> connecting transmission media:typically, switching matrices of switches<strong>and</strong> cross-connect systems, modems,muldexes, line systems <strong>and</strong> cables. Thetransmission network contains varioustransmission network layers, as specifiedin Recommendations G.702 <strong>and</strong> G.707,<strong>for</strong> example. 5 Typical physical managementresources that are part of the transmissionnetwork are: signal level detectors,error counters <strong>and</strong> error in<strong>for</strong>mationstorage.The Transport network, Fig. 4b, per<strong>for</strong>mslogical functions related to transmission,such as network configuration <strong>and</strong> protectionswitching, <strong>and</strong> ensures reliable transferof in<strong>for</strong>mation between service users,regardless of the in<strong>for</strong>mation content. Thetransport network contains various TransportNetwork Layers, each of which carriesa distinct characteristic signal, i.e. a signalwith a particular data rate <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>mat. 2Manageable Resources are the functionalrepresentations of the physical resourcesimplemented in the transmission network.The Service network, Fig. 4c, per<strong>for</strong>msfunctions related to switching <strong>and</strong> signalling.The purpose of the intelligent ServiceNetwork is to offer users a particular service.The user initiates a service via a ServiceSwitching Point (SSP) using signallingsystem No. 7 or D-channels of theISDN system. The service also needs datafrom a Feature Node (FN). The process iscontrolled by the database of the ServiceControl Point (SCP). 6 Typical ManageableResources are concerned with traffic management,customer services <strong>and</strong> manyother management functions related toswitching <strong>and</strong> signalling.The Telecommunications ManagementNetwork (TMN), Fig. 4d, connects the networkoperators <strong>and</strong> administrators - viaworkstations (WS), operation systems(OS) <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ardised Q-interfaces - toManaged Objects which represent the resourcesin the various networks. 3 For themanagement of TMN, typical resourcesare concerned with communicationchecks <strong>and</strong> protocol conversions.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

37Fig. 5Transport Processing Functions, Transport Entities<strong>and</strong> Reference PointsTRPFSTransport Reference PointTransport Processing Function or TransportEntityManagement Reference PointTelecommunication network functions <strong>and</strong>resources appear in all the networksshown in Fig. 4. Each network can consistof several layers, each of which can bemanaged individually by a Manager-AgentProcess. 3 The resources <strong>and</strong> their propertiesare represented in a st<strong>and</strong>ardised wayas Managed Objects in databases.Management methodologyNetwork management requires the selectionof a TMN Management Service - i.e.a distinct task <strong>for</strong> an operator - which involvesseveral TMN Management Layers- i.e. the area of application of the task,Fig. 2. The task requires a functional analysisleading to Resources that are suitable<strong>for</strong> management. The Resources aredescribed in the functional modelling process.The in<strong>for</strong>mation modelling process isbased on the management tasks <strong>and</strong> organisationof the management provider.The selection of a particular TMN ManagementService <strong>and</strong> related TMN ManagementLayers leads to the selection of TMNManagement Service Components <strong>and</strong>TMN Management Functions. TMN ManagementFunctions are per<strong>for</strong>med onManaged Objects. 3The in<strong>for</strong>mation modelling process specifieswhich Managed Objects are neededto per<strong>for</strong>m the desired management tasks.The functional modelling process leads tothe Manageable Recources offered by thenetwork. Harmonisation of these requirementsnormally leads to iterative processes.The In<strong>for</strong>mation Model contains all data relatedto the Managed Objects, their relationships<strong>and</strong> naming structure, as seenacross a particular management interfacebetween the managing <strong>and</strong> managedsystems. In the In<strong>for</strong>mation Model, whencompleted, all required Managed Objectsappear in a st<strong>and</strong>ardised <strong>for</strong>m.The process of deriving transport networkManaged Objects consists of functionalmodelling <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation modelling. Inthese analyses, a given physical transmissionnetwork supports a transport network.Each transport network contains layers definedby a characteristic signal. 2 Connections<strong>and</strong> Connection Points carrying thecharacteristic signal are determined <strong>for</strong>each transport network layer. This processleads to a detailed specification of managementaspects of the Network Elements<strong>for</strong>ming the transport network (NetworkElement View). Each transport networklayer can be partitioned into various geographical<strong>and</strong> administrative regions,which offers various degrees of detail inthe network views.The management of Trails <strong>and</strong> Connectionsis based on Resources in the vicinityof the end points of Trails <strong>and</strong> Connections.The anomaly detectors <strong>and</strong> controllabledevices in the telecom equipment arerepresented in the Functional Model asproperties <strong>and</strong> Resources; these in turncorrespond to transport network ManagedObjects in the In<strong>for</strong>mation Model. The followingchapters go into more detail concerningfunctional modelling <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mationmodelling <strong>for</strong> transport network-relatedTMN Management Services.Functional modellingThe physical implementation of digital telecommunicationnetworks comprisesequipment such as- switching matrices- modems <strong>and</strong> muldexes- line, radio <strong>and</strong> satellite systems- transmission media <strong>for</strong> line systems <strong>and</strong>interfaces belonging to the transmissionnetwork.Functions per<strong>for</strong>med by the above-mentionedequipment include- cross connection <strong>and</strong> switching- multiplexing <strong>and</strong> demultiplexing- signal conversion between physicaltransmission media <strong>and</strong> interface cables- signal transmission via physical media.The functions of a telecommunication networkcan be modelled with the aid of theERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2,1992

Fig. 6Functional Model illustrating the use of TransportFunctionsA Connection can be a Link Connection, a Sub-Network Connection or a Matrix connectionATCLCAPCPTCPClient-to-server adaptationTrail TerminationConnectionLink ConnectionAccess PointConnection PointTermination Connection PointFig 7Simplified Functional Model illustrating the useof Transport FunctionsGeneric Transport Network Architecture."The basic elements of this model are- Transport Entities, such as Link Connection(LC), Sub-Network Connection(SNC) <strong>and</strong> Trail. Transport Entitiestransfer in<strong>for</strong>mation transparently- Transport Processing Functions, suchas Adaptation (A) <strong>and</strong> Trail Termination(T). Transport Processing Functionsprocess the transferred in<strong>for</strong>mation-Transport Reference Points, such asConnection Points (CP), TerminationConnection Points (TCP) <strong>and</strong> AccessPoints (AP).Some of the Transport Processing Functions<strong>and</strong> Transport Entities are defined asfollows:-The Transport Entity "Trail" is responsible<strong>for</strong> the transfer of characteristic in<strong>for</strong>mation(signals with specified datarates <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>mats) between the AccessPoints to a layer (AP). A Trail containsnear-end <strong>and</strong> far-end Trail Terminations<strong>and</strong> one or several Network Connections- The Transport Entity "Network Connection"is responsible <strong>for</strong> the transfer of in<strong>for</strong>mationbetween Termination Connec-ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

39Fig. 8Levels of abstraction in a Layered Network; exampleSubnetworktion Points (TCP). A Network Connectioncontains either Link Connections (LC) orSub-Network Connections (SNC), orboth- The Transport Entity "Connection" is responsible<strong>for</strong> the transfer of in<strong>for</strong>mationbetween Connection Points (CP). AConnection can be a Sub-Network Connectionor a Link Connection- The Sub-Network Connection transfersin<strong>for</strong>mation transparently across a subnetwork.The connectivity of a Sub-NetworkConnection can be controlled by amanagement process- The Link Connection transfers in<strong>for</strong>mationtransparently across a link betweentwo subnetworks. The connectivity of aLink Connection cannot be changed bya management process.Fig. 5 shows that Transport Functions, i.e.Transport Processing Functions <strong>and</strong>Transport Entities, are separated by oneTransport Reference Point. In addition, amanagement reference point S is provided<strong>for</strong> management in<strong>for</strong>mation to <strong>and</strong>from each Transport Function. The input/outputconcept is related to TransportFunctions <strong>and</strong> should not be interpreted asindicating signal directions. "Input" representsthe input, "output" the output part ofthe function.The use of the Transport Functions is illustratedin Fig. 6." Fig. 7 is a simplified versionof Fig. 6 <strong>and</strong> does not show the AccessPoints (AP) explicitly.The Functional Model can be used to modelthe telecommunication network to thedesired degree of detail. Forexample, NetworkElements <strong>and</strong> parts of Network Elementscan be represented. Fig. 8 showsSub-Network Connections <strong>and</strong> Link Connectionswhich belong to the same transportlayer, <strong>and</strong> which in turn can be partitionedinto subnetworks showing variousdegrees of detail.The NET 1 level shows SNC1s, LC1s,CP1 s <strong>and</strong> TCP1 s, i.e. the greatest degreeof detail. The NET 2 level - less detailed- shows SNC2s, LC2s, CP2s <strong>and</strong> TCP2s.In this way various degrees of detail (levelsof abstraction) can be chosen, dependingon the purpose of the Functional Model.The network connection in the NET 4level is that of a single SNC4 between twoTCPs. From a management point of view,NET 1 provides the details required at theERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

40Fig. 9Combination of layering <strong>and</strong> partitioning; exampleLRDXCLocal networkRegional networkDigital cross connectFig. 10PDH-based Transport Network Layered Model(CEPT hierarchy)local level, NET 2 at the district, NET 3 atthe regional <strong>and</strong> NET 4 at the national level.Signal transport in real networks leads toa combination of layering <strong>and</strong> partitioning,Fig. 9. A 2 Mbit/s signal passes throughdigital cross connects (DXC) located in alocal network, is transmitted via a 140Mbit/s line between the cross connects<strong>and</strong> via an STM-1 system between the localnetworks, <strong>and</strong> then passes againthrough DXCs in a local region. Three ofthe DXCs use the 2 Mbit/s <strong>and</strong> one of themthe 140 Mbit/s switching level. The exam-pie shows that all Reference Points <strong>and</strong>Transport Processing Functions involvedin the transport of in<strong>for</strong>mation can be identifiedas belonging to a certain layer of thetransport network <strong>and</strong> a certain level of abstraction.In CCITT draft Recommendation G.snal,the transport network is divided into threelayers, which in turn can be divided intosublayers. The layers are as follows:-The Circuit Layer network is concernedwith the transfer of in<strong>for</strong>mation betweenusers, in direct support of telecommunicationservices. This circuit definition isspecifically used to describe network architecture<strong>and</strong> differs from CCITT circuitdefinitions used <strong>for</strong> other purposes-The Path Layer network supports theCircuit Layer network <strong>and</strong> may consist ofvarious sublayers- The Transmission Media Layer networksupports the Path Layer network <strong>and</strong>consists of a function <strong>for</strong> transfer of in<strong>for</strong>mationbetween two nodes <strong>and</strong> afunction concerned with the physical media.The concepts introduced above are applicableto transport networks based on PDH<strong>and</strong> SDH.Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy(PDH)In this article, the following PDH characteristicsignal types are considered:DSn Binary digital signals with datarates <strong>and</strong> framing according to theorder n in Rec. G.702. (Signalsgenerated <strong>and</strong> processed in terminalequipment)Dn Digital signals with data rates <strong>and</strong>pulse masks according to Rec.G.703. (Signals transmitted viast<strong>and</strong>ardised interfaces).ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

41Fig. 11Functional Model of PDH multiplexer<strong>Frame</strong>d 2 Mbit/s signalHDB-3 coded 2 Mbit's signalClient-to-server AdaptationTrail TerminationIn PDH, the following transport networklayers are defined:- The Path Layer network consists of sublayers<strong>for</strong> various data rates (e.g. DSn =2, 8, 34 <strong>and</strong> 140 Mbit/s sublayers)- The Transmission Media Layer networkconsists of a Signal Layer (e.g. Dn = 2,8, 34, <strong>and</strong> 140 Mbit/s) <strong>and</strong> a media-dependentPhysical Media Layer (<strong>for</strong> thetransmission of non-st<strong>and</strong>ardised 2, 8,34, 140 <strong>and</strong> 565 Mbit/s line signals).The use of the Functional Model will be illustratedby a number of examples basedon the Transport Network Layered model<strong>for</strong> PDH, Fig. 10. The lines between theblocks represent different alternatives <strong>for</strong>transporting in<strong>for</strong>mation. The Physical MediaLayer belonging to the transport networkrepresents the physical media appearingin the transmission network.Plesiochronous digital networks containthe following Transport Processing Functions:PPA Plesiochronous Path Adaptation<strong>for</strong> the client-server relationshipsDSn-1/DSn required <strong>for</strong> multiplexing/demultiplexing<strong>and</strong> framingPPTSLASLTPPIPlesiochronous Trail Terminations<strong>for</strong> the DSn Trails required <strong>for</strong> overheadinsertion <strong>and</strong> extractionSignal Layer Adaptation <strong>for</strong> theclient-server relationships DSn-1/Dn required <strong>for</strong> line coding/decodingSignal Layer Trail Terminations <strong>for</strong>the Dn Trails required <strong>for</strong> line codecheckingPlesiochronous Physical Interfacesrequired <strong>for</strong> the adaptation ofsignals to cables, <strong>and</strong> vice versa.Fig. 11 shows in detail the unidirectionalsignal transport of 30x64 kbit/s circuitsbetween a multiplexer <strong>and</strong> a demultiplexer.The lower part of the figure shows thephysical representation in the transmissionnetwork; the upper part the functionalrepresentation in various layers of thetransport network. The send terminal containsthe multiplexing function, generatesthe 2 Mbit/s framed signal, <strong>and</strong> containsfunctions <strong>for</strong> signal conversion to HDB-3coding <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> connection of the interfacecable. The receive terminal contains thecorresponding functions. The TransportFunctions appear in various transportERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

42Table 2Relationship between Functional <strong>and</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mationModelFunctional Model,see Fig. 6Managed Objects in In<strong>for</strong>mationModel, see Fig. 18TransportFunctionTrailConnectionTrail (Managed Object)Connection (Managed Object)TransportReferencePointsEnd point of trail APEnd point of a connection CPor network connection TCPTrail Termination Point TTP(Managed Object)Connection Termination Point CTP(Managed Object)Fig. 12Functional Model of PDH muldex <strong>and</strong> line systemDS1D1PHT<strong>Frame</strong>d 2 Mbit/s signalHDB-3 coded 2 Mbit s signalPhysical Media TrailRelationshipsbetweenTransportReferencePoints<strong>and</strong> relatedManagedObjectsOne-to-one relationshipbetween AP <strong>and</strong> CPOne-to-one relationshipbetween CP/TCP <strong>and</strong> CPOne-to-n relationshipbetween AP in a serverlayer <strong>and</strong> CP in aclient layerOne-to-one relationshipbetween TTP <strong>and</strong> CTPexpressed by connectivitypointersOne-to-one relationshipbetween CTP <strong>and</strong> CTPexpressed by connectivity pointersOne-ton relationshipbetween I l P in a server layer<strong>and</strong> CTP in a client layerexpressed by namingClient-to-server AdaptationTrail TerminationERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

43layers, Table 1. Each function is characterisedby a number, which appears in tables<strong>and</strong> figures in a consistent way. (Thesame number is used <strong>for</strong> the send <strong>and</strong> receiveparts).The example in Fig. 12 is based on the examplein Fig. 11 <strong>and</strong> shows the connectionof the terminals via a line system consistingof line terminals <strong>and</strong> one regenerator.Thirty 64 kbit/s Circuit Trails are transmittedvia a DS1 Trail which consists ofTrail Terminations, two Sub-Network Connections(TCP-CP) <strong>and</strong> one Link Connection(CP-CP) in the Path Layer network.These Sub-Network <strong>and</strong> Link Connectionsare served by three D1 Trails in the SignalLayer network. The D1 Trail in the middleconsists of Trail Terminations <strong>and</strong> two LinkConnections.The D1 Trail is served by two PhysicalTrails, i.e. two cable sections separated bya regenerator in the physical layer.Fig. 13 shows the Functional Model of adigital multiplexer converting 64x2 Mbit/ssignals into one 140 Mbit/s signal. Terminala is connected to a digital multiplexera, <strong>and</strong> the multiplexer is connected to a140 Mbit/s line terminal a. Similarly, thecorresponding b-side contains line terminalb, digital multiplexer b <strong>and</strong> terminal b.The multiplexers <strong>and</strong> line terminals containresources <strong>for</strong> management. TransportFunctions 1 to 4 are explained in Table 1<strong>and</strong> functions 10 to 19 in Table 3.Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)The functions of SDH systems, as definedin CCITT Recommendations G.781, 782<strong>and</strong> 783 <strong>for</strong> digital multiplexers <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> digitalcross connects, are much more complicatedthan PDH systems that con<strong>for</strong>mto existing Series G Recommendations (-Blue Book). This is compensated by the increasedflexibility <strong>and</strong> manageability ofSDH systems, however. Ample overheadin<strong>for</strong>mation, the corresponding resources<strong>and</strong> management interfaces suitable <strong>for</strong>Fig. 13Functional Model of PDH multiplexer (64x2 Mbit/sto 140 Mbit/s)ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

44No1PPI2PPI3SLTTransport Function(sending)No functionAdaptation totransmission mediaNo functionR---MO---Transport Function(receiving)No functionAdaptation toequipmentLoss of signal checkR--LOSMO——D1TTP4SLABinary to HDB-3conversionHDB-3 to binary codeconversionHDB-3 violation checkBERSINK5PPT6PPA10PPI11PPI12SLT13SLA2 Mbit/s overheadinsertion0.064/2 Mbit/smultiplexingNo functionAdaptationto cableNo functionBinary to CMIcode conversion----2 Mbit/s framealignment2 Mbit/s overheadextraction2/0.064 Mbit/sdemultiplexingNo functionAdaptation toequipmentLoss of signal checkCMI to binarycode conversionCMI code violationcheckLOF, AIS, BERRAI--'-LOS-BERDS1 TTPSINK--D4TTPSINK14PPT140 Mbit/s deframing140 Mbit/s overheadinsertion140 Mbit/s framealignment140 Mbit/s overheadextractionLOF, AIS, BERRAIDS4TTP15PPA34/140 Mbit/smultiplexing140/34 Mbit/sdemultiplexingSINK16PPT34 Mbit/s deframing34 Mbit/s overheadinsertion34 Mbit/s framealignment34 Mbit/s overheadextractionLOF, AIS, BERRAIDS3TTP17PPA8/34 Mbit/smultiplexing34/8 Mbit/sdemultiplexingSINKTable 3PDH Functions, Resources <strong>and</strong> Managed ObjectsLOSLOFBERAISRAIRMOLoss Of SignalLoss Of <strong>Frame</strong>Bit Error RatioAlarm Indication SignalRemote Alarm IndicationResourceManaged Object18PPT19PPA8 Mbit/s deframing8 Mbit/s overheadinsertion2/8 Mbit/smultiplexing8 Mbit/s framealignment8 MBit/s overheadextraction8/2 Mbit/sdemultiplexingLOF, AIS, BERRAIDS2TTPSINKFig. 14SDH-based Transport Network Layered ModelERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 15SDH Transport Functions <strong>and</strong> SignalsFig. 16Functional Model of SDH multiplexer (63x2 Mbit/sto 155 Mbit/s)TMN will permit SDH-based telecommuni- Fig. 16 shows the Layered Functionalcation networks to be monitored <strong>and</strong> con- Model of a synchronous digital multiplextrolled.Fig. 14 shows the Transport Net- er converting 63x2 Mbit/s framed signalswork Layered Model based on the SDH -connected via pair cables-into one 155multiplexing rules, <strong>and</strong> Fig. 15 shows the Mbit/s signal transmitted via a fibre-opticalTransport Functions (as defined in G.783) cable. The figure shows the way in which<strong>and</strong> related signals. 2the functional blocks (as defined in G.783)ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2,1992

46Table 4SDH functions, Resources <strong>and</strong> Managed ObjectsFALFEBEFERFBELOPLOSMMPTMMSLMMSRKOOFLTUMFSFSDHMO<strong>Frame</strong> Alignment LossFar End Block ErrorFar End Remote FailureBlock ErrorLoss of PointerLoss of SignalMisMatch, Path TraceMisMatch, Signal LabelMisMatch between Sent <strong>and</strong> ReceivedK-bytesOut Of <strong>Frame</strong>Loss of TU MultiframeSignal FailSignal DegradeResourceManaged Objectof a synchronous digital multiplexer arematched to the transport functions definedin G.snal. Transport Functions 20 to 29are described in Table 4.SDH networks contain the following TransportFunctions (one direction):PI Physical Interface, required <strong>for</strong>adapting signals <strong>for</strong> transmissionover cables <strong>and</strong> vice versa. PI containsthe transport functions PPI,SLT <strong>and</strong> SLALPA Lower-order Path Adaptation,maps the payload into the containerLPT Lower-order Path Termination,adds VC Path overheadLPC Lower-order Path Connection, allowsflexible assignment betweenlower- <strong>and</strong> higher-order VCsHPAHigher-order Path Adaptation, processespointer to indicate phasebetween lower- <strong>and</strong> higher-orderVCs, assembles complete higherorderVCHPT Higher-order Path Termination,adds higher-order path overheadHPC Higher-order Path Connection, allowsflexible assignment betweenSAhigher-order VC <strong>and</strong> STM-NSection Adaptation, processespointer to indicate phase betweenhigher-order VCs <strong>and</strong> STM-N, <strong>and</strong>assembles complete STM-NMSP Multiplex Section Protection, providesswitching to another linesystem <strong>for</strong> protectionMST Multiplex Section Termination,adds/extracts rows 5 to 9 of theSection overheadRST Regenerator Section Termination,adds/extracts rows 1 to 3 of theSection overheadSPISynchronous Physical Interface,converts to/from in-station or interstationsignals.Networks with digital cross-connectionequipment can be modelled in a similarway. As shown in Fig. 17, N incoming <strong>and</strong>ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

47Fig. 17Functional model of digital crossconnectDigital cross connect between 155 Mbit s signals,switching of VC4 signalsM outgoing 155 Mbit/s signals areswitched in a digital cross connect whichconnects VC4 signals.The examples show that every detail of anetwork - such as cables, line terminals,regenerators, distribution frames, multiplexers<strong>and</strong> cross connects - can be modelled.The model shows the ConnectionPoints which might be required <strong>for</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mance,alarm <strong>and</strong> configuration management.The degree of detail shown in themodel depends on its purpose, e.g. whetherit is intended to model the managementof Network Elements or the managementof Networks.In<strong>for</strong>mation modellingManaged Object definitionsThe execution of a management task (aTMN Management service) in a certainarea of application (Management Layer)requires communication between the managingsystem (the Operation System)<strong>and</strong> the managed system (Networks orNetwork Elements) across managementinterfaces. The In<strong>for</strong>mation Model definesthe types <strong>and</strong> contents of messagesacross the interface which are suitable <strong>for</strong>managing a given Managed Object. A ManagedObject is the data representation ofa physical or logical Resource in the managedsystem as seen by the managingsystem across the management interface.In accordance with CCITT RecommendationX.722 (Guidelines <strong>for</strong> the definition ofManaged Objects), a Managed Object isdefined by the following characteristics:- The attributes visible at its boundary. Attributeshave one or more associatedvalues- The management operations that maybe applied to a Managed Object. Operationscan manipulate the value of aManaged Object attribute (GET, SET,ADD, REMOVE) or the Managed Objectitself (CREATE, DELETE)-The notifications emitted by the ManagedObject- The behaviour exhibited by a ManagedObject in response to management operations- The Conditional Packages that can beencapsulated in the Managed Object. AConditional Package is a collection ofoptional attributes, notifications, operations<strong>and</strong> behaviours which are either allpresent or all absent in a Managed Object.Managed Objects with similar attributes<strong>and</strong> behaviours may be grouped into aspecific object class. An object is characterisedby its object class <strong>and</strong> object in-REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

The Managed Objects <strong>and</strong> their propertiesare contained in Network In<strong>for</strong>mation Models.The Generic Network In<strong>for</strong>mationModel defines Managed Objects that arecommon to many different technologies.Specific Network In<strong>for</strong>mation Models havebeen developed - or are being developed- <strong>for</strong> SDH, PDH <strong>and</strong> ATM networks.Fig. 18Entity Relationship diagram derived from theTransport Functions in Fig. 6TTPCTPn>lTrail Termination Point MOConnection Termination Point MOAdaptation including multiplexingNamingConnectivity pointerManaged ObjectFig. 19Identification of termination point Managed ObjectsNumbers in parentheses are related to PDH functionsin Fig. 13BID Bidirectionalstance <strong>and</strong> may possess multiple attributetypes <strong>and</strong> associated values. An objectclass may be a subclass from another objectclass. A subclass inherits attributetypes <strong>and</strong> behaviours of its superclass, inaddition to possessing its own specific attributes<strong>and</strong> properties. Each object instanceis identified by a unique name.Such a unique name is composed hierarchically<strong>and</strong> the most common way of organisinga naming hierarchy is through acontainment relationship. The relationshipbetween Managed Object classes can beexpressed with Entity-Relationship diagrams.Inheritance hierarchy diagramsshow the subclassing of Managed Objects.3Generic <strong>and</strong> specific Managed Objects arelisted in a st<strong>and</strong>ardised <strong>for</strong>m in ManagementIn<strong>for</strong>mation Bases (MIB). The processof defining "all" new Managed Objects<strong>for</strong> the existing telecommunicationnetworks will take many years, <strong>and</strong> newManaged Objects have to be <strong>for</strong>eseen asnew technologies are introduced.Use of FragmentsA number of views, referred to as Fragments,are used as a practical means ofdividing the In<strong>for</strong>mation Model into well definedparts. These Fragments can be appliedto modelling - according to the relevantpurpose - more or less independentlyof each other. A Fragment can be illustratedby means of Entity-Relationship diagrams.The following Fragments are derived fromFunctional Models:- Network Fragment- Managed Element Fragment- Termination Point Fragment- Transmission Fragment- Cross-connection Fragment.This article focuses on the TerminationPoint <strong>and</strong> Cross-connection Fragments.These Fragments assemble the ManagedObjects required <strong>for</strong> the management ofcross connects, muldexes <strong>and</strong> linesystems, i.e the main components of transmissionnetworks.The Managed Objects <strong>for</strong> the three otherFragments will be described on a technology-independentbasis in a future article.In<strong>for</strong>mation ModelThe functional modelling, which identifiesManageable Resources, provides the basis<strong>for</strong> the in<strong>for</strong>mation modelling leading toManaged Objects. The various In<strong>for</strong>mationModels are introduced with referenceto the relevant Functional Models.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

49TERMINATION POINT FRAGMENTThe Termination Point Fragment decribesManaged Objects which are closely relatedto Resources in the vicinity of endpoints of Trails <strong>and</strong> Connections. Theseclose relationships are illustrated by comparingFig. 6, showing the Functional Model,with Fig. 18, showing the Entity Relationshipdiagram of the corresponding In<strong>for</strong>mationModel. Table 2 lists TransportFunctions, Transport Reference Points,<strong>and</strong> relationships between Transport ReferencePoints <strong>and</strong> related ManagedObjects.Fig. 20Inheritance Hierarchy <strong>for</strong> Generic TerminationPointsSINK, SOURCE <strong>and</strong> BIDIRECTIONALTPTTPCTPTermination PointTrail Termination PointConnection Termination PointThe process that leads from the FunctionalModel of the transport network, Fig. 6,to the corresponding In<strong>for</strong>mation Model isdescribed below. The Functional Model ofthe transport network describes ConnectionPoints that are related to accessible ornon-accessible points in transmission networkimplementations. It also describesTransport Functions per<strong>for</strong>med by theseimplementations, in which the Resourcesrequired <strong>for</strong> management are found too.The Network Element aspect provides adetailed description of the NEs, while theNetwork aspect uses only those detailsthat are required <strong>for</strong> network management.The Functional Model provides an abstractview of telecommunications equipment,based on the essential functions that suchequipment must per<strong>for</strong>m. These functionalcomponents are modelled by ManagedObjects in the In<strong>for</strong>mation Model. ManagedObjects represent implementationindependentaspects of equipment <strong>and</strong>networks.Several Resources can be combined intoa Managed Object. The particular Resourcescombined to <strong>for</strong>m a Managed Objectcan be chosen so that they permit- the use of appropriate facilities <strong>for</strong> themonitoring <strong>and</strong> controlling of functions- iterative usage of management in<strong>for</strong>mationleading to subclasses in hierarchies-the name <strong>and</strong> the naming structure ofManaged Objects leading to namingtrees.A relationship between Managed Objectscan be expressed either as a Managed Objector as an attribute of one or both of theManaged Objects associated by the relationship.In Fig. 18 two types of relationshipare shown:- Connectivity Pointer relationship, definingthe one-to-one association betweenTermination Points, appears as attributesin both Termination Points- Naming (containing) relationship, definingthe association between n TerminationPoints in the client layer <strong>and</strong> one TerminationPoint in the server layer,appears as an attribute in the TerminationPoint of the server layer.Fig. 19 illustrates signal transport to <strong>and</strong>from functional units in a network. Resourcesinvolved in signal receiving leadto "SINK" type Managed Objects. Resourcesinvolved in signal sending lead to"SOURCE" type Managed Objects. Forsignal transmission 2 to 140 Mbit/s acrossthe PDH multiplexer shown in Fig. 13,Functions 1-4 lead to "SINK" type <strong>and</strong>Functions 10-19 to "SOURCE" type ManagedObjects. In the reverse direction,Functions 10-19 are related to "SINK" <strong>and</strong>Functions 1-4 to "SOURCE". Resources<strong>for</strong> signal receiving <strong>and</strong> sending lead to "BI­DIRECTIONAL" type Managed Objects."SINK" <strong>and</strong> "SOURCE" characterisingManaged Objects should not be confusedwith "in" <strong>and</strong> "out" characterising TransportFunctions.Fig. 20 shows the Inheritance Hierarchy ofTermination Points (TP). Bidirectional TPsinherit the properties from SINK <strong>and</strong>SOURCE TPs through a multiple inheritancemechanism. This is valid, in principle,<strong>for</strong> all PDH <strong>and</strong> SDH Inheritance Hierarchies(but not shown in all the figures).PDH In<strong>for</strong>mation modelContrary to the SDH case, <strong>for</strong> which RecommendationG.774 specifies the In<strong>for</strong>mationModel, no CCITT recommendation<strong>for</strong> the PDH In<strong>for</strong>mation Model exists atpresent. The Model described below is basedon the principles used in the SDH case.ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

50Fig. 21In<strong>for</strong>mation Model of PDH demultiplexerAll Managed Objects in the figure are of SINKtvoeFig. 22In<strong>for</strong>mation Model of PDH multiplexer64x2 Mbit/s signals transmitted via a 140 Mbit/ssignal <strong>and</strong> vice versaIManaged ObjectERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

51Fig. 23Inheritance hierarchy <strong>for</strong> PDH Termination PointsTTPCTPTrail Termination PointConnection Termination PointFig. 24PDH naming treeThe choice of transport Managed Objectsis illustrated in Fig. 21, which shows the In<strong>for</strong>mationModel of a PDH 2/0.064 Mbit/sdemultiplexer. The figure is based on thereceive side of Fig. 11 <strong>and</strong> shows howManaged Objects <strong>and</strong> their possible locationsare derived from Transport Functions.The Resources in the vicinity of anend point of a Trail or a Connection can beassembled into a Managed Object. Thename of the Managed Object is related tothis end point.Fig. 22, which is based on Fig. 13, showsthe In<strong>for</strong>mation Model of a PDH 2/140Mbit/s multiplexer, multiplexing 64 separate2 Mbit/s signals into a 140 Mbit/s signal<strong>and</strong> vice versa. The multiplexer is connectedto adjacent equipment by means ofinterface cables.However, only those Managed Objectswhich are based on Resources are usable<strong>for</strong> management. Table 3 lists Functions,Resources <strong>and</strong> Managed Objects relatedto the examples in Figs. 21 <strong>and</strong> 22. The tabletakes into account both transmissiondirections, whereas the figures are concernedwith only one direction.In PDH equipment, Resources normallyappear only in the receive side, leading to"SINK" type Managed Objects.The PDH In<strong>for</strong>mation Model can be usedto model, in a general way, all the differentkinds of PDH networks. This leads to theinheritance hierarchy shown in Fig. 23<strong>and</strong> to the Naming Tree shown in Fig. 24.The inheritance hierarchy consists of a genericpart <strong>and</strong> a PDH-specific part. EachERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 25In<strong>for</strong>mation Model of SDH multiplexer63x2 Mbit s signals are transmitted via a 155Mbit s signalManaged ObjectAdaptation FunctionTrail Termination FunctionSub-Network Connection Functionof the managed TPs may be eitherSOURCE, SINK or BIDIRECTIONAL.SDH In<strong>for</strong>mation ModelThe SDH In<strong>for</strong>mation Model is based onthe Functional Model already presented.Fig. 15 shows the SDH multiplexing structurewith Transport Functions <strong>and</strong> relatedsignals. Fig. 25 exemplifies the derivationof Managed Objects related to the multiplexingof 63x2 Mbit/s signals into an STM-1 signal. Fig. 26 shows a correspondingexample of an SDH Regenerator. Table 4lists functions, Resources <strong>and</strong> those ManagedObjects which are based on Resources<strong>for</strong> the send <strong>and</strong> receive parts involvedin multiplexing <strong>and</strong> demultiplexing.SDH multiplexers offer - in addition to themultiplexing function - cross-connectfunctions, which are treated in detail in thenext chapter. (See also Table 5.) The comparisonof SDH <strong>and</strong> PDH multiplexers clearlyshows the increased management capabilitiesof the SDH concept.The SDH In<strong>for</strong>mation Model can be usedto represent, in a general way, all the differentkinds of SDH networks. The correspondinginheritance hierarchy is shown inFig. 27 <strong>and</strong> the naming tree in Fig. 28.As a general principle, the containment relationshipbetween TTPs <strong>and</strong> CTPs (TTPcontains CTP) is used <strong>for</strong> naming. The associationsbetween CTPs <strong>and</strong> TTPs areeither fixed links represented by Connec-MultiplexerSection LayerFig. 26In<strong>for</strong>mation Model of SDH regeneratorERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 27, aboveSDH Termination Point inheritance hierarchy* The name of this MO is not included inRec G.774ANSI st<strong>and</strong>ardFig. 28, belowSDH naming treeERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

54Table 5Cross-connect functions, Resources <strong>and</strong> ManagedObjects related to the example in Fig. 25No30LPC31HPCFunction (sending, receiving)Assignment of VC12s within VC4ResourceCross-connectioncapabilityAssignment of VC4s within STM-1 Cross-connection(STN-N in general case)capability* The name of this Managed Object is not included in Rec. G.774Managed Object *VC12TTP-TU12CTPVCTU12XCVC4TTP-AU4CTPVCAU4XCFig. 29Point-to-Point cross connectionsIn the In<strong>for</strong>mation Model (Figs. 29-31)Cross Connection Pointers pointing from CTP toCX are not shownManaged ObjectTo/from TP pointer between a CTP <strong>and</strong> an XCConnectivity pointer between CTPsTo/From TP pointer between a GTP <strong>and</strong> an XCCross Connection object pointertivity pointers (see Table 2) or flexibilitypoints represented by Managed Objectsbelonging to the cross-connection Fragment(see below).Cross connectionThe cross-connection capability referredto in Table 5 deals with the possibility (withinthe equipment) of freely assigning VCsto available VC-n capacity in a higher orderPath (LPC) or in a multiplex section(HPC). The association can either be anassignment (preparation) or an actualcross connection.In the Functional Model (the left side of figures29,30 <strong>and</strong> 31) cross connection is thepossible association between a TCP <strong>and</strong>a CP or between CPs. It is by controllingthis association that networks can be configuredto meet changing dem<strong>and</strong>s. Certainrequirements have to be met to makethe control function easier. Examples offunctional requirements are:- It should be possible only to assign (prepare)a cross connection without activatingit (Figs. 29 <strong>and</strong> 30)- It should be possible to per<strong>for</strong>m point-topoint<strong>and</strong> point-to-multipoint (broadcast)cross connections (Figs. 29 <strong>and</strong> 31)- It should be possible to cross-connectseveral Termination/Connection Pointsas a single unit without the need to makeindividual cross connections (Fig. 30)- It should be possible to group Termination/ConnectionPoints <strong>for</strong> managementpurposes like routing, etc.Figs. 29,30 <strong>and</strong> 31 illustrate how the functionalrequirements listed above are usedto derive both the Functional <strong>and</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mationModels.Fig. 29 shows a point-to-point cross-connectioncase. The In<strong>for</strong>mation Model (theright side of Fig. 29) consists of:-A cross-connection Managed Objectclass (XC) which models the associationbetween the Termination Points involvedNamingIn the Functional Model (Figs. 29-31)ERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

55Fig. 30Group Termination Point cross connection- To/from TP pointers, which are relationshipattributes belonging to the XC ManagedObject <strong>and</strong> pointing at the CTPs (orGTPs)-Connectivity pointers, which are relationshipattributes belonging to the CTPs<strong>and</strong> indicating which CTP is connectedto which CTP.In the example, four instances of this Objectclass represent the four point-to-pointcross connections. Three of the four to/-from TP pointers correspond to the threeactivated cross connections. In the fourth- only assigned - cross connection, theConnectivity pointers will be NULL to indicatea non-activated state.Fig. 30 shows cross connections betweendifferent groups of Termination/ConnectionPoints. In addition to the point-to-pointcase, the In<strong>for</strong>mation Model consists of:- A Group Termination Point ManagedObject class (GTP) which represents agroup of CTPs to be cross-connected asa single unit- A Cross Connection object pointer,which is a relationship attribute belongingto the GTP <strong>and</strong> pointing at the XCManaged Object- A "naming", which is a relationship attributebelonging to the GTP <strong>and</strong> pointing atthe CTPs that constitute the GTP.In the example, the three cross-connect-Fig. 31Broadcast cross connectionERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

Fig. 32, leftCross-connect Fragment, Inheritance hierarchyFig. 33, rightCross-connect Fragment, Naming hierarchyed groups require six instances of GTPs<strong>and</strong> three instances of XCs. When GTPsare cross-connected, the nth CTP of oneGTP is cross-connected to the nth CTP ofthe other GTP. The assigned (not activated)group 3 in Fig. 30 will be indicated bythose CTPs (which constitute the GTPs)<strong>and</strong> which have NULL Connectivity pointers.Fig. 31 shows a broadcast (point-to-multipoint)cross-connection case. In additionto the point-to-point case, the In<strong>for</strong>mationModel consists of the Multipoint cross-connectionManaged Object class (MPXC)which represents the assignment relationshipbetween the common CTP <strong>and</strong> thebroadcast CTPs. One instance of this Objectclass <strong>and</strong> three instances of the XCObject class will be required to model thecase.The Managed Objects <strong>for</strong> the cross-connectionFragment are defined in Box 1. Theinheritance hierarchy <strong>and</strong> naming tree areshown in Figs. 32 <strong>and</strong> 33 respectively.Box 1Object definitions <strong>for</strong> crossconnectFragmentThe Fabric Object class represents the set of logicalmatrices that are co-ordinated to provide connectivityof a range of characteristic in<strong>for</strong>mationtypes. It manages the establishment <strong>and</strong> releaseof cross connections. It also manages the assignmentof Termination Points to TP pools <strong>and</strong> GTPsThe Group Termination Point Managed Objectclass (GTP) represents a group of TerminationPoints that can be treated as a single unit <strong>for</strong> crossconnection <strong>and</strong> other administration purposes'TP pool" represents a set of Termination Pointsor GTPs that are equally h<strong>and</strong>led in a number ofmanagement applications, e.g. routing. All theTPs in a TP pool have the same signal typeThe "Multipoint cross-connection" Managed Objectclass (MPXC) represents an assignment relationshipbetween a TP or GTP <strong>and</strong> the correspondingTPs or GTPs.Reference1 CCITT RecommendationsM.60M3010(M30)M.3020(M.meth)M.3100(M.gnm)M.3180(M.cat)M.3200(M.app)M.3300(M.f)M.3400(M.func)Maintenance Terminology<strong>and</strong> DefinitionsTDSG.IV June 1992Principles <strong>for</strong> a TelecommunicationsManagementNetwork (TMN)COM IV-R28E, part 2, 991TMN interface specificationmethodologyCOM IV-R28E, part 2, 1991Generic Network In<strong>for</strong>mationModelCOM IV-R28E, part 2, 1991Catalogue of TMN ManagedObjectsCOM IV-R28E, part 2, 1991TMN management services,introductionCOM IV-R28E, part 2, 1991F-lnterface managementcapabilitiesCOM IV-R28E, part 2, 1991TMN management functionsCOM IV-R28E, part 2, 1991G.773 Protocol profiles <strong>for</strong> the Qx-Interfaces <strong>for</strong> management oftransmission systemsG.774 SDH Network In<strong>for</strong>mationModel <strong>for</strong> TMNQ.811 Lower Layer Protocol Profile<strong>for</strong>theQ3-lnterfaceQ.812 Upper Layer Protocol Profile<strong>for</strong> the Q3-lnterfaceWidl, W.: Telecommunications NetworkArchitecture. Ericsson Review 67(1990):4, pp. 148-162.Widl, W.: CCITT st<strong>and</strong>ardisation of TMN.Ericsson Review 60(1991 ):2, pp. 34-51.Rec. Architecture of transport net-G.803 works based on SDHCCITT RecommendationsG.702G.707G.781G.782G.783Digital hierarchy bit ratesSynchronous Digital Hierarchybit ratesStructure of Recommendationson MultiplexingEquipment <strong>for</strong> SDHTypes <strong>and</strong> general characteristicsof SDH MultiplexequipmentCharacteristics of SDH multiplexingequipment functionalblocksERICSSON REVIEW No. 1-2, 1992

ERICSSONISSN 0014-0171 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 92044 Ljung<strong>for</strong>etagen, Orebro 1992

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