Office VoIP - Orange

Office VoIP - Orange

Office VoIP - Orange


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we need a cost effective telephonesolution that is as flexible as we areNewhome AG is a rising star in the real estate business. The company took advantageof a good opportunity and moved into a bigger office. All happened on short notice andthey needed to implement a new Telco solution as fast and efficiently as possible butwhich didn’t require a huge investment.Newhome AG uses <strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-line with parallel ringing.Martin G., PartnerWe needed to get going on day one but did not want to invest in an on-site solution –having a solution that changed with our day-to-day needs was also a must. <strong>VoIP</strong> Multilineenabled us to get going within a few days and we received everything we neededfrom a new number range, new devices, customer support, and fixed installations werekept to a minimum. As our mobile phones are also fully integrated into the solution we’vereduced all our communication costs too.Corinne B., PartnerEach day is different and I don’t know whether I’ll be in the office or on the road withcustomers. <strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-line has a parallel ringing option, so calls to my fixed number arriveboth on my desk phone and my mobile. On both phones I see the number of incomingand missed calls – so I can be more reactive to my customers’ needs. I can also changethe numbers that ring via a web-based management tool (My Business Account) so I havetotal flexibility. We’ve come to rely on other features too such as short numbers, 3-wayconferencing, and address book sharing.Pierre R., AssistantI’m here to help out with customer support and wherever I am needed during the relocation.I was given a company number and fixed phone the moment I arrived. I work from homeone day per week and with <strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-line I can pick up all inbound calls on my laptopsoftphone. All my outgoing calls show the same number so customers see no difference.5

when is <strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-linethe ideal solution for you ?You are a small company requiring a low investment fixed phone solution in singleor multiple locationsYou want to keep your existing numbersYou need easy Multi-line connections with all important features includingcall forward, transfer, toggle, waiting, hold and 3-way conference callingNo need of advanced routing features as provided by <strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBXIn addition you may also employ a number of home workersyour benefits at a glanceNo investment for a conventional PBX telephone systemExisting numbers are ported to <strong>Orange</strong>CTI tool for click to dial, on screen call control, automatic contact record andjournal pop-upsFree calls inside the closed user group and attractive off-net tariffsYour laptop can be used as a softphoneExisting phones may be reused in combination with an a converter unit (ATA box)Full post sales support via phone and email. An on-site support option also existsCan be combined with <strong>Orange</strong> ADSL6

system requirements and technicalfunctions<strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-linebroadbandtraditional TDM telephonymodem<strong>Orange</strong><strong>VoIP</strong>platformgatewayPSTNGSMThe following requirements are needed for <strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-line:Broadband connection. Our needs assessment will indicate if your existingconnection is sufficient<strong>Orange</strong> ADSL broadband connection recommended to ensure high voice qualityOne <strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-line subscription per user<strong>Orange</strong> approved <strong>VoIP</strong> desk phones, or existing devices connected througha converter unit(ATA box)On-site support option is recommendedadditional optionParallel Ringing: two end devices (e.g. the desk- and mobile phone of the same user)ring simultaneously.7

8<strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBXour V-PBX call management servicecreates a bridge between your sitesbringing you closer to your clients

we need to bring our sites closertogether to improve customer supportand work more efficientlySmart & Clever is a successful start-up in full growth. Their electronic components arecurrently being developed, assembled and sold in several locations. In addition, theyemploy freelancers and developers working from home.Smart & Clever uses <strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBX from <strong>Orange</strong> with Call Hunting and Time Based Routing.André K., PartnerIP telephony via our <strong>Orange</strong> ADSL connection has improved the focus on our core business.Call Hunting and Time Based Routing have significantly improved our customerservice levels as workload is now shared and fewer calls are missed. Through the webbasedmanagement tool (My Business Account) we can adapt our call routing from dayto day according to customer need, or staff absences, so we’re much more efficient thanbefore. The new DECT phones we chose are also easy to use and give us full mobilitywithin the office.Peter M., IT ManagerThanks to <strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBX, we can save ourselves the trouble of installing a conventional PBXtelephone system. <strong>Orange</strong> was able to design and deliver the full solution with planning,installation and post sales support all centrally co-ordinated. Whenever we need help oradvice, there’s first class remote support by email and telephone so we don’t lose time.The speech quality is also good since <strong>Orange</strong> is using the latest SIP-based <strong>VoIP</strong> devicesand their network uses PSTN breakout from their Swiss based switches.Christine Z., Director of OperationsWith the web-based management tool I manage all user accounts conveniently onlinevia my laptop. This way I can easily assign numbers to new employees or freelancerseven when I’m not in the office. I can also define user profiles to block international callsfor instance.Martin S., Finance ResponsibleWith <strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBX we have significantly reduced our direct investment and are saving onrecurring costs as well. I can also monitor usage for individuals and the entire company.The key issue for us has been flexibility as our organisation is always changing, so weneed to avoid fixed installations. With <strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBX the solution simply goes with us.9

<strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBX offers numerouspractical functionsstandard featuresTime Based Routing: the inbound calls are routed according to the pre-definedrouting table. Multiple profiles are possibleFleet manager: remote management of V-PBX profiles and end user identitiesHunting groups: sequential, hierarchical or cyclical ringing or a combination1. Simultaneous ringing 2. Hierarchical 3. Circular 4. Hunting Groups12

time based routing according toa user-defined scheduleSmart & Clever’s 24/7 supportThe following table is based on the <strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBX solution of Smart & Clever (see page 9).time24.00External:Call AgentsSupport companyTime BasedRoutingof all calls tosupport numberInternal:IT ManagersSmart & Clever08.00ZurichSimultaneousringing among allIT Managers inZurich and Fribourgfor all calls tosupport numberFribourgSimultaneousringing among allIT Managers inZurich and Fribourgfor all calls tosupport number12.0018.0020.00Time BasedRoutingof all calls tosupport number24.00weekendTime BasedRoutingof all calls tosupport number13

I need one device for all my callsboth in and out of the officeGianluca P. is a dynamic Italian entrepreneur who runs a fashion boutique chain in Switzerland.From Monday to Thursday, he works in the main office in Lugano and visits theboutiques in various Swiss cities. On Friday he spends the weekend with his family inArona (Italy), where he has set up a home office.He uses One Phone for all his needs.Monday 7:30Gianluca arrives to his Atelier in Lugano – a new range is due for delivery by Thursday andthere’s lots to do – and he needs to call a supplier. There’s no GSM coverage at his deskbut his call automatically passes over the WLAN of his broadband network in his office.His supplier sees an incom-ing call from a fixed number which he immediately recognisesas being Gianluca and they speak for some time. Gianluca is at ease, since the mobilecall will be charged at fixed line rates.Tuesday 14:05Gianluca jumps into his car and dashes to Berne to pick up some material. He calls hissupplier via the GSM network and tariff to confirm the delivery time. Incoming calls tohis fixed number are automatically forwarded to his mobile – so he never misses a call.Thursday 19:00Final preparations for delivery are finished and Gianluca drives the shipment to his customerin Lugano. He stops to take a coffee break, starts scheduling next week and callslots of people. Since all his addresses and calendar are in One Phone he has all he needs.Friday 22:30Gianluca has left the Atelier in Lugano and arrives at his home in Arona. As he arriveshome his One Phone automatically connects to his home WLAN network, allowing himcalls to Switzerland at local rates with his Swiss fixed number displayed. Incoming callerspay only for a local call to his Swiss fixed number and Gianluca pays no roaming fees.15

when is One Phonethe ideal solution for you ?You prefer to use one device for all calls whether in or out of the officeYou are a small company or teleworkerYou want to optimise indoor coverageyour benefits at a glanceYour mobile becomes a fixed line when in the office – including fixed line tariffand -numberOnly one device for calendar, address book and call historyYou keep your existing fixed or mobile numberWhen out of the office calls to your fixed number are automatically forwardedto your mobileCombinable with <strong>Orange</strong> ADSL16

system requirements and technicalfunctionsOne Phonewhen in the officebroadbandtraditional TDM telephony<strong>Orange</strong><strong>VoIP</strong>platformPSTNWLAN modemgatewayGSMThe following requirements are needed for One Phone:<strong>Orange</strong> proposed Nokia E or N series device with integrated SIP (<strong>VoIP</strong> Client)<strong>Orange</strong> Business mobile price planOne Phone subscription<strong>Orange</strong> ADSL broadband connectionExisting Broadband may be reused in combination with an orange suppliedWLAN Access PointCompatible with WiFi extender from <strong>Orange</strong>additional optionParallel Ringing: two end devices (e.g. the desk- and mobile phone of the same user)ring simultaneously.17

My Business Accountthe web-based management toolDownloadreportsDownloadmanualsEdit yoursubscriber detailsActivate/deactivateyour lineother functions:Accessible from any laptop or PCFleet manager and end user profilesManagement of inbound and outbound call behaviour:Time Based Routing, parallel ringing, circular ringing, call forwardingVoice mail settingsManagement of user identities, add or delete users and featuresOutbound call filterUsage monitoring, cost details, statistics18

a solution for every userfor easy call managementreceptiondesk phone Snom 360headphone Snomfor full in-office mobilitydesk workerDECT <strong>VoIP</strong> Snom M3for on the roadfield workermobile deviceNokia E51for your laptopsoftphonelaptopheadphone SnomCTI forOutlook(Snom)- On screen Click to Dial- Incoming call screening – see who is calling as the phone rings- Automatic contact record and journal pop-ups for incoming calls- On screen call control – Answer, Hold, Transfer, End- Call history within journals & contact call records19

choose the convenient combinationof features according to your needsFeatureDescriptionOne Phone<strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-line<strong>VoIP</strong>-V-PBXWeb-based management toolend-user interface for featureconfigurationFleet manager and end-user viewtwo roles, one for end-user,one for fleet managerPrivate Number Planshort code diallingClosed User Group tariffingadvantageous call chargeswithin companyInbound Call Managementwhen busy, when no answer,call forward (hot and cold)Call Transferinbound call answered and thentransferred to any national end userCall Toggleswitching between two inbound callsCall Waitingnotifications of inbound calls,and caller waitingVoice emailpersonalised messaging systemCLIP managementselectable outbound call identificationaccording to name and numberOnline detailed call recordsonline usage monitoring and reportingNumber blockingoutbound calls to value addednumber and intl. destinations maybe blocked on company levelSoftphoneX-lite softphone for downloadand use with a PC or laptopCodec managementchange of Codec via theweb-based management tool3-way conference call voice link between three peopleTime Based RoutingHunt GroupsCTI InterfaceFleet manager V-PBX managementinbound calls routed according topredefined routing table. Multipleprofiles possiblehierarchical, circular,simultaneous, 7 levelsclick to dial, Microsoft Outlookintegration (snom device only)remote management of V-PBXprofiles and end user identitiesParallel Ringing – two devices two end devices ring in parallel option option option21

<strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong>pricing example22

<strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> pricing exampleSolution Example Fees CHF<strong>VoIP</strong>Multi-lineNewhome AG uses<strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-line withParallel Ringing.5 subscriptions, onehome officeMonthly<strong>VoIP</strong> Multi-lineParallel RingingNumber Hosting<strong>Orange</strong> ADSL5 subscriptions1 subscription5 numbers21.–5.503.–39.–One-TimeConnectionParallel RingingNew Numbers5 subscriptions1 subscription5 numbers125.–65.–25.–<strong>VoIP</strong>V-PBXSmart & Clever uses<strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBX from<strong>Orange</strong> with CallHunting and TimeBased Routing.10 subscriptionsMonthly<strong>VoIP</strong> V-PBXHead NumberNumber Hosting<strong>Orange</strong> ADSLOne-TimeConnectionNew Numbers10 subscriptions1 Head Number20 numbers20 numbers141.–included12.–39.–420.–100.–One PhoneGiovanni uses OnePhone for all hisneeds.Note: One Phone maybe activated with <strong>VoIP</strong>Multi-line or <strong>VoIP</strong>V-PBX (not both)MonthlyOne PhoneNumber Hosting<strong>Orange</strong> ADSLOptima 100One TimeConnectionNumber hosting7.–included39.–45.–26.–8.–All prices incl. VAT. Not included: hardware and communication costs.Note: to ensure optimal customer experience all devices are shipped pre-configured.Prices subject to change.23

our service, your convenienceAdvice during evaluationTo help you evaluate the needs of your company, our experts are available to providea commitment free consultancy and requirement assessment.Help during implementationIn the implementation phase following a successful test, our on-site partner will handleall installation and on-site support services – together with your company’s systemintegratoror alone.Support after saleOur remote customer support via telephone and email, plus optional 24/7 on-site supportwithin 4 hours assures that there’s always someone there when you are in need.24

FAQare there any restrictions ?Before implementing <strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> our qualified consultants will make a full requirementassessment. To use your fax machine, just keep your existing line as it is.what is the tariff for the inbound caller ?All calls to fixed numbers will be tariffed at fixed line rates.can I keep my existing number ?Yes, with <strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> you can keep both your fixed and mobile numbers. We will help youto port the numbers to <strong>Orange</strong>.I don’t have a fixed number. Can I still use <strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> ?The service requires a fixed number, but <strong>Orange</strong> will be pleased to provide one for your<strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> solution.what are the investment costs and what do I need for <strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong> ?The investments are dependent on the user requirements and the number of employees.Our qualified consultants are available to make a first assessment of your requirementand are able to make a cost and commitment free first proposal.what are the initial charges ?Fixed number portability is charged per single number or one fixed price for the full DDIrange (Direct Dial In) and the number hosting set-up is charged for the full hosted range.<strong>VoIP</strong> service set-up is only charged per active subscription and there is a parallel ringingoption set-up fee. For VPBX service set-up and additional head numbers, there are nohardware or maintenance costs assigned to the VPBX and the company only paysa small fee per user. The fixed <strong>VoIP</strong> devices as the One Phone devices are charged andif you wish to connect your existing standard or ISDN phones a <strong>VoIP</strong> adapter is required.The hosting and service set-up fees per subscriber are reduced when volume is increased.more questions ?Ask our Business Care Team using the free phone number 0800 700 60025

some technical termsADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)Digital subscriber line with high transmission rateEthernetThe physical network of a LANIP telephonySee <strong>VoIP</strong>LAN (Local Area Network)Internal network for data transferOne PhoneThe ideal telephone solution for home offices or companies with externalemployees who need to be reached everywhere and at all times under thesame fixed company numberParallel ringingSimultaneous signalling tone on two devices, e.g. desk phone and mobile phonePBX (Private Branch Exchange)Private telephone exchange with several lines for external and internal callsSIP (Session Initiation Protocol)Network protocol for setting up a communication session between two or more usersSoftphoneComputer used as an IP phone with the aid of headphones with a microphone andthe required software. Works via broadband connection or WLANVPBX (Virtual Private Branch Exchange)A virtual private branch exchange replaces a conventional PBX<strong>VoIP</strong> (Voice over Internet Protocol)Voice transmission via Internet protocol. Phoning via Internet connectionWLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)Wireless local network26

1005 5093 (EN) 01/09To arrange a consultation: Business Contact Line 0800 780 783For free information and support: Business Care Team 0800 700 600orange.ch/business

yes, I would like a personalconsultation about <strong>Office</strong> <strong>VoIP</strong>Please contact me to arrange an appointment.Company:Last/first name:Function:Address:Business Number:Email:Number of in-house employees:Number of external employees:Number of offices/locations:Own telephone exchange (PBX): yes /no type:coupon for a free CTIfor <strong>Orange</strong> customersSnom Flexor CTI for Outlook integrates snom handsets with Microsoft Outlook to giveusers full control of their phones from the desktop. The software helps users to easilymake and receive calls from Microsoft Outlook and to automatically record activitiesand notes against contacts.Key software features:On screen Click to DialIncoming call screening – see who is calling as the phone ringsAutomatic contact record and journal pop-ups for incoming callsOn screen call control – Answer, Hold, Transfer, EndCall history within journals and contact call recordsHow to benefit:Just present this coupon to our sales representative upon his visit.

<strong>Orange</strong>Business Care TeamHardturmstrasse 161CH-8005 Zürich

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