Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


88TRAVEL$ENSERepeat the process for all remaining legs. When you are finished picking yourown winners, click on the “Get Fares” button, which will invoke a dialog boxasking you to select from the three fare types; one, two or all. Alternately, youcan input the airline fare manually by clicking on the “Edit Fares” button, eitherprior to and instead of pricing the flights with the CRS, or after doing so.Edit Airline FaresFrom the Comparable Airline Trip tab you always can edit airline fares, whetherobtained from the CRS or not. Click on the Airline Trip Selection first(Recommended/Lowest/User Defined), then click on the “Edit Fares” button.Select the type of fare (F/Y/Lowest) and input a number or select a percentagediscount (5 to 25 percent) from an existing CRS fare.The existing fare (if any)always is shown in theupper portion of thedisplay. Once edited, theairline fare is shown withan asterisk after theamount on the airlinesscreen to signal that it hasbeen edited. The editedfare will automatically beused whenever this faretype is selected.The fare editing screendoes not automaticallyselect the comparable trip, fare type and fare. This only is done from theComparable Airline Trip tab by selecting a trip, selecting a type of fare andclicking “OK.”Time-Shifting Past Airline TripsSince airline flight availability and fares only are valid from at least four hoursahead of the present time until 11 months ahead, trips that already haveoccurred can not be run normally with Travel$ense. Release 3 introduces“time-shifting” to solve this problem.NEW T$3FEATUREWhen Travel$ense detects a past trip, this screen automatically appears beforeyou get flight information and suggests a future date to shift to, using the sameday of week as the leg 1 departure time of your trip. The default will be to shiftat least two days ahead of the current date and then to match the day of theweek. You are shown the day of week, date and how many days ahead of thepresent date that the time shift is.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSE89You should try to run acomparable number of daysahead to get the mostrepresentative fareinformation. If the past tripnormally would be priced 14days ahead, you should adjustthe date to this time as well.As with other Travel$ensedate input screens you cantype directly in the three datefields, use the up/down arrowkeys on your keyboard withineach field or click or hold onthe up/down arrow buttonson the screen afterhighlighting the field you wishto change.Travel$ense then will obtain airline data for the trip, shifting all dates thenumber of days specified starting with the first leg. This shifting will happen inthe background when getting information from the reservation system. Flightresults will show the original date so that the trip analysis can be run.A note will appear on the Comparable Airline Tab itself, on the Airline PriceDetail Screen and on the Detailed Trip Report stating that time-shifting wasused and the number of days involved. Daylight savings time adjustments alsoautomatically are shifted back in time from the airline data obtained (e.g.relative time difference between Arizona and California airports changesdepending on the time of year).Manually Defining Airline TripsA Manual Input button is available on the upper right portion of theComparable Airline Tab. This button is active only when airline information hasnot been obtained from the reservation system or upon clearing the existingtrip. Now that Release 3 can temporarily “time-shift” past trips to obtain flightdata, there normally is no reason to use manual input.WHEN TO USE MANUAL INPUT• Your online connection (Internet or via modem to CompuServe) is notavailable and you need a trip comparison badly enough to accept theinaccuracy of making up the flight information and the pricing yourself.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

88TRAVEL$ENSERepeat the process for all remaining legs. When you are finished picking yourown winners, click on the “Get Fares” button, which will invoke a dialog boxasking you to select from the three fare types; one, two or all. Alternately, youcan input the airline fare manually by clicking on the “Edit Fares” button, eitherprior to and instead of pricing the flights with the CRS, or after doing so.Edit Airline FaresFrom the Comparable Airline Trip tab you always can edit airline fares, whetherobtained from the CRS or not. Click on the Airline Trip Selection first(Recommended/Lowest/User Defined), then click on the “Edit Fares” button.Select the type of fare (F/Y/Lowest) and input a number or select a percentagediscount (5 to 25 percent) from an existing CRS fare.The existing fare (if any)always is shown in theupper portion of thedisplay. Once edited, theairline fare is shown withan asterisk after theamount on the airlinesscreen to signal that it hasbeen edited. The editedfare will automatically beused whenever this faretype is selected.The fare editing screendoes not automaticallyselect the comparable trip, fare type and fare. This only is done from theComparable Airline Trip tab by selecting a trip, selecting a type of fare andclicking “OK.”Time-Shifting Past Airline TripsSince airline flight availability and fares only are valid from at least four hoursahead of the present time until 11 months ahead, trips that already haveoccurred can not be run normally with <strong>Travel$ense</strong>. Release 3 introduces“time-shifting” to solve this problem.NEW T$3FEATUREWhen <strong>Travel$ense</strong> detects a past trip, this screen automatically appears beforeyou get flight information and suggests a future date to shift to, using the sameday of week as the leg 1 departure time of your trip. The default will be to shiftat least two days ahead of the current date and then to match the day of theweek. You are shown the day of week, date and how many days ahead of thepresent date that the time shift is.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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