Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


80TRAVEL$ENSERelease 3 differs from Release 2 in letting you define the meeting start and endtime (if known), rather than defining extra site time.Creating Multiple Meetings per LegNEW T$3FEATURERelease 3 allows for multiple meetings starting or ending at a given leg. Twogroups of passengers may be flying into a given airport for meetings in differentlocations, particularly in a larger city. Each meeting probably should have its owndrive time. This ideally is set on this screen.To create a meeting, click on the “Add” button then select the starting andending legs from the drop-downs menus. The Available Attendees box now willpopulate with all passengers available within these legs and show whether theyare assigned to a meeting yet. Click on the passengers attending the newmeeting and then on the “>>” button to move them to the new meeting. Editthe drive time or meeting start/end time as appropriate, and then click on“Save.”It is important to edit meetings prior to getting airline results. Later edits willprompt to erase airline results as it may invalidate the data already otained.New in Release 3 is the ability to designate that the meeting starts the nextmorning or ends the previous afternoon, indicating that the business aircraftpassengers have a layover. The comparable airline now will schedule for themeeting start/end time, which may or may not also involve a layover asdetermined by available airline flights.Airline flights now are scheduled for after-hours meetings as indicated by themeeting start/end time. It is important to indicate the true meeting starting andending times if any layovers are involved for business aircraft passengers. A 7:00p.m. meeting start means that the comparable airline passenger may have tospend much of that day traveling to ensure an ontime arrival at 7:00 p.m. If thetrue meeting start time were scheduled first thing the next day, the airlinepassengers could travel later in the day, perhaps arriving at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSECHAPTER 8. TAB 2 – COMPARABLE AIRLINE TRIP81Automatically Defining Airline ComparisonsTravel$ense automatically creates from one to 10 comparable airline trips withpassengers assigned to each when the corporate trip is fully defined. If multipleairline trips were created, the trip drop-down menu at the top of the “Select ATrip” box is displayed with a summary of the first two city codes in each trip. Atypical round trip can be completed in about two minutes, including some timeto establish the online connection.Once the corporate trip has been fully defined, click on the second tab,“Comparable Airline Trip” to begin to retrieve the comparable airline data fromthe CRS. Assuming your default setting is to obtain airline data automatically,the Online Status box pops up, counts down five seconds and then connects tothe reservation system via your selected communications method, using yourInternet connection or directly dialing into CompuServe. If your Internetconnection is a dial-up type connection, Travel$ense may trigger your dialer toconnect or you may need to do this yourself, such as by starting your Webbrowser.At this point the OnlineStatus screen pops up(see left). In a smallframe two circles labeledT and R, representTransmit and Receiveactivity between yourcomputer and eitheryour modem or your Internet connection. If using CompuServe, Travel$ensefirst dials your modem, logs in to CompuServe and then logs to thecomputerized airline reservation system. This can take anywhere from 30 to 90seconds. Via the Internet you may directly log in to the reservation site if youuse a network connection or you may first need to wait for your modem todial for dial-up type connections (Travel$ense is not doing the dialing in thiscase).The first indication that both logins were successful and that your trip requesthas been transmitted to the CRS successfully is the appearance of the phrase“Flights: 0” to the left of the Transmit and Receive lights. Data from the CRSthen should follow quickly, counting the number of flights that are beingconsidered by Travel$ense and ranked based upon eight separate criteria.The goal of the airline pricing module of Travel$ense is to obtain the best andmost realistic airline option for a given business travel situation. Travel$ense isexpected to have some basic intelligence in doing this, roughly comparable to acorporate travel agent. The travel calculation includes extensive information onCopyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

80TRAVEL$ENSERelease 3 differs from Release 2 in letting you define the meeting start and endtime (if known), rather than defining extra site time.Creating Multiple Meetings per LegNEW T$3FEATURERelease 3 allows for multiple meetings starting or ending at a given leg. Twogroups of passengers may be flying into a given airport for meetings in differentlocations, particularly in a larger city. Each meeting probably should have its owndrive time. This ideally is set on this screen.To create a meeting, click on the “Add” button then select the starting andending legs from the drop-downs menus. The Available Attendees box now willpopulate with all passengers available within these legs and show whether theyare assigned to a meeting yet. Click on the passengers attending the newmeeting and then on the “>>” button to move them to the new meeting. Editthe drive time or meeting start/end time as appropriate, and then click on“Save.”It is important to edit meetings prior to getting airline results. Later edits willprompt to erase airline results as it may invalidate the data already otained.New in Release 3 is the ability to designate that the meeting starts the nextmorning or ends the previous afternoon, indicating that the business aircraftpassengers have a layover. The comparable airline now will schedule for themeeting start/end time, which may or may not also involve a layover asdetermined by available airline flights.Airline flights now are scheduled for after-hours meetings as indicated by themeeting start/end time. It is important to indicate the true meeting starting andending times if any layovers are involved for business aircraft passengers. A 7:00p.m. meeting start means that the comparable airline passenger may have tospend much of that day traveling to ensure an ontime arrival at 7:00 p.m. If thetrue meeting start time were scheduled first thing the next day, the airlinepassengers could travel later in the day, perhaps arriving at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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