Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


28TRAVEL$ENSEwhen/if these costs should be invoked. For instance, if Breakfast is set to anestimated cost of $6 during the period from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. daily, and thepassenger is on the road during that time, $6 will be added to the daily expensefor Breakfast. Expenses that occur between trip legs, such as overnight hotelcosts, will be added to the following or next leg expenses.Users enter the start/end times for each of several expense categories. If 50percent of that time is spent on travel or away from home, Travel$ense addsthe amount entered into the defaults Costs Tab into the Travel Expensesspreadsheet on Tab 3, where they are user-changeable for each passenger oneach leg on every trip. Half of the time on the road (the 50 percent numberabove) is used to define the amount of time the passenger is actually on theroad to invoke these costs. It is an arbitrary percent, but the user can definethe trigger window of start and end times to which this 50 percent applies, anyway the company decides.PERSONAL CAR MILEAGE RATEEnter your company personal car mileage compensation rate here. It will beused to calculate mileage costs on the fly based upon your declared drive timesto your origin airport and from the final destination airport, assuming a 45 mphaverage ground speed. Although this cost has a minimal effect on total travelcosts, once set in the defaults it is calculated instantly and without further userinput. Because of its small overall effect on total travel costs, the results of thiscalculation, displayed on Tab 3, is not user changeable.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSEMileage cost is calculated for drive time to the leg 1 departure airport andfrom the last leg arrival airport.29Default is $0.31 per mile.PARKING COST PER DAY, CORPORATE/COMMERCIALEnter the typical per day parking cost per day per person at the origin airporthere, entering the cost applicable when using commercial airline service andapplicable when using corporate or charter service.Obviously, these values can vary by the class of parking service selected by thepassenger – close-in (hourly or daily) parking, allowing the passenger to walk tothe terminal, can be comparatively expensive, while satellite parking (longterm),requiring a shuttle bus or train to reach the terminal, can cost less,although at the expense of additional employee travel time. The default is 10.Typical corporate parking arrangements include free parking at fixed baseoperations (FBOs) or company hangars at most airports. The default is 0.In either case, one unit will be added to each passenger for each day or portionof a day that the passenger is on the road.HOTELEnter the default value per day per person to be used initially every time ahotel stay is triggered. Although the shipping default is $100, you may of coursechange this to any value you wish, or change this number while analyzing thetrip to adjust hotel costs to local conditions, or to specific hotels within specifictowns.Enter also the time window to invoke this cost. If 50 percent of the time awayfrom home is calculated to fall within the window you define, the cost for thisoption will be invoked to the day following when it is incurred. For instance, ona two-leg/day trip, the hotel cost will be charged to the second leg/day of thetrip. Consequently, when confirming trip expenses on Tab 3, it is important toselect the applicable trip leg to see the calculated results.BREAKFASTEnter the default value per day per person to be used initially every time abreakfast is triggered. Although the shipping default is $6, you may of coursechange this to any value you wish, or change this number while analyzing thetrip to adjust restaurant costs to local conditions.Enter also the time window to invoke this cost. If 50 percent of the time awayfrom home is calculated to fall within the window you define, the cost for thisoption will be charged to the day it is incurred.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

28TRAVEL$ENSEwhen/if these costs should be invoked. For instance, if Breakfast is set to anestimated cost of $6 during the period from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. daily, and thepassenger is on the road during that time, $6 will be added to the daily expensefor Breakfast. Expenses that occur between trip legs, such as overnight hotelcosts, will be added to the following or next leg expenses.Users enter the start/end times for each of several expense categories. If 50percent of that time is spent on travel or away from home, <strong>Travel$ense</strong> addsthe amount entered into the defaults Costs Tab into the Travel Expensesspreadsheet on Tab 3, where they are user-changeable for each passenger oneach leg on every trip. Half of the time on the road (the 50 percent numberabove) is used to define the amount of time the passenger is actually on theroad to invoke these costs. It is an arbitrary percent, but the user can definethe trigger window of start and end times to which this 50 percent applies, anyway the company decides.PERSONAL CAR MILEAGE RATEEnter your company personal car mileage compensation rate here. It will beused to calculate mileage costs on the fly based upon your declared drive timesto your origin airport and from the final destination airport, assuming a 45 mphaverage ground speed. Although this cost has a minimal effect on total travelcosts, once set in the defaults it is calculated instantly and without further userinput. Because of its small overall effect on total travel costs, the results of thiscalculation, displayed on Tab 3, is not user changeable.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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