Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


22TRAVEL$ENSEThe 28,800 baud setting is supported by CompuServe in almost all cities. SomePCMCIA modems and USRobotics modems require a 19,200 baud setting butusually upgrade their speed to 28,800 or as high as available when connecting.Some older 14,400 baud Internet modems require a baud rate of 9,600 in thesettings. They also may connect at a higher speed than the one set.PHONE NUMBEREnter the CompuServe phone number for your area for the baud rate selected.Using your CompuServe software, such as WinCIM, you can get a complete listfor any area by typing GO PHONES or call (800) 635-6225 for local accessnumbers via an automated response system. Add any additional dialinginstructions to the front of the phone number to get an outside line (e.g.9,,,555-1212 where commas represent pauses) or disable call waiting.INITIALIZEAn initialization string is a group of modem commands (a command string)used to configure your modem. Most modems do not require an initializationstring, so generally you should start with this field empty. A few fax modems,internal 14,400 baud modems and other faster modems may require aninitialization string. In these cases you should try the string used in WinCIM foryour modem. In the Special menu of WinCIM select Session Settings. Then clickon Modem and find the initialize string shown for your modem in the list ofmodems. To copy this string exactly into Travel$ense, highlight the string withthe mouse (except for the ^M at the end) press Ctrl-C, then click on theInitialize box of Travel$ense and then press Ctrl-V to paste. If you are setting upyour modem via the control panel of Windows 95, set error control to “on”and data compression to “off.” Travel$ense requires seven data bits, one stopbit, even parity and no flow control. It should not be necessary to set this onthe control panel, as Travel$ense will do so each time it starts dialing.It is important not to use an invalid initialization string. Some modems willfreeze, not report an error and must be reset. Internal modems require turningoff your PC to reset properly unless you can do so from other software. If aninitialize string does not work, always reset your modem completely and tryconnecting without an initialization string.Network Modem Note: Travel$ense was designed to be used by a single userwith a dedicated modem on their PC. As configured, Travel$ense ordinarily willnot support the use of network-based modems. Contact technical support forfurther information about how you may be able to set up a network modemconnection on your PC. NBAA does not guarantee the operation of networkmodems and cannot provide technical support for their use.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSERegistering with the Airline Reservation SystemPrinter DriversTo obtain comparable airline comparisons for your business aircraft tripautomatically via either the Internet or CompuServe, you must obtain a freeaccount on the airline reservation system. If you do not have a ReservationSystem User ID and Password stored on the Online Communications SettingsScreen, you will be prompted to sign up when you run an airline comparison.Travel$ense will present a form to fill out with your name and addressinformation, and you will select a password of your own choosing. Thereservation system will assign your User ID (seven characters) automatically.Both will be saved by Travel$ense, so you should not need to remember yourReservation System User ID or Password, and you should be prompted toregister with the reservation system only once.If you reside outside the United States, please make sure you select this on thecountry field as the signup process within Travel$ense must make specialprovision for this.Note: Travel$ense only supports dollar-based currencies via the airlinereservation system. Travel$ense also sets up accounts with only U.S. dollarpricing. You may manually alter your reservation system account to supportCanadian or other decimal-dollar format currencies. Please e-mail technicalsupport for more information. Travel$ense will not check to ensure a particularcurrency in reservation system output.Travel$ense works best with ordinary, conventional non-Postscript printerdrivers. (Note: Printer drivers are software, not hardware.) If your printer willwork with an HP LaserJet III printer driver, which represents well-establishedcomputer industry standards, Travel$ense probably will generate the cleanest,most trouble-free reports using them. See your printer’s User Guide forprinter driver compatibility information and your Windows User Guide forinstructions on how to install new printer drivers.If you have a PostScript printer such as the HP LaserJet 5M or 6M, it isrecommended that you install an HP LaserJet III printer driver to print to thisprinter. You need to do this if text does not seem centered within the cells orboxes of the many tables in Travel$ense reports. Windows allows you to haveany number of printer drivers installed and printing to the same physicalprinter. All recent HP LaserJets fully support the HP LJ III driver.To install a printer driver you likely will need access to your Windows setupCD-ROM. In the Start Menu, go to Settings, then Printers. Double click on AddPrinter and follow the prompts. Select HP printers, Laserjet III (no other23Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

22TRAVEL$ENSEThe 28,800 baud setting is supported by CompuServe in almost all cities. SomePCMCIA modems and USRobotics modems require a 19,200 baud setting butusually upgrade their speed to 28,800 or as high as available when connecting.Some older 14,400 baud Internet modems require a baud rate of 9,600 in thesettings. They also may connect at a higher speed than the one set.PHONE NU<strong>MB</strong>EREnter the CompuServe phone number for your area for the baud rate selected.Using your CompuServe software, such as WinCIM, you can get a complete listfor any area by typing GO PHONES or call (800) 635-6225 for local accessnumbers via an automated response system. Add any additional dialinginstructions to the front of the phone number to get an outside line (e.g.9,,,555-1212 where commas represent pauses) or disable call waiting.INITIALIZEAn initialization string is a group of modem commands (a command string)used to configure your modem. Most modems do not require an initializationstring, so generally you should start with this field empty. A few fax modems,internal 14,400 baud modems and other faster modems may require aninitialization string. In these cases you should try the string used in WinCIM foryour modem. In the Special menu of WinCIM select Session Settings. Then clickon Modem and find the initialize string shown for your modem in the list ofmodems. To copy this string exactly into <strong>Travel$ense</strong>, highlight the string withthe mouse (except for the ^M at the end) press Ctrl-C, then click on theInitialize box of <strong>Travel$ense</strong> and then press Ctrl-V to paste. If you are setting upyour modem via the control panel of Windows 95, set error control to “on”and data compression to “off.” <strong>Travel$ense</strong> requires seven data bits, one stopbit, even parity and no flow control. It should not be necessary to set this onthe control panel, as <strong>Travel$ense</strong> will do so each time it starts dialing.It is important not to use an invalid initialization string. Some modems willfreeze, not report an error and must be reset. Internal modems require turningoff your PC to reset properly unless you can do so from other software. If aninitialize string does not work, always reset your modem completely and tryconnecting without an initialization string.Network Modem Note: <strong>Travel$ense</strong> was designed to be used by a single userwith a dedicated modem on their PC. As configured, <strong>Travel$ense</strong> ordinarily willnot support the use of network-based modems. Contact technical support forfurther information about how you may be able to set up a network modemconnection on your PC. <strong>NBAA</strong> does not guarantee the operation of networkmodems and cannot provide technical support for their use.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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