Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


18TRAVEL$ENSEreason, Travel$ense is not a program companies normally would make availablewidely, but rather would install only on the PCs of certain discrete individuals.Moving an Existing InstallationAfter Travel$ense is installed you may find it necessary to move the program toanother PC (i.e., hardware upgrade). You should follow this process only whenmoving Release 3 data to another PC. If you have an earlier version ofTravel$ense installed, and would like to move it to a new PC, first upgrade yourold installation to Release 3 following the instructions on page 15, then followthe instructions below.1. On your old PC, back up your Travel$ense data onto a floppy disc usingthe built-in backup feature by selecting File, Backup or Restore Database(or by typing Ctrl-B). For more information, see Database Backup andRestore on page 125.2. On your new PC, install Release 3, following the instructions on page 14.3. On your new PC, insert the floppy disc with the backup data, and selectFile, Backup or Restore Database (or type Ctrl-B). Select the RestoreEntire Database Option, and select the path for your backup data. Click“OK” to restore your backup data.Your default settings and profile data now will be copied onto the new PC. Youstill will need to set up your online connection settings and register with theonline reservation system.You may unistall Travel$ense from your old PC by selecting Start, Settings,Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and choosing Travel$ense Release 3.Setting Up Online Connection to Airline DataTravel$ense needs to connect to the reservation system to obtain real-timeairline rate and schedule information. This can be done two ways:• Via the Internet using any TCP/IP connection you already have setup onyour computer, be it via a network, proxy server or dial-up via modem(New with Release 3).• Directly via a local modem and the CompuServe Information System.(CompuServe account required.)To select which method you want to use, open the Online CommunicationsSettings Screen via the toolbar button (left), via the Session menu, Settingsitem.Travel$ense automatically connects you to the reservation system wheneverdata is needed. A pop-up screen counts down for five seconds before starting,giving you a chance to cancel the process if your modem or InternetCopyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSEconnection is not available. If you use a dial-up Internet connection, Travel$enselikely will trigger this to begin. Alternatively you might need to start yourInternet connection manually. If using CompuServe mode, Travel$ense will dialyour local modem directly to initiate the connection.You can disconnect at any time via the Disconnect button on the ComparableAirline Trip tab or via the Disconnect menu item in the Modem accessible inthe drop down menus when any of the Tabs are displayed. CompuServe userscan also select an automatic disconnect. You will be automatically disconnectedwhen you leave Travel$ense if you are still online. Internet users willautomatically be disconnected from the reservation system after extendedinactivity, but this does not affect your Internet connection itself.Internet Access to Airline Data19NEW T$3FEATURETo set up Travel$ense to use yourexisting Internet connection,check the “Use Internet Access”checkbox on the OnlineCommunications screen (left).For Internet connections, normally no additional setup is required. Travel$enseautomatically uses your computer’s default Internet connection, as defined inyour Control Panel, Networks.Do not specify the optional proxy server name unless you have tried toconnect without it. Virtually all “firewalls” or proxy servers are supportedautomatically without entering any information. In rare cases you will need toenter the exact name (not the numeric IP address) of your proxy server inorder to set up your computer. Contact your IS support for assistance in thiscase. In technical terms, Travel$ense uses only port 80 to establish a standardHTTP connection with the airline reservation system.CompuServe SetupAs of Release 3, Travel$ense does not require use of CompuServe. It can useany available Internet connection (TCP/IP), regardless of how that connection isset up. If you belong to CompuServe but use a dedicated TCP/IP connection,you must set Travel$ense to use the Internet as its connection. To use anInternet connection, go to the Session menu, select Settings. On the OnlineCommunications Settings screen, click to select “Use Internet Access.”However, CompuServe does provide a more direct and efficient link to theairline reservation system and consequently provides the fastest and highestlevel of availability at the cost of requiring a supported modem and outside lineconnected to your PC. To obtain a CompuServe account please contactCompuServe at 1-800-635-6225 or © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

18TRAVEL$ENSEreason, <strong>Travel$ense</strong> is not a program companies normally would make availablewidely, but rather would install only on the PCs of certain discrete individuals.Moving an Existing InstallationAfter <strong>Travel$ense</strong> is installed you may find it necessary to move the program toanother PC (i.e., hardware upgrade). You should follow this process only whenmoving Release 3 data to another PC. If you have an earlier version of<strong>Travel$ense</strong> installed, and would like to move it to a new PC, first upgrade yourold installation to Release 3 following the instructions on page 15, then followthe instructions below.1. On your old PC, back up your <strong>Travel$ense</strong> data onto a floppy disc usingthe built-in backup feature by selecting File, Backup or Restore Database(or by typing Ctrl-B). For more information, see Database Backup andRestore on page 125.2. On your new PC, install Release 3, following the instructions on page 14.3. On your new PC, insert the floppy disc with the backup data, and selectFile, Backup or Restore Database (or type Ctrl-B). Select the RestoreEntire Database Option, and select the path for your backup data. Click“OK” to restore your backup data.Your default settings and profile data now will be copied onto the new PC. Youstill will need to set up your online connection settings and register with theonline reservation system.You may unistall <strong>Travel$ense</strong> from your old PC by selecting Start, Settings,Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and choosing <strong>Travel$ense</strong> Release 3.Setting Up Online Connection to Airline Data<strong>Travel$ense</strong> needs to connect to the reservation system to obtain real-timeairline rate and schedule information. This can be done two ways:• Via the Internet using any TCP/IP connection you already have setup onyour computer, be it via a network, proxy server or dial-up via modem(New with Release 3).• Directly via a local modem and the CompuServe Information System.(CompuServe account required.)To select which method you want to use, open the Online CommunicationsSettings Screen via the toolbar button (left), via the Session menu, Settingsitem.<strong>Travel$ense</strong> automatically connects you to the reservation system wheneverdata is needed. A pop-up screen counts down for five seconds before starting,giving you a chance to cancel the process if your modem or InternetCopyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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