Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


206Total Direct Trip Costs Saved · 104Total Leg Time · 94Total Travel Time · 108Total True Trip Costs · 100, 135Total True Trip Costs Saved · 104Transportation of Mail and Cargo · 148Travel Date · 75Travel Time · 76Travel Times · 93Trip Costs Saved vis-à-vis Airline Baseline · 103Trip Database Statistics Report · 121Trip Expenses · 95Trip Legs · 66Trip Mission Profiles · 59Trip Outcome · 67Trip Purpose · 67Trip Report · 109, 140Trip Report Letterhead Space · 45, 109Trip Statistics · 107Trip Status · 66True Cost of Employee Travel Time · 99, 135,198True Cost of Productive Hours Saved · 106True Trip Costs · 99, 135Two Character Tag Name · 49Type Designation · 49Typical Load · 51UUnquantified Benefits · 149Upgrading · 15VValuation MethodsFive Times Salary · 170Key Man Insurance · 167Loss of Excess Earnings · 172Replacement Cost · 171Service Firm Billing · 169Ten Percent · 170Value of Employee Time · 161YY Fare Y Fare · 42Y2K Compliance · 186TRAVEL$ENSECopyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

206Total Direct Trip Costs Saved · 104Total Leg Time · 94Total Travel Time · 108Total True Trip Costs · 100, 135Total True Trip Costs Saved · 104Transportation of Mail and Cargo · 148Travel Date · 75Travel Time · 76Travel Times · 93Trip Costs Saved vis-à-vis Airline Baseline · 103Trip Database Statistics Report · 121Trip Expenses · 95Trip Legs · 66Trip Mission Profiles · 59Trip Outcome · 67Trip Purpose · 67Trip Report · 109, 140Trip Report Letterhead Space · 45, 109Trip Statistics · 107Trip Status · 66True Cost of Employee Travel Time · 99, 135,198True Cost of Productive Hours Saved · 106True Trip Costs · 99, 135Two Character Tag Name · 49Type Designation · 49Typical Load · 51UUnquantified Benefits · 149Upgrading · 15VValuation MethodsFive Times Salary · 170Key Man Insurance · 167Loss of Excess Earnings · 172Replacement Cost · 171Service Firm Billing · 169Ten Percent · 170Value of Employee Time · 161YY Fare Y Fare · 42Y2K Compliance · 186TRAVEL$ENSECopyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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