Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

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TRAVEL$ENSE10. The quality control program could not be conducted effectively otherwise.11. A company often needs to schedule a trip in a matter of minutes.12. Demands on employee time are so extensive that corporate aircraft areessential to the company.13. Corporate aircraft are a valuable aid in helping companies respond tocustomer needs.14. Rapid transportation is an essential communications tool.15. Use of corporate aircraft expands the calendar.ENHANCEMENT OF MENTAL ALERTNESS AND PHYSICAL PERFORMANCEA business aircraft passenger’s ability to perform tasks with better mentalcapability and with a higher degree of physical endurance than what he wouldexperience under scheduled airline travel conditions allows him to accomplishhis assignment and/or outlast his adversaries more effectively.151Early in one of the research assignments that led to the preparation of thisreport, it became clear that no quantitative measurements were availableconcerning the enhancements of mental capability and preservation of physicalstamina that are provided by the use of corporate aircraft. Therefore, we hiredthree professionals in the field of aviation stress and fatigue in order to conductan analysis of the situation.One of these professionals initiated his work in this field when he servedduring World War II in England as an interviewer of flightcrews as they returnedfrom bombing missions over Europe. During his research, he attempted todetermine the subjects’ suitability for additional missions. He also conductedextensive work in measuring subjects’ mental reactions to varying degrees ofstress. Another professional is active in studying mental and physical reactionsof flightcrews during aviation and space activities. His work has been directedtoward such measurements under varying degrees of stress conditions.Each of the three professionals was asked to assess the effect of three modesof air travel (comparing business aircraft travel to airline travel) on the sevenelements of mental and physical performance capabilities. The enhancement ofmental and physical performance aboard moderate-speed business aircrafttransportation compared to scheduled airline service is calculated as follows:1. utilization of intellect in determining answers and arriving at solutions toobjectives of meeting;2. preservation of stamina in becoming more persistent with less compromiseof objectives than other participants in the meeting who have traveled byslower and more tiring means;3. exercise of initiative in expressing viewpoints that are pertinent tocorporate objective of meeting;Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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