Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

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TRAVEL$ENSE143A major source of time savings available to business aircraft users arises fromthe greater convenience of airport locations in relation to the typical origin anddestination of the business traveler.Historically, waiting time at airports has been used at limited productivity levelsfor business purposes. Examples include meetings scheduled between travelingand local executives during transit stops, as well as briefings and debriefingsbefore or after local meetings. Security measures at public airports, however,have tended to limit the business value of such time. Typically, only ticketedpassengers are admitted beyond the security check point. This prevents localpersonnel from meeting or accompanying travelers to departure lounges.Airline VIP lounges also usually are on the air side of the security check points.All such actions tend to increase the ground time for airline travel as comparedto business aircraft travel, where appropriate security measures may be takenwithout separating identified travelers and nontravelers from each other.Because of the large number of U.S. airports that can serve business aircraft,most business trips are direct, nonstop flights. In contrast, travel by scheduledairline service usually will require a stop or connection through a hub city. Inanalyzing a large number of specific business aircraft flights, we have found thatthe average flight-time savings over the best available commercial routing forthe same destination was approximately one-and-a-half hours for round trips of500 to 1,500 total miles.Using business aircraft also provides significant savings in ground timeassociated with each flight in comparison to commercial airline travel. Thesesavings are essentially independent of the distance traveled and are far moresignificant than the savings of flight time for business trips up to 1,500 miles.Some of the times to consider include the following travel stages:1. home/site/office to airport,2. airport parking,3. transport and arrival at check-in counter,4. check-in counter to security barrier,5. clearing through security barrier,6. security barrier to airplane gate,7. airplane boarding, departure, climb-out (leg dead time),8. productive time enroute,9. descent, landing, arrival to deplaning (leg dead time),10. airplane arrival to baggage retrieval area,11. awaiting baggage,12. baggage in-hand to parking/car rental to airport departure,13. airport departure to home/site/office.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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