Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


132TRAVEL$ENSEFour data fields are mandatory: last name, first name, title and department. Youalso can specify a passenger ID and a level number. If your company user up toa nine-digit number for employee IDs then you can directly import them intoTravel$ense, making the passenger data that much more meaningful. If not,Travel$ense will create ID numbers as passengers are processed by adding oneto the largest number currently in use.Note: PFM flight department software automatically generates a uniquenumeric passenger ID for use within Travel$ense. This greatly simplifiespassenger name matching when importing trips (i.e., more than one John Smithisn’t a problem).Ideally you should supply a valid level number (1–32,000) in your passengerimport data file. To do so your company must have a numeric field available tospecify salary range or be able to generate one from your personnel records.Set up the Travel$ense levels profiles with this data before importing.Travel$ense will validate each passenger record against currently stored levelswhen importing. This will save you a significant amount of time.If you do not import Travel$ense levels within the data file, all passengers willget the first (lowest number) level number and you must change all importedpassengers by hand from the passengers profile screen after importing.For more information, see Passenger Profiles on page 57.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSECHAPTER 15. THE IDEAS BEHIND TRAVEL$ENSETime has value. Realizing this and appreciating it is what business aviation is allabout. As that realization takes hold, companies are changing their response tothe need to maximize employee productivity and efficiency. Companies also arelearning how to accomplish more with leaner staffs, particularly at seniormanagement levels.The ideas behind Travel$ense are not new. Companies and executives havebeen making intelligent travel decisions for decades without the aid orhindrance of computers. What is new is that with Travel$ense, these ideas havebeen organized for the first time into a highly customizable computer programthat can easily and rapidly generate reports for management, increasing theamount and quality of information needed to make travel decisions.133Travel$ense is business travel productivity tracking software. The concept oftracking productivity during business travel is new and, consequently,Travel$ense represents a new product category. We formally incorporate boththe cost and value of time in the travel decision process. We track nonbusinesshours away from home, recognizing formally that they, too, have a cost, althoughit is left to you to decide what that cost is. We offer detailed and credible waysto count the amount and value of time saved via travel via business aircraft, notonly on a particular flight, but over time, cumulatively, to illustrate cost savingsand trends.All this takes place against the background of an accelerating pace of business.Performance is an evergreen priority. Productivity and efficiency are scrutinizedintensely at many companies. Right-sizing and down-sizing initiatives arepervasive. It is “The Age of Rethinking” – sometimes often – of all businessprocesses. Competition increasingly is fierce, worldwide and growing. Andcompanies are changing in response to these forces, often rapidly.As a result, corporate missions are revisited, which results in revised missionsand the excitement, confusion and angst they can bring. Company activities arerefocused to support sharpened missions. Employee travel is reassessed tosupport those activities and “best practices” analysis is applied to employeetravel. Travel methods and attitudes are redefined.Of course, all this activity is taking place against a communications revolution.Consider, however, that:• The phone didn’t replace letter-writing.• Faxing didn’t replace overnight mailings.• Video conferencing hasn’t replaced the airlines.• Voice mail and e-mail haven’t replaced personal contact.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSECHAPTER 15. THE IDEAS BEHIND TRAVEL$ENSETime has value. Realizing this and appreciating it is what business aviation is allabout. As that realization takes hold, companies are changing their response tothe need to maximize employee productivity and efficiency. Companies also arelearning how to accomplish more with leaner staffs, particularly at seniormanagement levels.The ideas behind <strong>Travel$ense</strong> are not new. Companies and executives havebeen making intelligent travel decisions for decades without the aid orhindrance of computers. What is new is that with <strong>Travel$ense</strong>, these ideas havebeen organized for the first time into a highly customizable computer programthat can easily and rapidly generate reports for management, increasing theamount and quality of information needed to make travel decisions.133<strong>Travel$ense</strong> is business travel productivity tracking software. The concept oftracking productivity during business travel is new and, consequently,<strong>Travel$ense</strong> represents a new product category. We formally incorporate boththe cost and value of time in the travel decision process. We track nonbusinesshours away from home, recognizing formally that they, too, have a cost, althoughit is left to you to decide what that cost is. We offer detailed and credible waysto count the amount and value of time saved via travel via business aircraft, notonly on a particular flight, but over time, cumulatively, to illustrate cost savingsand trends.All this takes place against the background of an accelerating pace of business.Performance is an evergreen priority. Productivity and efficiency are scrutinizedintensely at many companies. Right-sizing and down-sizing initiatives arepervasive. It is “The Age of Rethinking” – sometimes often – of all businessprocesses. Competition increasingly is fierce, worldwide and growing. Andcompanies are changing in response to these forces, often rapidly.As a result, corporate missions are revisited, which results in revised missionsand the excitement, confusion and angst they can bring. Company activities arerefocused to support sharpened missions. Employee travel is reassessed tosupport those activities and “best practices” analysis is applied to employeetravel. Travel methods and attitudes are redefined.Of course, all this activity is taking place against a communications revolution.Consider, however, that:• The phone didn’t replace letter-writing.• Faxing didn’t replace overnight mailings.• Video conferencing hasn’t replaced the airlines.• Voice mail and e-mail haven’t replaced personal contact.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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