Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


126TRAVEL$ENSEImportant Note:Important Note: The database file name and format has changed from version1 and 2. The trvl$nse.mdb and trav$.mdb are no longer used by Release 3. Allof your saved data should have been converted when you upgraded toRelease 3.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSECHAPTER 14. IMPORTING DATABoth profiles and individual trips can be imported into Travel$ense from othersources to minimize or eliminate re-keying information.Please check with your flight department software documentation to see if itcan export information to Travel$ense.Importing Trips into Travel$ense127Release 2 added the capability to import trip definitions and automaticallycreate a new trip that is ready to obtain airline information. To do this you needto have flight department software capable of exporting data in a formatsupported by Travel$ense (PFM and FlightPak were the first packages, withsupport starting in early 1998).Each time Travel$ense starts, it checks for trips available to import. If trips areavailable, the Import Trips screen automatically pops up.At any time you also can invoke this screen by clicking on the Import button onthe toolbar, or by typing “Crtl-I.” Each time the screen is opened it checks fornew trips so you can export from your flight department software and importinto Travel$ense while both programs are running.The Leg 1 departure date, origin, destination, number of legs and aircraft isshown for each available trip. Select a trip by double-clicking on the row, orsingle click to select and click on the “Import” button. The trip will beCopyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

126TRAVEL$ENSEImportant Note:Important Note: The database file name and format has changed from version1 and 2. The trvl$nse.mdb and trav$.mdb are no longer used by Release 3. Allof your saved data should have been converted when you upgraded toRelease 3.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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